Rules & FAQs
Rules & Welcome Letter
- Email the website you're verified on (if you're already on both, choose one!)
- Ask them to confirm with us that you're a verified user
- Within 24 hours, you will be allowed to post on Lyla
Welcome to Lyla! It's great to have you here.
Lyla is a forum for great discussions to take place.
We have some rules to ensure Lyla is a safe environment where members are respected and cared for. These rules can be found under this first question in our FAQs. Before posting, we ask that you familiarise yourself with these. If you ever see anything that you think shouldn't be on Lyla, please report it to us by clicking "report comment" on the top right corner. Alternatively, you can email [email protected] with any questions, concerns or feedback.
Lyla is a place where you can advertise your escort services and find trusted escort recommendations. However we do not allow promotions and recommendations of sexual services. For example...
ALLOWED: "I had a fantastic time with Lydia in Toronto. She had a gorgeous figure and our conversation flowed for hours".
NOT ALLOWED: "I had a fantastic BJ from Lydia in Toronto".
Common sense should prevail with this one, but more details can be found here. ☺️
As mentioned in point 1, we do allow promotion of escort services but any mention of street walking or car calls will result in a warning.
Lingerie, underwear, topless images are allowed. Explicit nudity and pornography is not (unless in a private club).
There is absolutely zero tolerance of any hate speech, bullying, racism, sexism etc. on our forum. Anyone who starts trouble will be banned.
We do not tolerate any misogyny or negative reviews on Lyla. It's fine to leave positive recommendations for people, but we do not allow negative or sleazy reviews. If you had a bad experience, take it up with the individual. We do, however, have a section for warning people about scams and fake ads.
If you post something and do not get a reply DO NOT bump the thread to get it more attention. Use the search feature as you will probably find the info you are looking for already covered. If it has been 6 months and no one replied you can post a NEW thread asking the same info. If no one replies again consider it a dead subject that no one has interest in discussing.
Providers - please only post your advertisements once every 24 hours so you don't spam the forum. If you want to "bump" your ad so you don't have to start a new thread this is perfectly fine, as long as you're following the "one advertisement per 24 hours" rule.
Don't be that person. By all means, ask for recommendations, but do not post something like "looking for a lady in Moncton, please contact me". This is lazy and not good etiquette.
Stay on topic, please. Hijacking a thread means you post a completely irrelevant post and take control of the conversation that someone else started. Instead open a new thread and a new topic yourself. This includes posting on someone's advertising thread. If you are a competitor and you place a comment on someone's advertising thread that would be considered hijacking a thread.... and it's rude. A big part of this community is supporting each other, so show some love.
If you comment on a thread, make sure it's adding value and not just wasting a comment.
In the past we have had people post things like "cool", "thanks", just to get out of the moderation period (we manually moderate your first 5 to 10 posts if you're a new user. This stops spammers, abuse and any negative slander that we do not allow here). If you do this you'll only be hurting yourself as you'll stay in the moderation period for longer.
This should go without saying. No addresses, full names, DOBs etc. Do NOT give out Providers' addresses. That is information for the Provider themselves to share only. This also goes for names that Providers used to use. Providers often change names because they have been outed, so please respect that and only use their current name.
No pics of illegal drugs, no discussion of illegal drugs.
Advertisers are allowed to state their rates or prices in their ads. However, this is not something that should be bartered/discussed/commented on. Please do not discuss or compare rates or prices on Lyla.
Creating posts recommending yourself or the bumping of existing recommendations is not allowed. We can normally spot these from a mile off.
If your post breaks any of these rules you may be messaged by a moderator asking you to change it. From the time of your initial post, we may choose to either delete the post, or give you 48 hours to edit it so that it's in line with our rules. Failure to do so will result in your post being removed from Lyla.
Rules for advertising as a Companion
Rules and guidelines for Escort Ads and Scheduled Posts.
In addition to our regular rules of conduct, Advertisers must also follow an separate set of guidelines for posting in our Schedules & Announcements forums. These are:
1) You must be a Verified Independent to be able to post in the schedules forums. Take a look at how to get this status on the point below this one.
2) We encourage all members to include a contact method, such as an email address, a phone number, or a personal website URL.
3) Topless photos are allowed, but frontal, below the waist nudity. or graphic nudity is not.
4) Please refrain from any direct or indirect sexual references.
5) Your post will be your opportunity to shine! So try to tell our members as much about yourself as possible.
6) Remember that you can use the social sharing buttons to share your schedules on Twitter. You can tag us and we will RT them, too!
Thank you for helping us keep the forum a great place for our entire community!
Rules and guidelines for Escort Ads and Scheduled Posts.
In addition to our regular rules of conduct, Advertisers must also follow an separate set of guidelines for posting in our Schedules & Announcements forums. These are:
1) You must be a Verified Independent to be able to post in the schedules forums. Take a look at how to get this status on the point below this one.
2) We encourage all members to include a contact method, such as an email address, a phone number, or a personal website URL.
3) Topless photos are allowed, but frontal, below the waist nudity. or graphic nudity is not.
4) Please refrain from any direct or indirect sexual references.
5) Your post will be your opportunity to shine! So try to tell our members as much about yourself as possible.
6) Remember that you can use the social sharing buttons to share your schedules on Twitter. You can tag us and we will RT them, too!
Thank you for helping us keep the forum a great place for our entire community!
How to become a Verified Companion
Thanks for thinking of Lyla to post your ads and schedules! In order to post these on the forum, you must first be a verified user on Lyla, LeoList or VipFavours.
Already verified on LeoList or VipFavours?
Not a verified user on LeoList or VipFavours?
REMEMBER: If you're verified on LeoList or VIPFavours, the email address you register on Lyla with must be the same email address for your verified account on either one of those two sites.
Thank you for your interest in posting our forums - we're excited to have you as part of our community!
DND LIST (Do Not Discuss)
The following Providers or Businesses have requested that you do not write a recommendation for them or do not discuss them on this website. Please follow by this, as we wish to respect everyone and their right to privacy. If you'd like to be added to this list please contact [email protected]
353 Spa, including Honey, Skyla, & Apple
TRSpa Winnipeg
All Providers at 200A Thompson Dr Winnipeg
All Providers at Fleet Avenue, Winnipeg
All Providers at Dreamrite Massage, Stadaconda Street (Jenny, Molly, Mary)
Faith Monique
Sunny - Winnipeg
Kathy - Winnipeg
Sonia DuBois
East Indian - Ness
Rainbow Massage at 855 Henderson, Winnipeg
All Providers at Border Street Massage, Winnipeg
Desiree Delights
A+ hair salon
Nine2Nine spa
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Topless images (male and female)
- Prices
- Availability
- Permission for clients to send a private message
- Mention of sexual services provided (including abbreviations/slang)
- Nudity (male and female)
- Pornography
- Anything negative about other providers
- Go to homepage and make sure the "browse" and "forums" tabs are selected
- Click the teal "start new topic" button
- Select which forum you'd like to add the topic to from the drop down list
- Press continue
- Write your topic and click submit at the bottom of the page
- Head to the Lyla homepage
- Scroll down and you'll see a list of provinces
- Click to expand the relevant province that you want your ad to appear in
- Select "Schedules & Announcements" on the relevant town/city
- Click the teal "create topic" button
- Once you've done your post, click "submit topic"
A URL to an ad must be included in the post
- We will accept urls to your own websites
A telephone number must be included in writing in the body of the ad
- It cannot simply feature in the images you post. It must appear as text.
- No frontal below the waist nudity or graphic nudity
Ads cannot contain direct or indirect sexual references
- E.g. BBBJ, COB, etc.
Absolutely no mention of drug use
- E.g. 420 Friendly
- *NEW*ESCORT*BOOK*NOW!* (Usage of * and ALL CAPITAL LETTER words is not permitted)
- Book Me TODAY only 150.00/hr 444-4444 or [email protected] (Rates, phone numbers, websites and emails are not permitted in post titles)
- New escort in town, give me call!
- Let's meet and have an awesome time!
- I'm new to Ottawa, and look forward to meeting you!
How do you become a verified independent?
In order to post ads on Lyla, you must first become a Verified Independent. The process is simple:
Am I allowed to advertise my services?
Anyone offering any sex acts of any kind cannot advertise those services here on Lyla. You are able to post ads for escort services, but any sexual services mentioned will result in a warning and/or ban. This includes acronyms implying these services or masked words trying to circumvent the censors.
What are providers allowed/not allowed to post?
Advertising on Lyla? You can see our full list of rules at the top of our FAQ page, but here are some things to bear in mind.
What you can post
What you can't post
How do I post a recommendation on Lyla?
This is also very straightforward to do, but there are some things all users should keep in mind!
- All recommendations will be pre-approved before they are published on the site.
- It is good practice to search for an existing recommendation about a Service Provider, and add your recommendation to an existing thread.
To find our recommendations, here are the steps:
1. Go to the Browse (Forums) section of
2. Find the province that you visited the Provider in, or the province you know they frequent. Then click on the province (or expand to show sub categories on the same page).
3. Find the major city that you visited them in or closest to where you visited them
4. Several threads for that city will be listed, the top one should read "(city name) Recommendations" - This is where you need to go!
5. Now you should see a big button that reads "New Recommendation" . This will take you to the Recommendation Creation Page.
6. Fill in the options. Make sure to select the star rating for Appearance, Attitude, Service - and always remember - Lyla is a positive board - negativity is not tolerated.
If you don't have anything nice to say, then please don't say anything at all! 😉
How do I start a new topic?
How do I post an ad on Lyla?
Easy peasy! If you're a provider looking to post an ad in the Lyla forum, follow these steps.:
There are some key points to remember when posting an ad:
How do I write a good post title?
Make clear to the community what you're about! Perhaps lead with a question or statement and save the detail for ad's text.
Please do not try to make your post titles stand out from others by using special characters and lots of caps. It makes our head hurt and it's not the look and feel that we want for Lyla.
For example, this kind of thing isn't allowed.
These however are great examples of what we're looking for:
If it looks like you are trying to make your headline stand out from the rest of the posts in an obvious manner, we will remove the post (and your account). It is a free site to use but if you abuse it, you will not be welcome here.
If ever in any doubt, ask one of the moderators!🙂
How do I upload a photo as a Verified Independent
A: You can upload photos to the gallery by going to browse > gallery > add image
Can I hide my age?
Community members who would prefer not to have their entire DOB displayed can update their profile to hide this. If you select the drop box for year of birth and go to the very top you can select the option "not telling", and year of birth is not shown. In addition, you can select blank options for Day and Month.
How old must I be to use Lyla?
You must be 18+ to use and join this website. We may ask you to prove your legal age if at anytime your legal age is in question. If you are under the legal age of 18 you are not welcome to post or view this site. If you are asked for proof of age and you refuse, a bulletin will be posted on the site and your name will be added to a banned users list. All posts about you will be removed and we will tell the Lyla members why you have been placed on this list.
Can I advertise in the General Discussion area?
No - the general discussion area is open for both providers and hobbyists however providers cannot advertise in this area. If the thread is asking for information or names of people who supply a specific service you can reply and let them know you offer that service. Abuse of this however will get you in hot water!
Am I allowed multiple accounts?
Multiple accounts or sharing devices are not permitted unless the accounts are PAID Agency/Spa/Private club accounts
- Customer and SP share computer (this will appear as a SHILL account)
- AGENCY and SP share a computer (this will appear as a SECOND advertising account)
- Banned/suspended users who attempt to make a new account (this will add 30 days or more to your suspension time or get your IP banned altogether)
- Two independent providers (not agency) sharing a computer (it's best that you let a moderator know upfront)
- Visiting ladies who share accommodations (it's best that you let a moderator know upfront)
PM the mod for any other situations before setting up two accounts from the same computer.
How do I add a Lyla banner on my own site?
You can place a Lyla banner on your website by using the following Code:
"<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a>"
This is a good way to show real recommendations to your prospecting clients.