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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/08 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    So guys, i have been working way too much recently. I am making more money and thus feel i can indulge and spend some of it. Firstly, what i like. I love all kinds of women but partularly athletic bodied and full breasted(I actually love fakes). Blonde or Brunette doesn't really matter although I am partial to long hair. I am in my mid 20's and have a particular fondness for women 30+ sometimes even 40+ lol. I am definitely looking for a GFE type experience and possibly even PSE. Thusly, I have decided that in the next week i want to spend some of my newly hard earned money on some stress relief. I was thinking 3 maybe 4 ladies in a week? as a welcome back to the sport. I have been a hobbyist in the past and many a time have looked at the beatiful ladies on EC and , on a few occassions in the past, had the pleasure of meeting a few. However, there appears to be huge Pink Kitty craze going on in O-town nowadays, is the consensus that it rocks or what? Without further Ado,The doc's top choices(in no particular order): 1)Veronica Valentine- Wow her body , particularly the assal region, is absolutely amazing. Her chest is also very much my style 2)Lilly Love- After reading what ppl have to say, i pretty much consider this a must, I am hoping to kickstart the "week of the doc" with her (crosses fingers). I hear she has fakes but someone also said no, so any information on that would be appreciated. 3)Alexandra Heart- See Lily Love 4)Monique- Very hot body. Not sure what rates are, as i have never received a response. Would love one :-) 5)Brandy from PK- Kinda Weird buddy at the agency recommended i dont meet her. strange i thought... 6)Cat- God she seems so damn classy, I would just love to meet her. This one i am sure must be a absolutely treat. If anyone , in the nature of good fun, wants to recommend someone else to add to my list, i might just have to extend the doc's week from one to one and a half. If anyone has a comment or recommendation regarding my list please post or pm it. p.s. Dreamer , i dont know you dude and from what i can tell we prob dont have the same tastes but damn your a busy man, props!
  2. 1 point
    Well, I understand this may be a bit late but anyway now here I am leaving a review for Megane. I visited her middle of summer 2007. I emailed her first and asked regarding her availability. After a couple of emails we set a time and I was supposed to visit her in her hotel room in downtown. I was around the downtown that I received an email to see her an hour later from the previously arranged time. Of course I did not really like that. But I usually take things easy so no big deal. Finally I arrived and was welcomed by her. My understanding was that she is not feeling good for some reason and although that is the last thing you want to see in service provider, she made it up to me. I asked that we don't have to do this right now and I am cool, but she insisted that there is nothing serious and everything is good. Anyhow The point I would like to make is that she has a positive and nice attitude. She did her best to make it up and make sure I leave her place happy. That is something you don't see in everybody. I was in her place for about hour and half, though arrangement and donation was good for an hour. And after that I had the honor to take her for dinner. So I took her somewhere very casual in market. She was very down to earth and friendly. She also mentioned this website but I didn't get it quite what CERB exactly was and forgot it until a couple of weeks ago that I accidentally came across this forum and remembered Megane. So here was my experience. P.S. I wish you the best Lovely Megane.
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