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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/08 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Unprotected hetrosexual sex (oral, anal) is as risky as same sex. In fact same sex female is proven to be much safer than hetrosexual sex as far as transmission of aids is concerned. Therefore same sex activities are not the reason for vast majority of stds going around as it may create a false sense of security among hetrosexual patners. Sadly, in the hetrosexual intercourse, it is the female who is at much greater risk (aids in particular) and may be that is why there is a misconception that hetrosexual sex is safer among men. Regardless of whether it is hetrosexual or same sex intercourse, THE USE OF PROTECTION IS A MUST. As long as (unprotected) anal intercourse is concerned, same sex or hetrosexual ARE EQUAL IN risk of transmission of aids and other STDs. As far as STD transmission by oral sex is concerned, again same sex and hetrosexual oral sex carry equal risk. As far as transmission of aids and oral sex is concerned, there has not been any proven case of aids transmission through Daty (although theoretically transmission still possible), however, there has been a few reported (proven) cases of aids transmission through BBBJ (CBJ still safe). Here is a link to a detailed article by the Public Health agency of Canada. It is titled “Oral sex and the risk of HIV transmission. Some of the info in the article may not be related but it does provide some information about the risks associated with BBBJ and DATY. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/...y_04/13_e.html
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