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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/08 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I think this thread is interesting in that no one actually wants to pin point a lady. It does prove that the vast majority of us are playing the field and don't want to upset the apple cart with any ladies we are seeing by singling out one lady. I think it is fairer to point to a top 5 than any one lady. Also I am not sure if I am alone in this but several ladies I am currently seeing are not active on this board, they know the board and have friends or have past experience with it. They do prefer to stay anonymous and retain a few clients, as I mentioned in another thread these are by far the best ladies, if you can get one that is truly interested in being a courtesan and not focused on XX for the hour and getting you off. I would rather pay a lady $400-500 for a good date with a meal or some shopping etc.. followed by an unlimited intimate appointment (I am always done with in 2 hours and usually within and hour and half to many other commitments), and have the lady really enjoy her time with me genuinely laughing and good sex for both. One thing about these ladies is that they do not have mushc of a social life si we need to play a bigger roll as boy friend and show up with gifts and special things that the boy friend normaly would. The ladies that develop a special relationship with 5-6 gentelmen and can still get $4-5,000 a month (tax free) and if this is suplimenting other ocupations or businesses than it is a great kick start for the ladies, and they do not loose themselves to the industry. I do find the concept of charging a per hour rate rather degrading to the act of making love, I think a quicky (OSOG) could be the basic get in get out price and than the courtesan experience is another service offering. One lady that is on this board Dreamgirl Julie offers the true courtesan experience as does Cat when she is town, these ladies go until you have had your fill and that is a much better system than being interupted in the middle of session (what is natrually the middle to me because I am half way done) with a phone call from some agency saying the five minute mark so hurry up and get him done. Or the lady whispering in my ear "honey you need to finish because my 2:00 is going to be hear in 15 minutes!" ya no problem I am done. I must say the best ladies I have had at coordinating my time were Erica Skye and Chloe from PK not sure how they do it but I am finished with a very satisfying session and feel completly done.
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