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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/08 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I've done this before and for me it was always important understand the environment you are meeting in, meet in advance and know your expectations. If you look at the environment you are selecting as the meeting place be sure to know it's demographic. If the people that go there are 25-35 be sure that the SP you have selected's true age is in that range and that she is of the social and economic status of the establishments patrons. If not your friend will feel awkward and uncomfortable with this person approaching them. You want someone that fits in and is attractive but never too over or under dressed for the environment, otherwise it will not feel natural. Meet face to face at least one week in advance. This helps to ensure that she is who she says she is, she understands and meets your needs and also that you can provide her will all the information she will need in order to effectively perform this task. This is not the normal routine for an SP, this is high end relationship sales, she will have to be rainmaker and closer all within the time frame you have allotted. You need to arm her with the information she needs and know that she may or may not succeed. Simple things like your friend eating bad shrimp for lunch may make him say "Hey can I get your number and call you sometime?" This will cause her to fail. You must pay her for her time, both for meeting in advance (feel free to book her for an hour or two for yourself) and for the time she attempts to pick him up at the meeting point. This comes to know your expectations. Be sure to know what you want out of this. If you want to boost your friends ego then maybe a long flirtation with a very pretty girl will be what he needs, yes her inviting him back will help but if he declines that's okay because he said no. On the other hand if your expectations are that he 'close the deal' then you might be better off ensuring he knows, you might be dissapointed otherwise as circumstances beyond your control can interfere (see bad shrimp example ;) ). The girl you speak with should review this and any girl that tells you without a doubt she will pick him up and close the deal is lying. So be clear about your own expectations and what type of return you want on your investment, if it's just to help a buddy through a rough time then by all means go for it! Good luck!
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