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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/08 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I mean, it's all there in the title, really. Is this a good idea? Long version: It just never really happened for me. I'm not nightmarishly disfigured or a hillbilly mutant or anything; in fact, I'm pretty average in a lot of ways. Intelligent (but not an expert in anything), decent looking (but I could stand to drop 15 pounds and my pop's hair genes aren't doing me any favours), funny (but you're not going to see me take over the room), amiable (but with a cynical streak), etc. Apologies if the first part of that post sounded like a personal ad, but I'm fed up. The situation is starting to become a bit of a neurosis. The underlying awareness that I'm still a virgin makes it harder to talk to girls and to push the issue, makes it harder to shoot the s*** with other guys, and just generally saps my confidence. And I'm a phonecall and a paycheck away from addressing it. But I've never gone through with it. Anybody else ever been in this situation? I'm guessing no, so is there anyone who'd care to offer an outside perspective? Thanks. And if you're going to savagely mock me, at least keep it witty. :wink::lol:
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