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  1. 1 point
    Some municipalities are defining the word "Escort" improperly here in Canada! In municipal by-law's some cities here in Canada have defined the word "Escort" as a person who goes on paid dates but does not participate in sexual acts with clients in exchange for money. They do this as they want to license escorts but they do not want to accept that the escorts are having sex for the money (that would make them pimps and pimping or "living off the avails" is illegal in Canada). We all know that the term "Escort" is a person who is a "Sexual service provider" also known as such things as a "Call girl", "Courtesan", "Prostitute", "hooker", "Whore", "Harlot", and many other names. Many of the names are demeaning and not respectful as we all know so the ladies choose to use better words such as "Escort" so that they are not grouped in with the women who solicit sex illegally on the street (Also illegal in Canada). In Canada being paid for sex is legal and paying for sex is also legal. What is not legal is pimping, underage of 18, public solicitation / communicating / procuring for the purpose of sex and keeping a bawdy-house. Your common "out-call" service provider who does not solicit in public, does not have a pimp, is of legal age and charges for sex is not breaking the law! So why can they not call themselves a "Escort" in some municipalities? Because the municipality writes these by-laws defining the word "Escort" to mean something that it is not! Most municipalities do this to try to get rid of the ladies. Many of you think they do this because they want to make money off the girls... but that is not true! They don't want the girls in the cities at all. They want to force them to move to another city or quit being a prostitute all together. They use any revenue made from the licenses to further police (and I say police but remember they are not real police they are paid city officials that are actually by-law enforcement and can not charge anyone with a criminal code charge - as much as some will try to make you believe they have this power) Some cities are going to even greater lengths by asking the local police to accompany the by-law officers and try to entrap a few ladies into public solicitation (so that they can stir some fear in the ladies). Yes, they are actually doing this! You can read a thread here on cerb where one lady was tricked into going for a drink at the bar in the lobby of the hotel where she met her date... the date tried to talk to her about sex acts and next thing you know she was being arrested. Yes this is entrapment and she did know better... but I guess she felt the conversation was private enough and he was a good actor (she paid the price) but this is low! She did not want to go to the bar to have a drink with this person and he pretty much demanded it just so he could trick her and charge her. Nice eh! Makes me sick too! A note to the municipalities, We know many by-law guys and probably city officials read sites like this. You should as this should be a big fear for you. Bulling people is fun until all the people you bully get together and form a community and rise up against you! The definition of a ESCORT is "a person who provides a SEXUAL SERVICE to a customer and exchanges SEX for MONEY" - For your information... this is LEGAL in Canada! Just because you make a by-law that redefines the word "ESCORT" to suit your needs it will not hold up in court! You can not pass a by-law based on your MORAL REASONS and you can not charge a ESCORT a LICENSE FEE knowing that they have sex for money as this makes your city a PIMP and you are in turn LIVING OFF THE AVAILS OF PROSTITUTION and you are breaking the law!! With the INTERNET and communities like this one here on CERB the ladies are starting to UNITE and work together! Activist groups are now challenging the laws in court that take rights away from sex trade workers - don't think that this will not trickle down to the municipalities who are also taking away legal rights of people! It will not be long till you bully the ladies enough in your city that they unite and challenge your moral based by-law in court. It will end up costing your city a fair amount of money and one nasty slap on the hand to tell you that you can not take rights away from people who are not breaking the law (just because you don't like what they do for a living!) You should take the advise of your town lawyers who have probably told you that passing a by-law like this can backfire, it's only a matter of time before the ladies unite against you (any many men support them - every day more are supporting the ladies publicly as well as it's not so taboo any more to employee the services of a sex trade worker. It is the oldest profession as you know! Keep in mind that with todays technology (the internet) it's much easier to communicate and form communities (Like this one) you and other cities could bully the ladies in the past (knowing they would not group together) but you are very wrong if you think that will continue in this day and age... it simply will not hold true! Bottom line... No matter what you do you will not get rid of prostitution in your city - Too much need and demand for it - let's face it... if no demand existed you would not have such a large number of ladies working in the profession now would you!?!
  2. 1 point
    Well, I'm disappointed you guys think SPs are all shallow! This is our business but I personally am charmed by clients all the time. You guys are sweet and generous and we appreciate that so much. It's rare, but I do develop little crushes on some clients. The problem is that it's impossible for me to see a client as anything but a client. It's extremely difficult to forget how you met a client and that your relationship revolves principally around money. The happiness we feel when we see you is genuine, because most clients are lovely, respectful, funny, and talented (tee hee). We love you guys as clients. I've known many girls who have dated clients. It generally goes sour because the guy quickly becomes jealous and possessive. The client/SP connection that they once had is now intolerable when it comes to other clients. It can be pretty scary for us. Just my two cents. It's best to be realistic about this. Hope this helps! xoxo Amelia
  3. 1 point
    Hi all - I just wanted to thank all of you for your thoughts. Your input was much appreciated and has helped me enormously in sorting out my thoughts. Dummpy - your points are well taken. Time away with the SO is great idea and is something that my wife and I have tried to on a semi-regular basis in recent years. As it stands, we've not done so for a while, so I'm thinking that it's time that we do so. There's nothing like a few nights in a hotel to get reconnected, so I'm thinking I'll try to arrange something for sooner, rather than later. As for the guilt, I was telling someone in a PM earlier today that it's something that gets the best of me from time to time, but as I reflect on things, I'm equally conscious that the hobbying sustains me. My kids mean to world to me and there's absolutely no way in the world that I want to be the outsider looking in, watching my kids grow up from afar. I find the rewards of the day-to-day to be so great, that I'm (at least for now) prepared to live with the less than satisfactory relationship that my wife and I share. And, it's not as if I haven't told her how I feel. We went for counselling about 4 years ago and about once every six months I point out how frustrated I feel. It makes little difference. My wife is into the kids - that's it. All her affection is directed towards them, with none left over for me. She's admits to it rather matter-of-factly, and seems not to care that I'm unhappy about it (well not enough to change her ways). Having said that, we get on very well most of the time. There are rough days, but we share common values and agree on most things. I suppose that's the main reason why I stick around. I'm certain the alternative (at least for now) is worse. I want to be there for the loose teeth and the tears and the early morning hockey practices and the delight that comes with being in a child's young life. The question is - will a day come when I just simply cant take to loneliness anymore? That's the odd thing. My hobbying is as much about the affection as much as it is about the sex. That's what make CERB so great - it helps fill a void in my life, providing me with the types of contacts that help me get through the rough patches. I thank you all for that. I'm back from the brink and I credit your willingness to share your diverse perspectives (both publicly and privately) as key reasons for keeping me afloat. take care, RB
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