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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/09 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    In actuality the recession tends to bring a bit of a boost to escorts on the higher end of the service scale as "vice sales" like alcohol, tobacco, etc. tend to go up during times of economic stress. This is true for escorts as well though oddly it doesn't seem to apply for strippers, I will assume it's because of the mileage factor but I'm not sure anyone has ever done a study on it. It's just a way that people tend to self medicate for stress, had a bad day - go have a drink, didn't meet that sales quota again - go get laid! Now the longer the recession goes on this will dwindle however many will not give up their vices, so though everyone may see a cut in income only those that have not already shored up their client base would be seriously affected and may find themselves without any income. In regards to shorter calls vs. longer ones, this would actually be counter intuitive to what you talk about in the second paragraph. I'll let you think about that one for a moment but clients that are feeling the economic pinch are actually booking longer calls now than they used to. ;) The recession really hasn't trickled down that much yet. It takes a lot for a girl that would not normally consider this as a job option to start a career as an escort, stripper or MPA. Some women start because it's something they would freely consider, they are openiminded sexual beings and think they would like to be paid to do something they already enjoy doing. Some women start because they are in a desparate financial state and need a way out, this is the only way they can see a way to make some cash that night (stripping is often the first step). Some of these women can learn to enjoy it, it can be liberating for them and some of them find it loathsome and it is very difficult for them to come to terms with. These women are not in high financial careers to begin with, they are usually working retail jobs, nannies, housekeepers, waitresses, etc. and are living paycheque to paycheque. They often have a fair bit of experience in living inexpensively and for the most part can get by for a few months on a minimal income picking up odd jobs and ducking bills. Those bills do however add up and they will feel the pressure of it building until they don't know where else to turn and that's when those advertisements on "Sugar Daddy" or "Make Cash Tonight - Escort Needed" start to look good to them. It's actually rather sad as they really just want to eat, sleep in a warm bed and get up in the morning and go to a job where they can help someone find a phone, or serve toast or anything but get naked. So the recession will eventually hit them and hard.. but not for a bit as it takes awhile for the recession to have enough layoffs to put that many street savy girls out of work that you'll have large numbers of them starting up in the business. There are always some each month but for each one there is a few that are leaving and that's a normal turnover. You need enough closings where you'd have a huge number of women between the ages of 19-35 coming into the workplace without any sort of job assistance programs. Anyway just my 2cents. :)
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