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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/09 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Over the past year I have been involved, and not willingly in several behind the scenes cerb witch hunts. Either myself or other members get strange rumours floating around about them and then it causes major grief. Some of the time it is started by jealous SP's and some of the time by users trying to stir the pot or angry. Often there are rampant rumours about a girl who is "dirty" the there was a lady this past summer who was giving excellent service and was doing BBBJ so she was of course dirty. Now I hear of another of my fav's who is giving BBBJ excellent service and guess what a donation of 200 so therefore she must be dirty, the only way you can clean BBBJ is if you charge 300+ of course. Now this kind of thing is fine and it is par for the course and I just avoid the ladies that believe this kind of BS. However I also believe that there are some impostor emails or correspondence going around, people impersonating my good buddy Pete for starters, ladies confronting me with strange and weird tales? And even a very trusted member here being implicated as the source and he has had nothing to do with any of it. Now I do believe that everyone should play it safe and not take unnecessary chances, however when someone presents something to you that seems a little far fetched, like a top poster forcing girls to have unprotected sex, or a volume lady spreading STD's, consider the source and verify the information. How do you verify, simply do a search on the member and check with other?s that now them, if you get an email from someone claiming to be a cerb member, send them a PM to ensure it was actually them. With a community this large we are starting to get people with more time on there hands than common sense and they are starting to have fun messing in our affairs. For me I could care less anyone can say whatever they want about me, and the ladies that are stupid enough to just believe them are not worth my time seeing, there are just too many good ladies out there to worry about. But some of my friends have been hit with this stuff now and I take that very seriously. If you are going to make accusations then be prepared to show proof ask for sources or proof either put up or shut up it's only fair this "oh we have to protect the source" BS is wrong, if someone makes a claim the accused should now who it was or it is a flat out blatant rumour. I think that I will start a Blog like CK has put up to try to bring some truth to these rumours, we can call it ?cerb rumours truth or fiction? and post all the known rumours? and determine there accuracy. My favourite one is the STD/STI thing, because at the rate that we see each other, I have done some math but that is scary so I won't post it here, the infection would spread faster than the correspondence so by the time you read it you would already have it. Sometimes it is about an SP that is a cop (that hole Amy is the LA was very funny) or engages in dangerous activity. Or a client that is a bad date for either behaviour or risks. Just use your common sense for this stuff confirm sources and think it through how rational is this accusation. I can guarantee you that there are some very disturbed people around here, the question is do you want to trust them or the ones they are trying to discredit? The last place you want to be is becoming buddies with someone who is not stable, if someone tells you something that seems to be a favour and help you to avoid someone else, you maybe making friends with exactly the type of person you are hoping to avoid, just a thought. While the face of cerb is pleasant and loving, the back rooms are getting nasty. And please don't chime in about how non of this has ever happened to you, I don't think that many are involved in all this just a few and I want this message to be a warning to any that have not seen the strange correspondence that it maybe out there, ya it's probably not you yet. When it was just me I could care less but now several of my friends are involved and it is getting really annoying. Now if you have a rumour that needs to be cleared up here is your chance, here is mine; I do have unprotected oral sex with SP?s, I do not have unprotected FS or Greek with SP?s. I do get checked every three months and am still after 16 years of a faithful visitor to the clinic incident free. (the first 10 years I did not go as often and saw my GP till he told me to stop bugging him and go to the clinic). The proof is in the fact that a few of the ladies that I have seen and have preformed and received unprotected BB oral service from are volume ladies, seeing in some cases 50 gentlemen a week, if indeed there were diseases being passed around buy this method we would all have tem by now, even if I have only had them for a year (when the first of these rumours started to appear). Also many of the high posters here have seen the same ladies and received and given the same service, so the option is to not see anyone that is a high poster, but wait what if a lurker saw one of them, or worse yet a lurker saw a girl that was not even on cerb but that same girl had seen me or a high poster than OMG there would be no trace of a connection through cerb! Can we please put this one behind us? Anyone else want to air out any unwarranted rumours please join in.
  2. 3 points
    I am sorry to all that are affected. I deal with the same BS on a daily basis on other "boards" Ever since I started, people have tried to bring me down, start rumors, defame me, etc. At first, it hurt, but now I really don't give a flying fuck:-x They don't determine my life, nor do they control it. I know who I am, and what I am about. I don't need people like that to make me the person I am or feel good about myself. I march to the beat of my own drum, and I don't follow the herd mentality of bringing people down, spreading rumors etc, "Reviews" or kissing ass to the various pooners out there. You either like me or you don't. On a more serious note, Take what you hear, with a grain of salt from all sources. The people closest to you, will be the ones to back you up no matter what. In all reality it's people that don't feel good in their own skin, that want to bring others down, in order to make them selves look better. Remember they are lacking something that they want, and they see that in YOU, and they try any means necessary to get it.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    to bad dummpy that people have to start stories but i've noticed that a lot lately on here i guess we will have to get something done about it don't know what not good when stories start to happen
  5. 1 point
    Maybe I can explain, Well I offer many services but don’t always do them with every client who walks threw the door. YMMV! For example I enjoy (actually love it) greek but not everyone who asks to have it am I comfortable doing that with for many reasons. Next example is gfe which includes kissing but I usually wont kiss a smoker or someone with horrid breath. (a visit to your dentist to remove plaque build up may be required) If you can kiss someone who’s breath rupluses you then good for you but I cant anymore. I also enjoy tea bagging and have got clients from referrals for this but some are disappointed I wouldn’t do it with them because of their odor or excessive hair. I want nothing more then to see all my clients happy but realistically it isn’t going to happen, now if we lived in a perfect world different story. This is such a personal line of work. Not every one can be humanly compatible; there are those who will happily repeat and those who will never come back. I am not to worried as I have a very steady regular cliental so this speaks volumes but it does bother me when guys don’t understand why they don’t get certain services. From a women’s perspective one shouldn’t really knock a lady for this as most of us are trying our best to please you. We are so varied in our little quirks that one persons junk is another ones treasure; keep looking as there is the prefect girl out there for all of you. It would really suck if we were all the same. How boring would that be?
  6. 1 point
    This is something I have encountered more then once and have to say its one of the most disrespectful things a client can do. Before booking an appointment with me I inform all clients of my rates and there should be no reason to discuss this when they arrive. As Angela Aurora said totally this ruins the mood for the day and for me made me decide to stay away from Ottawa for a while due to this happening. Honestly I dont think its due to the economy some people will never be happy regardless of what you offer. I know not only myself but many of the sp's have been having a variety of specials over the last few months and that only seems to increase the number of men who seem to think well I can just walk in and name my price then since she willing to flex from her rate which is eventually going to ruin it for the ones who apprciate and respect us sps who give specials when times are tough. Thats just my 2cents
  7. 1 point
    As an SP, I really wanted to comment on this thread, I think that in one way or another an SP and/or well known hobbiest has been involved in a gossip mill. I think out of human nature it just seems to happen. However, i haven't heard too much that I am worried about, since I haven't really been here all that much lately. However, I would like to thank Dummpy for posting this. I think its great. Personally, I would hope that if someone heard something about me, that they would ask. I know that a couple months ago a well known hobbiest heard a rumor about me doing bbfs, I thank this person for asking my best friend Paige for clarification, as this is ABSOLUTELY NOT something that is offered. I think when we hear things, it should be taken with a grain of salt and the "rumor" should stop at you. Sometimes silence is your best friend. In regards to SP's back talking about other SP's, it would be nice if we were a tighter knit community ourselves. If I feel I can't provide a service that is desired, I have no problems, and have done it numerous times, recommend another SP that does. Whether a girl is 200 or 300+ an hour, you guys do your homework, you know what your getting, so it shouldn't be an issue of topic. Thanks again for this thread Dummpy
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