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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/09 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    First off, Dummpy thanks for starting this thread and putting this out there in the open. Thanks also to Pretty Paige, Pete, Dummpy, MOD and all the others for their support, it's very much appreciated. Those who know me through correspondence in chat or by email , or who have met me know that these petty accusations are nothing but malicious rumours and totally contradictory to my whole being, I'm a giver, I provide, I help, I exist, however the cowboy does not FORCE anyone to do anything they do not want to do, ever. And for the record I am not into unprotected sex. Period, end of story, fini, c'est tous! I know I piss some people off, but I could careless about those who I piss off. I've taken a rather public position in the last year about exposing scammers and frauds, so I expect to have pot shots taken at me, trust me not all my e-mail is fan mail! But that's ok , I've got a thick skin, and could care less what an unscrupulous, deceptive fraud thinks of me. However I do care about what people around these parts here at cerb think. I'm an avid supporter of this community and strongly believe; as mentioned in another thread, you get what you give. Someone mentioned earlier, if i would do it differently and operate my diary more anonymously, no it would defeat the purpose. After all I have nothing to hide I speak facts as they are presented in a public forum. On occasion I add opinion, to which I'm entitled , but never do I speculate. On the rare occasion where the facts have been misrepresented or I got something wrong I've been the first to admit a mistake was made and publicly retracted my comments. It's happened twice, by the way in almost a year not a bad record. While the MOD has removed one of the people responsible for spreading these malicious comments, that's fine and very much appreciated, however if the originator of these false accusations has the balls to STAND up in the very forum they've tainted with lies, I challenge you to come forward. Apparently there were a few of you, who wanted to warn others, so why do so under cloak and danger in the dark of the night, don't be a coward hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, instead I challenge you, the accuser(s) to come forward with your accusations and more importantly ACTUAL PROOF of these allegations. Perhaps you are too chicken, if so then just PM with the proof to substantiate your claims, otherwise shut up, go home and more importantly, GROW UP. Last I checked you had to be an adult to participate in this forum. In closing I would like to say while never having met Pete I know him to be a stand up guy and know that these same allegations are total falsehoods. I know many of the established providers here think of Pete as a true gentleman, and so to should other members of this board. Things a have gotten pretty messy around here for a "nice" friendly board, in an effort to clean things up and not have to watch where you you step , please let's observe the signs and recognize CERB as a NO BULLSHIT ZONE.
  2. 4 points
    Having seen neither Pete or CK, I still trust them and certainly would not believe any rumours involving them. Both of them have been A+ members of CERB and certainly deserve the benefit of the doubt. As for rumours about SP's, JUST ASK. Personally, I do BBBJ and only cover it if the client asks. That's my personal preference and I do a cock check prior to engagement to be on the lookout for things that you can catch via skin to skin contact (such as genital warts or herpes) as well as any other indications that something is amiss (ie, if you gently squeeze the base of the penis, this empties out the urethra, look for any odd secretions). If I find anything weird, ANYTHING, I use a condom or simply refuse to see the client. That being said, spreading rumours, whether about client or SP is immature. We're all adults here, let's try to act like it.
  3. 1 point
    little head doesn't think that way and little head has a habit of making big head do stupid things. its a guy thing.
  4. 1 point
    There sure is lots of interesting points brought up here. All I can say is if I had paid attention to everything I have heard since I have been a member here I could probably write a rumour novel. it is even worst since we had a significant increase in chat followers. I can honestly say there are 2 different rooms, one with ladies in and one without. And I have seen all kind of things being said openly about various ladies in the room without SPs. Read the term dirty being mentioned in one or more post well I have seen it used in chat. I learned not to pay attention to some of these conversations, not going to start banning everyone for their discussions althought personnaly I would never refer to any ladies that way. So to think that there are rumours out there referring to some SPs being dirty doesn't surprise me. Personnaly like some said I don't judge the SPs by the service they provide or how much they charge. Some may remeber Erica Sky who was a favorite to many of us and she did not provide BBBJ. She was 100% safe GFE and she had many repeat customers. It is a matter fo choice. And yes as someone pointed out there are always something being said about the business between hobbyist and SPs. However I consider what happens in bed to be private. Can't see why people would want to impersonate other members and cause problems. But then we had who after being banned for falsely accusing an SP of being a cop, come right back in under a different handle and be proud of this has he posted it in shout. i guess that is a problem of popularity. We see it in CERB and certainly in chat. It does attract all kinds of people and some are not involved at all in the business.
  5. 1 point
    i hired someone today as a matter of fact....and it doesn't hurt that hes not hard on the eyes....i think i may have to find more work for him to do....God i love country boys! kisses, Emma A
  6. 1 point
    Often wondered if this is possible. That other site in TO has had many threads on this. From what I have seen and done, no not possible for me. Might be different if I met someone to settle down with, but so far no. Can't even seem to stop the "rippers" and they are twice as expensive! Never regreted my visits, even the not so hot ones, so I guess other than the cash outlays I am pretty happy. You have to be okay with Polyandry though ;) Maybe two jobs... hahaha!
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