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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/09 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I personally have never tried to negotiate a price with an sp. I find that type of behaviour deplorable actually. I can't imagine arriving to see an sp, then asking her to lower the price. Very disrespectful in my opinion!
  2. 2 points
    Over the past year I have been involved, and not willingly in several behind the scenes cerb witch hunts. Either myself or other members get strange rumours floating around about them and then it causes major grief. Some of the time it is started by jealous SP's and some of the time by users trying to stir the pot or angry. Often there are rampant rumours about a girl who is "dirty" the there was a lady this past summer who was giving excellent service and was doing BBBJ so she was of course dirty. Now I hear of another of my fav's who is giving BBBJ excellent service and guess what a donation of 200 so therefore she must be dirty, the only way you can clean BBBJ is if you charge 300+ of course. Now this kind of thing is fine and it is par for the course and I just avoid the ladies that believe this kind of BS. However I also believe that there are some impostor emails or correspondence going around, people impersonating my good buddy Pete for starters, ladies confronting me with strange and weird tales? And even a very trusted member here being implicated as the source and he has had nothing to do with any of it. Now I do believe that everyone should play it safe and not take unnecessary chances, however when someone presents something to you that seems a little far fetched, like a top poster forcing girls to have unprotected sex, or a volume lady spreading STD's, consider the source and verify the information. How do you verify, simply do a search on the member and check with other?s that now them, if you get an email from someone claiming to be a cerb member, send them a PM to ensure it was actually them. With a community this large we are starting to get people with more time on there hands than common sense and they are starting to have fun messing in our affairs. For me I could care less anyone can say whatever they want about me, and the ladies that are stupid enough to just believe them are not worth my time seeing, there are just too many good ladies out there to worry about. But some of my friends have been hit with this stuff now and I take that very seriously. If you are going to make accusations then be prepared to show proof ask for sources or proof either put up or shut up it's only fair this "oh we have to protect the source" BS is wrong, if someone makes a claim the accused should now who it was or it is a flat out blatant rumour. I think that I will start a Blog like CK has put up to try to bring some truth to these rumours, we can call it ?cerb rumours truth or fiction? and post all the known rumours? and determine there accuracy. My favourite one is the STD/STI thing, because at the rate that we see each other, I have done some math but that is scary so I won't post it here, the infection would spread faster than the correspondence so by the time you read it you would already have it. Sometimes it is about an SP that is a cop (that hole Amy is the LA was very funny) or engages in dangerous activity. Or a client that is a bad date for either behaviour or risks. Just use your common sense for this stuff confirm sources and think it through how rational is this accusation. I can guarantee you that there are some very disturbed people around here, the question is do you want to trust them or the ones they are trying to discredit? The last place you want to be is becoming buddies with someone who is not stable, if someone tells you something that seems to be a favour and help you to avoid someone else, you maybe making friends with exactly the type of person you are hoping to avoid, just a thought. While the face of cerb is pleasant and loving, the back rooms are getting nasty. And please don't chime in about how non of this has ever happened to you, I don't think that many are involved in all this just a few and I want this message to be a warning to any that have not seen the strange correspondence that it maybe out there, ya it's probably not you yet. When it was just me I could care less but now several of my friends are involved and it is getting really annoying. Now if you have a rumour that needs to be cleared up here is your chance, here is mine; I do have unprotected oral sex with SP?s, I do not have unprotected FS or Greek with SP?s. I do get checked every three months and am still after 16 years of a faithful visitor to the clinic incident free. (the first 10 years I did not go as often and saw my GP till he told me to stop bugging him and go to the clinic). The proof is in the fact that a few of the ladies that I have seen and have preformed and received unprotected BB oral service from are volume ladies, seeing in some cases 50 gentlemen a week, if indeed there were diseases being passed around buy this method we would all have tem by now, even if I have only had them for a year (when the first of these rumours started to appear). Also many of the high posters here have seen the same ladies and received and given the same service, so the option is to not see anyone that is a high poster, but wait what if a lurker saw one of them, or worse yet a lurker saw a girl that was not even on cerb but that same girl had seen me or a high poster than OMG there would be no trace of a connection through cerb! Can we please put this one behind us? Anyone else want to air out any unwarranted rumours please join in.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I concur. Great way to spoil the mood. I ask for some of my money back at the end instead (just kidding, of course). I would not have the nerve to negotiate. Although I do negotiate for items with high price tags at Best Buy and The Brick and usually get at least the tax removed. LOL, SPs don't charge tax!
  5. 1 point
    Wife loves the Goodlife fitness for ladies at several Loblaws stores, she used to see a personal trainer 2x a week, until I started to run low on funding. The trainer was about $70 and hour, included a massage and tweaking her routine, seemed very cheap to me.
  6. 1 point
    First off, Dummpy thanks for starting this thread and putting this out there in the open. Thanks also to Pretty Paige, Pete, Dummpy, MOD and all the others for their support, it's very much appreciated. Those who know me through correspondence in chat or by email , or who have met me know that these petty accusations are nothing but malicious rumours and totally contradictory to my whole being, I'm a giver, I provide, I help, I exist, however the cowboy does not FORCE anyone to do anything they do not want to do, ever. And for the record I am not into unprotected sex. Period, end of story, fini, c'est tous! I know I piss some people off, but I could careless about those who I piss off. I've taken a rather public position in the last year about exposing scammers and frauds, so I expect to have pot shots taken at me, trust me not all my e-mail is fan mail! But that's ok , I've got a thick skin, and could care less what an unscrupulous, deceptive fraud thinks of me. However I do care about what people around these parts here at cerb think. I'm an avid supporter of this community and strongly believe; as mentioned in another thread, you get what you give. Someone mentioned earlier, if i would do it differently and operate my diary more anonymously, no it would defeat the purpose. After all I have nothing to hide I speak facts as they are presented in a public forum. On occasion I add opinion, to which I'm entitled , but never do I speculate. On the rare occasion where the facts have been misrepresented or I got something wrong I've been the first to admit a mistake was made and publicly retracted my comments. It's happened twice, by the way in almost a year not a bad record. While the MOD has removed one of the people responsible for spreading these malicious comments, that's fine and very much appreciated, however if the originator of these false accusations has the balls to STAND up in the very forum they've tainted with lies, I challenge you to come forward. Apparently there were a few of you, who wanted to warn others, so why do so under cloak and danger in the dark of the night, don't be a coward hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, instead I challenge you, the accuser(s) to come forward with your accusations and more importantly ACTUAL PROOF of these allegations. Perhaps you are too chicken, if so then just PM with the proof to substantiate your claims, otherwise shut up, go home and more importantly, GROW UP. Last I checked you had to be an adult to participate in this forum. In closing I would like to say while never having met Pete I know him to be a stand up guy and know that these same allegations are total falsehoods. I know many of the established providers here think of Pete as a true gentleman, and so to should other members of this board. Things a have gotten pretty messy around here for a "nice" friendly board, in an effort to clean things up and not have to watch where you you step , please let's observe the signs and recognize CERB as a NO BULLSHIT ZONE.
  7. 1 point
    There sure is lots of interesting points brought up here. All I can say is if I had paid attention to everything I have heard since I have been a member here I could probably write a rumour novel. it is even worst since we had a significant increase in chat followers. I can honestly say there are 2 different rooms, one with ladies in and one without. And I have seen all kind of things being said openly about various ladies in the room without SPs. Read the term dirty being mentioned in one or more post well I have seen it used in chat. I learned not to pay attention to some of these conversations, not going to start banning everyone for their discussions althought personnaly I would never refer to any ladies that way. So to think that there are rumours out there referring to some SPs being dirty doesn't surprise me. Personnaly like some said I don't judge the SPs by the service they provide or how much they charge. Some may remeber Erica Sky who was a favorite to many of us and she did not provide BBBJ. She was 100% safe GFE and she had many repeat customers. It is a matter fo choice. And yes as someone pointed out there are always something being said about the business between hobbyist and SPs. However I consider what happens in bed to be private. Can't see why people would want to impersonate other members and cause problems. But then we had who after being banned for falsely accusing an SP of being a cop, come right back in under a different handle and be proud of this has he posted it in shout. i guess that is a problem of popularity. We see it in CERB and certainly in chat. It does attract all kinds of people and some are not involved at all in the business.
  8. 1 point
    To add on more thing... SP's need to offer services that they are comfortable with. Some ladies might feel comfortable with offering extra services ( CIM ), while other just don't feel comfortable in doing so. It shouldn't matter price wise, just level of comfort... But the important thing to remember is that all SP's no matter the service offered are in a trade that is shunded by 70% of the ( normal ) used lightly.... population. Sad but true, so we are in some fact all seen as dirty or in a dirty trade. So its counter productive to start labeling each other dirty just because we have different comfort levels.... Just my personal thought on this endless behind the scenes controversy... Which shouldn't even be one... Paige
  9. 1 point
    Dummpy, Your point is well taken, as always. I am almost sure you will find someone "young" in maturity at the end of this line of thought, unfortunately, some seem to think it is the only way to impose their "control" over others (prevent them from earning a living, cut them off from an activity they enjoy, etc), often because they feel out of control in their own life. The fact these are spreading is unfortunate but all too human. I too have heard many rumours, and I too have just ignored them when they did not stand up to scrutiny. I would second what you have said by asking people not to gossip, but check up on what they are told for themselves, and as you stated, if what you find leads you to beleive what was said, then the source is irrelevant as you have some substanciation for what you beleive, and that you can share. When all you have is an unsubstantiated source, even a trusted one, what you have is gossip, and we all know what generally happens with gossip, people are tried in the court of public opinion even before they have a chance to defend themsleves, and once done, the shadow of that gossip, the very real damage can never be undone. Have care what you sow fellow cerbites, because that is all you can reep. I hope your friends reputation has not been tainted and that no real damage has arisen, but I know for a fact that often gossip is taken at face value, thus damage is instantaneous. They are lucky to have such a devout friend. Keep up the good fight Dummpy.
  10. 1 point
    Your a little late as the poll has already started. Make sure you nominate her for the next one.
  11. 1 point
    I think it has more to do with respect than with religion. We know that some people have no respect nor morals.
  12. 1 point
    I read these threads every so often and question why I even do this job. I do my best to mitigate my risk and hope that my clients do the same, and it disturbs me that some have so little interest in protecting my health. As an SP I do not want to see clients that engage in BBFS with anyone but their SO. I realize they have wives they most likely are fluid bonded too but to engage in BBFS with others is a greater risk than I want to take. I don't think it's fair for a client to make a judgement call that xyz SP is okay because "she only does this with me" and then to put me at risk by engaging in any services with me without letting me know about their high risk lifestyle. I do not wish to engage in BBBJ's with those clients, DATY, LFK, DFK, heck I don't even want to GAD (Greet at Door!) because it's just too risky for me. I know my fellow SP's and many are very professional and I would highly recommend them, I have even had the good fortune to work closely with a few and enjoyed every minute of it. I have also had the misfortune of meeting some that are far from professional and I would definitely not trust with my health. Sadly because we all see the same clients I am to some degree trusting them with my health, because I am trusting you the client with it. So I must trust you the client to be vigilant with using protection and that means using a condom for FS. Since the most likely way an STD is going to be transferred to a male is via intercourse, vaginal or anal, I trust that you use them in order to help to protect me. I don't trust you to use your judgement to determine which ladies are okay to use BBFS with and which are not. Not only are you at a disadvantage when trying to make a decision like that about an SP as you are looking at marketing not the actual girl, so you have no idea if she is a drug user, if she has a SO, if she leads a high risk lifestyle, etc. but plain and simple when in a state of arousal people make bad judgement calls and looking at a girls website is meant to arouse you so you. So forgive me if I don't trust your judgement and don't trust all the ladies in this industry either. Oh and to illustrate the point of why you should not trust the girls here's a little adventure I had last week. I went to the Hassle Free Clinic in Toronto for my reg. appt as that's where I get my blood work done. They have a special womens clinic hours and drop in times along with appointments for the HIV testing. I checked in for my appt. and then sat down near the sign in window. A young girl walks in and I hear her asking for a pelvic and oral swab, she thinks she has an infection. Her throat is white and more important she says it burns when she pee's and she's had some spotting. They say to take a seat and she'll be seen soon. She sits down across from me and in about 5min her phone rings, she answers the call and I don't really hear much I'm playing a game on my phone. Then I hear the words "yes it's $140 for the half" and my ears perk up, I know what that call is about. I can't help myself and I eavesdrop a bit, she actually books the call for later that night, one hour at his downtown hotel. I pretend to have not been paying attention and keep playing my game. They come in and call my name and just as I get up I grab my purse and take a good long look at her face. I smile at her and she returns the friendly smile, I have not seen her face before in person or in a picture. She is pretty and young, I have no idea who she is but I do know I hope I never meet her and that my clients do not as well. She went to work that night even though it takes a week for the STD test results and she was sure that she had contracted one. I mitigate my risk, I hope my clients do the same but I am sure many do not. It is always best to err on the side of caution and get yourself tested regularly, and encourage others to do so. Oh and please guys don't put your SP at risk either, we offer services like BBBJ's assuming that you are not engaging in BBFS with those that are high risk, if you are then by all means please let us know. I have two clients that have the courtesy to let me know they indulge in higher risk activities so we keep all things safe and despite what you may think they actually get great 'mileage'. Yes it's 100% safe (which is what they were looking for) but I trust them a great deal as they are so honest and forthcoming with me so we indulge in some very different activities that I normally would not offer as they were so forthcoming about being fluid bonded with a couple other women.
  13. 1 point
    I love "vacation snaps" wink wink. Nothing brings back the memory of having a ladies' saliva on my manmeat than a digital photo captured at that moment just before gagging. Is this a common service offered by the lovely women who post on CERB? Should this be featured, something to add to the basic service, or a part of the play - I know some women get positively soaking wet from the click of a camera shutter.
  14. 1 point
    You can also get a Fido pay as you go SIM card with a $25 credit for about $20 on Ebay. They key in the number you want - no name and address needed. Fido has a 20c / min 24x7 plan with free voicemail - like 7-11 and Petrocan, and they all use the same network. If you do a lot of traveling in the US like I do, you can also get a cheap T-mobile SIM card on Ebay for about 20 bucks. $100 gets you 1000 minutes which are valid all across the US, i.e. it is 10 c / min to call anywhere in the US from anywhere in the US with T-mobile. The minutes last 365 days AND carry over. The bottom line is: unless you want a data plan as well, you do not need to be ripped off by the big 3.
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