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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/09 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    She arrived on time and all smiling. I was blown away by her beauty when the elevator door opened :-D. The scale doesn't go high enough for this lovely very young lady. Natasha is just fantastic and so very classy. She has a beautiful face, short-medium length dark reddish hair and dark eyes. She also has the undisputed sexiest nipples that really turned me on by just kissing them. She scores real 10 on hygiene, class an beauty on all counts. We started with chocolate and red wine (her feeding me in a very friendly manner) and followed by some very sweet DFK and then we headed to the bedroom where I continued my pleasure with her very sweet chocolate (Daty) but for the first time ever, I spent more time kissing the absolutely sexy nipples than her equally beautiful Kitty. She has the most beautiful smiles. Everytime she smiled (and she does it very often), my heart melted. she is one lady who is both very beautiful inside and out. An absolutely classy beautiful lady and a first year college student. I really felt that she was my true girl friend for the hour. In fact I will go as far as saying I never had such an intimate great and relaxing experience with any of those real girl friends that I used to have when I was studying at Montreal. She brought new highs to the definition of GFE. She is a GFE both in body and soul and she is very beautiful inside out. I have no doubt in my mind that once other members start seeing her and realize that she is a true treasure, she will become so busy that I won't be able to book her again myself. Lastly but by no means least, if you have her please please treat her very well with utmost respect. She is a very young sensitive nice lady new to the biz. She is fragile so treat her gently. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to beautiful Natasha for the great unforgettable time. Natasha's (Not So Secret) Admirer
  2. 1 point
    Ok, so I've seen some posts asking about Samantha from PK. I found none, so I decided to TOFTT and try her on. I called to see if she was working, she was, East end. Out of my way but worth the drive! I got to her room and thought "oh my, what a spinner!" We had some chit chat, and I very politely asked her if I may review her here, she said "PLEASE DO!" We both stripped down, I laid back and...she gave me the BEST BBBJ EVERRRRRR! And all this time, I thought Lily from Montreal was great...Samantha won! Deep throat goddess! The way she was treating my tool, I knew I wouldn't last long (only had time for a half hour) I undid her bra as she was taking care of me. Oh what a beautiful pair of twins she has, soft pink nipples, just the right mouthful. Out came the glove and on top she went. Tightest I've had. She moaned the whole time sliding down. and away she went. She rode me like a cowgirl riding a bronc at the rodeo. Bang, I was done as soon as she kissed my neck (TG no hickey!) I am definately seeing her again! She told me, next time, I'll get to see all that she does (no, she didn't elaborate) We hugged and kissed "see ya later" and I left...very pleased!
  3. 1 point
    To me a smile and hello should always be welcomed, as stated above, the easier excuse is always "a colleague" or met her at a course/function/seminar. There is no wrong in knowing one and other, so long as both individuals are mature and able to separate the two worlds. I have met a few sps "in real life' under one or two different scenarios, and it went well both times. The sps in questions where discreet and mature, and we had a good laugh about the circumsdances (during one and after the other, lol) Obviously, if I am with a or many someones, the colleague excuse is the safest, since there are many people who can be "colleagues", not knowing who the other folks are, other courses of action would be iffy at best. During a session, absolutely. Would it be closer to an "affair", well, honestly, if you ask any SO, I think you will find that the distinction between an affair and an sp makes little difference, though it might make one in your mind.
  4. 1 point
    First off, Dummpy thanks for starting this thread and putting this out there in the open. Thanks also to Pretty Paige, Pete, Dummpy, MOD and all the others for their support, it's very much appreciated. Those who know me through correspondence in chat or by email , or who have met me know that these petty accusations are nothing but malicious rumours and totally contradictory to my whole being, I'm a giver, I provide, I help, I exist, however the cowboy does not FORCE anyone to do anything they do not want to do, ever. And for the record I am not into unprotected sex. Period, end of story, fini, c'est tous! I know I piss some people off, but I could careless about those who I piss off. I've taken a rather public position in the last year about exposing scammers and frauds, so I expect to have pot shots taken at me, trust me not all my e-mail is fan mail! But that's ok , I've got a thick skin, and could care less what an unscrupulous, deceptive fraud thinks of me. However I do care about what people around these parts here at cerb think. I'm an avid supporter of this community and strongly believe; as mentioned in another thread, you get what you give. Someone mentioned earlier, if i would do it differently and operate my diary more anonymously, no it would defeat the purpose. After all I have nothing to hide I speak facts as they are presented in a public forum. On occasion I add opinion, to which I'm entitled , but never do I speculate. On the rare occasion where the facts have been misrepresented or I got something wrong I've been the first to admit a mistake was made and publicly retracted my comments. It's happened twice, by the way in almost a year not a bad record. While the MOD has removed one of the people responsible for spreading these malicious comments, that's fine and very much appreciated, however if the originator of these false accusations has the balls to STAND up in the very forum they've tainted with lies, I challenge you to come forward. Apparently there were a few of you, who wanted to warn others, so why do so under cloak and danger in the dark of the night, don't be a coward hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, instead I challenge you, the accuser(s) to come forward with your accusations and more importantly ACTUAL PROOF of these allegations. Perhaps you are too chicken, if so then just PM with the proof to substantiate your claims, otherwise shut up, go home and more importantly, GROW UP. Last I checked you had to be an adult to participate in this forum. In closing I would like to say while never having met Pete I know him to be a stand up guy and know that these same allegations are total falsehoods. I know many of the established providers here think of Pete as a true gentleman, and so to should other members of this board. Things a have gotten pretty messy around here for a "nice" friendly board, in an effort to clean things up and not have to watch where you you step , please let's observe the signs and recognize CERB as a NO BULLSHIT ZONE.
  5. 1 point
    There sure is lots of interesting points brought up here. All I can say is if I had paid attention to everything I have heard since I have been a member here I could probably write a rumour novel. it is even worst since we had a significant increase in chat followers. I can honestly say there are 2 different rooms, one with ladies in and one without. And I have seen all kind of things being said openly about various ladies in the room without SPs. Read the term dirty being mentioned in one or more post well I have seen it used in chat. I learned not to pay attention to some of these conversations, not going to start banning everyone for their discussions althought personnaly I would never refer to any ladies that way. So to think that there are rumours out there referring to some SPs being dirty doesn't surprise me. Personnaly like some said I don't judge the SPs by the service they provide or how much they charge. Some may remeber Erica Sky who was a favorite to many of us and she did not provide BBBJ. She was 100% safe GFE and she had many repeat customers. It is a matter fo choice. And yes as someone pointed out there are always something being said about the business between hobbyist and SPs. However I consider what happens in bed to be private. Can't see why people would want to impersonate other members and cause problems. But then we had who after being banned for falsely accusing an SP of being a cop, come right back in under a different handle and be proud of this has he posted it in shout. i guess that is a problem of popularity. We see it in CERB and certainly in chat. It does attract all kinds of people and some are not involved at all in the business.
  6. 1 point
    Have the requested donation in an envelope. Its that simple.
  7. 1 point
    I am sorry to all that are affected. I deal with the same BS on a daily basis on other "boards" Ever since I started, people have tried to bring me down, start rumors, defame me, etc. At first, it hurt, but now I really don't give a flying fuck:-x They don't determine my life, nor do they control it. I know who I am, and what I am about. I don't need people like that to make me the person I am or feel good about myself. I march to the beat of my own drum, and I don't follow the herd mentality of bringing people down, spreading rumors etc, "Reviews" or kissing ass to the various pooners out there. You either like me or you don't. On a more serious note, Take what you hear, with a grain of salt from all sources. The people closest to you, will be the ones to back you up no matter what. In all reality it's people that don't feel good in their own skin, that want to bring others down, in order to make them selves look better. Remember they are lacking something that they want, and they see that in YOU, and they try any means necessary to get it.
  8. 1 point
    I couldnt agree more with you Dummpy I have only been a SP for a short time but in that time Ive learned alot of things fast and Im amazed at how fast one can basically be 'blacklisted' because its known she does bbbj or bbbjtc and I for one think this is sad. I only do bbbjs as this is something I really enjoy and will not have it any other way and I really could care less what people say about me for this. Ive had a few things that have been said about me because I do this and dont try to hide it...why would I hide it wouldnt that make me decietful? But really again I could care less what anyone says about me!! I take very good care of myself and every client I see does the same I dont do bbfs or bbgreek so I dont see what the big deal is if you dont like it then dont see me but do me a favor and keep your opinion to yourself :) Thanks Dummpy for opening a thread where we get a chance to say whats on our minds xoxoxo
  9. 1 point
    Depo-Provera http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depo-Provera is the most popular of these drugs. One shot every three months prevents menstruation (no period, no pregnancy). A fairly heavy-duty solution but benefits overall would appear to out-weigh side effects.
  10. 1 point
    Very true Emma, maybe some men don?t know that when ladies all hang out together regularly or live together their cycles usually end up being in sync so it could very well be that if you are hitting one agency you might find they are all at that time of the month at the same time.
  11. 1 point
    The tingling sensation from her tender kisses. To her beautiful smile and intelligent conversation. Leaves you wanting for more. Just cuddling with her is so comforting. Its like you forget about everything else around you when your with her.:-o:oops: I'll repeat again. YMMV
  12. 1 point
    Wow...I was just doodling while in chat. Red left before I could post it. But I didn't want to waste it so I posted it anyway. Thanks for all the comments. I'm glad you liked all of them. Cheers,
  13. 1 point
    Not to be critical (just curious) as I don't see it my business but picking up street walker (as you described her) :shock:. I think that you are lucky that what you lost was only money and only $80. You would have lost a lot more if she was a cop instead of a crook as solicitation in a public place is totally ilegal not to mention the possiblity of catching God knows what type of stds:!:. What I don't understand is why pick up street walkers when instead one can pick up a phone and call the favorite escort. So many are on cerb and many more advertising on Escorts Canada and CL most of them with pictures, not to mention strip bars.
  14. 1 point
    While I truly enjoy the entire premise of this site, and the manner in which it's members behave and unbiased moderating, trying to figure out which provider offers what specific services can be, at best, frustrating. Typing in specific words in the search bar only leads to posts containing those key words. One still has to sift through the results in hopes the provider offers what you're seeking. While the reviews are a great help, they do not always tell a complete story either. I for one, would thouroghly appreciate clicking on a providers profile, and being able to read a list of exactly what services she offers. Just think of the time savings in terms of browsing review after review, searching, or p.m's sent back and forth. The venue has already been provided, all that has to be done is for our valued s.p's to take a few minutes and detail their profiles appropriately. Ladies, any thoughts/comments on the idea? After all, you are the people who have to answer the same questions again and again. R.
  15. 1 point
    Warning...the word "love" is used in this thread many times. For those that have committment issues, fear of attachment or relationship paranoia this post is not for you!!! The word is not intended to represent the traditional understanding of what our society calls the infatuation that leads to the insanity of being "in love". It is a much deeper resonating energy that comes from deep within. That said.... This is a great thread! People are complete, unique entities and that is beauty of our existence. As Eve described there are those that don't understand the complexities of the human spirit. I have been there, opened the envelope and had my stomach fall out. I have learned and try to ensure it doesn't happen, but when it does, I chaulk it up to tithing. Obviously they are unaware in their essence and may never see the bigger picture. I feel pity for them more than anger. I have been incredibly fortunate in my life. Everyone in my "real life" who is in my inner circle knows what I do, and I live an inclusive life. My guests are friends from the moment we meet. The bond grows and the relationship matures. I have a couple of those incredible men that are my "down time" friends. They come and hang when I am in sweats and no makeup. They have seen the reality behind the show, shopped with me, hung paintings and mirrors, felt the intense focus of preparation. They keep me real during the panic moments. When my daughter made her "great escape" this summer, one sat and held me while I worried for her. He stroked my hair and whispered words of encouragement that I desperately needed to hear. His hugs kept me sane. When she arrived he was there when the inevitable questions came. He helped me explain what I do in a way I could never have articulated without it sounding like a sugar coating. When I think of him, inside I know I love him, he is my friend and will always be my friend. In their own ways my guests contribute to my life in ways that can't be put into words. Those that are so inclined and cut the mustard meet my family. I had a guest attend my daughters 18th birthday party. He is my friend. Another meets me for dinner at a local pub every Sunday evening when our schedules connect. We then sit and talk into the wee hours. It is time I treasure. I have friends that are welcome in my families homes. I have an unusual extended family and they open their hearts to those that want to enter and when I introduce someone as a friend they welcome without hesitation. My guests have had dinner with us, they come to laugh and celebrate our milestones. They offer guidance with their knowledge and life experience because they all come from varied backgrounds, there is so much out there I am oblivious to and their advice is always welcome. Loving in this world is crucial and I do so openly. It is unconditional and the "in love" boundaries are seldom breached for a reason that is beyond me. Perhaps because I am older and not the "fall in love" kind of girl. I have no expectations, and whatever they are comfortable with is good with me. I take each moment as it comes and enjoy what it brings to my life. The closest friends I have outside of blood ties in my life have all been guests. Some retain the guest priviledges, others prefer to go the platonic route. I trust their judgement in this arena because intense emotional connections with a physical aspect can be difficult. As I have eluded to, I ran into trouble with the US Feds and I found out who my true friends were. They weren't limited to my family and friends, my guests stepped up to the plate in spades. I had one show up to put his house up for my bond, others quietly delivered envelopes to my lawyers, some sent money orders to my facility to ensure I had necessities and some took collect calls and orgestrated communications that otherwise would have been impossible. To this day, these men are my friends. I love them for exactly who they are, not what they offer on a monetary level. They showed me that the connection I felt with them was real. The role I play in my guests lives is multifacited. I willingly step into whichever aspect they are lacking in their lives. Seldom are we given the opportunity to not play a role, and when a guest walks thru my door there is no role to play. They get to be themselves without fear of judgement, they are accepted for who they are at the basest level and the being "stripped" of his apparent identity is always infinitely more attractive than any role they play in their world. The soul emerges and it's incredible. I follow their lead, if they are looking for something that allows them to stay at arms length, that is good with me. But if they are seeking and their spirit connects with mine, I go with it. Are these men my friends? Absolutely! Is it difficult? No! Would I change it? NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!!!! Catherine
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