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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/09 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    So, I know we have some issues with "rumors" being spread around, but I am wondering if having anonymous rep points will only add fuel to the fire. When I took notice of my points I recieved, they are given anonymously. Its really too bad, because I recieved a nice comment and I can't even say thank you since the person didn't say who they were. Now does this work the same as when you get disapproval points? Personally it should say the members handle, otherwise this gives room for anonymous slander. What is your point of view on the matter? Also, what do the different colours beside the comment mean?? PS> Thanks for my points sweeties! xo
  2. 2 points
    The problem with that logic is that the anonymity encourages bad behaviour. That is the problem with a lot of places on the internet, and why there are so many flame wars on many sites. People would think twice before making a comment or giving negative rep if they couldn't do it from behind the veil of anonymity. They would have to be able to justify and back up their comments. The other problem I pointed out is if you disagree with me and want to comment, then so be it. You are fee to do that. But, if you do it using the rep point system the way it is set up now, it brands me as untrustworthy. That I would have an issue with.
  3. 2 points
    Don't you think that it could really start to discredit someone or be hurtful because it is anonymous??
  4. 2 points
    I say that the reputation points given or taken by members should not be anonymous. I personally would like to know whom to thank or if someone did not like my post be at least able to pm them and discuss why.
  5. 2 points
    Thank god my GM doesn't have Onstar! It is starting to look like back home now. Wonder when the CCTV's will be everywhere! I usually moon them every chance I get, especially after a good night in the pub! I understand the need for protection, but sometimes the state takes it a bit far. The paranoia around what "could" happen tends to grip governments as of late. As someone who grew up in London when the IRA were planting bombs all over town, I know what it's like to live in fear, but you should never let fear run your life. Otherwise those trying to instill fear have already won!
  6. 2 points
    Great discussion Dummpy! It's no surprise that allegations or malicious rumors are surfacing for whatever motive. Its human nature and the industry is competitive. However, there is always at least two different sides to a story and before I would pass judgment on a individual, I would at least learn both sides. At the end of the day if the allegations or rumors turn out to be unfounded, persons spreading such nonsense have less credibility and in fact are tarnishing their own reputation.
  7. 1 point
    Over the past year I have been involved, and not willingly in several behind the scenes cerb witch hunts. Either myself or other members get strange rumours floating around about them and then it causes major grief. Some of the time it is started by jealous SP's and some of the time by users trying to stir the pot or angry. Often there are rampant rumours about a girl who is "dirty" the there was a lady this past summer who was giving excellent service and was doing BBBJ so she was of course dirty. Now I hear of another of my fav's who is giving BBBJ excellent service and guess what a donation of 200 so therefore she must be dirty, the only way you can clean BBBJ is if you charge 300+ of course. Now this kind of thing is fine and it is par for the course and I just avoid the ladies that believe this kind of BS. However I also believe that there are some impostor emails or correspondence going around, people impersonating my good buddy Pete for starters, ladies confronting me with strange and weird tales? And even a very trusted member here being implicated as the source and he has had nothing to do with any of it. Now I do believe that everyone should play it safe and not take unnecessary chances, however when someone presents something to you that seems a little far fetched, like a top poster forcing girls to have unprotected sex, or a volume lady spreading STD's, consider the source and verify the information. How do you verify, simply do a search on the member and check with other?s that now them, if you get an email from someone claiming to be a cerb member, send them a PM to ensure it was actually them. With a community this large we are starting to get people with more time on there hands than common sense and they are starting to have fun messing in our affairs. For me I could care less anyone can say whatever they want about me, and the ladies that are stupid enough to just believe them are not worth my time seeing, there are just too many good ladies out there to worry about. But some of my friends have been hit with this stuff now and I take that very seriously. If you are going to make accusations then be prepared to show proof ask for sources or proof either put up or shut up it's only fair this "oh we have to protect the source" BS is wrong, if someone makes a claim the accused should now who it was or it is a flat out blatant rumour. I think that I will start a Blog like CK has put up to try to bring some truth to these rumours, we can call it ?cerb rumours truth or fiction? and post all the known rumours? and determine there accuracy. My favourite one is the STD/STI thing, because at the rate that we see each other, I have done some math but that is scary so I won't post it here, the infection would spread faster than the correspondence so by the time you read it you would already have it. Sometimes it is about an SP that is a cop (that hole Amy is the LA was very funny) or engages in dangerous activity. Or a client that is a bad date for either behaviour or risks. Just use your common sense for this stuff confirm sources and think it through how rational is this accusation. I can guarantee you that there are some very disturbed people around here, the question is do you want to trust them or the ones they are trying to discredit? The last place you want to be is becoming buddies with someone who is not stable, if someone tells you something that seems to be a favour and help you to avoid someone else, you maybe making friends with exactly the type of person you are hoping to avoid, just a thought. While the face of cerb is pleasant and loving, the back rooms are getting nasty. And please don't chime in about how non of this has ever happened to you, I don't think that many are involved in all this just a few and I want this message to be a warning to any that have not seen the strange correspondence that it maybe out there, ya it's probably not you yet. When it was just me I could care less but now several of my friends are involved and it is getting really annoying. Now if you have a rumour that needs to be cleared up here is your chance, here is mine; I do have unprotected oral sex with SP?s, I do not have unprotected FS or Greek with SP?s. I do get checked every three months and am still after 16 years of a faithful visitor to the clinic incident free. (the first 10 years I did not go as often and saw my GP till he told me to stop bugging him and go to the clinic). The proof is in the fact that a few of the ladies that I have seen and have preformed and received unprotected BB oral service from are volume ladies, seeing in some cases 50 gentlemen a week, if indeed there were diseases being passed around buy this method we would all have tem by now, even if I have only had them for a year (when the first of these rumours started to appear). Also many of the high posters here have seen the same ladies and received and given the same service, so the option is to not see anyone that is a high poster, but wait what if a lurker saw one of them, or worse yet a lurker saw a girl that was not even on cerb but that same girl had seen me or a high poster than OMG there would be no trace of a connection through cerb! Can we please put this one behind us? Anyone else want to air out any unwarranted rumours please join in.
  8. 1 point
    I have a question to the all the Men: (SP are more then welcome to comment as well!) If an SP recognized you during a visit, would you want her to tell you?? I personally have had a couple clients that I know from the outside world of Cerb, but I never know if I should say, Hey remember me, your my dentist.....lol (thats an example) So I want to know what your thoughts are? Would it make you feel uncomfortable? Would it stop you from being a repeat customer? Or would you smirk and feel more naughty?? Kisses
  9. 1 point
    If it's anonymous, it lacks credibility IMOP. I'm bright enough to make my own decisions based upon life experience and my ability to read posts/threads. It makes no difference to me if someone has one icon or one thousand. I don't know you nor have I met you; your posts are articulate, intelligent and well-informed. You have received recommendations from some well regarded members of CERB. That's good enough for me. Don't worry about it.
  10. 1 point
    I was on another board where the issue of anonymous rep points became an issue. It created a "rep point" war. For that reason you cannot leave anonymous points on that board anymore. I do know the way the system works right now, negative points awarded will result in a message on your profile that says you cannot be trusted. In my opinion that is rather harsh given the spirit of community that this board tries to foster. Also, the negative comment may deal with a difference of opinion and have nothing to do with trust, therefore they are very misleading. Also if it is about an SP, it could have a negative and unwarranted effect on their business. Just my $0.02. It won't be a problem, as long as people don't take it too seriously.
  11. 1 point
    Good find inaluki. Informative and educational. Personally though I don't always go in with an expectation to try a specific position, I kinda like the mystery of having the session unfold based on two (or more) :wink: people exploring intimacy. Of course there are certain things one likes and being able to experience that with a willing partner is always awesome. Having a partner introduce you to something new, while it may be spontaneous, can be fun, rewarding and fullfilling. Again good find.
  12. 1 point
    Come towards the light! Cowboy, The light! :mrgreen:
  13. 1 point
    This can be done sweetie!! ;) I am thinking lab coat with red fishnets!!! hmmmm now I got myself going...lol
  14. 1 point
    Personnally it would not bother me whatsoever. I have been involved in this business for many years and also lived in Europe in the early 80s where attitude then towards the sex trade was a lot more open. So I have learned a long time ago that you don't judge SPs/MAs by what they do but by who they are just like anyone else. i wish society would just accept that this is a job. Should I avoid the nice nurse that saw my naked butt in the hospital?????? I certainly would not want some female co-worker to make a detour or ignore me if we met in a mall or down the street I certainly don't want SPs/MAs to ignore me whether I am alone or with someone. If who I am with ask me who she is I will simply say someone I know or met before. It certainly would not stop me for repeating as I have always repeated with the majority of the ladies I met. That is why I only see a few at any given time. Actually It would probably get me to make a booking to see her soon. Especially if she smiled. i just can't resist a beautiful smile. Of course different story If I see the SPs/MA is with someone. I don't wnat then to have to answer questions.
  15. 1 point
    If I can't afford it, I eat KD until I can (metaphorically speaking) or I stay away. I also don't bitch because I don't own a ferrari. I control my own destiny. If a lady charges less than the experience warrants, if I can afford it, I tip hugely. But, it's hard to tip big when it's a $500+ experience, so I usually try to bring wine, fruit, cheese-and-crackers or ask her to lunch. Unless it's a disaster, and there are certain turn-offs that make it really hard for me to be aroused (e.g. I can't help being severely turned off by the smell of smoke in hair), I usually behave like I really want to be there - because I do. Pretty lady, naked, smiling - man! that's heaven!! And in my opinion, attitude is the big part of the experience. I've had a few comments from ladies that some guys are so non-communicative that it is frustrating, and the guy goes online and says that the experience sucked. I'm not trying to hijack the thread, I'm trying to say that some ladies have said that a happy, repeat client is better than a tip.
  16. 1 point
    Nice PP. It's a little community, and remember SHARING SHARING SHARING.
  17. 1 point
    I personally have been using this for a couple years, I love it and haven't had any negative symptoms. But Depo in't to be taken lightly. There is talk that it might be coming off the market soon. A woman needs to be very careful when trying it for the first time, since your symptoms are going to last for 3 months. I have to say though, that I too am disturbed if a SP isn't letting her clients know in advanced. I personally like it when a client is very to the point, makes for a more successful session.
  18. 1 point
    The one that I've visited the most for hotel-based in-calls has been, (in this case the somewhat ironically-named) Extended Stay Hotel on Cooper at Cartier, just off the Elgin Street strip right downtown. Favoured by a number of in-town and out-of-town escorts when they want a place to meet clients for a day or two. Never seem to stay there more than an hour or two, despite the name. lol Rates are very reasonable. And if you follow Dummpy's good suggestion of Hotwire to book, you will often end up there if you are the one booking a hotel downtown for some fun
  19. 1 point
    If you really want to "WOW" her, take her to The Arc Hotel on Slater St, or the Indigo Hotel on Metcalf and Laurier. They are different than the regular cookie cutter hotels all over downtown Ottawa and Gatineau.
  20. 1 point
    I have a favourite mp with an upcoming court case for solicitation. I know her very well and am certain that she does not solicit but always waits for the client to do the solicitation. I was thinking of offering myself up as a character witness as to her behaviour when I was getting a massage(ie. she never solicited me - which is true ... I would never perjure myself ). opinions? r100rs
  21. 1 point
    I agree with what has been said above, character witnesses are really only useful at sentencing (and hopefully for the SP it will not get there). What we really need is people to stand up to say that our laws are out of date and need reform. That will help all the ladies and men involved in the business. In the 1960's the federal Minister of Justice said that the State had no place in the bedrooms of the nation (sodomy was legalized). Now we need to say that the State has no place in the sexual relations of the citizens. Forced work (sex work or any other work) is wrong - that is slavery, we abolished that centuries ago in Ontario. But "Common Bawdy Houses" (who but an MP speaks like that) and living off the avails and communicating for the purposes... look if traffic is an issue give a ticket for stopping in a no stopping zone. I doubt that many women want to work on the street. It is cold out there. It can be dangerous. But our prudish laws have done nothing to stop it - in fact by closing brothels they encourage it. Perhaps as we approach a gender balanced Supreme Court there may be some change but that will take years. It is time for MP's to do something that will really help women - abolish these 19th century laws. That would be better than another unnecessary election and "locking out" Parliament when defeat seemed inevitable. Sorry for the rant but something needs to be done. :!:
  22. 1 point
    One thing you probably have already realized is you should think long term. Down the road if you ever end up in court for anything else this is on a record. Also I don?t know your situation but say 10 years down the road you get married and your SO finds out that could be a problem too. However everyone needs a friend like you as what would life be with out the kindness people like yourself. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is what makes life worth living.
  23. 1 point
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