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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/09 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I must admit I'm still confused by all this virtual "reputation" stuff especially with all the shenanigans going on with actual reputations at stake. But I don't get it, the other day I had a good number of points and was a trusted member with quite a few green bars, today I notice I'm no longer "trusted" and only have 4 bars, I don't see where points have been removed in the user CP , just curious as to where they went. I think I'm fairly well trusted here and don't need bars beside my name I'm just trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. It's funny how possessive and attached we can get to something that's given to us then taken away even though it's not tangible and has no cash value.
  2. 2 points
    I am curious fellow CERB member's what's the longest you have heard or know some one to be in the business for? I am starting to feel like a hot grandmother, LOL. I myself have been around for almost four years now. I notice in this industry there's always been a high turn over rate. I always thought high turn over meant that ladies just might not be suited for this line of work??? I also notice that some ladies are seasonal, I too was once seasonal. I guess I am just curious why some ladies stay only brief periods, while other ladies make career's out of being an SP. In Ottawa they don't offer a escort licence, however in Edmonton you can obtain a licence to be an escort, you can legally work as an escort, claim your earnings and get tax deductions on your outfits... Or so I'm told... I am curious if edmonton has just as high turn over rate as Ottawa does???? I am curious about others thoughts on this matter, Oh and I know Cat has been around longer that I have, any one else...???
  3. 2 points
    - WORK IN PROGRESS - I AM STILL WORKING OUT THE BUGS! This is a WORK in PROGRESS your points MAY GO UP AND DOWN while we figure this one out but I do think we have the right settings now. I am trying to IRON OUT THE BUGS... consider it a BETA TEST PROGRAM. HOW IT WORKS: when you AGREE with someones post you ADD to that persons reputation (The amount you add to that persons reputation is based on how many rep points you have - the more bars you have the more you can impart others reputation as you would be seen as a trusted member) when you DISAGREE with someones post that can remove a tiny bit of the other persons reputation away from that person (about 1/2 of what you have the power to give someone). Now we have all have been fooling around with it (Especially dummpy and a few others) and when I had the wrong info typed in it accidently gave dummpy the power to really impact people's reps (This was all REMOVED and all users account were FIXED and adjusted).
  4. 2 points
    I still don't understand. Being involved in the SP/Hobbiest lifestyle for 10+years, I guess i don't have a good rep here, but I have personally helped out numerous SP's and a few hobbiests who are members here, but just because i only joined here last year and have not posted 1000+ posts, i'm not trust worthy yet. It's too bad i need to be discreet, cause i wish everyone here knew who I am. I guess all that matters is that the members that are aquainted with me on Cerb, know me and trust me. I don't mean to rant, but this just seems to get me going. Sorry
  5. 2 points
    I've known women in Toronto that have worked in the industry 10-15 years and have no doubt that some have worked longer, I just don't know them personally. Many women will stop and start in it or will take years on and off as the work evolves for them, I don't know any that have worked one continuous role as that takes it's toll on anyone, even in the regular workplace and in a physically demanding job it can be very hard on ones body too. Often you'll find that girls will drop out of the limelight for a few years as they take on one or two private clients or perhaps they'll take an administrative role, sometimes they'll reinvent themselves as a Dominatrix for a few years and not provide Full Service in order to rest the body, etc. It's all a way of reinventing the role and also giving a new definition to themselves for a few months/years, something that anyone would do in their job/career should they be in the same position for a certain number of years. Even when the job isn't boring you it's important to not only challenge oneself but also to allow the body and mind to rest and reinvent. Any girl that does this for over a decade will find that she has to do that every so often otherwise she will suffer the same burnout that anyone would in any career. That's why you won't generally see anyone that has been in the public spotlight for so many years, the guys are generally aware of who's who and been doing what but the girls find ways to reinvent and by doing so the resume refreshes every so often and it makes it harder to just look back from the outside. Oh and 4 years... LOL... don't worry that's nothing, but then what would I know I'm just a newbie. ;)
  6. 2 points
    I have figured somethings out and some not. Well I have been sent positive rep points each day with positive comments but some have disappeared and so did the comments. Out of all who gave me points 3 people who sent them their names, points and comments are now gone and one person sent me 3 times and 2 of his comments and points are gone. So even though people are sending me rep points and comments they are disappearing. I know why one was because everyone he sent to was taken back, lol but the other 2 I am not sure why they disappeared. I still don?t understand if you give points do you lose points?
  7. 1 point
    I'm sorry IF this question has already been asked and answered... I noticed that I received reputation points lately... Is there a way to see who gave me those points and where and why? lol Thanks! ;) xox
  8. 1 point
    Seymour...............the second picture of Vidya.........you can actually see the nipple...the whole nipple.....SWEEEEET......
  9. 1 point
    I didn't even know the rep points were around untill I got pmed with question about them!!! I like my new rep! "gaining rep" GREAT settings. WORKIN HARD AS ALWAYS MOD..... P.S how do I agree or disagree by the way?
  10. 1 point
    Thanks for the clarification and update. I know there has been some head scratching going on and worried individuals. IMHO SP are hardest hit when they see their reputation bounce around without rhyme nor reason. Their concerns are valid as any new comers or even returning old may take the low/negative reputation at face value. Further I'm not sure how many individuals follow this thread. Perhaps a Message of the Day or a change to the login message (the 'Click here if your browser doesn't automatically...") to indicate reps are beta might soothe concerns. Again my thanks
  11. 1 point
    Lately, I don't have much free time to spare so "time" would be my sacrifice.
  12. 1 point
    SUNshine Girl Ashleigh is 21 years old and hopes to become a pastry chef -- mmm... pastry. She has a cat named Tinkerbell and enjoys reading and hitting the beach during her time off.
  13. 1 point
    To follow up on Kenny's post -- I think he may be referring to Lyla's List. Perhaps there was a Joy's List (maybe before my time), but I can honestly say it was Lyla's List that first got me into this hobby! It was the first site that I found when I was starting to look around and explore.... I found that it always had great info, great ads, and good discussion. One thing led to another, and.. many years later...here we are! I guess maybe the point of my post is a "Thank You" to Joyful C!! Is she still around? Haven't seen her posting much lately....
  14. 1 point
    I'm not certain, but I think the disappearing points are explained in the Mod's post 43 on page 5 where Mod explains that he: "reset the reputations to what I thought were good levels (deleting the 200+ rep points that dummpy and some others were passing around - that was a goof on my part I had the weight set to 1 reputation power for every 10 posts and dummpy had so many posts that it was giving me insane reputation weight) but seriously I think the bugs are out. So let start using it well." If I understand correctly thou, only a select few chosen ones can give out reputation points. The last few days I've taken time to give out poins but now realize u need a bunch of points to give points. O boy....., I guess it just takes awhile to figure this out. Atleast I'm above water now lol.
  15. 1 point
    If you give points you should not loose any points. Brandy
  16. 1 point
    Do I get you if I win?
  17. 1 point
    I haven't been at Erica's place for a couple of years now, the reason is I lost track of her. Last week I came across her ad in CL, so I just gave her a quick call and she definitely remembered me, anyway I am not from the city but I plan on visiting her next time I am in the city. All I can say is I always left with the biggest smile on my face, she is the best, terrific haircut, great massage and I also had a couple of pedicures and they were out of this world. For anybody that haven't visited with her yet, you definitely don't know what you are missing, she makes you feel so comfortable and also very exciting...
  18. 1 point
    Like we all do when we shop for anything in life we really want, the onus falls on the buyer. Thus you should always remember the term, ‘Buyer Beware’. This even applies to our line of business as well. As providers, we offer a service for donation, and as dates, you donate for those services. Thus, you should do some homework prior to making that donation. Like buying a large screen TV, you should read the reviews, check the profiles, pictures, statistics, and any other feedback you can find before you decide. Unlike most other goods and services, MOST SP’s offer a no refund policy, so be sure of what you want and require of your SP. This goes for her services, looks, AGE, and so forth. Again, with regard to the ‘Buyer Beware’ policy… It is entirely your responsibility as an adult to ensure she is of legal age. It is entirely your responsibility as an adult to ensure she is of legal age. If you are making a DONATION (pay) for SEX or any type of sexual contact she MUST be over 18 years of age. You DO NOT want to take that chance. Be smart and NEVER take that chance. As MOD had said, most of the underage sex workers are found on the streets and working with pimps but occasionally they make it online. Especially with the growing trend of online ads and the stiffer resistance to working girls on the streets and escort agencies. If legit SP’s like myself can figure out the ways of the internet, and its benefits to finding dates, so to can the underage girls or worse yet; sex slaves. (Girls forced to work by other people). While the SP, you are donating to, is believed to be legal age, there is no sure way on knowing that this, in fact, is accurate. There is no REAL guarantee that the SP your are seeking is as she claims to be; the only true guarantee is to ASK for PROOF of age or deal with a system that can verify independently the SP’s age for you. And even then, it still falls to your responsibility. Even when in the presence of the SP, you still have two choices before you: 1) Complete the required donation for that specific SP and enjoy the time you share together, or 2) Politely decline and leave. (Especially if underage and she won’t verify if/when you ask. Or if she’s just not up to what was advertised or your perceived thoughts she would be. Also, another thing that you could be doing as benefactors to the SP population, is to leave reviews and feedbacks on the SP’s, as this will help the next one to come along looking and seeking the same kind of information. Make note of girls that you thought were underage, and would not prove their age. Provide those people to the MOD’s of any review site you found them on. The more constructive information there is on an SP, the better informed you are as a benefactor to an SP. NOTE: I do understand the need for privacy and discretion, so the SP you think might be underage and won’t show her proof of age could be doing so to maintain her privacy. After all, even you as the benefactor (the date) would require the same level of privacy as well! But that SP can verify herself like I said through the boards and so forth… But the same still implies, ‘Buyer Beware.“ So when in doubt, get the heck out!
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