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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/09 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Saw haley_smith for a quick encounter last night. As always, am working against time constraints and did a call to see if she could see me on what I would say is short notice. She said that she could and I trundled off to downtown. I arrived and she had just gotten out of the shower -- perfect as far as I was concerned as all she greeted me in was a towel. For some reason I have a thing for women right out of the shower.....and I should mention that I don't think Haley's photos do her justice. I had to rush through our encounter, which really was too bad. I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed her CBJ -- I was dragging the experience out and she was only too happy to indulge me. But, time was a ticking and she suggested doggiestyle.....after seeing the photos in her album, she must have been reading my mind.....I would have liked to drag that out too, but I'm going to say that time was ticking so I didn't......she did offer a massage afterwards but I really really had to dash. I was very happy with our encounter, and while I know it was for just the half hour, I found her easy going, accomodating and just pleasant as hell to be around. I'll repeat as soon as an opportunity presents itself.
  2. 1 point
    Soon as I saw Amy's profile and saw her pics I wanted to meet her. I am not usually one to TOFTT as I tend to stick to regulars but something about her I just could not resist. I said to myself wow this is a really attractive lady. So I got in touch with her and set up an appointment for today. Well when she opened the door to her room I felt stunned. My jaw simply dropped as Amy is gorgeous. Her pics just don't do her justice. I spent a wonderful hour with this fantastic lady. I will not get into details of what happened between us but I will say service was superb and non rushed. She was also nice to talk to. She provides a true GFE. I have no doubt in my mind that once other members start seeing her and realize that she is a true treasure, she will become very busy and hard to book. It is great to be in Ottawa and yet have another top notch lady join the business and CERB. Repeat: yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss Thanks Amy you were truly wonderful and I had an outstanding time.
  3. 1 point
    I had to laugh about that one, Sir Dummpy could also noted as a "shit disturber" cause he likes greek, he has the power....(only joking) ..but I'm sure it will cost me a point.... butt..had to get that one in there!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  4. 1 point
    Personally I don't really care what anyone thinks about me being involved with this hobby. Most people have a secret in their closet that they don't want let out, so judging others would be very hypocritical. Myself, I don't want the restrictions of a relationship and enjoy meeting new women as much as possible. That is why I'm a hobbyiest, and that is why I am not concerned in any way, shape or form as to what others think of myself and how I conduct my life.
  5. 1 point
    Interesting thread, I think if any of us were "sacrificing" we would not be hobbying? I could have a newer car, I could have a bigger TV ( I actually have an 15 year old 20 inch TV) I have not time for TV anyway. I get my work done that is required to sustain my standard of living and skim of the top for cash and time. My house is 3000 square feet and for my wife and I it is probably big enough, ya it could use some updating but I don't spend a lot of time in it. I could live in a less middle class neighborhoud but I like Alta Vist. And I hate vacations for no reason, now if I had lots of cash and a more understanding wife I would vacation with my favourite SP's!! My wife is kind of a downer on Vacations cause she over plans and micro manages, no too mention over spending on all the wrong stuff!! Seadoos horses night clubs these are worthy travel expenses, not new clothes :( They have clothing shops in Ottawa!! Why do we have to go into every one on our holidays? Enough about that. I think at the end of the day we all make a standard of living that we are comfortable with and Hobby accordingly. It is human nature to produce what we need. The first time I met a lady I had a part time High School job, I was heading over to hull to try and pick-up some other high school chick that I had not met yet, and realized I had a long night of buying drinks and dancing and trying to plum my feathers to win there affections and was not looking forward to it. I drove down Murray and at Dalhousie the ladies were standing looking for men. Now this was an easy way! I had seen Risky Business so I was fully prepared!! :D The lady was 100 and that was a little more than my budget for drinks etc... but not much. Had a great time we even went for a little cruise after wards and I was hooked. At this point in time I realized that my minimum wage job was not going to support the lifestyle I wanted and I became an entrepreneur. We make lifestyle adjustments to support our way of life. I guess this is a really long answer to a simple question.
  6. 1 point
    Man good point!! I have to work on my evil side more this never even occurred to me! But then I could never take away rep points it's not in my nature
  7. 1 point
    I saw one sp exclusively for a period of ...well many many years ,,, Monday and Thur night every second week some even over nights went out to things dinner movies but never any where too open where we would meet her friends... took a couple of trips together even had a few "meetings" "off the clock" ...even at one time considering moveing, to be closer to her so could spend more time together... I spent a lot of money on this girl and bought a lot of things for her cloths cell phone custom car work and more, then my finances took a down turn very suddenly and just as suddenly she became "busy" and didnt have time to see me as much !!! It was 3 months or more;hadnt seen her at all we had been in touch by email and the occasional phone call ; I called and said I had some extra cash acain, and there was this pause and she asked how much I had and before I answered she quickly informed me that her overnight price and gone up! Well that told me exactly where I stood. I didnt see her that time and havent "seen" her sence but still keep in touch... Maybe she will be my recouvery celibration HMMMM :) Good luck with your situation my advice is talk to the girl it has been know to happen but I think you will find a break and play in the field is more what you need :) Loki318
  8. 1 point
    The important thing here is to keep things in perspective. While you may have a fantastic time with this lady, remember that at the end of the day, it is in fact, a business arrangement and not a personal relationship. Case in point; I have been a regular client of a few different escorts, some of whom I've become close to, and have considered as "friends". That is, we have exchanged personal info/names/experiences with one another, and some have even gone on to do special things for me such as take me out for lunch and spend (a bit) of free time with me. However, while we may genuinely "like" one another, there is never any doubt in my mind as to the fundemental nature of the arrangement, which is the providing of a service with no strings attatched. While it is not impossible for true romantic feelings to develop between two people in such a situation, it is few and far between. I'm not saying this to burst your bubble; I just don't want to see you get hurt. If you really want to know how she feels about you, ask her to see you off the clock. You'll have your answer, and know where you stand either way. Good luck!
  9. 1 point
    I have been recieving some very very late phone calls. Gentlemen, calling me at 1am or even 4:45 am is really not welcomed. I don't advertise my number, so for those of you who have it please do not abuse this privilege. Please do not call after 10pm, I have school in the mornings and I work full time. Thank you xo
  10. 1 point
    Ava, Although I have not met you (yet) I have heard wonderful things from some of the gentlemen I trust. Some people are rude, have no sense and do not respect what you do. I have clients like this, in a different business, and I simply state that if they want the kind of service that comes with serious personal inconvenience then they have to pay for it - usually a 200-300% premium. If they want service at 1pm - why not charge $1000 an hour and if it is 4:45 pm it is even more. You may be surprised... Otherwise, the voice mail option is probably the best.
  11. 1 point
    Ava, if you recognize the number of a persistent caller, go ahead and block it. While juggling a number of elements, she has set some limits to manage real life and the fun side. Respect her wishes, its not nice to do otherwise.
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