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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/09 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    So I recently watched the award winning Zombie Strippers, LOL. Starring Jenna Jaimeson herself... Wow what an awesome movie, who knew you could mix soft- core porn and zombie's all in one movie. So it got me to a thinking, how amazing it would be to make a little Ottawa remake of this truly great master piece of a movie. Zombie Escorts Coming Soon... Every Newbie's worst nightmare, Ever wonder who's behind that door for the first time, These ladies love to take a bite out of you every time... You just might not make it back for a second visit...lol Starring... Painful Paige, Cut up Cat, and Ava spread 'n' dead. LOL Now I just need a camera, director, script writer, make up artist and male cast members...lol Any takers.... Please send all requests to Stiff One Flims...lol Kisses Spanks and Bites from Ottawa's Dead One Walking Paige...
  2. 3 points
    OK, I've been doing it for years. It started slowly when customers asked me to stick my (gloved) finger in their bums. That's when I realized how popular it is and decided I will offer it for a fee. I am an erotic masseuse and I can tell you 90% of men LOVES being teased around their bum area. Many love a finger in there, and a smaller percentage is absolutely crazy about it. It can range from just sticking a finger inside to a real finger-fucking, excuse my French :) I get the occasional customers who try it and don't like it, but that's why I warn people on my website so they know this is not everybody's cup of tea. And because it is still considered a taboo subject, many guys don't have the courage to ask for it or try it. Also, it needs experience, because if done incorrectly, it can hurt. Needs a lot of teasing, you have to prepare most guys. Of course, there are the ones who have used dildos or butt-plugs on themselves many times before and they are so into it that they don't need too much preparation. My job is to find out at what level they are. And, I have news for you. There are a lot more men then they would admit interested not only in prostate massage or strap-on, etc, but who admit TO ME, that they fantasize about being done by other guys. These guys are not gay, they are normal guys with a special interest ;) One thing I love about this job is that you learn so much about men's sexuality in the process.
  3. 3 points
    Then I hope you never ask for a pic or download pics from their website or add their website to your favorites cause the same could be said what if you got raided for something, her information got out and her family and friends found out about it. This is an anonymous board who guaranties these ladies that you are not in some sort of trouble with the law and that you are not putting them at risk??? There are over 15000 CERB mebers certainly not everyone is beyond reproche. Do you have any stats to show how dangerous it is and how often indy SPs got raided here in Canada and cops took the pics form their PC and exposed all her clients? This is not Hollywood. What about the risk these ladies are taking by posting albums here on CERB. It is OK for them???? Maybe we should ask mod to remove the album section, what do you think? Or is this another case of well she is an SP?????
  4. 2 points
    I tend to believe this sort of system is already in place, to a degree. I had a couple of times to submit to touring SP's references of SP's that I had been with, to much of my delight, the references given, and the personal detailed information provided by myself and SP's as recommendations worked all out in my favour to see these touring ladies. The ladies already discuss to a degree, of the bad dates in order to, not compromise their safety which must be in place. But to have a recommendation system for hobbiest would be be only compromising their livelyhood especially if it was negative as stated above, it is their business that we pay for as customers. Furthermore, I believe the SP's already know who are their, good clients are, and in all likely hood share some details about the client. My 2 cents
  5. 2 points
    Excellent thread - I started hobbying several years ago for various reasons. Idle curiousity, dissatisfaction at home, urges, etc. Some reasons still hold true today, but I guess the top priority is to experience the many wonders and curiosities of women before I die. I guess I still have to convince myself that women can be understood given enough time and experience. I've always been a private person. I live life on my own selfish terms when I can. I never felt I needed to justify what I do to anyone. For anyone in the shrink business, is that a psychosis or a pathology? Still, I'm sensitive that if my family discovered my little indulgences, that would push the boundaries of their already strained patience. I'm not an easy guy to read, so that would just be the coup de gras for trust on their part. Do I see it as a dirty little secret?...maybe a little, but it's my dirty little secret. Do I like it?...yep! Do my neighbors do it too?...most likely (randy little bastards!) Do I like the MAs & SPs?...Yes - if they act human. Nikki Erin & Michelle - I love you all for sharing your intimate selves like that.
  6. 2 points
    The girls have their private section with a bad date list and I am of the opinion that's the way it should stay. There's a few scenarios I can think of where this could become a problem in one way or another. Like if a guy doesn't get a review from a girl that he thought had a good time with him, maybe he would feel slighted. Might even go so far as to bring it up to her the next time he sees her and then she feels obligated to write a "review" for him and everybody else out there. And there could be a lot of reasons why a sp wouldn't write a review like, they just don't have the time because they've had 8 or 9 clients from the board in a given week. I don't think too many guys here see 8 or 9 different girls a week and if there are those that do, they sure as hell don't have time to write reviews for every single one of them. Or perhaps the client was good only in the sense that he was respectful and left a tip. Just because he wasn't a bad date, doesn't mean he was a good one either. This is still a business and I'm sorry to be blunt here, but there's no doubt in my mind that some clients are only good because of the money they provide. Furthermore, this board also acts as a marketplace of sorts. The paying customers are here to find information and make comments about the service they have received. As in any other business, it makes no sense for the entrepreneurs providing said service to openly display favouritism towards specific customers, since that could possibly hurt their business with those they are not getting the same respect. My two cents...
  7. 2 points
    Can I be part of the live audience??? :mrgreen: How about sharing your popcorn with me while we watch Paige's movie?? :wink:
  8. 2 points
    I feel there are positive and negatives to both methodologies, IE, anonymous or not. But for me I want to see who gave me what. If its positive, I appreciate it and want to know who agreed with me. If its negative, I really want to know who its from. If its from a respected memeber at CERB, then it will really make me think if my post was accurate or whether I was off base somehow. The negative perspective to showing who gave the negative points is it could lead to the recipient of the negative points giving negative points to whoever gave them negative points out of spite. This sometimes happens on E-Bay, but then again, CERB isn't E-bay. I think what's important, is for us to show appreciation for good posts but to really think twice before giving negative reputation. I don't think negative rep should be given just because we don't agree with a post but only in a case of extreme inaccuracy. For instance, if someone says the today's Sun girl is Hot because he like tall women, I shouldn't give him a negative rep just because I disagree with him as I prefer shorter women. I guess that's obvious thou lol. Handing out negative rep just because of minor disagreements in opinion would deter people from commenting. Anyway, just my opinion. (please don't give me negative rep if you disagree with me)
  9. 1 point
    Feelin' a little wrestless on this extra long weekend I was perusin' the ads online and the albums on cerb. Up popped 69Nikki69's photo's and don't ya know it up popped my buckaroo too. The first thing I noticed from her photos were her piercing icy eyes, and long blonde flowing hair ( If ya haven't heard me say it before. I love blondes) but man those eyes! After enough humin' 'n hawn' for the last while I contacted the pretty lass and made arrangements for a special session. Special in that I requested an all oral adventure, to which she greatfully obliged. I slapped on my boots, mounted my trusty horse and galloped away to her place near the baseball stadium, with the thoughts of hittin' a home run very very soon, or at the very least clearing 3rd base! :) I hitched my horsey up outside what turned out to be a cozy little love nest. I knocked on the door, it opened to reveal those beautiful eyes and a big bright white smile. She kindly took my coat, and at the same time my breath. Very perky and eagerly leading me to a soft and comphy bed with nice clean sheets. After some basic introductions and formalities we soon were kissing, at first little timid pecks,soon followed by some eager and enthusiastic tongues. Immediately I thought about her skillfull tongue and what it could do to my buckaroo. Bein' a younger lass, her tongue is pierced like many of them do now adays, her kisses were warm and pleasant. Our tongues entwined while hands, both hers and mine; explored and roamed. The clothes began to shed to the floor. As the excitement level increased, so to did the room temperature.This girl was an excellent kisser, her fragrance was enticing and delightful, her hair smelled of a spicy sexy scent all of which was makin me one excited and aroused cowboy. My hands cupped her full C cup breasts, the were soft and almost fluffy, my mouth took in each and teased her responsive nipples till they were nice and hard. I could not get enough, so I buried my self in her wonderful breasts for what seemed forever. While straddled across my lap her tongue began to slowly make it's way from my mouth to my chest, she gently pushed me back on to the bed nibbling and kissing her way down towards by now throbing buckaroo. She teased me with slow pit stops along the way and even gently blowing on the little feller as if to cool things down. Eventually my memeber was enveloped in the warmth of her mouth, taking me all in; while darting her pierced pink tongue up and around my engorged and hard buckaroo. She moved away ever so briefly to move back to my mouth, kissing me aggressively and with what seemed like more passion than before, then straight back to guest of honor. Playfully licking my shaft up and down and all around the cowboy was in heaven, she went back for more with great passion and delight. This girl loves to please, my god does she love to please. After licking and sucking my shaft with great passion, she then moved down further to ensure the boys were well taken care of. Boy were they ever, that pierced tounge gave the boys the lashing of their life, not a spot was missed, much to my and their delight. :), not a spot was missed. Just to be sure she would gently suck one at time in to her warm wet mouth. While she was taking care of business my hands,fingers and tongue were exploring her wonderfully soft and smooth body, eventually my hands made their way to her delicious meow meow, it was both smooth and wet, i gently explored with my fingers a very tight, moist and inviting kitty. I had to taste it, I invited her to sit on my face to which she eagerly shifted her wonderful bootay upon my face,all the while returning her attention to my buckaroo. She tasted delightful, and was responsive to the pursuit of my tongue, as I licked her clit she became wetter and wetter, her juices covering my mouth as she pressed herself further and harder down on my tongue. She continued to pay incredible detail and attention to my buckaroo and the boys too, occasionally coming up for air to shove her tongue down my throat and then back again. I could only hold out for so long before I could feel my legs shaking ole faithful was about to blow, just before the eruption I could feel the tremors makin their way up legs and before you know it I was spent, after letting go good amount cowboy sauce we both lay back exhausted. Nikki then bounced up to clean up and to get me a warm cloth so that I could do the same. While cleaning up we shared some stories and got to know one another even more, as we dressed our selves we became very much comfortable with one another knowing that not only did we connect and have fun, but we both had made a new friend tonight. In short 69Nikki69 is a beautiful young lass, eager to please and a fun romp in the hay, I will definitely return to her cozy little love nest if anything to further our friendship and see what adventures await. Thank you dear Nikki, as you well know I had a great time. Now remember lads as is the case always, Ymmv, but I'm certain if you treat this lady right she will return the favor, and then some.
  10. 1 point
    Over the past year I have been involved, and not willingly in several behind the scenes cerb witch hunts. Either myself or other members get strange rumours floating around about them and then it causes major grief. Some of the time it is started by jealous SP's and some of the time by users trying to stir the pot or angry. Often there are rampant rumours about a girl who is "dirty" the there was a lady this past summer who was giving excellent service and was doing BBBJ so she was of course dirty. Now I hear of another of my fav's who is giving BBBJ excellent service and guess what a donation of 200 so therefore she must be dirty, the only way you can clean BBBJ is if you charge 300+ of course. Now this kind of thing is fine and it is par for the course and I just avoid the ladies that believe this kind of BS. However I also believe that there are some impostor emails or correspondence going around, people impersonating my good buddy Pete for starters, ladies confronting me with strange and weird tales? And even a very trusted member here being implicated as the source and he has had nothing to do with any of it. Now I do believe that everyone should play it safe and not take unnecessary chances, however when someone presents something to you that seems a little far fetched, like a top poster forcing girls to have unprotected sex, or a volume lady spreading STD's, consider the source and verify the information. How do you verify, simply do a search on the member and check with other?s that now them, if you get an email from someone claiming to be a cerb member, send them a PM to ensure it was actually them. With a community this large we are starting to get people with more time on there hands than common sense and they are starting to have fun messing in our affairs. For me I could care less anyone can say whatever they want about me, and the ladies that are stupid enough to just believe them are not worth my time seeing, there are just too many good ladies out there to worry about. But some of my friends have been hit with this stuff now and I take that very seriously. If you are going to make accusations then be prepared to show proof ask for sources or proof either put up or shut up it's only fair this "oh we have to protect the source" BS is wrong, if someone makes a claim the accused should now who it was or it is a flat out blatant rumour. I think that I will start a Blog like CK has put up to try to bring some truth to these rumours, we can call it ?cerb rumours truth or fiction? and post all the known rumours? and determine there accuracy. My favourite one is the STD/STI thing, because at the rate that we see each other, I have done some math but that is scary so I won't post it here, the infection would spread faster than the correspondence so by the time you read it you would already have it. Sometimes it is about an SP that is a cop (that hole Amy is the LA was very funny) or engages in dangerous activity. Or a client that is a bad date for either behaviour or risks. Just use your common sense for this stuff confirm sources and think it through how rational is this accusation. I can guarantee you that there are some very disturbed people around here, the question is do you want to trust them or the ones they are trying to discredit? The last place you want to be is becoming buddies with someone who is not stable, if someone tells you something that seems to be a favour and help you to avoid someone else, you maybe making friends with exactly the type of person you are hoping to avoid, just a thought. While the face of cerb is pleasant and loving, the back rooms are getting nasty. And please don't chime in about how non of this has ever happened to you, I don't think that many are involved in all this just a few and I want this message to be a warning to any that have not seen the strange correspondence that it maybe out there, ya it's probably not you yet. When it was just me I could care less but now several of my friends are involved and it is getting really annoying. Now if you have a rumour that needs to be cleared up here is your chance, here is mine; I do have unprotected oral sex with SP?s, I do not have unprotected FS or Greek with SP?s. I do get checked every three months and am still after 16 years of a faithful visitor to the clinic incident free. (the first 10 years I did not go as often and saw my GP till he told me to stop bugging him and go to the clinic). The proof is in the fact that a few of the ladies that I have seen and have preformed and received unprotected BB oral service from are volume ladies, seeing in some cases 50 gentlemen a week, if indeed there were diseases being passed around buy this method we would all have tem by now, even if I have only had them for a year (when the first of these rumours started to appear). Also many of the high posters here have seen the same ladies and received and given the same service, so the option is to not see anyone that is a high poster, but wait what if a lurker saw one of them, or worse yet a lurker saw a girl that was not even on cerb but that same girl had seen me or a high poster than OMG there would be no trace of a connection through cerb! Can we please put this one behind us? Anyone else want to air out any unwarranted rumours please join in.
  11. 1 point
    - WORK IN PROGRESS - I AM STILL WORKING OUT THE BUGS! This is a WORK in PROGRESS your points MAY GO UP AND DOWN while we figure this one out but I do think we have the right settings now. I am trying to IRON OUT THE BUGS... consider it a BETA TEST PROGRAM. HOW IT WORKS: when you AGREE with someones post you ADD to that persons reputation (The amount you add to that persons reputation is based on how many rep points you have - the more bars you have the more you can impart others reputation as you would be seen as a trusted member) when you DISAGREE with someones post that can remove a tiny bit of the other persons reputation away from that person (about 1/2 of what you have the power to give someone). Now we have all have been fooling around with it (Especially dummpy and a few others) and when I had the wrong info typed in it accidently gave dummpy the power to really impact people's reps (This was all REMOVED and all users account were FIXED and adjusted).
  12. 1 point
    I have a question to the all the Men: (SP are more then welcome to comment as well!) If an SP recognized you during a visit, would you want her to tell you?? I personally have had a couple clients that I know from the outside world of Cerb, but I never know if I should say, Hey remember me, your my dentist.....lol (thats an example) So I want to know what your thoughts are? Would it make you feel uncomfortable? Would it stop you from being a repeat customer? Or would you smirk and feel more naughty?? Kisses
  13. 1 point
    There is currently a separate ongoing thread discussing the merits of whether hobbiests should have their own secular "reputation points" system. I'm suspect that this is an issue easily resolved. However, I would be interested in a somewhat similiar discussion. Simply put,....from the SP's perspective..."What was your favourite experience?"...,"What makes/breaks the atmosphere for you during a session?"..." If the hobbiest looks like George Costanza but sings like Julio Iglassias....is that enough?" I think you know where I'm going with this....perhaps some of you talented, charming and lovely SP's could look upon this as an opportunity to ....."give us hobbiests a little direction and incentive".....either way..I think that it could be fun. I don't believe that any names need to be mentioned...but if the experience was shared....I'm sure the hobbiest would know who the SP was speaking of. 8-)8-)
  14. 1 point
    Given the other two threads on the subject, one thing that has come out from my reading is that there may in fcat be a validity to being able to add rep points for things other than posts and rec's. For example, if someone is friendly and helpfull, but this occurs in pms there is no way to provide a rep for the help. also there is no way to just add to some one's rep because of overall involvement, as opposed to a specific post or rec. Just a thought, open for discussion.
  15. 1 point
    I agree. Just the cock head and just under the cock head. And let it build. And build. Tongue. Lips. Finger tips. Tease it until it explodes.
  16. 1 point
    I think it is a bad idea, to be honest, we are paying for a service and that is why we post and read reviews! I find it hard to understand why I would need to improve my style of performance to pay to please someone else just so that I can get a good review! I have fun in pleasing a woman and I do try to make sure they have a good time also, but that time is for me and I want to do things that I like to do! It may sound selfish but that's my money! I don't go to a restaurant to make sure the staff and cook think that I'm the best eater in the world! I go there cause I like the food! For my clients, I keep a private book to keep track if they pay well and if they were good to work with. But they never ask me to rate thier performance! If they do I will lie to get an other order out of them! Sorry if I ofend! (please don't take my credits away) Apex
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    I think the rep points go a long way for this, I get PM's from ladies asking all the time "hey do you know xyz" and usually I have not (the ladies know how to search so they don't ask about people who post) They have nothing to go on. Here it eh ladies see someone and that person is a good guy (polite clean pays well) they can add to his rep. All the other ladies need to do is have a look and see if he has any rep. I know the rep points have not reached this point yet, but I believe over time this will this is part of the direction for them.
  19. 1 point
    check the local diary board........other than a few cows in the fields.....nothing..... Take the one hour drive to MTL or to Ottawa...have a blast that way
  20. 1 point
    I think the rep points is a great way to show appreciation for giving a good reco or information that could not be found. As for negative, Yes show who gave it, you should have the balls to say why you took points away! We are adults not highschool kids! We will not be offended and I would like it if someone would tell me if I did something bad and learn from the negative respons! That's just me! Apex
  21. 1 point
    That is why the reputation system is now backed with a WEIGHT system. The MORE reputation you have the more your VOTE (Agree/disagree) will impact the person you agree or disagree with. New members (25 posts or less) or members with LOW reputation WILL NOT impact your reputation level (they can agree or disagree and you will see the notes but that will not impact your level in any way).
  22. 1 point
    It's taken me a while, but I've read everything in this thread. Thanks to everyone for your opinions and insight and for sharing your knowledge. I'm no expert but I do know this is a community and within this community we're all searching for something from each other. Love, sex, companionship, or maybe just laughter or a reason to hate someone. It's all here, we'll find what we want and you might get hurt along the way. The more you put yourself out there, the more chance you're going to get hurt. Like when I post a recommendation about a lady I'm opening up about myself and what I did with her. As people read this they'll draw judgements about me and her. An SP might think "If he's seen that girl and that other girl, then I sure don't want to see him because they're trash (or unsafe or whatever)" You know what I mean? That's part of the risk I take by participating in the community. Making the choice to participate also means making the choice to let others see a bit of me, come what may. I'm not saying the rumours are okay, they're not, but this is the kind of shit that happens around a place like this. As others have said, we all just need to know who we are and what we want and stick to it. Misery loves company....people that are down and out will always want to bring you down too and the best defence to that is a good offence. Just my 2 cents, thanks.
  23. 1 point
    Well where do I start? Ok how about wow. Nikki is the most amazing SP I have ever met and I have met a few.She truly makes you feel like she s your girl firend and its only you and her that exist in the whole world. I thank you Nikki for the most amazing time that we spent together and I know there will be many more times.:lol:
  24. 1 point
    The biggest loads I've ever shot were after constant stimulation of the head of my cock, especially after it becomes super sensitive, so sensitive that I actually want the stimulation to stop. I don't believe you could do this masturbating, it would be too hard to do it. Over stimulation of the head is what you want, that super sensitive feeling that is unbearable, but you must keep going with just that part until orgasm. As an example, once I recall receiving BBBJ from my girlfriend and she was sucking in such a way that the head was being over stimulated, I could hardly stand it. I was twitching and moving and praying for her to stop...it was just TOO sensitive...but she persevered and when I finally orgasmed it was felt from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I shot about 250ml. Usually there's about 20ml I think. She was totally prepared to swallow but there was too much and she choked on it. I couldn't have sex for a week after that.
  25. 1 point
    I feel the same way Erin xo.I can t believe chat has been down for hours now.I hope tomorrow is a better day.:-|:roll:
  26. 1 point
    on a side note, my best friend told her old man to put the code into his play station as bbbj and he has no fucking idea what it means lmfao:lol: Ok, and I see a sign that thats "ATM" inside.. what do I think? Ass to mouth...
  27. 1 point
    i know a movie producer too....and i can direct...heheh
  28. 1 point
    Paige this is the greatest idea ever! My bf is an amateur filmmaker and could easily do up a script and take care of filming (he's got a camera and mic and shit). Mmm zombies.
  29. 1 point
    Hi Massey you have only 2 posts (including this one) and both are of negative context (in two different cities). We appreciate the warnings but in order to have the warnings taken seriously by our members (and not flagged as slanderous or unjustified) you need to build up some reputation here. You do this buy posting some positive recommendations or join in with some information in the discussion area's. Cerb really is not for posting negative comments. I think you should append to this post some more information about the encounter. The more details the better but be sure you are not being slanderous.
  30. 1 point
    I have shared my endeavours with a few friends - male and female - that I knew would not judge or look upon it unfavourably. No problems there at all but like I said, I knew they would be cool. I've had some admissions of them doing the same, friendly jealousy that I had the cash/time to do it, and also curiosity into what it's like from an unknowing perspective. However, most people I would prefer not to know purely because of the negative stigma from an understandable ignorance. If it were family members, I could deal with it because I could explain it from my perspective and really, I only care so much what they think. My parents disapprove about most everything in general anyways, and I've learned to be apathetic to their closed mindedness. I think I'd be more concerned about all my friends knowing because I know that there will be a few here and there making jokes behind my back like the typical, "can't get laid without paying for it" bullshit. But again, it wouldn't impact how they feel about me as a person, so that would be tolerable as well. Now work....well, this is the govt town of Ottawa where too many people have a bug up their ass about anything off the beaten path. It might not affect me professionally if word got out because chatter like that can be dismissed as rumour, but it definitely would not help either. One thing I will say is that I wouldn't have a problem if someone I knew couldn't understand why I do this. I had my own preconceived notions about the industry based on ignorance before I got involved, so that would be grossly hypocritical of me to judge those that don't/won't/can't understand. And after reading Nikki's post, this topic makes me think that - while not on the same level - this is similar to someone coming out of the closet with being homosexual. You discover who your true friends are because it's you they care about, not how you live your life and whether or not they agree with it.
  31. 1 point
    This rep thing is another fun thing for us to play with just like our profile walls and the interactive gallery, all these features are a ton of fun, as long as we don't take it too seriously! And ya I am a shit disturber!!
  32. 1 point
    MOD you are doing a great job! Thank you for your efforts! Apex
  33. 1 point
    I had to laugh about that one, Sir Dummpy could also noted as a "shit disturber" cause he likes greek, he has the power....(only joking) ..but I'm sure it will cost me a point.... butt..had to get that one in there!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  34. 1 point
    PK seems to have a few new girls lately and they're all quite young & new to the business. I spent some time with Samantha last week and will definitely repeat. If you like the spinner type then you're going to like her. She's young and very tiny. I was surprised when she opened the door because she looks to be older in her picture that PK posted. I grabbed a quick shower when I got in since I'd been at work all day. When I got out she was in a nice tiny pair of panties, a really short skirt and a little push up bra, although she certainly doesn't need anyt help from a push up bra!! <grin!> :-) We spent the time together in all kinds of different positions and she was open to every position I suggested <even bigger grin!> :lol: Everything was safe and I didn't ask for any PSE services, although PK's ad seems to hint that some of these are available. I s'pose I'll have to find out next time! If you're old enough to have daughters in their late teens or early twenties then she'll probably remind you too much of one of your daughter's girlfriends, which can be a little wierd. If you like very pretty spinners then she's just the girl for you! I only rated the location an 8.5 because it's across the river near the casino and it's a long drive for most people. The atmosphere was only rated a 9.0 because it's a very plain hotel room. Incalls in SPs own locations are always much more interesting to me!
  35. 1 point
    Why did I wait so long to check out this thread??? This site is awesome. Though, it just illustrated for me how freaky I really am. And gave names to some positions I had been crediting to myself. Hahaha. ie http://www.sexinfo101.com/pieinthesky.shtml OK Pie in the Sky I called the Pretzel Lick. My bf loves this one. http://www.sexinfo101.com/sp_legglider.shtml the Leg Glider I simply referred to as the Scissor. Oh and I would love to try 68--> http://www.sexinfo101.com/sp_sixtyeight.shtml Mmmm so much experimenting to come!
  36. 1 point
    Doesn't matter where your from to participate. I have no idea which part of the country people are from unless i have met them or they seem to post more in one area then the other..but its fun just getting to know others. kisses, Emma A
  37. 1 point
    First off, Dummpy thanks for starting this thread and putting this out there in the open. Thanks also to Pretty Paige, Pete, Dummpy, MOD and all the others for their support, it's very much appreciated. Those who know me through correspondence in chat or by email , or who have met me know that these petty accusations are nothing but malicious rumours and totally contradictory to my whole being, I'm a giver, I provide, I help, I exist, however the cowboy does not FORCE anyone to do anything they do not want to do, ever. And for the record I am not into unprotected sex. Period, end of story, fini, c'est tous! I know I piss some people off, but I could careless about those who I piss off. I've taken a rather public position in the last year about exposing scammers and frauds, so I expect to have pot shots taken at me, trust me not all my e-mail is fan mail! But that's ok , I've got a thick skin, and could care less what an unscrupulous, deceptive fraud thinks of me. However I do care about what people around these parts here at cerb think. I'm an avid supporter of this community and strongly believe; as mentioned in another thread, you get what you give. Someone mentioned earlier, if i would do it differently and operate my diary more anonymously, no it would defeat the purpose. After all I have nothing to hide I speak facts as they are presented in a public forum. On occasion I add opinion, to which I'm entitled , but never do I speculate. On the rare occasion where the facts have been misrepresented or I got something wrong I've been the first to admit a mistake was made and publicly retracted my comments. It's happened twice, by the way in almost a year not a bad record. While the MOD has removed one of the people responsible for spreading these malicious comments, that's fine and very much appreciated, however if the originator of these false accusations has the balls to STAND up in the very forum they've tainted with lies, I challenge you to come forward. Apparently there were a few of you, who wanted to warn others, so why do so under cloak and danger in the dark of the night, don't be a coward hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, instead I challenge you, the accuser(s) to come forward with your accusations and more importantly ACTUAL PROOF of these allegations. Perhaps you are too chicken, if so then just PM with the proof to substantiate your claims, otherwise shut up, go home and more importantly, GROW UP. Last I checked you had to be an adult to participate in this forum. In closing I would like to say while never having met Pete I know him to be a stand up guy and know that these same allegations are total falsehoods. I know many of the established providers here think of Pete as a true gentleman, and so to should other members of this board. Things a have gotten pretty messy around here for a "nice" friendly board, in an effort to clean things up and not have to watch where you you step , please let's observe the signs and recognize CERB as a NO BULLSHIT ZONE.
  38. 1 point
    In actuality the recession tends to bring a bit of a boost to escorts on the higher end of the service scale as "vice sales" like alcohol, tobacco, etc. tend to go up during times of economic stress. This is true for escorts as well though oddly it doesn't seem to apply for strippers, I will assume it's because of the mileage factor but I'm not sure anyone has ever done a study on it. It's just a way that people tend to self medicate for stress, had a bad day - go have a drink, didn't meet that sales quota again - go get laid! Now the longer the recession goes on this will dwindle however many will not give up their vices, so though everyone may see a cut in income only those that have not already shored up their client base would be seriously affected and may find themselves without any income. In regards to shorter calls vs. longer ones, this would actually be counter intuitive to what you talk about in the second paragraph. I'll let you think about that one for a moment but clients that are feeling the economic pinch are actually booking longer calls now than they used to. ;) The recession really hasn't trickled down that much yet. It takes a lot for a girl that would not normally consider this as a job option to start a career as an escort, stripper or MPA. Some women start because it's something they would freely consider, they are openiminded sexual beings and think they would like to be paid to do something they already enjoy doing. Some women start because they are in a desparate financial state and need a way out, this is the only way they can see a way to make some cash that night (stripping is often the first step). Some of these women can learn to enjoy it, it can be liberating for them and some of them find it loathsome and it is very difficult for them to come to terms with. These women are not in high financial careers to begin with, they are usually working retail jobs, nannies, housekeepers, waitresses, etc. and are living paycheque to paycheque. They often have a fair bit of experience in living inexpensively and for the most part can get by for a few months on a minimal income picking up odd jobs and ducking bills. Those bills do however add up and they will feel the pressure of it building until they don't know where else to turn and that's when those advertisements on "Sugar Daddy" or "Make Cash Tonight - Escort Needed" start to look good to them. It's actually rather sad as they really just want to eat, sleep in a warm bed and get up in the morning and go to a job where they can help someone find a phone, or serve toast or anything but get naked. So the recession will eventually hit them and hard.. but not for a bit as it takes awhile for the recession to have enough layoffs to put that many street savy girls out of work that you'll have large numbers of them starting up in the business. There are always some each month but for each one there is a few that are leaving and that's a normal turnover. You need enough closings where you'd have a huge number of women between the ages of 19-35 coming into the workplace without any sort of job assistance programs. Anyway just my 2cents. :)
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    My two cents.. In an industry such as this, where DISCRETION is of the utmost importance, I'm baffled by this request? First, If safety is the concern, why would a pic help? A crazy man's not goning to care if he sends you a fake pic.. by the time you know its a fake he has the address/info.(ie: crazy guys will not be weeded out) If personal hygiene is your concern, a well placed " Let's take a shower" or "would you like to freshen up" will usually suffice. So to sum it up.. I'd say its not about either of those factors. This industry is well suited for women with depth of character and a love of men (of all shapes, sizes and ethnicity's) vanity and a "high opinion" of one-self will do you absolutely no good in the long run. I understand it is the personal choice of each sp, but in the end alienating half of your client base is just, bad business 101. Just my thoughts.. Kim.. (p.s. Most of my BEST sessions tend to begin, with the most timid and shy emails I receive..lol.. It's an intimadating thing, (contacting an escort) So I would say she's missing out on some great clients.. who DEPEND on DISCRETION) .
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