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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/09 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I honestly think if people would take some time and think what a typical week may look like for an SP or an MA, they would realize these ladies are not machines, they need sleep like all of us and the last thing they need to spend time on is writing clients reviews/recommendations. In addtion to the great comments already made about the fairness of such recomendation, I prefer the ladies spend time on getting ready which I know for some ladies can be 1 to 2 hours before an appointment rather then be at a computer writing reviews. How would one feel if they showed up for an appointment and the lady's hair are all messy and she said sorry but I had to take time to write my recommendations. Anyone that has had a wife or girlfriend knows how much time a lady takes and how much effort she puts in to getting ready to go out. Well surprise but many SPs/MAs also spend lots of time getting ready to host a client or meet for an outcall. For some, it starts early in the morning, with the bath/shower and doing the hair. If they have fairly long hair, it could take a while to dry. Then you have doing the nails, maybe it is the day they need to shave, select different clothes to wear, oh and by the way maybe wash all the clothes she wore the day before and the towels she used for shower, then find some time to look at the numerous e-mails they received and try to answer them all, although some are simply from curious people who have no intention on seeing the lady. Of course meet the clients for the appointment and I don't think anyone would want them to take a break to write a recomendation while they are with the lady, then update their ads and announcements. If they are a CERB member then answer the request they get via PMs, althought many of them do say not to book via PMs, but out of over 15000 CERB members I guess some of us can't read. If they have a website then they need to ensure it is kept up to date especially if they have a calendar. Now this is just a few of the things that they need to do just for meeting clients and I am sure the ladies could add to the list. Now lets talk about personal life. SPs/MAs actually do have family and friends. Like us they have family commitments. Dinner at the parents place, friends birthday party and so on. Many in the biz, go to school or have other employment or both, Mid term exams coming up soon or university assignment which can be time consuming, some have their own vehicle so like us there is the go get the oil change (the car), renew drivers license, registration, insurance and get the vehicle inspected. Pay all the bills, rent and so on. Some have pets, and when pets get sick they end up spending numerous hours at the vet. Oh and don't forget getiing sick themselves. Yes they are human and do get sick like the rest of us. So some more free time spent at the doctor. Also many do get regualr check up again more hours taken off from the day. And the list goes on but hopefully I have made my point and don't need to add to it. I have been in this business for a long time and I never needed a recommendation to see an SP or MA. That is because I learned a long time ago that being with these ladies is not only about me and my own needs but knowing they have feeling too and treating them with the respect they deserve. I have never had an SP/MA tell me don't come back and I must say it is quite the contrary. That is not because I am better then the next guy, and I am certainly not going to compete for the next mister universe, that is because I want the GFE experience and in return I treat them the same way I would treat a girlfriend. So if I have my choice between having the ladies write recommendations and spending the extra time to make sure I feel special the choice is easy. And if everyone would take a few minutes out of their busy day to just think what a typical week may be like for these ladies, well I guess we would not need this tread. P.s. For those who might get offended by my not agreeing with them and do like they have done to others make sure I get negative rep points, go right ahead if it pleases you. I guess you probably know who you are. I certainly am not going to play that game because I have a different opinion.
  2. 2 points
    The girls have their private section with a bad date list and I am of the opinion that's the way it should stay. There's a few scenarios I can think of where this could become a problem in one way or another. Like if a guy doesn't get a review from a girl that he thought had a good time with him, maybe he would feel slighted. Might even go so far as to bring it up to her the next time he sees her and then she feels obligated to write a "review" for him and everybody else out there. And there could be a lot of reasons why a sp wouldn't write a review like, they just don't have the time because they've had 8 or 9 clients from the board in a given week. I don't think too many guys here see 8 or 9 different girls a week and if there are those that do, they sure as hell don't have time to write reviews for every single one of them. Or perhaps the client was good only in the sense that he was respectful and left a tip. Just because he wasn't a bad date, doesn't mean he was a good one either. This is still a business and I'm sorry to be blunt here, but there's no doubt in my mind that some clients are only good because of the money they provide. Furthermore, this board also acts as a marketplace of sorts. The paying customers are here to find information and make comments about the service they have received. As in any other business, it makes no sense for the entrepreneurs providing said service to openly display favouritism towards specific customers, since that could possibly hurt their business with those they are not getting the same respect. My two cents...
  3. 2 points
    Then I hope you never ask for a pic or download pics from their website or add their website to your favorites cause the same could be said what if you got raided for something, her information got out and her family and friends found out about it. This is an anonymous board who guaranties these ladies that you are not in some sort of trouble with the law and that you are not putting them at risk??? There are over 15000 CERB mebers certainly not everyone is beyond reproche. Do you have any stats to show how dangerous it is and how often indy SPs got raided here in Canada and cops took the pics form their PC and exposed all her clients? This is not Hollywood. What about the risk these ladies are taking by posting albums here on CERB. It is OK for them???? Maybe we should ask mod to remove the album section, what do you think? Or is this another case of well she is an SP?????
  4. 2 points
    My two cents.. In an industry such as this, where DISCRETION is of the utmost importance, I'm baffled by this request? First, If safety is the concern, why would a pic help? A crazy man's not goning to care if he sends you a fake pic.. by the time you know its a fake he has the address/info.(ie: crazy guys will not be weeded out) If personal hygiene is your concern, a well placed " Let's take a shower" or "would you like to freshen up" will usually suffice. So to sum it up.. I'd say its not about either of those factors. This industry is well suited for women with depth of character and a love of men (of all shapes, sizes and ethnicity's) vanity and a "high opinion" of one-self will do you absolutely no good in the long run. I understand it is the personal choice of each sp, but in the end alienating half of your client base is just, bad business 101. Just my thoughts.. Kim.. (p.s. Most of my BEST sessions tend to begin, with the most timid and shy emails I receive..lol.. It's an intimadating thing, (contacting an escort) So I would say she's missing out on some great clients.. who DEPEND on DISCRETION) .
  5. 1 point
    Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Episode 3 of my Journey of 43. I had a particularly frustrating morning meeting after an equally frustrating evening and decided I needed some "tension release". I called my favorite MP but she was busy during the time I had available so I decided to TOFTT and try someone new at a place I had never visited. While Lamora's Spa had been well reviewed in the past, I personally had never visited. I called as I was driving by and luckily there was an appointment available within 15 minutes. I booked it. Parked near the Spa because I missed their entrance and there were three accidents within three blocks - Walkey, Alta Vista, Bank is one of the worst intersections in Ottawa. I was met by Taylor, friendly, $40 for 45 minute massage. Shown to a room, told to get comfortable and she would be back. I waited for a couple of minutes and she returned. Oil or powder - opted for oil. The massage was about 20 minutes, a little mechanical but hey, I am a stranger off the street. Taylor is cute, has pagan tattoos, nice b-cup breasts, a round bottom, not a spinner but curvy in the right places. One thing I really liked is that she is a smart-ass, there was little small talk at first but when she asked if there was anything else to be massaged, I took that as my cue for extras - menu is pretty straight forward, HJ - clothed, topless or buff. I opted for the latter at $100 She warmed right up, big smile, great hands - really great hands. My tension was taken care off. There was some good talking and connecting. I feel that she was a little nervous at first but opened right up once she understood that I understood what type of massage place this was. Perhaps I should have been more open to start with but, like I said, first time and I tend to be a little shy at first. Would I revisit - yes. Do I recommend Taylor - yes. Is she for everyone - of course not. She is a little edgy (which I like) she is quick with the comebacks which may throw guys some off. Overall, a very well spent 45 minutes that produced the effect I was looking for.
  6. 1 point
    I saw Roxxy from Pk last night and had a great time, This girl seems new to the Biz and is very young. She has the perfect little body that had me drooling the moment I walk in the room. She was easy to talk too and we had a connection, She provide's a safe gfe experance. Only made a Half hour appt and next time will stay longer. This girl is a real sweetheart.
  7. 1 point
    It is always a treat to go for training duos at CMJ. You get to see a new face and one of your favourites. Today I booked a training session with Suri and the lovely and talented Jasmin. Started out with a shower with Jasmin, which is always a treat, and went a long way to warming me up from the very cold weather. Then it was back to the room to meet the very lovely Suri standing there in all her glory, the way Mother Nature made her, and Mother Nature did an outstanding job. She was described on the website as adorable and that is an understatement, a petite little vietnamese woman with beautiful dark eyes, and an absolutely incredible smile. She has a petite lean body well proportioned, that is definitely all woman. I think the description that she is 5'4" may be a bit off as I had to reach up and help her get the shower handle off its holder. (Maybe she was in heels when she measured.) However that is fine for me because I am not a giant by any means. You could tell she was a bit shy at first, but she got into it right away. For the first part of the massage her touch was a bit light for me, but after I turned over, my goodness, the lady has magical hands. The fact I got to lay back and see her, and Jasmin was a sensual overload. She just exudes sensuality, and that smile is so beautiful. I finished up with Suri helping me clean up before heading back into the cold Ottawa afternoon. As I have been saying after almost every review, Jasmin knows how to find the most amazing attendants, and I am going to have such a hard time deciding who I get to see when I need a little fun. Anyway.. Suri is definitely on my must see again list. She was definitely a wonderful treat for a cold winter afternoon.
  8. 1 point
    So I recently watched the award winning Zombie Strippers, LOL. Starring Jenna Jaimeson herself... Wow what an awesome movie, who knew you could mix soft- core porn and zombie's all in one movie. So it got me to a thinking, how amazing it would be to make a little Ottawa remake of this truly great master piece of a movie. Zombie Escorts Coming Soon... Every Newbie's worst nightmare, Ever wonder who's behind that door for the first time, These ladies love to take a bite out of you every time... You just might not make it back for a second visit...lol Starring... Painful Paige, Cut up Cat, and Ava spread 'n' dead. LOL Now I just need a camera, director, script writer, make up artist and male cast members...lol Any takers.... Please send all requests to Stiff One Flims...lol Kisses Spanks and Bites from Ottawa's Dead One Walking Paige...
  9. 1 point
    There is currently a separate ongoing thread discussing the merits of whether hobbiests should have their own secular "reputation points" system. I'm suspect that this is an issue easily resolved. However, I would be interested in a somewhat similiar discussion. Simply put,....from the SP's perspective..."What was your favourite experience?"...,"What makes/breaks the atmosphere for you during a session?"..." If the hobbiest looks like George Costanza but sings like Julio Iglassias....is that enough?" I think you know where I'm going with this....perhaps some of you talented, charming and lovely SP's could look upon this as an opportunity to ....."give us hobbiests a little direction and incentive".....either way..I think that it could be fun. I don't believe that any names need to be mentioned...but if the experience was shared....I'm sure the hobbiest would know who the SP was speaking of. 8-)8-)
  10. 1 point
    Hello everyone .. my name is Abby and im from the UK Myself and my friend Sienna who is Irish, are looking to come over to your beautiful country for a working holiday :-P in April or May Any advice on where to tour, where best to advertise etc would be most welcome Im a mature brunette ... check my pics & read my reviews on the following two links http://www.irishindependentescorts.com/escorts/touring/abby02.html http://www.irishindependentescorts.com/reviews/search_reviews.php and advice & feedback as i said would be most welcome many thanks Abby xxx
  11. 1 point
    Just to let you know FourPlay has returned for its 3rd season on Team1200. Todays topic was getting your woman off with a new couple toy. That both stimulates the woman's G-spot and Clit at the same time. It is called the QuiVibe. it was invented by an Ottawa couple who were laid off by Nortel. Myself I hope to buy one for my favorite sp's this toy in the future. Now only if they could invent a woman for a man. oops not so good for sp's. Lets pretend I didn't say that.:razz::boobies:
  12. 1 point
    E.D. man may have a point. (See below.) The MOD may have, with the very best of intentions, opened a rather large (and perhaps rather difficult to stew and cook to everyone's taste) kettle of fish with the new rep points system here. Personally, I don't care too much one way or the other. This web site is very useful, to a degree, for my personal requirements. I've been an eager participant herein in a number of ways here and enjoy when what’s happening on CERB is working and is fun as a forum for exchange about sexuality and sexual views at every level. However, we have to remember, I think, that it is after all, just a web site where (mostly) middle-aged and (mostly) middle-class clients who (mostly) have (IMHO) rather boring, rigid and fragile sex lives (I'm not saying I don't - lol), often just verbally rumble on about what great studs they are and try to make contact with and comment upon various (usually younger) women who are currently working in some aspect of the urban sex trade. As for rep, glad if some participants think my comments are useful or honest, which they are intended to be in both cases and I hope are, but I don't really care too much in the long run who gives or takes "rep points" from me, though I sincerely appreciate all those who've personally (mostly via PM) given me positive feedback here. My overall view, is that if, despite a great deal of work by MOD, as the whole "rep points" process, not matter how well-intended or potentially useful, seems to be upsetting to some members here, maybe it's time to drop "rep points" altogether, especially if some participants here place too high a value on what may be a rather uncertain and ephemeral system of, at-best, illusory esteem. Just my proverbial two-cents worth.
  13. 1 point
    sp's should have a section of thier own just to post the weirdo's that have gone to see them and then other sp's could check it
  14. 1 point
    Personally I think this to be brilliant idea. It would give the sp's a chance to see who is actually a good client overall and would increase the safety factor for them. Obviously for hobbyiest with good reputations this would make life much more interesting, but for those whose reputation is in question their hobbying would become very difficult. So I can see why some would be adament that this should not exist, but I think for the sp's themselves it would give them a chance to find out a bit more about the hobbyiest before they meet them.
  15. 1 point
    I think its safe to say that at least someone would disapprove in our lives if we shared this. I am fortunate that my mother knows and supports my decision. Which is such a relief in itself. I don't really have a relationship with the rest of my family, so I am not really concerned. Being and SP excites me, and lets me experience things that may have taken years to accomplish (i.e travelling) I get to meet great ppl, help them destress as well as destress myself. I get the freedom I like, and the intimacy I desire. I have a couple close friends that know, and they didn't seem that surprised that I would have tried it out...lol (they know I love life and all it has to offer to be closed minded) I am very lucky that I get to talk to them about it, and when outsiders comment on how innocent I look and act.... hehe we just look at one another and smile... Its nice to have our little secrets that no one else knows... I also like that I live a double life.. It makes it more exciting for me. When it comes to my professional side, I do believe that it would end a career that I love so much and worked so hard for. It would be very difficult if I lost it due to my SP life being revealed... however everything happens for a reason, and I am one tough cookie to let it drag me down for long. All in all, I am content with my decision to be naughty little minx and appreciate all things it has to offer! Thank you Gentlemen for being apart of this great experience and chapter in my life... I don't expect that it will end anytime soon!! xo
  16. 1 point
    For me, on the other side of the spectrum, I trade off being in a relationship (or actively looking or considering men for relationships) and decide to work instead. I love working in this hobby. It allows me to decide when I work, where I work PLUS it is soooo fun! But I would imagine it difficult for a guy to accept that his new girlfriend does this. I often meet interresting men, but I never let it go far emotionally because I am certain that they wouldn't want me in this, and right now in my life, I just don't want to give it up! I am addicted to the hobby and therefore stopping many wonderful possible relationships.
  17. 1 point
    I was surprised to see that the stats are in favor of this in light of all the negative posts to it? I agree with most of the posters here I dont think it would be a true representation of the "facts"... You know your are a good date When you contact your fav SP last minute spur of the moment and she says "Sure Hun I'll cancel a couple of apointments, and make time for you Hun! " ... Then you ask your self ..is she reslly that busy or is she just stroking me (ego) LOL Loki318
  18. 1 point
    I think it is a good idea and I would like to here postive reviews from service providers.:idea:
  19. 1 point
    Well Mod, you're the best, keep up the hard work! Chat is great, whether or not peeps know I'm female :)
  20. 1 point
    OK, I've been doing it for years. It started slowly when customers asked me to stick my (gloved) finger in their bums. That's when I realized how popular it is and decided I will offer it for a fee. I am an erotic masseuse and I can tell you 90% of men LOVES being teased around their bum area. Many love a finger in there, and a smaller percentage is absolutely crazy about it. It can range from just sticking a finger inside to a real finger-fucking, excuse my French :) I get the occasional customers who try it and don't like it, but that's why I warn people on my website so they know this is not everybody's cup of tea. And because it is still considered a taboo subject, many guys don't have the courage to ask for it or try it. Also, it needs experience, because if done incorrectly, it can hurt. Needs a lot of teasing, you have to prepare most guys. Of course, there are the ones who have used dildos or butt-plugs on themselves many times before and they are so into it that they don't need too much preparation. My job is to find out at what level they are. And, I have news for you. There are a lot more men then they would admit interested not only in prostate massage or strap-on, etc, but who admit TO ME, that they fantasize about being done by other guys. These guys are not gay, they are normal guys with a special interest ;) One thing I love about this job is that you learn so much about men's sexuality in the process.
  21. 1 point
    Works for me. I know they have their own area to post.. but still an interesting idea
  22. 1 point
    Personally I don't really care what anyone thinks about me being involved with this hobby. Most people have a secret in their closet that they don't want let out, so judging others would be very hypocritical. Myself, I don't want the restrictions of a relationship and enjoy meeting new women as much as possible. That is why I'm a hobbyiest, and that is why I am not concerned in any way, shape or form as to what others think of myself and how I conduct my life.
  23. 1 point
    This summer will be 15 years??? My Cerb join date is Nov 2005
  24. 1 point
    This can be done sweetie!! ;) I am thinking lab coat with red fishnets!!! hmmmm now I got myself going...lol
  25. 1 point
    Yes but the Wevibe can be used while having intercourse with your woman. I think the WeVibe can stimulate the woman's g-spot and clit and mans penis at the same time. it was invented as a couples toy. just not single use by the woman. And Four Play show is one of the best shows I've heard. They are all volunteers and not paid. Charlie being the hottest of them and N.J. is pretty hot. Can't comment on Roxy , she looks to much like my 1st gf. I have appeared on Four Play myself as the man in the hotseat.:smile::twisted:8-)
  26. 1 point
    I have been thinking about making this post for a while, a long while actually! A couple of months back, ( see what I mean by a while! ), on a very quiet Saturday, I decided to see who was available and was not getting anywhere. So I figure, what the hell, I'll call PK and see who is working. They answer the phone and let me know the only lady available is Nathalia, "would you like to see her?". I'm thinking at this point, the night isn't going exactly as planned here. So I ask them a few questions and figure why not. At this point I wasn't sure what to think, as I couldn't find any reviews on her anywhere. I'm the adventurous type, and they promised me there would be no way I'd be disappointed, so I figure why not! I get there, knock on the door and was greated by a very deep warm kiss by this very attractive blonde with gorgeous blue eyes!! We introduce ourselves to each other and sit down on the bed for a bit and start chatting. I always want to chat with an sp for a bit to get a feel for their personality so I know if we are going to hit it off or not. After a bit of talking, and stealing the odd deep kiss, the fun begins!!! After stripping down, I realize this woman has one fantastic body!!! If you are looking for the 19 year old spinner, then keep moving. Nathalia is a very hot MILF, with a very sexy body on her!!! I have no idea how old she is, but man, she stays in very good shape As I always tell everyone, it's YMMV. How you treat a woman will always dictate how much milage you will recieve. I can say this, it was a wild two hours with her, Nathalia knows what she is doing and makes you feel extremely comfortable with her the entire time. This woman is an absolute gem, would I repeat, ABSOLUTELY!!! She had disappeared for a while and I have seen her add elsewhere that she is now back. Can't wait to see here again soon
  27. 1 point
    I believe there's a new one in Victoria "Discreet Liasons" which seems to be run by a well known sp. There is also a co-op in Winnipeg featuring 4 well respected and reviewed women. I can't comment on the business practices of either but IMHO in theory they should be better run and would get my business were I so inclined.
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