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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/09 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Don't worry about the rep points. I learnt that myself. Some long time members here have little or none, and some newbie members on here have more than 50 and are trusted members. Just be yourself and post as you want. Treat everyone on here with respect, and you will be fine.
  2. 4 points
    I honestly think if people would take some time and think what a typical week may look like for an SP or an MA, they would realize these ladies are not machines, they need sleep like all of us and the last thing they need to spend time on is writing clients reviews/recommendations. In addtion to the great comments already made about the fairness of such recomendation, I prefer the ladies spend time on getting ready which I know for some ladies can be 1 to 2 hours before an appointment rather then be at a computer writing reviews. How would one feel if they showed up for an appointment and the lady's hair are all messy and she said sorry but I had to take time to write my recommendations. Anyone that has had a wife or girlfriend knows how much time a lady takes and how much effort she puts in to getting ready to go out. Well surprise but many SPs/MAs also spend lots of time getting ready to host a client or meet for an outcall. For some, it starts early in the morning, with the bath/shower and doing the hair. If they have fairly long hair, it could take a while to dry. Then you have doing the nails, maybe it is the day they need to shave, select different clothes to wear, oh and by the way maybe wash all the clothes she wore the day before and the towels she used for shower, then find some time to look at the numerous e-mails they received and try to answer them all, although some are simply from curious people who have no intention on seeing the lady. Of course meet the clients for the appointment and I don't think anyone would want them to take a break to write a recomendation while they are with the lady, then update their ads and announcements. If they are a CERB member then answer the request they get via PMs, althought many of them do say not to book via PMs, but out of over 15000 CERB members I guess some of us can't read. If they have a website then they need to ensure it is kept up to date especially if they have a calendar. Now this is just a few of the things that they need to do just for meeting clients and I am sure the ladies could add to the list. Now lets talk about personal life. SPs/MAs actually do have family and friends. Like us they have family commitments. Dinner at the parents place, friends birthday party and so on. Many in the biz, go to school or have other employment or both, Mid term exams coming up soon or university assignment which can be time consuming, some have their own vehicle so like us there is the go get the oil change (the car), renew drivers license, registration, insurance and get the vehicle inspected. Pay all the bills, rent and so on. Some have pets, and when pets get sick they end up spending numerous hours at the vet. Oh and don't forget getiing sick themselves. Yes they are human and do get sick like the rest of us. So some more free time spent at the doctor. Also many do get regualr check up again more hours taken off from the day. And the list goes on but hopefully I have made my point and don't need to add to it. I have been in this business for a long time and I never needed a recommendation to see an SP or MA. That is because I learned a long time ago that being with these ladies is not only about me and my own needs but knowing they have feeling too and treating them with the respect they deserve. I have never had an SP/MA tell me don't come back and I must say it is quite the contrary. That is not because I am better then the next guy, and I am certainly not going to compete for the next mister universe, that is because I want the GFE experience and in return I treat them the same way I would treat a girlfriend. So if I have my choice between having the ladies write recommendations and spending the extra time to make sure I feel special the choice is easy. And if everyone would take a few minutes out of their busy day to just think what a typical week may be like for these ladies, well I guess we would not need this tread. P.s. For those who might get offended by my not agreeing with them and do like they have done to others make sure I get negative rep points, go right ahead if it pleases you. I guess you probably know who you are. I certainly am not going to play that game because I have a different opinion.
  3. 3 points
    I just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you to all the ladies out there for all that you do. You've enhanced my life (and I'm sure countless others) in so many ways... It's very much appreciated!
  4. 3 points
    i like getting to know my clients. Through email letters,calls, chatting or even just here on the board. Reading what people have to say is a great way to get to know someone. As far as greatest experiences i have had many and i'm sure i will have many more. Can i say one was better then another well sure i can but will i.....not a chance...lmao As for looks the truth is i can see beauty in everyone. Everyone has something special to offer another person. Maybe its the way they smile.their laughter,their sexuality or their brains...but everyone has something. May sound like bs but people who know me know i have a big heart....unless you are closed minded...lmao kisses, Emma
  5. 3 points
    Shall I be the first sp to comment? I didn?t read this entire thread just skimmed through it and everyone has good points. Just to let you know there are several boards for sp?s only in which we can verify men and also make comments on them which is for safety only, not to give details about his performance. The things that are usually noted are ?shows up on time as scheduled? and other important info that is necessary for this business. These sites are mostly in the USA but many Canadians also use them. I use them because I do occasionally work in the USA when I travel and I have many American clients who come up here. P411 is a good example here is a link http://www.preferred411.com. A clients first and last name, his phone number and occupation are listed. This way you don?t get any problems and if a guy is a problem everyone knows about it and he is stopped quickly before he can hurt anyone else, it also helps with no shows cause then if he screws up others will be hesitant to book him and if he doesn?t want to lose his good name then he will treat you with respect. this is more so needed in the USA because of the danger as escorting is more under ground there hence it being illegal. Since you can walk into a massage parlor here it isn?t needed so much. Men in the USA know to book escorts they need to give their info and they don?t have a problem with this. Anyways this was just to inform you that there are some systems set up incase you weren?t aware. I hope that made sense as I have a sinus headache. I wrote a review here once I think it may be in the fat bastard comedy section. :) Haven?t heard much from them lately maybe their agency folded.
  6. 2 points
    I think this system is interesting, but can cause damge to a persons rep. Calling people out on threads cause conflictsas I read on a thread by E.d. man. If you disagree with a person, you are going to give that person a negative rep point, and if you agree with that person your going to give them a postive rep point. As a new member I am affraid of the conflict this will cause and may make me affraid of posting on threads.:?: And alot of the people on here have great insight.:?:
  7. 2 points
    Rep points are like CT money - nice to have but not the real thing. If she smiles at me, is pleased to see me, remembers me and we click again - *that* counts!
  8. 1 point
    I took one for the team. I reponded to an ad from CL this morning. She said it was a bad week and only HJ's and BJ's were available. I really wasn't too sure at first who I would run into. I was thinking as I got to the house, if this is an old hag, I'm leaving and not paying as soon as she opens the door. Got there, pleasantly surprised. She has a room in an old house and wants to move to something different. For those of you that have seen Bambi, I'd say about the same type of accomodation - smaller but cleaner. Crystal is about 5'5, maybe 120 -125. 20 years old. Non-rushed, will repeat. Is open to suggestions, beautiful breasts. Nice body, no stretch marks. Nice eyes, teeth and hygiene. Sweetie Hopefully she will put an ad up. I have asked her to. Rates will be good. Enjoy, treat her well. I think she will become a favorite. Lets get her enough business to get a decent apartment. TRman
  9. 1 point
    Had an odd experience this week in Halifax. When my first choice plan fell through I took a flyer and texted this girl (PM me for name) to see if she was still around. She replied right away and said she could be at my hotel by midnight. So I'm thinking this is great, the night is saved. So I text back and ask to confirm her rate and if she is gfe msog, no reply. Next she texted to say that she was in front of the hotel and I reply asking if she got my questions. She replied that she did not, so I sent them again. She then asked "what's your room number again?" even though I had never given it to her. I asked her again to answer my questions and offer to call her if she's not comfortable texting that info, no reply. So I call her twice and she won't pickup, even though she says she's in the lobby cooling her heals. In the end she never answered or texted to confirm her service and rate and I never heard anymore from her. I don't know about the other guys on here, but there's no way I'm giving my room number to an sp who won't, at the least, confirm her rate in advance. Just makes me wonder what question she didn't want to answer. It stunk to high heaven to me and I'm happy to still have my cash in my pocket for my trip to Montreal next week.
  10. 1 point
    There is currently a separate ongoing thread discussing the merits of whether hobbiests should have their own secular "reputation points" system. I'm suspect that this is an issue easily resolved. However, I would be interested in a somewhat similiar discussion. Simply put,....from the SP's perspective..."What was your favourite experience?"...,"What makes/breaks the atmosphere for you during a session?"..." If the hobbiest looks like George Costanza but sings like Julio Iglassias....is that enough?" I think you know where I'm going with this....perhaps some of you talented, charming and lovely SP's could look upon this as an opportunity to ....."give us hobbiests a little direction and incentive".....either way..I think that it could be fun. I don't believe that any names need to be mentioned...but if the experience was shared....I'm sure the hobbiest would know who the SP was speaking of. 8-)8-)
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Good points KK. And what if she was single and had nothing booked for the next two hours? If she thought you were a jerk, you'd still be gone after one. lol
  13. 1 point
    Just wanted to say her massage technique is improving and I would expect it to keep improving. It's still more of a soft kneading but enjoyable in it's own way. She's still an adorable lil pixie but she's cut her hair since her picture was taken. Not that it affects anything but some guys like to know things like that. A great girl ......
  14. 1 point
    Actually, Brandi, here's a great example of disagreement without being inappropriate. I disagree with inapparopriate being the same as disagreement! :-) But the way you expressed yourself was not in any kind of inappropriate manner. Another example: say you posted "Sex with men is fun!". Again, I would disagree personally :-), but that is a perfectly appropriate post, so I shouldn't be adding "Disapprove" rep points.
  15. 1 point
    I think your name should always show up, it makes cerb members accountable when giving rep points to anyone.
  16. 1 point
    I have to agree with Emma, each client engagement is different and unique. Some are better than others but there is not one that is best and there is not one that is worst... well... hmmm... there are a few that might qualify for worst... :roll:. Anyway, the point is that just like dating it's really about the personal connection and getting to know each other, when you do that you find that there isn't a magic formula that makes it work or not it's just two people having fun. So no Emma it doesn't sound like BS to me but then what do I know, I gave up on "tinkin" today. ;) Kyra
  17. 1 point
    It sounds like there's confusion over what the rep points represent. As Cumquat said above, the points should be about recognizing quality content or chastising inappropriate content, and not about whether or not you agree with the post. In this vein, perhaps part of the problem is the wording on the form. Approve/Disapprove will sound a lot like Agree/Disagree, especially to less experienced users...I've done some work on user interfaces, and it always amazes me how hard people work at ignoring instructions... :-) Perhaps the wording on the form could be changed to something along the lines of "High Quality Content"/"Inappropriate Content" (or something to that effect)?
  18. 1 point
    I am seeing problems with the rep system already. My preference would be that you can only get positive rep and whether or not it's hidden wouldn't matter. Kinda sticks with the principle of the board in the first place - no negative reviews, only recommendations. If I disapprove with what somebody says, I'll either make a counter point in the thread or just ignore it altogether. Seems reasonable to me. The way it is now, I've seen someone go back to a week old thread that hadn't been bumped, gave me a disapproval for a simple difference of opinion on a subject that had nothing to do with the industry, and then not a day later complained about people doing the same to him. I could be a dick and go back to counter disapprove, but that's pretty infantile ;) I won't poo-poo the concept as a whole, but by the time someone new figures out what those 'power' bars are next to their name, they'll probably have read enough posts to realize whose opinion is worth a lick of salt anyhow. The vast majority of regular posters continually have some fantastic input, and there's only the odd few I don't care much for what they have to say, so I pay them no mind. And having a billion rep points won't change that either...
  19. 1 point
    My most memorable session was with a much older gentleman who didn't rush, had the envelope upfront, and we clicked instantly. Much of what an ideal date with me would describe on my website was pretty much to a T of what our session was like. He wasn't the best looking, nor the highest paying, but he was very very respectful, sensual and generally nice.
  20. 1 point
    omg..i can breath again....the sweating has stopped and the shakes are gone..... kissing the puter..lmao Emma
  21. 1 point
    E.D. man may have a point. (See below.) The MOD may have, with the very best of intentions, opened a rather large (and perhaps rather difficult to stew and cook to everyone's taste) kettle of fish with the new rep points system here. Personally, I don't care too much one way or the other. This web site is very useful, to a degree, for my personal requirements. I've been an eager participant herein in a number of ways here and enjoy when what’s happening on CERB is working and is fun as a forum for exchange about sexuality and sexual views at every level. However, we have to remember, I think, that it is after all, just a web site where (mostly) middle-aged and (mostly) middle-class clients who (mostly) have (IMHO) rather boring, rigid and fragile sex lives (I'm not saying I don't - lol), often just verbally rumble on about what great studs they are and try to make contact with and comment upon various (usually younger) women who are currently working in some aspect of the urban sex trade. As for rep, glad if some participants think my comments are useful or honest, which they are intended to be in both cases and I hope are, but I don't really care too much in the long run who gives or takes "rep points" from me, though I sincerely appreciate all those who've personally (mostly via PM) given me positive feedback here. My overall view, is that if, despite a great deal of work by MOD, as the whole "rep points" process, not matter how well-intended or potentially useful, seems to be upsetting to some members here, maybe it's time to drop "rep points" altogether, especially if some participants here place too high a value on what may be a rather uncertain and ephemeral system of, at-best, illusory esteem. Just my proverbial two-cents worth.
  22. 1 point
    maybe she had a bad client before and want to make sure she don't get him back because thier are some weirdo's out their and their even on cerb just listen to some of the girls they'll tell you
  23. 1 point
    Advance booking resulting in having to cancel I know that having to cancel bothers the hell out of me. I have had a couple of instances where i have made advanced bookings only to have to regrettably cancel scheduled visits. 1) Having my plans changed by family 2) Coming down with the flu In both instances I have provided at least one days notice in hopes to not have the provider suffer any monetary loss. I feel this is the honourable thing to do.
  24. 1 point
    I believe she is an active member here -- Try sending her a pm. Posted via Mobile Device
  25. 1 point
    very true skater....i don't think any of us sp's would get much business if we didn't have our pictures out there. although i never ask for pics i certainly do have my share sent to me....sometimes pictures of the wrong head though...lol kisses, Emma A
  26. 1 point
    I recently contacted an SP via telephone to set up an appointment. She was kind enough to inform me before hand that she had her monthly visitor at the time. It's just common courtesy in my opinion.
  27. 1 point
    O No, looks like I'm gonna be in trouble, again lol as I just PM'ed you (mod) on an obvious error where someone definately meant to give someone else the negative rep but Zapped me with it. Then I see the warning above not to PM you about it. OOPSee, sorry. Having said that, you may want to consider it currently taking just ONE bad reputation point (from someone with an extremely high weight, this is complicated) being given to a person before the message "JustJack is not trusted at this time by other members here". How crazy is that? lol. Maybe it could be adjust to a max of atleast 5 negative reputation points? Haveing reread the whole thread and understand the "weighting" system perhaps the system is OK, its just that I got smucked by an error (IMO) by someone with "godlike" reputation and now I'm branded as unreputable, which is crazy, again, IMO. I feel like a smuck lol. I really hope my rep gets fixed. I've worked really hard to learn and abide by the Mod's rules so I'm really hoping that part of the system gets changed and I'm hoping the Mod reads my PM as it was an obvious error that lead to my negative rep and I outlined the error in detail in the PM. Thanks
  28. 1 point
    so is there rep point instructions? This would be handy. if you give or take away points do you lose points? in user cp if there is a grey bar and no comment is that a negative point? Can you please put my points back? ha ha I do not like this rep point system, do i dare say that or will i get points deducted, lol
  29. 1 point
    The answer is yes, definitely, I would want to know, but if this is a possibility I would try to address this issue ahead of time by providing enough of a written description to eliminate any possibility of that unfortunate event arising. As I'm from the US and only visit Ottawa on business, that should be satisfactory.
  30. 1 point
    Thats rediculous, good time to either say no, and/or show them the door. Theses ladies deserve respect, as thats what they give.
  31. 1 point
    I know a few ladies that work (worked there) It is located downtown and not very private to get to but they do have a great selection of ladies and you get to go in and meet them all before paying the door fee, so if theres noone that peeks your interest you can just leave simple as that. The fees can be a little steep but if you see the right girl it is money well spent. They also do outcalls if your looking to be more discreet (most only go to upscale hotels) If you decide to go check it out I would say see Jade shes got a great toned slim body, tall, short dark hair, a great ass and beautiful smile I am also a lil biased cause shes one of my best friends ;) But...I've seen her in action and trust me she's hot!!!
  32. 1 point
    seeing as I am the one posting this, you should all know by now about these parties....if u don't know...well....u must be a newb and u should probly PM me if the idea of sharing me with other horny guys like urself interests you. Or you can simply click here to see an archived thread on the topic. That being said, who's up for a lil GB action, say, next weekend? I can count the restrictions one only one hand, and i still got some spare fingers too....Any questions please PM me cuz i feel like many of the questions that could (and would) arise are not quite "acceptable" to everyone...then again, i wouldnt be me if i wasn't all about taboo subjects! PS - Mod; I am absolutely IN LOVE with the new thread icons.....this BBBJ+COF emoticon is to die for.
  33. 1 point
    Cat as usual you hit the nail on the head :D As I mentioned before I always leave a nice tip especially if the girls are good to me and give me the true gfe. For a single girl I tip a minimum of one brown and that is after the session if she is good. If she is so so it will be smaller maybe a green or two. For duos I tip a minimum of one pink a girl. I also like to bring gifts but normally if it is a girl I see regularly especially an indie I take her out lingerei shopping or for perfume, things that are expensive for them, and that stuff is expensive, that is how I show my appreciation, plus as cat say from a financial perspective thats a couple of browns the girl doesn't have to spend herself, plus I find most girls really enjoy a man taking them shopping. Just my 2 cents worth.
  34. 1 point
    My clients generally contact me via email, I have a blackberry and can answer all messages pretty quickly, some weekends if I am out of town I tend to be a bit longer, but usually answer withing at least 24hours... If you prefer I can give you my number after contacting me via email, but I prefer to keep this private as I barely answer it anyway, always in session or other awkward to talk places... Please go to my website and read carefully to make sure we are both on the same page then email me... if you dare, lol... My website is http://sweetestmassage.googlepages.com I am leaving this Sunday the 8th and not back until the 2nd of July, hope to see all my sexies before I go, if not then when I get back for sure! Bethany Xoxox
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