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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/09 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I'll probably get flamed for commenting on this, but I've been in the business since the 1970s, and I must confess that I don't always get the rationale behind some SPs policies. I agree, if a guy's breath is bad or he has an open coldsore, an SP isn't going to want to kiss him -- but she should make her reasons clear up front, and professionally give him the option to cancel without penalty. If she doesn't want to hurt his feelings, she can always make some other excuse to pass -- but don't take his money if you can't give him the services he's looking for. I do bbbj, although I will use a condom if requested. (I find it unpleasant, though.) I have been lectured by others on this, and yet I can't help but notice that they insist on condoms for customers, yet will fall into bed with some character they met at a club just hours before, often not bothering with any condom for oral. I have a friend who insists on condoms for oral, and yet, she makes exceptions if a guy is particularly "hot." There are two clients I'm thinking of that we've both seen regularly. One is "hot," the other is not. She doesn't use a condom with the hot one, and does with the not one. And yet, she knows neither use condoms for bj with me. So how exactly does that make sense? This is one of the big problems with STDs. We tend to demonize them and the people who get them. But really, they're no different (from a disease perspective) from any other contagious disease. The only difference with STDs is the "shame factor" -- and much of this stems from the "infidelity factor." I'm married, and my husband knows what I do. So if I had to go home and tell him that I got the clap, it wouldn't be any different than if I had to go home and tell him I got strep throat or chicken pox. Because we don't consider my work "cheating" and because I haven't lied to him about anything, we would only worry about the actual disease part of it. But for someone who is married, if he had to tell his partner that she needed to be tested/treated for a disease, then not only would they have to deal with the disease, but also the breach of trust. This whole demonization of STDs is particularly sad when it comes to young people. Because STDs are "bad" "dirty" contagious diseases, I think many young people are left thinking that only bad dirty mean people will give them to you. That wonderful, desirable, sexy person who seems to be crazy about you and wants you to meet his or her mom wouldn't/couldn't give you an STD, could they?? (or get you pregnant, for that matter) The truth is that STDs are no more and in some cases less prevalent among prostitutes and johns than the general public. Why is this so? I suspect because we are sangfroid, dispassionate about our risks. Most of us (but not all apparently) make informed decisions not affected by things like love or trust. I also believe that most people exaggerate the frequency of their testing. There are a couple considerations here: 1) The overwhelming majority of people infected with an STD are asymptomatic. Some of us may be more confident than we should be. I'll take a risk here and state for the record that, if nothing else, I'm sure I've been thoroughly exposed to HSV-1, the virus that causes coldsores. I've never had a cold sore, though! 2) A test is a lot like a snapshot. You can test negative at 2 PM on Friday, and pick something up on your way home from the clinic. 3) The consequences of an STD infection are not the same for all people. As I've already stated, if I had reason to believe I'd acquired an STD, it wouldn't be any more serious than acquiring a non-sexually transmitted contagious disease with a similar prognosis around my house. I've had many people lecture me about the importance of their wives not finding out or of *my* possibly infecting innocent unsuspecting wives -- but I don't even know these people. I did not take any vow to them, nor have I ever given them any assurances. Husbands must take active measures to protect their own partners, if they are still sexually active with them. Taking the above into consideration, one really needs to decide for oneself what his or her policies should be. Respect others and never pressure anyone to do anything he or she isn't comfortable with. As for SPs taking swipes at one another, sadly, yes, I can attest that it's true. Business hasn't been great lately, and people are starting to get nervous. One of my friends has made numerous comments suggesting that she thinks I'm getting more business because I give bbbj -- but as we see here on this board, there are as many guys who will avoid an SP who provides this service as will go with one. And besides, it's a silly point since I mostly work with regular clientele, some of whom have been coming back to me for ages -- I've been in Ottawa since 1989, and I have clients I've been seeing regularly here since then! She takes many new clients, but I don't -- and I have strong age and other preferences that limit me as well, that she isn't saddled with. Times are simply tough, and she's looking for someone to blame. And just last month, someone reported some of the pics on my site that were being hosted by Picasa, and google removed them. I believe this was another SP (although probably not one I know -- I hope not, anyway!). The pics removed certainly weren't obscene, there wasn't even any full nudity, and similar or more erotic ones weren't flagged. I suppose it could have just been some troll, but it smacks of another SP. I also find that any ad I've ever placed on has been quickly flagged, even though I've never posted anything that violates the terms of use, and ads which are in obvious violation are allowed to stand. For about a year, there was some crazy chick who used to get her dumber-than-a-post boyfriend to call me up and make rude remarks, and when that didn't work, she'd grab the phone and start screaming that I was old and when was I going to retire? (I tell her "when people stop making appointments, of course!" ;-) ) I think we are in for a bit of a rough go with the economy over the next year or so. Gas prices last summer ate into the play money for most of us. Many of my clients are seniors and have been in shock since about mid-September. Recently, I'm starting to hear that some of my younger clients are getting laid-off. That not withstanding, right now, I think a large part of what we're dealing with is psychology -- not economy. There will be those who react to this without grace or integrity -- but we're all adults and we know it when we see it. I recommend just ignoring it. ..c..
  2. 2 points
    Simply nothing. As far as I am concerned SP/MP is a line of work and you don't judge people by what they do. What is inportant is who they are.
  3. 1 point
    One beautiful fall afternoon in NYC i was out and about ...i just love walking throught the streets there. I was in time square and the afternoon was fast turning into evening.... i'm a pretty fast walker especially there....i was not paying attention and missed my street back to my hotel...upon realizeing this i turned quickly and bumped into this very tall handsome man....i made my apologies and started on my way again...i hear "wait,excuse me". i turn to see if he wa speaking to me...he says" i'm not weird or anything and ummmmm welll i have a confession to make". I'm thinking ...ooo oh this is a weird handsome stranger and as i'm about to leave again he says..."i have been following you". Ok this would normally freak even me out and make me run like hell but i didn't have that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach saying danger danger. So i say "why?" he replies "i love your look....you look so beautiful and so nice". hmmmm i'm thinking..he does have this great accent and he certainly is beautiful to look at..so we start walking and talking and my thoughts were right... he is just a lonely guy new to the city....i eventually invite him to my hotel room...he's certainly not thinking sex....{Germans are weird that way...kind of shy...well maybe thats just the ones i have met}lol So i offer him a drink and tell him to take off his coat since by this time we have already been in the room 20mins... Sometimes when people are very quiet and i don't know what their thinking i get nervous and then i do what i do best...attack...lol i saunter over to him and sit on his lap...my legs spread on either side of him so my skirt rises to almost crotch level.. i look at him for a sec or 2 and realize hes very nervous...lol...that just makes me more naughty...i start kissing him softly then more egerly....i am so aroused by his innocence{maybe he's pretending} that i can't take this silliness much longer... i ask him to get up...he looks at me kind of strange as he doesn't know if he did something wrong or not...he stands...i push him on the bed,undo his zipper and start sucking him....he i'm sure was not expecting this....i look up to see his face and its beet red...lol... i wiggle down his jeans...and without taking anything else off him nor i, i start riding him.... finally he gives in and switches places....he manages to release my breasts and start sucking as hard as hes fu**ing me....fast....and to the point...and very passionate....it was over quit quickly but it was damn hot.... kisses, Emma
  4. 1 point
    We never know what's going on in someone else's relationship, so I'd stay out of this. And, as has been pointed out already, being a provider is a job, it's not the sum total of who any of us are. Much more important to me is whether I see that a relationship is abusive. I would say something about that, right away.
  5. 1 point
    I care for my kids or friends and I only want to see good things happen for them. I've seen friends suffer through wierd & abusive relationships with non-SPs. Ultimately, I guess the question boils down to how I rationalize my own prejudice and bias. Are there personal risks to seeing an SP from that of let's say, an Accountant? Are you willing to accept the risk that you may lose friends or have to be less than up-front when you introduce your SP SO to friends. Would I interfere - NO! It's none of my business. Wouldn't it be more than a little awkward if I were a customer though?
  6. 1 point
    This is one of the hottest things that happened to me.....just one...there are many.....hope you enjoy! Sitting in my room early one morning responding to my emails a soft knock comes to the door... i hear a male voice" house keeping". i'm thinking maid service...a man...male service...lol confused i open the door....the gent is dressed definitely in the hotel garb so i let him in... he says"hello miss i'm here to do your room" i shrug and say, "ok as long as you don't mind me here i have to some work to finish". He says's "thats fine", and goes about his business.. a few mins later he starts some small talk while i'm sitting at my computer....the small talk soon turns into talk about my boobs... "may i say miss you have great breasts".... i'm thinking....damn this dude could get into a lot of shit if he wasn't so cute... i reply..."ummm thanks". he continues on about how much he love big breasts and his wife has little ones... so i ofter him a peek... he comes over slowly looks at me and asks if i'm sure... i undo one button... he looks down and reaches for the others b4 i know it hes sucking and licking them.. my head goes back...this is so hot and so wrong... but damn it feels so good he looks up at me AGAIN WITH HIS HANDS ON MY skirt "may i?" hes asks damn...yes yes please do i'm thinking..and just spread my legs a little to let him see i wasn't wearing any panties and i certainly wanted him there. i push out on the chair more so he can access my pussy better and his nice strong tongue devours me...i m moaning and playing with my nipples as he licks my wet pussy and inserts a finger or 2... we are both hornier then hell our hearts pumping faster{as mine is now recalling it} he starts to freak a little saying "please don't tell my boss" ..etc i tell him to shut up and i stand up he almost falls on his ass...lol i tell him to take out his cock...its a great size and so nice and hard.... i start sucking him until hes about to explode.. i tell him no he has to fuck me now. i bend over the bed...and hes instantly inside my wet pussy....fucking me so good...all the time saying please don't tell...lol finally he explodes inside me....i cum at the same time.....so fucking hot i never seen him again.....i often wonder who he really was....was he really the house keeper...lol --
  7. 1 point
    Ava Darling, you should not ask these questions this early in the day, especially when I have not had any sleep yet. :razz:. Yes, I am being a smart ass. In terms of the friend aspect, I think a lot of guys would secretly or openly support their male friend in this scenario. Perhaps because they somehow get to live vicariously through their friend. Does not every guy want to 'get with' an exotic sexually liberated woman? I think what could could come into play with the brother or son aspect are cultural as well as social factors (where depending on upbringing, independence, environment) might introduce elements of double standards. Most of society still frowns upon people involved in the sex entertainment industry and consequently still stereotype. General statement, whether we admit it or not, we all exhibit some form of double standard as far as this hobby goes. My personal moto is live and let live so I will not meddle in anyone's affairs, but that's just me. I don't want to ramble so I'll stop here. I think my previous statement is my final answer.
  8. 1 point
    I have all the time in the world to respond it seems these days, but thats neither here nor there. Some of things that I would like to try out, once or maybe twice if its that good: In the back of a car Outdoors in a grassy meadow Gang bang Parking Garage/Elevator (Taking chances on getting caught) Guess I am a bit of an exhibitionist or a naughty side that is mainly Vanilla?
  9. 1 point
    Your a poet bet you didn't even know it :p I have another story too thats more kinda fantasy/funny and more is something that happend to me. I recently obtained my first strap on of course Ive been dying to try this puppy out but have had no voulnteers yet :( (hehe can't really blame them I am feisty enough as a sub maybe switching the roles and giving me the power might not be safe) So finally after telling this story to a good friend she thought she would help me out. The next night I hear a knock at the door, I found a sexy female blow up doll on my porch with a note attached to her kitty saying Practice on me!! Of course I had to take a few xxx pics just for her! Ive never laughed so hard and No I will not share those pics lol. But I am still looking for volunteers ;) hehehe
  10. 1 point
    Angela Aurora said it best: little mouth action and you're good to go. I find that when I have gents who lose their erection, it's not the condom, it's usually them overthinking things and in that case, nothing I can do can fix it.
  11. 1 point
    I agree with you 100% on this Paige. This will help prevent any members from acting with malicious intent. It'll keep the rep points honest and fair.
  12. 1 point
    I saw her a couple weeks ago and she is in her 50's but has a nice tight body ... very weird for me becasue I am into spinners! she suck my cock like a superstar then she asked me to fuck her ... I did her doggie style and loved her tight shallow pussy (hit the back wall every stroke). I never recomended her becasue of the misleading pics.
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