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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/09 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I'll probably get flamed for commenting on this, but I've been in the business since the 1970s, and I must confess that I don't always get the rationale behind some SPs policies. I agree, if a guy's breath is bad or he has an open coldsore, an SP isn't going to want to kiss him -- but she should make her reasons clear up front, and professionally give him the option to cancel without penalty. If she doesn't want to hurt his feelings, she can always make some other excuse to pass -- but don't take his money if you can't give him the services he's looking for. I do bbbj, although I will use a condom if requested. (I find it unpleasant, though.) I have been lectured by others on this, and yet I can't help but notice that they insist on condoms for customers, yet will fall into bed with some character they met at a club just hours before, often not bothering with any condom for oral. I have a friend who insists on condoms for oral, and yet, she makes exceptions if a guy is particularly "hot." There are two clients I'm thinking of that we've both seen regularly. One is "hot," the other is not. She doesn't use a condom with the hot one, and does with the not one. And yet, she knows neither use condoms for bj with me. So how exactly does that make sense? This is one of the big problems with STDs. We tend to demonize them and the people who get them. But really, they're no different (from a disease perspective) from any other contagious disease. The only difference with STDs is the "shame factor" -- and much of this stems from the "infidelity factor." I'm married, and my husband knows what I do. So if I had to go home and tell him that I got the clap, it wouldn't be any different than if I had to go home and tell him I got strep throat or chicken pox. Because we don't consider my work "cheating" and because I haven't lied to him about anything, we would only worry about the actual disease part of it. But for someone who is married, if he had to tell his partner that she needed to be tested/treated for a disease, then not only would they have to deal with the disease, but also the breach of trust. This whole demonization of STDs is particularly sad when it comes to young people. Because STDs are "bad" "dirty" contagious diseases, I think many young people are left thinking that only bad dirty mean people will give them to you. That wonderful, desirable, sexy person who seems to be crazy about you and wants you to meet his or her mom wouldn't/couldn't give you an STD, could they?? (or get you pregnant, for that matter) The truth is that STDs are no more and in some cases less prevalent among prostitutes and johns than the general public. Why is this so? I suspect because we are sangfroid, dispassionate about our risks. Most of us (but not all apparently) make informed decisions not affected by things like love or trust. I also believe that most people exaggerate the frequency of their testing. There are a couple considerations here: 1) The overwhelming majority of people infected with an STD are asymptomatic. Some of us may be more confident than we should be. I'll take a risk here and state for the record that, if nothing else, I'm sure I've been thoroughly exposed to HSV-1, the virus that causes coldsores. I've never had a cold sore, though! 2) A test is a lot like a snapshot. You can test negative at 2 PM on Friday, and pick something up on your way home from the clinic. 3) The consequences of an STD infection are not the same for all people. As I've already stated, if I had reason to believe I'd acquired an STD, it wouldn't be any more serious than acquiring a non-sexually transmitted contagious disease with a similar prognosis around my house. I've had many people lecture me about the importance of their wives not finding out or of *my* possibly infecting innocent unsuspecting wives -- but I don't even know these people. I did not take any vow to them, nor have I ever given them any assurances. Husbands must take active measures to protect their own partners, if they are still sexually active with them. Taking the above into consideration, one really needs to decide for oneself what his or her policies should be. Respect others and never pressure anyone to do anything he or she isn't comfortable with. As for SPs taking swipes at one another, sadly, yes, I can attest that it's true. Business hasn't been great lately, and people are starting to get nervous. One of my friends has made numerous comments suggesting that she thinks I'm getting more business because I give bbbj -- but as we see here on this board, there are as many guys who will avoid an SP who provides this service as will go with one. And besides, it's a silly point since I mostly work with regular clientele, some of whom have been coming back to me for ages -- I've been in Ottawa since 1989, and I have clients I've been seeing regularly here since then! She takes many new clients, but I don't -- and I have strong age and other preferences that limit me as well, that she isn't saddled with. Times are simply tough, and she's looking for someone to blame. And just last month, someone reported some of the pics on my site that were being hosted by Picasa, and google removed them. I believe this was another SP (although probably not one I know -- I hope not, anyway!). The pics removed certainly weren't obscene, there wasn't even any full nudity, and similar or more erotic ones weren't flagged. I suppose it could have just been some troll, but it smacks of another SP. I also find that any ad I've ever placed on has been quickly flagged, even though I've never posted anything that violates the terms of use, and ads which are in obvious violation are allowed to stand. For about a year, there was some crazy chick who used to get her dumber-than-a-post boyfriend to call me up and make rude remarks, and when that didn't work, she'd grab the phone and start screaming that I was old and when was I going to retire? (I tell her "when people stop making appointments, of course!" ;-) ) I think we are in for a bit of a rough go with the economy over the next year or so. Gas prices last summer ate into the play money for most of us. Many of my clients are seniors and have been in shock since about mid-September. Recently, I'm starting to hear that some of my younger clients are getting laid-off. That not withstanding, right now, I think a large part of what we're dealing with is psychology -- not economy. There will be those who react to this without grace or integrity -- but we're all adults and we know it when we see it. I recommend just ignoring it. ..c..
  2. 3 points
    Rude Comments? Those were not rude comments by any stretch of the imagination. I think a few members may be making fun of your question as it is so obscure but if you go back and read your own question (and title to the post) you should see why they are joking about it! Your initial question was not well thought out so everyone was trying to figure out what you meant by that. Really, read your post again and pretend you are reading it for the first time in someone else's shoes? See our point? I am pretty sure that most black ladies are born that way. If you ask information on a black female none of the members are going to send you recommendations about tv's/shemales. (It's ok to say that here - it is not rude or offensive however asking for a black lady who was born that way may be offensive to some as it's very far from politically correct) Take the time to read your posts before you hit the submit button (You will get a much better response if you do). I had no idea what you were asking for either but the other members beat me to the posts and esoterica figured it out. Judging my Kyra's comments she had no clue what you were asking either. The rule here is if you have nothing nice to say... say nothing at all, that is correct and the members did not post anything rude that I can see. Chances are if you are this easily offended (and can not realize you made this mistake) than I would have to agree that this site may not be worth the hassle for you as you will need to take a little more time when you post so that your posts are more clear (or you are going to continue to be disappointed). If you see where your post went wrong than maybe these comments will help you fit in a little better around here and enjoy the site.
  3. 1 point
    I have been thinking about starting a thread asking this question as what may be your single most favorite sexual act that takes you to the top and brings about most satisfaction and that must be included in the services provided. There are many sex acts out there, but I narrow them down to the most common listed above (thanks mod for preparing the poll above): I start the first response by choosing DATY as the one service that takes me to the top that must be provided (I feel a robotic service without it). Actually a combination of DATY-DIGITS is the real treat. My second favorite is the FS-DFK. It feels great to be inside her and kiss her (or look into her eyes) deep at the same time. For this reason my preference are those who are more or less the same height as myself. I yet to explore other acts listed above. But I have read/heard that GREEK can be awsome. For that I have some convincing to do because of taboos attached to the act. I don't think I will ever do or ask BJ or CIM for the safety reasons (both SP's and mine) or will never even think of anything uncovered (which can be real treat too with a well known GF) but this is just a personal choice. So, fellow members please vote and let your ladies know what turns you on the most, so that they care to add it to their menu or continue to provide it to the best possible. Our lady members are most welcome to take part in the poll too as what will turn them on the most.
  4. 1 point
    I personally don't like to give discounts. My prices are reasonable and it is true that - especially if it is done in an impolite way - it can be offending. Having said that, I do have long time regulars who asked for a price reduction and they got it, partially because they are good, reliable customers, partially because they never stay the whole hour or half hour, so lowering my prices doesn't make me feel being taken advantage of. What ticks me off, are obviously very wealthy people who are stingy. Dressed in Versace from head-to-toe, wearing a Rolex watch and asking me to take off my panties for them, and when I tell them I charge for that extra service they are not interested anymore:) 35 year old guy telling me he is retired living on the Cayman Islands for tax purposes and not leaving a penny tip when leaving, after I worked my butt off on his poor, golf-damaged back :) Don't get me wrong, I don't expect tips, but for a guy like this, $20 is nothing. On the other hand I have regular guys who work in customer service or other bad paying jobs and they still save up to see me. That makes me feel good and sometimes I do a little extra for them to show my appreciation. But unfortunately, you can't change your prices for every customer :)
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Damn! Thanks, there goes the weekend :( Not only do I get an hours less sleep, I have ta spend half of the weekend finding all the clocks! Hard out there for a Nerd! :D
  7. 1 point
    I recieved a note today telling me this thread was up and I smiled. There is so much happening in this life adventure and for the first time in a decade I'm in a world where no one knows anything about my profession. It has been a challenge on so many levels and I miss everyone so much I ache at times. Not just the physical void but my heart aches for the connection I feel when I spend time with those I care about in Ottawa. My edit button has malfunctioned on several occasions. The bureaucratic superficiality is difficult to digest and I long for the times shared with friends when I can say exactly what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. I miss listening and knowing I made someone smile and the sun shine brighter for their day. I remember the moments of intimate exchanges where there are no lies, just two people being real. I miss the genuine conversations and touches. I miss you all so very much. Do not think life isn't glorious at times for me. My daughter brings joy to my life in ways unexplainable. I love the mountains, the big sky and amazing winter weather. I have so much to be thankful for and I spend my time here re-learning to live in a world that isn't quite ready for me. I now remember clearly why I turned my back on it so many years ago. What I do know is that I don't feel that I'm giving back to the world the way I thought I would, the way I want to, the way I am accustomed to. I always had such an intense sense of satisfaction with my work and I am seeking it now but it's not there yet. I doubt it ever will be because there is nothing in the world that can replace the connection, however brief, of two people just being themselves. I plan on being back in Ottawa for April 16th and I will try and stay until I have had a chance to reconnect with everyone I miss that misses me back. Know that I'm smiling and I will try and be better at posting. I don't have access at work and I try to peek in at night to see how the world is spinning in the capital. I enjoy reading everyones input and it gives me that sense of belonging that I don't have here. I haven't decided to make this move permanent yet but I need to give it a fair shake. Until then I plan to come home every third week of the month. For all those that continue to make CERB what it is....THANK YOU Sincerely with love....Cat
  8. 1 point
    I think that it comes down to how insecure are you as a person? If you love someone, and you trust them and you know what they do for a living, then you should trust that they keep their work, as just work, and their love, only for you. If you ask yourself deep down, why it bothers you, it usually comes down to "I'm afraid she's going to leave me for some other guy who potentially is a better lover than me." Which is insecurity. Sex is a basic human right, regardless of how you feel about it. People crave sex, they want it, they desire it, or this profession wouldn't exist. Women who choose this profession should not be denied a partner in life because said partner can't handle her fucking other guys. It is a job. That's it. End of story. One of my current lovers occasionally sees a pro (you know, when the orgasmic awesomeness that is me is unavailable, bwahahaha). I have absolutely no problem with it. In fact, I was pissed last time because the Asian girl he called for, wasn't the Asian who showed up at his door, and he didn't want to make trouble or cause a scene. And I was all, you can't let them get away with that bait and switch shit. Haha. Put your foot down and fight for the Asian you called for!
  9. 1 point
    First, think about this notion that we shouldn't work for the days of the month that we're menstruating -- is it practical? How many guys here would be willing to stand down 2-7 days with out pay every single month? Most SPs aren't living off their trust funds. We have to make livings and support our families just like any of our customers. Secondly, no, you can't always know when it's going to happen. Sometimes you get absolutely no warning; other times, you're symptomatic for nearly two weeks. Sometimes a woman will have a regular cycle, and at other times of her life, not. It's just not a reasonable expectation that we should know for sure. Nature didn't build the system this way. Third, there are many customers out there who don't mind -- either because they're old-hands at marriage and accustomed to a woman's various "moons" or because they don't require the type of services where it would be a problem. My suggestions to younger sps: 1) This is another reason why it's important to build a good strong base of regular clientele. That way, when you know you're coming up on or in that time of the month, you'll have a better idea who you can see and who you shouldn't. If a guy is into DATY, then he's probably not a good candidate. (I say "probably" because I've met men who swore they didn't mind.) It doesn't hurt to cultivate regulars with a broad range of interests. Not only will this come in handy when you are in your moon, it might save your butt right after having dental surgery. Think about it! 2) Use a barrier (such as a cup or sponge) when a moon is imminent, just to prevent an accident. (If nothing else, it's hell on the sheets.) 3) Don't take new customers when a moon is full or imminent. 4) Be honest with your regulars and let them decide for themselves. They might surprise you! 5) Again -- and I can't say this often enough -- if you can't give a guy what he wants, don't take his money. I am in menopause and I'm thrilled! I haven't had a moon since November -- although a week or so back, I did spot a bit after a particularly vigorous bit of "rumpy pumpy" with a friend. It quit again right after that, though. (I still have an IUD, so that might have been a factor.) I look at this as the final frontier of my adventure as a woman! I did have one 24-hour period during which I bawled like a baby and considered everything from divorce to suicide to homicide to running away and joining the circus. (And when I ran out of things to be pissed off at/wounded over, I downloaded Sarah McLauchlan's "Angel" and played it over and over, while wringing out the last of my tears.) Once I realized it was hormonal, though, it all seemed pretty hilarious! I don't mind the hot flashes either! They feel a bit like cinnamon tastes. (Of course, that's in the dead of winter. I might be singing a different tune come the sticky heat of mid-July.) Moons are part of us. I don't like the idea of using chemicals to prevent them -- that seems unnatural to me, and like one of those things that, decades from now, we're going to wish we'd never tampered with. Trust nature and your body. ..c..
  10. 1 point
    And Paige, they are quite possibly the best, most realistic big fake tata's I've laid my eyes, hands, tongue, mouth etc... on yeeeehaaaawwwwr! I think Brandi looks so good for 40 due to the west coast lifestyle, less stress, slower pace and cool sea air, of course it could have something to do with all the playtime too :) She's got that beach bum surfer gurl thang goin on, and I mean that as a compliment. Hang ten sister!
  11. 1 point
    With all due respect Dummpy, I strongly have to disagree with you. The Gentleman who wants to negotiate a donation is out of line and demontrates a total lack of respect for the Lady he wants to spend time with, especially that the acts shared between those two people are so intimate! I don't think, at any time, a negotiation of donation is acceptable in this industry! When I go for a real, professional massage, I pay for the full 60 or 90 or 120 minutes and tell her/ the masseuse what I'm looking for and what I am confortable with. I do not ask the Lady to not massage my feet or my upper back or my lower legs just to save a few dollars. I wonder what the Lady's and the spa's reaction would be if I tried to negotiate the rate of their services! :shock: They would probably tell me to take a shorter session or go somewhere else that is less expensive!!! You either want to spend time with that Lady or you don't. Negotiating price and acronyms should not be part of the experience. By starting negotiations with Gentlemen who feel the need to do so, you will only open the door to more headaches! Maria, I believe by creating a "menu a la carte" will only complicate things for you in the long run and may attract a clientele of Gentlemen who may only be looking for the lowest price with the most acronyms available! Is it really what you are looking for?... Negotiating price and acronyms?? Now, if it is the type of Gentlemen you are looking forward to spending time with, then it might be a good solution after all. (I guess it all depends on what your/our personal definition of a good time and quality time/experience with a Gentleman means to each of us.) On the other hand, if you are looking to share a more pleasurable experience with a Gent, then I don't recommend you use this option. Now, if you decide to offer a special lower donation during a specific time, then the Gents should take full advantage of it and appreciate it that much more! By the way Dummpy, the "NO, NEVER, NOT" is not the mood killer... Asking to negotiate in the first place was! :wink: xox Just a little side note: Maria, I will tell you that when I first started in this industry as a companion (my hobby :boobies:), about two years ago, I created a "GFE table d'hote menu" for my Gentlemen to consult before our rendez-vous... (It helps to create a certain level of confort and we don't need to stop and ask if xxx is ok to do during the passionate moments)... I used to send it via email to everyone who contacted me then decided to post it on all the boards a little while ago... Anyway, if you want to take a look, you will see that I list everything I am confortable sharing with Gentlemen and acts that I refuse to share for personal reasons. If the Gent doesn't want to share a specific activity with me, my donation still remains the same. :wink:
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