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  1. 4 points
    Joke answer Serious answer 1) What will happen when I call the agency? Some one will answer the phone.......... Seriously...they will answer the phone...just tell them you are looking for (name of lady) and ask if she is available at (time)?.....yes..or no...work out a time that works for you 2) How much should I expect on average for about an hour? About 60 minutes....... The rate will be posted or indicated over th phone........it all depends on the lady...service....and options... 3) What kind of services do most provide? Most provide companionship....the finer details are left between consenting adults Most provide companionship....the finer details are left between consenting adults 4) If I do an incall, would that be where the agency is or where the girl lives, or where? back of a car most likely........maybe a back alley if you are lucky. Depends...if you call and indie...could be a hotel or her working address....if you call an agency...it could be a hotel...or thier working location 5) What will happen once I get there? What I mean is do we start talking first, does she take her clothes off right away, etc. Hopefully you will not have time to talk...wink...wink.....I prefer taking thier clothes off..... Sit down...have a chat...maybe a glass of something to drink.....it is a little odd at first...but it goes away and the time is wonderful....then depending on the conversation....if you indicate you are shy or this is your first time....the lady might take the lead...and strip you....go with the flow 6) If I pay for an hour, do I get her for the full hour? What if I finish early? As soon as you are done she will kick your naked ass out the door.......NEXT!!! If you loose it in a few minutes...most ladies will try to help you go again before your time is up.....if you want to leave....then leave...but sitting and talking is great....it can relax you and a post-coital cuddle is great 7) Do I bring my own condoms? If you like........but leave them in the wrapper for her to open....... The ladies are well prepared.....but if you have a favrite type of protection..then bring it along 8. What are the chances that it's a set-up or something in that nature? Well...you called....you set the appointment........you go to a private location....not a public space.......and if some one answers the door in a blue uniform..... If you stick with a well known lady or agency......chances are nill......if you do a Risky Business thing with the paper...you never know 9) Would it be a problem if I'm only 21? Or would the she feel uncomfortable? Are you talking...length...circumference.......metric or imperial? Ask..the lady or agency about age restrictions.......some do...some do not but most of all read the forum...there is alot of information about the ladies and what to expect.
  2. 1 point
    Allow me to chime in on this issue. Not because I want to contradict, but because I would like you to take a look at it from a different point of view. English is my third language and spelling has always been easy for me in any language. Grammar is a different story, but let's not change the subject ;) In my native language, we have what you call "phonetic" spelling. Meaning that you spell everything exactly the way you say it. All you have to do is to learn a few simple rules and you can spell any word. You can't imagine what a difference this can make for a student. No spelling bees, no desperation for kids with no special talent for remembering strings of seemingly illogical consonants and vowels :) In Italian, for example the sound "ee" is always, without an exception is spelled as "i". In English it can be spelled "ea", "i", "ee", "ie".... let me know if I forgot something :) I don't know why the English spelling is so complicated. I am sure it must have had a reason hundreds of years ago, but today the whole thing is unnecessary. I think - especially because we are heading towards globalization, and it looks like English is going to be the common language - the spelling should be reformed, and I am sure it will be sometime in the future. Yes, when I see abbreviations like "U" instead of "you" I get the picture of a teenager with an ipod in his ears, but I can't blame the people who do that. Everybody does a lot of typing nowadays, and I think it is only natural that people want to say more with less effort :) Yes, traditions are beautiful, but sometimes they have to give way to modernization and progress.
  3. 1 point
    I am glad they don't use pen and paper any more!! Why!?! We have evolved past that! I could care less about spelling and grammar errors myself (Mostly because I am really bad at BOTH so if the spell check does not pick it up it's good enough for me!). If you're going to correct me than you know I made a mistake... but you know what I meant so why bother correcting me in the first place. I am a math guy. I don't care to read novels or newspapers for that matter. I read some magazines, I read reference manuals and I read the odd cereal box to see what is in it... In general most of us computer guys (We like to be known as the logical thinkers) we don't do well with English (Obvious some exceptions exist) but for the most part the English language is not logical. If someone tries to correct my grammar or spelling I just laugh and wonder why someone would take the time to do that AS they obviously knew what I was talking about or they would not know I needed to be corrected in the first place!! I am old, I have been doing it all my life... You are just wasting your time (and mine) if you try to correct me. I often wonder why people bother to correct others, is it a way to say "I am better than you?" (Yes I purposely put the ? in the quotes) You must see that a middle aged men like myself are not going to change because you corrected us and like I said.. you obviously knew what I was trying to say. Chances are when you correct someone that person doesn't give a crap about proper English or grammar and 9 out of 10 times they may be offended by your correction. I like the way the language is heading. It needs change!! First... I hope we get rid or upper case letters as that would be a good start. It would let kids learn MUCH faster and spend less time learning to draw letters and more time learning important things. We no longer need to put TWO spaces after a period. That got changed so we still have some hope left for the rest of the mess! I wish they would settle with one word for each "item" and if the word sounds the same as another word find a new word to use (There, their, they're, then, than, see, sea, saw, seen, etc... etc.. - DUMB!) - Really can they make it any more complex? It's hard enough for most of us to learn it as a first language and since it is becoming a global language of choice can you imagine how hard it is to learn later in life as a second language! Don't get me started on PH/F and Silent letters... not to mention stupid "I" before "E" crap... really if we did not have to spend so much time in school being forced to learn all this shit we would be much further ahead as a society! The only PH word I like is phonetics! and I don't like the word but I like the meaning. If it sounds like the word it's good enough. (I actually worked on software that was phonetic based so that if your trying to look up someones name and you type it in the way it sounds the computer will find what you are looking for based on a phonetic algorithm - the way it should be!). Memorizing silly rules and exceptions and learning how to draw two sets of letters is pointless! We all know it's pointless so how about all you smart English people start figuring out how to fix the language as opposed to correcting everyone who misuses it. That would be a lot more productive! I am sure this post has grammar and spelling errors (Some intentional) I am sure most of my posts do, but keep in mind that... I don't care.
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