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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/09 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I think proper communication and what is appropriate depending on context is the real issue here. I accept garbled emails and forum posts because I realize that most of the world is not as obsessively compulsively anal as I am before clicking 'send'. They can get the same point across in 30 seconds of typing where I'm taking 5 minutes to dot the i's and cross the t's. Perfectionism is a horrible disease and there is no cure... Texting, "How r u doing 2night?" is OK, even though I still can't bring myself to do it. Typing that on a keyboard is lazy. And what started this thread in the first place? An ad on CL about a "horny cokkege student trying to pay the bills", or something like that. Yeah, it's just a typo and it probably was a scam to boot but jesus, it's the headline for an advertisement - take a fucking look before you hit submit! If I see an ad for, "Me and my horny romy wanto fuk u, were hot", I ain't going there no matter how hot and how low your rates are. The brain is the most important sex organ and chances are, those types won't be stimulating it.
  2. 1 point
    Joke answer Serious answer 1) What will happen when I call the agency? Some one will answer the phone.......... Seriously...they will answer the phone...just tell them you are looking for (name of lady) and ask if she is available at (time)?.....yes..or no...work out a time that works for you 2) How much should I expect on average for about an hour? About 60 minutes....... The rate will be posted or indicated over th phone........it all depends on the lady...service....and options... 3) What kind of services do most provide? Most provide companionship....the finer details are left between consenting adults Most provide companionship....the finer details are left between consenting adults 4) If I do an incall, would that be where the agency is or where the girl lives, or where? back of a car most likely........maybe a back alley if you are lucky. Depends...if you call and indie...could be a hotel or her working address....if you call an agency...it could be a hotel...or thier working location 5) What will happen once I get there? What I mean is do we start talking first, does she take her clothes off right away, etc. Hopefully you will not have time to talk...wink...wink.....I prefer taking thier clothes off..... Sit down...have a chat...maybe a glass of something to drink.....it is a little odd at first...but it goes away and the time is wonderful....then depending on the conversation....if you indicate you are shy or this is your first time....the lady might take the lead...and strip you....go with the flow 6) If I pay for an hour, do I get her for the full hour? What if I finish early? As soon as you are done she will kick your naked ass out the door.......NEXT!!! If you loose it in a few minutes...most ladies will try to help you go again before your time is up.....if you want to leave....then leave...but sitting and talking is great....it can relax you and a post-coital cuddle is great 7) Do I bring my own condoms? If you like........but leave them in the wrapper for her to open....... The ladies are well prepared.....but if you have a favrite type of protection..then bring it along 8. What are the chances that it's a set-up or something in that nature? Well...you called....you set the appointment........you go to a private location....not a public space.......and if some one answers the door in a blue uniform..... If you stick with a well known lady or agency......chances are nill......if you do a Risky Business thing with the paper...you never know 9) Would it be a problem if I'm only 21? Or would the she feel uncomfortable? Are you talking...length...circumference.......metric or imperial? Ask..the lady or agency about age restrictions.......some do...some do not but most of all read the forum...there is alot of information about the ladies and what to expect.
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