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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/09 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I have been doing some thinking lately, inspired by one of the most popular questions I get from new clients: Do you like what you do? Yes and often more than you could ever know! I think it is important for people to know that there are many SPs or MPs who really enjoy our sexy lifestyles for a variety of reasons. I am hoping that this thread will allow myself and other providers a chance to voice their opinions about working in this industry, why we love seeing our sexy men/women, what positive impacts this lifestyle has had on us, and anything else related! For myself, I was introduced to the business by a now very special and close friend. As a MP/SP hobbiest he suggested the MP possibility to me as he knew how sexual and exhibitionistic I was and thought I would be perfect for this- turns out he was ridiculously right! I have now been offering my services in Ottawa for just over a year and have really learned a lot about people, myself and sexuality in general. I see now more than ever before that learning about these things is a never-ending and always exciting process! There are difficulties in this and any business, but the triumphs make up for everything! When we make someone's day that much better and see them light up, the connections we can make that make people feel cared for and sinuously pampered in our presence, showing someone how sexy they can feel, our feeling like powerful and sexy goddesses when you stare into our eyes and hungrily explore us with your eyes(-and more?), and overall the wonderful intensity that fills us during each memorable moment and how it seems to get better and sweeter with each visit... I have made some great friends doing what I do- other MPs, SPs and clients. It is great to have them and this board to discuss our thoughts, offer and receive advice and to hear the wonderfully thoughtful, deliciously detailed and often poetic recommendations from our CERBites about our services and those of other providers. I am guessing for many like myself these often erotic-lit-like reports serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation to continue to improve our services and how we treat each and every one of our sexies! I hope to read more providers posting here, I think it would be great if we could all express our gratitude to the many people who make our lives richer- physically, mentally and spiritually! Thank you all for sharing your lives with us and for making what we do so enjoyable! Xoxox
  2. 1 point
    I've hunted around a bit and couldn't find a discussion about this, so I thought I'd start one. Many SPs are parents. I am one, myself. I have one son living at home now. As we all know, things can happen unexpectedly with kids. They get sick, something happens at school, they get injured playing sports, have their bicycles stolen--lots of not-unusual things like that require immediate attention from Mom (or Dad). How has being a parent affected your life as an SP? In what ways has being a SP affected your role as a parent, or your parenting? Let's share some stories, ideas, advice or anything else that comes to mind.
  3. 1 point
    I hesitate to post this but what the heck I am going to anyways. I saw in the obituaries that a client which I had been seeing for about 8 years passed. Now I hate going to funerals and usually don?t go to very many but for some strange reason I really wanted to go to this one. I contemplated who would be there and if anyone were to talk to me and ask how I new him what would I say. I thought of all kinds of legit sounding reasons and scenarios to explain how I would have known him but in the end I didn?t go just in case as the last thing I would want is for his family to be more upset at this horrible time but you know he was the kind of guy who would have probably wanted me at his funeral. People come and go, that is just life and it doesn?t usually bother me to much but for some strange reason this one really got to me and I felt strongly I wanted to go. Any one else? Would you go to a funeral? How about if you are a client and you see your favorite sp?s obituary, would you go to the funeral?
  4. 1 point
    In addition to being a provider, I'm also self-employed in another field. It's work I enjoy, but it doesn't pay well enough to support my children and myself. I take on contracts in my other career, but the majority of my income comes from being an SP. My son has no idea about my real line of work. To keep things as separate as possible, I only see clients between about 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on weekdays and I do outcalls at most one or two evenings a week. Those evenings are usually booked up weeks in advance and are very stable. I'm always home by 10:00 p.m. at the latest. When my son goes to visit his father in Ontario, my schedule can be as open and flexible as I want it to be. I generally ask clients to confirm meetings with me in the morning of the day we're getting together. I always explain that I'm a mother and it's possible (but not very likely) that something could happen to my child--he could come down with a bug or something--which is the only reason I would need to postpone our meeting. So far, that's worked very well. I don't think that being a provider has affected my parenting. I am who I am, and how I am, everywhere. I think I'm very fortunate that my children have felt that they could talk about sex, sexuality, safe sex and STDs with me very openly. They trust me to be open-minded and to give them straight, honest responses to what they talk about. It never seems to have occurred to them that I have any special reason for being very well-informed, it's just the way things are. My kids tease me and say that I was probably a lot like Hermione Granger, the girl in the Harry Potter novels, when I was growing up.:lol: I did go through a period when I felt misgivings because there's a big part of my life that I can't share in any way with my children. I finally realized that children rarely know their parents very well in many ways. The parent/child relationship is largely about the children, and rightly so. One of the hardest things even for adult children is to recognize their parents as complete human beings who are separate from them and who have thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams that have nothing to do with their kids at all, but are part of who the parent is, as a person. Looking at my situation that way makes it easy to separate these pieces of my life.
  5. 1 point
    She met me at the door and made me feel right at home. She wore a smile and not much else. After a few minutes we went into her bedroom and got down to business. She asked what I liked, wanted, etc. and I told her....I got what I asked for. Excellent skills! Great with her hands, mouth, vag. or ass. She played with a toy and did some other things that I will not get into....worth my time and money. Hope to see her within the next week, if she has time. Oh, by the way I travelled from PEI to see her the first time...the second time I may have to stay longer!
  6. 1 point
    Okay I'm not even sure where to start. If you could please provide some references for the information you have provided I'd appreciate it, as I strongly disagree with your theories and the many lectures and courses I've attended have taught me differently I would like to know your sources in order to compare. Rather than debating point by point I'll simply agree that negotiating is not a good idea but for vastly different reasons. I am a trained negotiator and have attended many workshops put on by various business schools on the art of negotiation and economic egagement. I've also taken many marketing and social science courses where I've learned that there is a difference in how people approach different scenarios and that the mind does not and cannot apply market values to all engagements, that many people actually apply social values to many business engagements and that this is actually a very effective way for people to do business and that we often achieve higher tangible results by setting a social values environment. When social values are applied to a setting you'll find that switching to a market values mindset often offends the other party. Imagine having your mother-in-law make a really nice dinner and instead of bringing a nice bottle of wine (which is a form of payment, but a gift is a socially accepted payment) you at the end of it decide to stand up and say "that was great, now what do I owe you?" and proceed to count out some cash and toss it on the table. That would be socially unacceptable, you would be applying market values to a social setting and she would not find it funny. Instead saying "That was wonderful and I appreciate your hard work, I'd like to get you a nice gift." would be a socially acceptable response. We as a society accept gifts in kind for our hard work in social situations. When escorts are working they generally apply social values, hence they ask for the money in an envelope and not to be discussed. Because the discussion of money begins to bring Market values into terms and they now have a business mindset which is hard to get out. They can no longer feel like they are out with a friend and having fun, which ruins the social mood, they are now applying market values. Since they cannot just accept gifts as they do require payment as a source of income they have found a way to keep the market values discussion to a minimum by using 3rd parties (agents) or using the advertisements to set rates on their behalf. Negotiation beyond an initial discussion will ensure that a market values mindset is in place and girls will feel like they are entering a business transaction which I cannot stress enough will for many not allow them to get the 'social/date' atmosphere back and they will not be able to enjoy their meeting. This is not about being professional or not, it's simply the way the majority of peoples minds work across all professions. This is an area of marketing that is studied and taught in Universities and Business Schools around the world and it's very effective in gaining our trust and getting our business. Understanding this is how we think and how we act goes a long way to explaining not only the SP industry but why we purchase the investments we do, why we select a certain Doctor, Bank, Insurance company (Like a good neighbour State Farm is there - an example of a social values marketing), etc. I would probably say that the opposite is true, it's a sign of professionalism for a girl to recognize that many clients apply social values to these situations and that avoiding a market value situation is important in ensuring a good call for a vast majority of clients. I have read many a review where the client posts that they felt uncomfortable that the topic of money was brought up, this is often because they unknowingly switched to a market value mindset and could not suspend the social values belief. A good friend would not have brought up the issue of money, it goes back to the scenario of counting out the money at the Mother-in-laws table, a good SP will recognize the difference and does not allow market values to enter the equation otherwise she risks putting her client in an awkward situation. Likewise clients that have a market values expectation of negotiating each detail should not book SP's that have social values and SP's that have market values should not seek clients that have social values, the two will not be able to engage each other and will feel terribly disconnected from each other. Studies show that most people once they apply market values to a situation they cannot return to social values. The majority of clients and ladies see it as a social environment and need to suspend the belief it is not a transaction so bringing market values into the transaction is not something that can be done. It is not about the persons abilty to negotiate, I know how to negotiate and have no difficulty doing that. It is about understanding marketing and social sciences. If you continue your research and learn more about the nuances of negotiation skills and the mindset behind it then perhaps you'll learn that there is a lot more than just the dollars and cents aspect. I'd suggest reading Predictably Irrational to start as that's the book I referenced most. In addition the MIT Opencourseware on Negotiation is an easy access if you don't have access to the certification programs at Shulich or Rotman. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Sloan-School-of-Management/15-667Spring2001/Syllabus/index.htm
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