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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/09 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Christina to me is a wonderful GFE SP in Halifax.Has a nice clean private in call location..a very non rushed erotic always satisfying experience.She enjoys her work and is very open minded YMMV.I've seen her several times and will continue to see her again.Young ,blond,tall and a body that gets better every time I see her.She's a must see in HRM:-)
  2. 1 point
    CK, I think you have pissed them off again. http://bitchesofcraigslist.com/blog/post.php?id=4603585&cityname=ottawa Keep up the good work as your diligence to uncovering the unsavoury characters is much appreciated.
  3. 1 point
    You know.... wouldn't it be cool if a condom manufacturer ran a similar contest? Roll Down The Rim To Win? ..c..
  4. 1 point
    I think having a sale would have a much different effect when applied to escorting because you're right, they don't freeze that well (I have NO first hand knowledge of this by the way, just speculating!) When I decide to see a SP, it's because I'm in the mood and have the time to do it. Just because the rates are slashed by 50% doesn't mean I'll wait for that time. And if it was a regular of mine, I would pay the same anyways. Because saying you are having a sale does give the appearance of a bad connotation that you are a commodity that, for lack of a better term, can be cheapened. As far as the pay what you think it's worth thing goes, I can see it working for a restaurant atmosphere for some of the reasons it would not work for escorting. A restaurant is a public place where you can be 'shamed' into paying a reasonable amount instead of being a tightwad prick and leaving an insulting amount. I can think of a few instances where I have had atrocious service in a restaurant and rightfully left a purposefully insulting tip - but timed my departure so that the server doesn't pick it up until after I've left. I only do that after getting truly awful service, but still feel like I'm doing something wrong and want to avoid confrontation. Now take someone in private that doesn't care what you think and possibly objectifies women...could turn out to be a very bad outcome. The other difference is we're talking beer and champagne when it comes to amounts. This is a place where you get a coffee and a sandwich...$10 average bill maybe? So you slap $5 down, no big deal, the owner is out $5 if it was a ten dollar tab. And there's 200 people coming through in the course of a day to make up for that. As an escort, if you only see 2 clients in one day and both give you less than your usual rate, that's it. And they probably would have paid full amount to begin with... Who knows though...could work on CERB, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to see what would happen if you posted this kind of deal on CL!
  5. 1 point
    Thank you Bridget and all who've offered your support in the form of Kind words. I find it amusing myself, I've got a pretty thick skin and could careless about what a dishonest scammer thinks about me and the diary. I know many of you visit the diary to see what's up, to check out a number or two from an ad that you find to be too good to be true, to look at pictures of pretty girls ( ya I'm talkin' to you Pete :) ) or just to get a laugh at all the silliness that goes on. Depending on the day, depending on the scams anywhere between 80-120 visits a day. I guess the scammers are visiting too. LOL yes Seymour it's very ironic. Thanks again everyone, you're good folks and I like to surround my self with good folks, that's why I love this place soo much!
  6. 1 point
    http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=561&pictureid=3103 Hi everyone, i posted a new picture to my album, more pictures is coming soon ;).
  7. 1 point
    I'm not at all worried about this kind of thing happening with my son, Sixernine. I am no one's servant, period. Like Emma, I only use the term "service provider" here. I say that I'm a companion, too. I provide genuine companionship, warm friendship and a non-judgmental attitude. I feel it's an honour to have the opportunity to know my clients on personal and intimate terms. I have their trust and they have mine. I do have sex with them, not because they've paid for it, but because I choose to. Two of my long-time, regular clients occasionally want me to go out to lunch, or just cuddle with them while they talk about whatever is on their minds. They want my opinion about things they care about. I feel that we're equals. There's nothing subservient about me. In my opinion, unless a woman has a pretty strong sense of herself; unless she's able to set her own limits about what she does, where, when and with whom; unless she's able to take care of her own emotional and psychological needs without depending on her clients to shore her up; and unless she believes in her whole self, in all of who she is, with and without clients, in and out of bed, she'll have a very hard time in this profession. That's not because the clientele is difficult: if you like men and enjoy sex, they're not hard to be with at all. It's because human needs for closeness, physical contact, affection and sexual activity are truly essential: they're a fundamental part of our makeup. We can have a hell of a great time together in bed, but we're fooling ourselves if we ignore how truly naked we are. Not everyone can share so much with many partners and feel whole. The ones who can't are wise to find another path. I think that my work encourages me to have greater empathy and compassion for other people. It's my belief that compassion is the antidote to discrimination and inequity. I've learned a lot about myself and other people through this profession. My ideas of who and what is attractive, and who I might choose for a temporary or ongoing partner (unpaid, that is), have changed significantly. Men I once would not have approached with an eye to ending up in bed together are often the most sensitive, creative and playful! As for what my son might pick up from me, I notice that children reflect what their parents feel. My son is a strong young man with an admirable sense of justice and empathy. I've seen him help and defend other kids who are having a hard time and are unpopular or difficult to be with. Once, when I asked him why he stood up for another kid, he said, "I looked at him, and right then I knew that it was really, really hard just to be him every day. I couldn't walk by and not try to stop what was happening. If you don't speak out when someone is being hurt, it's like you're saying it's okay to hurt them. He's not really my friend, but you don't have to be my friend to deserve to be treated right."
  8. 1 point
    In addition to being a provider, I'm also self-employed in another field. It's work I enjoy, but it doesn't pay well enough to support my children and myself. I take on contracts in my other career, but the majority of my income comes from being an SP. My son has no idea about my real line of work. To keep things as separate as possible, I only see clients between about 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on weekdays and I do outcalls at most one or two evenings a week. Those evenings are usually booked up weeks in advance and are very stable. I'm always home by 10:00 p.m. at the latest. When my son goes to visit his father in Ontario, my schedule can be as open and flexible as I want it to be. I generally ask clients to confirm meetings with me in the morning of the day we're getting together. I always explain that I'm a mother and it's possible (but not very likely) that something could happen to my child--he could come down with a bug or something--which is the only reason I would need to postpone our meeting. So far, that's worked very well. I don't think that being a provider has affected my parenting. I am who I am, and how I am, everywhere. I think I'm very fortunate that my children have felt that they could talk about sex, sexuality, safe sex and STDs with me very openly. They trust me to be open-minded and to give them straight, honest responses to what they talk about. It never seems to have occurred to them that I have any special reason for being very well-informed, it's just the way things are. My kids tease me and say that I was probably a lot like Hermione Granger, the girl in the Harry Potter novels, when I was growing up.:lol: I did go through a period when I felt misgivings because there's a big part of my life that I can't share in any way with my children. I finally realized that children rarely know their parents very well in many ways. The parent/child relationship is largely about the children, and rightly so. One of the hardest things even for adult children is to recognize their parents as complete human beings who are separate from them and who have thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams that have nothing to do with their kids at all, but are part of who the parent is, as a person. Looking at my situation that way makes it easy to separate these pieces of my life.
  9. 1 point
    She met me at the door and made me feel right at home. She wore a smile and not much else. After a few minutes we went into her bedroom and got down to business. She asked what I liked, wanted, etc. and I told her....I got what I asked for. Excellent skills! Great with her hands, mouth, vag. or ass. She played with a toy and did some other things that I will not get into....worth my time and money. Hope to see her within the next week, if she has time. Oh, by the way I travelled from PEI to see her the first time...the second time I may have to stay longer!
  10. 1 point
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