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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/09 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Everyone has the ability to create rooms. If someone comes into chat and starts to get naked or flirty on cam we all know that the naked or flirty girl's cam will take over the main room discussion. Those same discussions still take place in chat (but they take place when the naughty girls are not in the room as guys are just being social and chatting away when nothing else entertaining it taking place in the room - and that is great) When a lady comes on cam (Not even a naked or flirty lady) All of a sudden people will perk up and the guys who sit and wait will all of a sudden start to chat - often private messages (but that is fine as long as they are showing respect). It's human nature! If we take away the cam element from the room the room would be less busy. We all know that, sure some of you would like to beleive otherwise or try to convince yourself otherwise but we really all know the truth. It is very easy to make a new room and invite your conversation into the new room, the guys who wish to go to the new room and still watch the lady on cam can either switch back and forth or open the cam video and still view it while chatting in room number 2 (or 3 or 4) etc... The chat is VERY flexible for this type of thing. Please remember... 1) It is a marketing tool for the site 2) It is a marketing tool for the ladies (All the ladies) 3) It is a social tool for our members 4) and so much more... as it is what you all make it. Sometimes TEXT can be VERY enticing and sexy but we all know a picture is worth 1000 words... A cam show is work 10'000! If the chat room did not have the cam stream and mic ability it would not be as busy (we all know that) so we have to take the good with the bad and work around things you may not personally enjoy. It is silly to get mad if some girl is showing her "privates" on cam. Just close her cam window and you don't have to look at her if you do not like to see that and open a new room and call it "No CAM room Text only" or whatever you want to call it. (Very simple) A SP getting mad cause another SP is getting naked is silly - it's a adult site, nudity, sex and sex appeal, fantasy etc... is what it's all about. A intelligent conversation is nice (until the naked lady comes in than all attention will be on her - just a fact of life any no one here seams to want to admit this so I will) If you do not want to get naked don't (No one will pressure you to do this - if they do they will be asked to leave the site). If you get upset when another lady comes into the room and gets naughty or flirty on cam chances are your mad cause she will take over the chat and get most of the attention. Sure some guys will say "No, that does not interest me" to you but chances are that guy had her cam stream open and is watching too! The guys in the room will talk to anyone in most cases .... some do sit quit and will only talk to the ladies (That is fine too everyone is here for different reasons I guess) but a naked woman, or a sexy flirty lady on cam makes it very difficult to pay attention to anything else. Those same guys who say "I don't care for the cam shows" are the first ones to have that cam window open to check out the ladies when they turn the cams on. The chat should accommodate everyone. So use it the way you want to use it and others with similar interests as you have will also use it that way. It is an extension to this site. You don't all chat in the same forum we have LOTS of forums with many different conversations going on at any time. You all participate in each forum you have interest in. Use chat the same way... some aspects will not appeal to everyone buy you all have complete control over these things. Before the chat server was upgraded we had a room for NON-CAM-CHAT and a room for CAM-CHAT and oddly enough no one really ever used the NON-CAM-CHAT room. So I will add it again if you wish (The default room will still be the cam chat room however) and for those who do not care to see the guys texting to the cam show girls can easily move your conversation to the second room)
  2. 2 points
    I have been doing some thinking lately, inspired by one of the most popular questions I get from new clients: Do you like what you do? Yes and often more than you could ever know! I think it is important for people to know that there are many SPs or MPs who really enjoy our sexy lifestyles for a variety of reasons. I am hoping that this thread will allow myself and other providers a chance to voice their opinions about working in this industry, why we love seeing our sexy men/women, what positive impacts this lifestyle has had on us, and anything else related! For myself, I was introduced to the business by a now very special and close friend. As a MP/SP hobbiest he suggested the MP possibility to me as he knew how sexual and exhibitionistic I was and thought I would be perfect for this- turns out he was ridiculously right! I have now been offering my services in Ottawa for just over a year and have really learned a lot about people, myself and sexuality in general. I see now more than ever before that learning about these things is a never-ending and always exciting process! There are difficulties in this and any business, but the triumphs make up for everything! When we make someone's day that much better and see them light up, the connections we can make that make people feel cared for and sinuously pampered in our presence, showing someone how sexy they can feel, our feeling like powerful and sexy goddesses when you stare into our eyes and hungrily explore us with your eyes(-and more?), and overall the wonderful intensity that fills us during each memorable moment and how it seems to get better and sweeter with each visit... I have made some great friends doing what I do- other MPs, SPs and clients. It is great to have them and this board to discuss our thoughts, offer and receive advice and to hear the wonderfully thoughtful, deliciously detailed and often poetic recommendations from our CERBites about our services and those of other providers. I am guessing for many like myself these often erotic-lit-like reports serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation to continue to improve our services and how we treat each and every one of our sexies! I hope to read more providers posting here, I think it would be great if we could all express our gratitude to the many people who make our lives richer- physically, mentally and spiritually! Thank you all for sharing your lives with us and for making what we do so enjoyable! Xoxox
  3. 2 points
    I am the mother of two kids, a 12 year old and a 17 year old...I became a Sex Worker (this is the term I use with my older child) in my early 40's...I already had a successful career and chose to fulfil what I can only say is my calling at a much later stage in life than many who work in this industry... Has being a parent affected me as a Sex Worker? Yes...there have been a few occasions where I have had to cancel sessions due to one or both of the kids being ill...it is unfortunate but life happens...often when we least expect it...fortunately, clients who I have had to cancel appointments with have been compassionate and understanding... My seventeen year old knows exactly what I do and has never been afraid to ask well thought out, relevant questions....personally, I have always maintained the fact that honest, age appropriate answers are best and will keep the lines of communication open...particularly during tougher adolescent stages...honest, and again I reiterate, age appropriate information about virtually any subject has been the catalyst that has resulted in an established deeper trust between my children and I... Has being a Sex Worker affected me as a parent? Yes...very recently, another Sex Worker reported me to Manitoba Child and Family Services with an anonymous allegation that I was putting my twelve year old at risk for abuse due to the nature of my work... How do I know it was another Sex Worker if the allegation was anonymous? The way allegation was worded was the biggest factor...and some of the accusations made were things known only after I posted them in the Ladies Lounge on another board... I was contacted at home after Abuse Investigators had my younger child taken out of class to be interviewed...a meeting was set up for an Abuse Investigator to come to my house to conduct an investigation the next day... Following a guilt-ridden, sleepless night imagining all the worst case scenarios, I submitted to two hours of questioning and an inspection of my incall space in my home...I was informed that my websites and advertising had been perused bi the agency... I was told that based on the fact that I don't see clients when my kids are home, and that a plan is in place to ensure the kids and my clients do not cross paths, the Abuse Investigator was reasonably sure the file would be closed... Once the report of the investigation was complete, I was called and told that my child was extremely intelligent, articulate and that based on the Abuse Investigators' findings, we were a family who relied on open, honest communication...I was also told the allegations were deemed to be unfounded and the file would indeed be closed... Another important point came from that last call...an assurance that what I choose to do for a living is my business (literally) and since there was no sign of abuse or risks of abuse, I didn't need to worry about this information being passed to any other agency or to LE... This situation, which arose from someone's need to be malicious, definitely affected me profoundly both as a parent and as a Sex Worker....it made me realize how important it is to bring about changing the perception society has of our industry...I also came to the conclusion that "coming out" as a Sex Worker was the first step...This was followed bi the realization that I needed to get more involved with organizations that are working locally, nationally and globally toward ensuring the rights of Sex Workers... For me this is a moral imperative; one that I hope will be taken up bi more Sex Workers and our Allies to create a grassroots movement... This will be the only way to change the thoughts of politicians, legislators and members of our communities... At the risk of sounding preachy, let's all do what we can to make our communities more sex-positive...please....
  4. 1 point
    I am currently involved in something called The Sex Worker Alliance Project...the woman responsible for starting this project has recently written the first draft of what we are referring to as the Alternative Providers Code of Ethics...with permission, I am posting this draft version for your comments...please post, pm or email me your thoughts...I will provide your feedback to the members of The Sex Worker Alliance Project for consideration when creating the next draft...Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and share your insight... Alternative Provider?s Code of Ethics - DRAFT by Alexa on March 18, 2009 Alright, it is your turn. For those who haven?t seen it, here is my first attempt at a comprehensive Code of Ethics. Please read through it and make any comments you feel appropriate. This is still undergoing debate and critique within the community of sex workers, or alternative providers as some now like to refer to the collective group (and I?ve grown to like that term myself), so this may not be the final result. I am genuinely curious as to what others outside the industry think, however. Specifically, I?m interested in: * What do you think of the concept in general? * If you?re a client/potential client, would you be pick someone who conforms to this code of ethics over someone who didn?t (i.e, would it make a difference in who you selected)? And if so, do you think you?d be willing to pay a bit more to have someone who indicates an acceptance of a code of ethics (this one or otherwise)? * If you?re on the fence about decriminalization of sex work, would a professional code of ethics like this make you more inclined to support decriminalization? Why have a code of ethics? A code of ethics offers an invaluable opportunity for us as a profession, as individuals, to create a positive public identity which can (hopefully) lead to a more supportive political and regulatory environment, as well as an increased level of confidence and trust among our potential clients as well as the general public. That you subscribe to a set of ethical standards reflects that you take your work seriously and respect the desire of your clientele to want to see someone who is legitimate, honest, and operates within an identifiable set of standards. Alternative Provider?s Code of Ethics Preamble Sex-related work of any type is generally looked down upon by many in society. This, despite a long historical record of sex workers being among the most cherished and valued people in many civilizations; many were among the elite of their time. One who undertakes sex-related work as a primary profession or as an adjunct to another profession realizes that s/he exposes the most personal of space to the client in exchange for financial or practical remuneration. This close interaction requires a very high level of trust be established between the worker and the client, and it is critical that the client understand that s/he knows that s/he is dealing with someone who adheres to a strong code of ethics. The sex worker, regardless of the specific genre of work engaged in, should strive to accomplish three major goals: * Provide valuable, beneficial, safe, and pleasurable service to the client, * Ensure personal boundaries and health of either party are not compromised, that you maintain your dignity and integrity, and that you don?t compromise your own personal ethos, and * Reflect positively upon the profession as a whole. Voluntary subscription to a code of ethics has historically been one way to demonstrate the commitment to excellence in any profession. Commensurately, I hereby adopt this Alternative provider?s Code of Ethics as my own. This code of ethics is predicated upon the following assumption of rights; * I reserve the right to screen clients and determine who I will see and who I will not see, and under what conditions. * I reserve the right to set my own boundaries, and to have my clients to respect them. * I reserve the right to refuse to see a client for any reasonable reason, including if the client refuses to accept my personal boundaries and play limitations, or engages in behavior I deem inappropriate. * I reserve the right to determine how I use my personal attributes to make a living, and to be respected for the decisions that I make. * I reserve the right to be treated as a human being, with full agency and all other rights due me, including the right to petition for redress under all relevant civil and criminal laws of my country. I have every expectation that law enforcement agencies and the judicial system will treat me with the same dignity and respect they afford all other complainants. Code of Ethics General Conduct * I will enter and practice this profession of my own free will, under duress from no other party, understanding the true nature of the work I?ll be doing. * I will exhibit a sincere commitment to providing a quality experience for the client. * I will respect my clients as human beings and not treat them as anything less than how I expect to be treated. * I will respect my client?s physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries. * I will maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence, striving for excellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses and through continued education and training. Business Practices * I will not use bait and switch tactics to lure clients under false assumptions or pretenses. * I will respect my client?s confidentiality, and not, under any circumstances, divulge the names or other identifying features of my clients. * I will not defraud or cheat a client. * I will advertise my services and skills honestly and not misrepresent what I am prepared to do or the skills that I have. * I will plainly state my fees in advertising and on my web site(s) and not engage in unfair attempts to upcharge or upsell clients. * I will not submit false information about clients to blacklists and similar reporting venues. * I will recognize that there is a wide variance in acceptable behavior and identity when it comes to human sexuality, strive to accept those variations in my clients, and accommodate those variances when they do not conflict with my own personal ethos or skill levels Safety and Health * I will adopt and use appropriate safe sex practices consistent with the nature and scope of play as negotiated between myself and my client. * I will not practice my trade if I am sick or ill without disclosing my illness(es) to my client before any personal contact. * I will not entertain clients if I am physically, emotionally, or spiritually impaired to the point where I cannot ensure my safety, the safety of my client, and meet my client?s expectations. * I will not engage in any activity during my time with my clients that knowingly exposes them to potential physical or psychological danger without their express, informed consent. Respect for the Profession * I will not advocate or condone non-consensual sex work, or sex work involving minors, and will report the existence of such behavior to appropriate authorities. * I will not entertain minors as defined by the jurisdiction in which I work, regardless of the age of consent in that jurisdiction. * If asked, I will provide honest, legitimate advice and information to those who inquire about working in this profession
  5. 1 point
    Joyful, I just finished another book on demographics - yeah I am a nerd. 1982 was the coming of age for Gen X - small cohort in their prime for a much larger cohort of baby boomers - small supply, large demand. Today, the NetGen - those 31 and less are a cohort bigger than the baby boom and they are now serving two smaller cohorts - Gen X and aging baby boom. Perhaps supply and demand - one theory. Perhaps - change in the commodity of sex, more available and often for free. Two theories - still only worth 2 cents.
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