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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/09 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I'm the mother of 3 boys...one is 20 and others are in their teens.they are my life and i would do anything for them. This is the main reason i became a provider. My boys always come first. My job second and my free time is last... After leaving my husband 7 years ago i had no idea what i would do...i went to Flight Attendant Academy the Air Canada went on strike almost immediately after i graduated..i worked as a waitress,did some acting {no not porn}but none of it paid enough to keep 3 young boys fed. Sure we were happy but happy doesn't pay the bills. One day i seen an ad in the local paper looking for escorts etc. The rest is history. Thinking wow i get to get paid for something i enjoy doing....nice. At first i didn't tell my boys anything...they were too young. As they became older i told them. I figured it would be better coming from me then someone else. My boys are wonderful and very understanding. We don't talk about my work of course but if they have questions about sex they do ask. I just tell them "OK right now i am not your mom",before i answer...lol. I think by me being a provider it gives my boys a better respect for women. They know i will not take crap from men anymore.They know i stand up for myself.They see me being very protective of them and others. They are fine young gentlemen. I'm always told what a wonderful job i have done raising my boys. Being a single mom isn't easy for sure but this job certainly helps ME provide well for them. I thank you all for this. kisses, Emma A
  2. 1 point
    Back in the 90's -- The ladies I frequented offered services what I would describe as "Full Service" (CBJ and multiple positions). Significant Bait and Switch was common place as much emphasis was placed on newspaper classified and the particular persons honesty with respect to their physical description. DATY and BBBJ was taboo and not on the menu. Some ladies allowed LFK and others DFK depending on the lady. As far as donations -- If my memory serves me right; a typical full service encounter spanning an hour was running at about 120 - 140 roses. Half hour donations were about 80 - 120 roses.
  3. 1 point
    I realize I've been reluctant to say much about the Asian escorts here in Vancouver. Liberal, middle-class fear of being racist, I suppose! But have a look at in Vancouver. Most of the erotic services ads there are from Asian women or their employers. Some of these girls work for lower-end massage parlors, but most of them, while seeming to be independents, are working in houses scattered all over the lower mainland. The owners run the risk of being charged with operating a bawdy house, though there are reports that they rotate the girls around between houses so that the neighbours won't know what's going on. One of my clients tells me that they often have five or six girls working in a house for a few weeks, and then they all move on while the house stands empty for a month or two, or is sublet to an ordinary family for a few months before the cycle starts over. Men complain that nearly all of the Asians' ads are bait and switch. At the same time, many seem to think that the rates these girls quote are the going rate in the city, or should be. It's hard to compete with $50 blowjobs and two girls for $180/hour. On the other hand, men who've felt misled by this advertising seem to make a concerted effort to find older escorts (the Asian girls are rarely more than 25, and usually much younger) and Caucasians. Some Vancouver feminists make a lot of noise about trafficked women, arguing that because of the prevalence of trafficking none of us should be in the sex trade. The escorts I've known are all concerned about trafficking; we don't want anyone to be forced into sex work. In fact, while there probably are trafficked women in the city--it's a port and a major entry point for airlines and autos--when the police tried to crack down on massage parlors a couple of years ago, they found no trafficked women working in them. I think it's likely we'll see a major increase in the number of new escorts and the number of Asian brothels as we get closer to the Olympics. While the Olympics ought to be good for business, whether those of us who charge $250-300 per hour will see much of that increase is debatable. Some of the very high-end ladies may, but I'm skeptical about the rest of us.
  4. 1 point
    Another newbie here, and more to the point, have never seen an SP before, ever !, until recently. I could not be on any list, let alone a " bad date list". I had to pass her "test", which convinced Me, that I, was going down the right road. She still took a risk (Bless Her) that I was not some smooth BS artist. She seemed pleased when I mentioned that I started a login at CERB. I am also a Oneatatimer. So the next one, if there is one, may/maynot take a chance on me. I wont be posting much on this site till I've done a lot more reading (cant type fast either). I am suggesting an additional way for the ladies to check out clients. How about a CERB Approved badge, for those of us that dont have tons of rep or posts (yah something like boy scouts) achieved by passing a test (defined by the ladies ?) to prove that clients/members have, at least, read certain pages on this site. (know the rules get badge, not play by rules lose it, you must rewrite) A lot of work ? Nonsense? Been tried before ? Mod, this site is outanding ! Hope I can fit in. My first post, be gentle please, I'm all ears. Gonna press the Submit button and see what happens.
  5. 1 point
    I am the mother of two kids, a 12 year old and a 17 year old...I became a Sex Worker (this is the term I use with my older child) in my early 40's...I already had a successful career and chose to fulfil what I can only say is my calling at a much later stage in life than many who work in this industry... Has being a parent affected me as a Sex Worker? Yes...there have been a few occasions where I have had to cancel sessions due to one or both of the kids being ill...it is unfortunate but life happens...often when we least expect it...fortunately, clients who I have had to cancel appointments with have been compassionate and understanding... My seventeen year old knows exactly what I do and has never been afraid to ask well thought out, relevant questions....personally, I have always maintained the fact that honest, age appropriate answers are best and will keep the lines of communication open...particularly during tougher adolescent stages...honest, and again I reiterate, age appropriate information about virtually any subject has been the catalyst that has resulted in an established deeper trust between my children and I... Has being a Sex Worker affected me as a parent? Yes...very recently, another Sex Worker reported me to Manitoba Child and Family Services with an anonymous allegation that I was putting my twelve year old at risk for abuse due to the nature of my work... How do I know it was another Sex Worker if the allegation was anonymous? The way allegation was worded was the biggest factor...and some of the accusations made were things known only after I posted them in the Ladies Lounge on another board... I was contacted at home after Abuse Investigators had my younger child taken out of class to be interviewed...a meeting was set up for an Abuse Investigator to come to my house to conduct an investigation the next day... Following a guilt-ridden, sleepless night imagining all the worst case scenarios, I submitted to two hours of questioning and an inspection of my incall space in my home...I was informed that my websites and advertising had been perused bi the agency... I was told that based on the fact that I don't see clients when my kids are home, and that a plan is in place to ensure the kids and my clients do not cross paths, the Abuse Investigator was reasonably sure the file would be closed... Once the report of the investigation was complete, I was called and told that my child was extremely intelligent, articulate and that based on the Abuse Investigators' findings, we were a family who relied on open, honest communication...I was also told the allegations were deemed to be unfounded and the file would indeed be closed... Another important point came from that last call...an assurance that what I choose to do for a living is my business (literally) and since there was no sign of abuse or risks of abuse, I didn't need to worry about this information being passed to any other agency or to LE... This situation, which arose from someone's need to be malicious, definitely affected me profoundly both as a parent and as a Sex Worker....it made me realize how important it is to bring about changing the perception society has of our industry...I also came to the conclusion that "coming out" as a Sex Worker was the first step...This was followed bi the realization that I needed to get more involved with organizations that are working locally, nationally and globally toward ensuring the rights of Sex Workers... For me this is a moral imperative; one that I hope will be taken up bi more Sex Workers and our Allies to create a grassroots movement... This will be the only way to change the thoughts of politicians, legislators and members of our communities... At the risk of sounding preachy, let's all do what we can to make our communities more sex-positive...please....
  6. 1 point
    I'm not at all worried about this kind of thing happening with my son, Sixernine. I am no one's servant, period. Like Emma, I only use the term "service provider" here. I say that I'm a companion, too. I provide genuine companionship, warm friendship and a non-judgmental attitude. I feel it's an honour to have the opportunity to know my clients on personal and intimate terms. I have their trust and they have mine. I do have sex with them, not because they've paid for it, but because I choose to. Two of my long-time, regular clients occasionally want me to go out to lunch, or just cuddle with them while they talk about whatever is on their minds. They want my opinion about things they care about. I feel that we're equals. There's nothing subservient about me. In my opinion, unless a woman has a pretty strong sense of herself; unless she's able to set her own limits about what she does, where, when and with whom; unless she's able to take care of her own emotional and psychological needs without depending on her clients to shore her up; and unless she believes in her whole self, in all of who she is, with and without clients, in and out of bed, she'll have a very hard time in this profession. That's not because the clientele is difficult: if you like men and enjoy sex, they're not hard to be with at all. It's because human needs for closeness, physical contact, affection and sexual activity are truly essential: they're a fundamental part of our makeup. We can have a hell of a great time together in bed, but we're fooling ourselves if we ignore how truly naked we are. Not everyone can share so much with many partners and feel whole. The ones who can't are wise to find another path. I think that my work encourages me to have greater empathy and compassion for other people. It's my belief that compassion is the antidote to discrimination and inequity. I've learned a lot about myself and other people through this profession. My ideas of who and what is attractive, and who I might choose for a temporary or ongoing partner (unpaid, that is), have changed significantly. Men I once would not have approached with an eye to ending up in bed together are often the most sensitive, creative and playful! As for what my son might pick up from me, I notice that children reflect what their parents feel. My son is a strong young man with an admirable sense of justice and empathy. I've seen him help and defend other kids who are having a hard time and are unpopular or difficult to be with. Once, when I asked him why he stood up for another kid, he said, "I looked at him, and right then I knew that it was really, really hard just to be him every day. I couldn't walk by and not try to stop what was happening. If you don't speak out when someone is being hurt, it's like you're saying it's okay to hurt them. He's not really my friend, but you don't have to be my friend to deserve to be treated right."
  7. 1 point
    In addition to being a provider, I'm also self-employed in another field. It's work I enjoy, but it doesn't pay well enough to support my children and myself. I take on contracts in my other career, but the majority of my income comes from being an SP. My son has no idea about my real line of work. To keep things as separate as possible, I only see clients between about 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on weekdays and I do outcalls at most one or two evenings a week. Those evenings are usually booked up weeks in advance and are very stable. I'm always home by 10:00 p.m. at the latest. When my son goes to visit his father in Ontario, my schedule can be as open and flexible as I want it to be. I generally ask clients to confirm meetings with me in the morning of the day we're getting together. I always explain that I'm a mother and it's possible (but not very likely) that something could happen to my child--he could come down with a bug or something--which is the only reason I would need to postpone our meeting. So far, that's worked very well. I don't think that being a provider has affected my parenting. I am who I am, and how I am, everywhere. I think I'm very fortunate that my children have felt that they could talk about sex, sexuality, safe sex and STDs with me very openly. They trust me to be open-minded and to give them straight, honest responses to what they talk about. It never seems to have occurred to them that I have any special reason for being very well-informed, it's just the way things are. My kids tease me and say that I was probably a lot like Hermione Granger, the girl in the Harry Potter novels, when I was growing up.:lol: I did go through a period when I felt misgivings because there's a big part of my life that I can't share in any way with my children. I finally realized that children rarely know their parents very well in many ways. The parent/child relationship is largely about the children, and rightly so. One of the hardest things even for adult children is to recognize their parents as complete human beings who are separate from them and who have thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams that have nothing to do with their kids at all, but are part of who the parent is, as a person. Looking at my situation that way makes it easy to separate these pieces of my life.
  8. 1 point
    This kind of stuff offends me greatly. I know not to take it personally but it does hurt all of us honest sp?s as an entire industry when you have to worry like this. I know people are people and theft can happen in any occupation. But please there are some very honest escorts out there! Don?t lump us all in the same boat. When a gentleman comes to my in call I have way more to lose then he does. I have no interest in his wallet other then the donation required for our time as I rather long term regular customers then a high traffic revolting door. Treat people right and they always come back. I have had the same in call for 13 years and have no plans of leaving. If a person was stealing stuff from wallets they most likely wouldn?t be able to stay in the same spot. I know you need to watch out for your safety but it really bothers me that a man would come here with that in the back of his head but I understand because I have to watch myself when I do outcalls. For in calls I open up my home, you get the privilege of coming in here which makes me vulnerable, you get to use my shower, see my personal belongings etc, leaving me totally vulnerable in many ways. The only thing I have on you is either a board handle or a phone number. I rely on you being discrete and honest just as much as you want that in a sp. My clients often come in and leave their jackets/wallets in the front entrance while we are down the hall for fun and then come back for their coat before leaving. Or their wallet is in their pants which are in the room with us. I always make sure they have everything before going and if they ever left anything behind as has happened occasionally (like a watch) I would definitely let them know and make sure they got it back. I have mailed watches to folks from out of town. I have had new clients say their wallet is in the vehicle and they leave to get more money and come back and common sense is never leave a wallet in a car! Cars get break and enter all the time even in the best neighborhoods. If you are in an in call and don?t feel safe, simply leave. So there is no problems give the lady 20$ to 50$ for her time and to keep your name good. If you stay keep your wallet with you, ie in your pants which are usually in the room with you and in your view, if you still don?t feel safe showering etc take your pants into the bathroom with you. Please don?t stereo type us all as the same because we are all different.
  9. 1 point
    LE can not take you're car if you were to get pinched. (Unless you were fooling around in your car, and even thats a maybe.) But if you don't have ID you could (and most likely will) be held until you produce it. Imagine calling your wife from lock-up to go get your ID from your car so you can get released. I bet you'd need two lawyers after that! My solution for the LE/SP needing ID was solved when I lost my wallet once, so I went out and bought a new wallet, got a drivers licsense, etc. Anyway a while later I recieved my old wallet back in the mail. Voila two IDs, so I use the old wallet when I go hobbying. I guess the old licsense isn't valid anymore, but it looks valid so who cares. Cheers, 100 POSTS!
  10. 1 point
    I have seen Willow a few times and have to agree with all the great things that have been said. She really puts an effort into making the experince truley enjoyable, pays attention to the details and is really good at what she does. Out of respect I will skip the graphic details but rest assured you will be happy.
  11. 1 point
    I have to agree, she is the best I have ever experienced. I have only been able to see her for 1 session so far as I am out of Province, but the experience was mind blowing. Can hardly wait to get back to Halifax.:-D
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