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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/09 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Simon_Templar and Misterdynomite30, yes, I seem to also recall that pre-internet, another wave that hit and offered a major alternative to traditional services was the phone sex phenomenon. So perhaps there's something to be said for new technologies offering cheaper alternatives that have watered down the value (if not the demand) for our services. Buggernot, with respect to Boomers being less likely to participate. I am one myself, and I prefer to work with others of my generation. I haven't noticed much of a slowdown. If anything solutions such as Viagra have increased their participation, and the enhanced financial stability of senior clients makes them a better bet, even during downturns. I will note, though, that in recent years, it seems that there is an unprecedented amount of interest from younger customers (20s and even teens) who have never been married. Traditionally, men in this age range have shunned professionals, preferring the challenge of attracting women on their merits and not their wallets. Traditionally, prostitution was the solution of men who weren't really free to pursue casual relationships, and preferred the proscribed nature of encounters with us. (You know the old saying, they pay us to go away?) I chalk up the interest from the young 'uns to the rampant consumerism and too-easy credit of this past decade -- but hopefully those conditions (which haven't been very good for us!) will wind down, and young men will go back to chasing tail the old-fashioned way. Dummpy, could it be that you've simply journeyed through and sampled various rate strata, and not the other way around? Yes, some girls do come in low and hop up a level or two as they gain confidence or realize they can do better. But it's not as though those levels didn't exist all along. Last summer, in the Ottawa section, someone put out a notice of a very attractive woman giving a great service for $30. Let's hope, for her sake, that she's figured out that she can do better. But if she's charging $250/hr today, then that doesn't mean that rates went from $30 to $250 in 9 months. (I still think putting together some stats on rates for advertisers here is a good idea -- you say you're a paper pusher. Wanna help? ;) ) As a business, we have gone through some substantial technological and sociological changes over the past thirty or so years. But too, I also know that our business is different from many in that many SPs tend to be young and/or only in the business briefly; we tend to come to the business with all the same stigma-based preconceptions that anyone else in society has (I was certainly no different); it's easier to start right off as an independent these days, which -- while it spares many from being exploited -- also prevents many from learning from the experience of those who've been around longer; often a new independent's most plentiful source of information comes from the customers and she is a bit alienated from other SPs; and many operators lack any solid business training or background. I am inclined to think that, despite whatever else might have affected our business, that collectively we have managed ourselves poorly, for the reasons above. This is why the rest of the world is marching on, and we're being left behind. I'm not sure we can do much about it, though. As some of you may have noticed, we SPs tend to be a hard-headed bunch. ;) And many are in it only to surf a little quick cash, but when it starts feeling like work, they're gone. (...not that I'm suggesting there's anything wrong with that -- I suspect this is also what keeps the business fresh -- but back in the day, most such girls worked for agencies and never made it to the independent stage where they'd get involved in setting their own pricing.) I dunno! Maybe we could put together an MBA for SPs or something. Demand is still healthy, and we still seem able to attract a healthy supply at the moment -- although I suspect that's because, for the moment, we still have a reputation for being a good paying business. Few of the women I know today who've been in the business any length of time cite the money as the reason they stay in the business -- and most of the women I know who've left the business over the past ten years or so have cited disappointment with earnings as a reason for leaving. What happens when we lose the lure of good money? (Which, frankly, we haven't so far only because of an enduring stigma.) In the future, as Dummpy suggests, perhaps the best service will be had in "exotic locations" (...a euphemism for third world country?) where "luxury service" can be purchased for dirt cheap rates because the service providers live in an entirely different reality than their customers. The reason I think this is important now is because (call me a doomsayer), I think our whole economy might possibly reset itself here over the next five years or so. If that happens (and in general, I think it would be a good thing), it could give our business a second chance. I suspect that rates will start out lower -- and our customer's disposable funds will probably also be lower -- but hopefully all our costs of living will also be lower, AND we'll have the opportunity to manage ourselves better from that point forward. It's a possibility! ..c..
  2. 1 point
    I.. like Christine (not Joy.. that's not her name.. that's her site).. have been an escort since the 80's as well. I started at an agency because I had no idea about doing incalls until a fellow escort explained what it was. I never went back to an agency after that. I love being an independant for more reasons than just the money. Christine is quite correct in that a girl can be an escort for just an evening without any expenses other than a computer to advertise (or in some cases a friend's computer to put up her ad). This has definitely increased 'the supply'. Demand has also increased for the same reason supply has.. the internet which has already been covered. Both have increased as well because it is more socially acceptable to be an escort or see one than it was in the 70's and 80's. Personally the decline in business for me occurred when Nortel layoffs happened. The guys in the high tech industry had substantial discretionary income and also brought alot of visitors from the US up to see them. Then it was SARS. Girls started coming from Toronto to Ottawa. Similarly from Montreal to Ottawa. Many girls started touring because of the internet and the ease with which to advertise quickly. Some don't even rely on papers at all whereas this was my only tool in the 80's. Way too many factors to succinctly tie it up in one statement. Escort boards in the US tell a different story. Women there who don't want to get busted use the boards as a means to 'verify' clients. Online services do this for them as well and escorts use references. This was unheard of before the internet. In Canada thankfully the laws are more lax so we can relax and all try to see escorts and be escorts.. whether for an hour, a day, month or years. There are other reasons why the business hasn't garnered an increase in wages.. but I do recall going to Europe in the 80's just prior to getting into escorting and my fare to fly to London was the same as it is today. So for me that hasn't changed either despite gas prices rising dramatically. Sometimes the market won't bear much of an increase. btw. at the time I started escorting in Toronto. The outcall was 200/hr plus 40 for the driver minimum. It's much much less than that now.. certainly not more with the girls getting the same percentage. Oh and as for the Asian massage parlours in B.C. I hear the same thing in Toronto. Not at all sure about Ottawa's scene.. but it's like the dollarama. I shop there and don't think much about where it's made or how hard someone may have worked to provide it at that cost. A client sometimes will think only with his short-term consumeristic intent and may get a bargain.. but if he get's whatever is in the grab-bag.. he shouldn't then complain. 40-60 bucks doesn't give you the option of selection in my understanding at an asian parlour.
  3. 1 point
    Just from a personal perspective, on average I will not spend more than $200/hr. On occasion I would consider going as high as $300, but very, very rare. This puts therefined, elegant, educated, model type girls out of my hobby realm and that's fine, it's not what I want. The girl next door is just right for my enjoyment and my wallet and when they are asking $400-500, that's when I say no thank you. It's a luxury that will be missed but not essential... Posted via Mobile Device
  4. 1 point
    Well, I've known Brit for several years and have seen her again recently. She disappears for seveal months at a time, over a year sometimes, but I'm always glad when we are able to get reacquainted. I can agree with the review from the person who started the thread in that she: - has an exotic look - has beautiful eyes (I never checked the color thou. lol) - is very tanned - now has long blackish hair He forgot to mention her recent "enhancements' (really good job) and her smile for which I just can't think of an adjective worthy to describe. To me she's Just the same Brit. I've seen her more than I've seen any other SP. I've really only truly "connected" with a few SP's. I can list them on on hand....and Brit is one of them. Having said that, she has a life and has had to cancel numerous appointments and at times I've soured alittle due to cancelations, but just alittle. I instantly had chemistry with her. In my year 2005 review of a few SP's, concerning Brit, I wrote "Friendliest. Lots of reviews so won't repeat. Sometimes I think she enjoyed it more than I did. After seeing her a few times its kinda like she's your buddy." 4 years later I still feel the same. Note however, like most SP's, not everyone has the same experience and Brit has had reviews that would be off the scale in both directions. Some would say "controversy" was her middle name a few years ago but I don't think it was due so much because of her action but due to the fact people were so opinionated towards her. DISCLAIMER: Since I know her fairly well I probably wouldn't have chimed in the review section for fear, of being "labelled" a shill but since the "MOD" asked for remarks from those who know her, I thought I'd give my .02.
  5. 1 point
    I am the mother of two kids, a 12 year old and a 17 year old...I became a Sex Worker (this is the term I use with my older child) in my early 40's...I already had a successful career and chose to fulfil what I can only say is my calling at a much later stage in life than many who work in this industry... Has being a parent affected me as a Sex Worker? Yes...there have been a few occasions where I have had to cancel sessions due to one or both of the kids being ill...it is unfortunate but life happens...often when we least expect it...fortunately, clients who I have had to cancel appointments with have been compassionate and understanding... My seventeen year old knows exactly what I do and has never been afraid to ask well thought out, relevant questions....personally, I have always maintained the fact that honest, age appropriate answers are best and will keep the lines of communication open...particularly during tougher adolescent stages...honest, and again I reiterate, age appropriate information about virtually any subject has been the catalyst that has resulted in an established deeper trust between my children and I... Has being a Sex Worker affected me as a parent? Yes...very recently, another Sex Worker reported me to Manitoba Child and Family Services with an anonymous allegation that I was putting my twelve year old at risk for abuse due to the nature of my work... How do I know it was another Sex Worker if the allegation was anonymous? The way allegation was worded was the biggest factor...and some of the accusations made were things known only after I posted them in the Ladies Lounge on another board... I was contacted at home after Abuse Investigators had my younger child taken out of class to be interviewed...a meeting was set up for an Abuse Investigator to come to my house to conduct an investigation the next day... Following a guilt-ridden, sleepless night imagining all the worst case scenarios, I submitted to two hours of questioning and an inspection of my incall space in my home...I was informed that my websites and advertising had been perused bi the agency... I was told that based on the fact that I don't see clients when my kids are home, and that a plan is in place to ensure the kids and my clients do not cross paths, the Abuse Investigator was reasonably sure the file would be closed... Once the report of the investigation was complete, I was called and told that my child was extremely intelligent, articulate and that based on the Abuse Investigators' findings, we were a family who relied on open, honest communication...I was also told the allegations were deemed to be unfounded and the file would indeed be closed... Another important point came from that last call...an assurance that what I choose to do for a living is my business (literally) and since there was no sign of abuse or risks of abuse, I didn't need to worry about this information being passed to any other agency or to LE... This situation, which arose from someone's need to be malicious, definitely affected me profoundly both as a parent and as a Sex Worker....it made me realize how important it is to bring about changing the perception society has of our industry...I also came to the conclusion that "coming out" as a Sex Worker was the first step...This was followed bi the realization that I needed to get more involved with organizations that are working locally, nationally and globally toward ensuring the rights of Sex Workers... For me this is a moral imperative; one that I hope will be taken up bi more Sex Workers and our Allies to create a grassroots movement... This will be the only way to change the thoughts of politicians, legislators and members of our communities... At the risk of sounding preachy, let's all do what we can to make our communities more sex-positive...please....
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