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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/09 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Are you smarter than a fifth grader ? No, apparently not. I am appalled lately by the harassment, backstabbing rumour spreading and fear mongering going on by many members out there. It seems many have regressed to the school yard mentality of the social skills of a 10 year old child. You know who you are. Well established providers and clients have fallen victim lately to harassment and smear campaigns. Rumors are abound and pm's fly back and forth. Rather than open discussion and constructive conversation, many around here are spreading untruths that are harmful inaccurate and hurtful. Behavior of this sort is damaging to a tight knit community of this nature, for the most part from what I can tell the rumour spreading and childish behavior is being done by newbies. To those doing the harassment, spreading the rumours and acting like nieve children with your schoolyard tactics...and You know who you are.... grow up, act your age or get out! This forum is for adults and and Mature members. If you are unable to carry yourself in a professional manner and act like an adult then your contributions to this community aren't wanted. To those members who've been targeted by these rumors be strong and believe in yourself for who you are and what you stand for. Trust me, because of my outspokenness on many issues I've been targeted often in the past and I imagine it will continue to on into the future, I don't let it get to me. I just move on and take the accusations for what they are worth... nothing. To the rest of the membership I'd suggest you be careful what you say to people you don't really know, in the private chatrooms or with private messaging. Confidences are being betrayed, words are being twisted and in the midst of it all people are being hurt. Well there you go a little Sunday morning rant to get your week of to a thoughtful provoking start.
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