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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/09 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Ever since becoming a member I have noticed more and more hobbiests that do not write recommendations. I have heard numerous excuses as to why they don't write them, and I heard a new one today so it prompted me to post this to see what others think. Excuses (in the order I have heard them): Negative Reco: This one I completely understand, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything. SP has a Do Not Review policy: Also completely understandable, no reco should be written if the SP doesn't want one done. I Don't Write Recos: Somewhat understand that some people don't want to make it known that they are seeing SPs, but you are a member of an Escort Recommendation board, so most people here assume you are a hobbiest and seeing SPs. So write the reco to show the SP you had a good time and show your appreciation. (The other thing I find funny is some hobbiests that recommend an SP to me and say they had an awesome time but they don't write recommendations will then turn around and write one for another SP a week later.) She's not my normal body type: (e.g. I had an awesome time but I normally see spinners and she wasn't a spinner so I am not gonna write a reco.) Is there a law that says you can't see SPs with varying body types, hair color, eye color, etc.? Are you afraid other hobbiests are going to make fun of you if you didn't choose the head cheerleader as your SP? If you have a great time, let people know, and let her know. How do you think this makes an SP feel if you tell them you have a wonderful time and you repeat with them but you won't do a reco and yet you do them for other girls? I don't want her to become too popular if people like my reco: Crazy reason, if you don't write recos and she doesn't get business she won't be around for you to see. I told an SP I love her, so I don't want her to know I see others: She is probably is hesitant to believe you when you say you love her. I'm sure there are lots of hobbiests that tell SPs that they love them. I see the word throw around some as if it means nothing, so I'm sure SPs are very cautious to believe when the word is thrown out. They are going to be very careful and will know that you are still seeing other SPs whether you write a reco for them or not. I don't have the time to write a reco: It takes a whole 5 minutes to write a reco, you don't have to go into detail if you don't want to. It's easy to say you saw her and had a great time and show her you appreciated it. If you have the time to spend an hour or more with an SP, I'm sure you have the time to spend 5 minutes to write a reco. The Latest one: I can't write a reco because an SP I see will get mad if I write them for others: This one threw me for a loop. Do SPs really get mad if one of their regulars writes a review for another SP? I'm pretty sure most SPs know that hobbiests will see more than one SP. Most hobbiests like variety. Yes there are those that choose a regular SP but they will still seek variety from time to time. Do the SPs that get mad give you worse service if you write a reco for another SP or do they stop seeing you? Is this the new way to catfight with other SPs without being open about it, just make sure your hobbiests only write recos for you? I'm sure these are just a few of the excuses people have heard. Just thought it was an interesting topic and figured others might have more insight or more excuses to share. Closing thought: Show your appreciation to the SPs and write a reco, it only takes a few minutes, and they will really appreciate that you did.
  2. 2 points
    From a ladies perpective: I think that if you enjoyed your time spent with the SP, then the recommendation should be kept. If the SP all of a sudden turned to drugs and what not I could understand removing it. I don't think a post needs to be made telling the members what you did and why though. Be discreet. In regards to Dummpy and others who may have been cut off from SP's. Its unfortunate that the bad emails were going around, it really turns the mood ugly. However, sometimes the chemistry disappears, or the SP doesn't feel comfortable. I don't think a personal attack should be made on that particular SP. I myself have denied clients from rebooking after only one visit, as I felt uncomfortable or other issues. I'm polite and honest. Not mean or malious. I want to enjoy my "extra cirricular" activities and ensure I give a great date. However sometimes because we are human we do have bad days. ;(
  3. 1 point
    If I had 10 bucks for every time someone told me he will take me here and there I should give him a discount I could go on a cruise. lol My favourites are the ones who ask for a discount because they will see me every two weeks. I never gave in and I never saw them again. So much for every two weeks.... I think some guys haven't learned yet that we are a special breed of women. We are on the same level with them and they can't bullshit us as easily as they can non-professionals. ;)
  4. 1 point
    Any SP I've seen has had her rates posted very visibly somewhere or has let me know about them beforehand, I budget for those rates. How can someone expect the lady to be into the date at all after spending some of her time arguing and haggling over rates with the client, it's a complete distraction and would be a total mood killer
  5. 1 point
    I was overly sad to read about stuff this like this going on, especially here. Akhenaton & OutForFun both make good points. It worries me more that ladies are accepting BS info on clients from other clients. I can't imagine having faith in anything a client said about another client... from another provider is one thing, but another client? They would lose any and all credibility in my mind, not to mention the option of making a booking with me. I don't find that kind of drama appealing from anyone, least of all a man. My only concern would be if maybe the lady in question is just making excuses? I think there are probably a number of reasons a recommendation should be pulled (B&S, Scamming, ect) ... this could be one of them, bad client care maybe? I would agree that if someone no longer felt like he should recommend me, he should pull his recommendation. That way anyone who did see me would be deciding for themselves and not based on something you said but would no longer agree with. That way (at least here) you're not in the position to have to disagree with something positive you may have said. -Nai
  6. 1 point
    I came across Le Droit accidently and with my broken French was able to find some interesting escort ads in that paper. For example, an agency called Exxxtase is claiming to have 12 young girls between the ages of 18 to 30 and another agency named Diva also makes similar claims as well as many more ads by other independent escorts or agencies. I am not sure why there hasn't been a lot more comments and reviews on either board about escorts advertised in that paper! Has anyone tried any of those advertised in Le Droit?. Any truth to what has been advertised?. I am looking for young GFEs (18-20, real age) , but find it hard to find. If you have any info about ads in above newspaper please PM me (one escort ad by an 18 year old Russian girl got my attention in particular. Any info on this one or others?). Thanks.
  7. 1 point
    There was a thread about guys shaving a while back, but I can't find it...I think it might have been in the Ottawa section, but I can't seem to locate it. BTW, this is just the geek in me coming out, but when I read the subject line for this thread (i.e. How do you like your BJ?), the first thing that popped into my mind was "Crisp!". And if you don't get that, don't worry, it just means you're normal... :-)
  8. 1 point
    I have a pair of those "suck in all your fat" undies that are crotchless, not because they're trying to be sexy, but because if you've gotta go, your bladder isn't going to wait for you to get out of what is, in essence, almost a bodysuit. I got them to wear under a particularly tight dress that I wore to a wedding so I didn't have any unsightly bulges. hahaha. Once I had to bring an extra pair of jeans with me to a call because I was going to be sitting in the tub in the pair I was wearing.
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