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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/09 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I thought it would be interesting and informative to create a thread listing advice that SPs could give gentlemen who hire service providers. This would be somewhat of a "don't do" list, if you may. Here are things that clients have done that have turned me off and made becoming sexually aroused difficult. I'd love to hear from other SPs and hear their advice for gentlemen who hire SPs. MANDALAY'S "DO NOT DO" LIST * I despise aggressive, strong bear hugs. Although you may be excited to see me, do not grab me and give me a strong bear hug. Bear hugs are painful and I can't breath when a man is doing this. It also sometimes feels like my ribs are going to break. Gentleness and tenderness is more of a turn on. Lifting me off the floor in a tight, painful bear hug hurts and is a major turn off for me. * Do not grab my head, man-handle it and force it towards the body part you want me to touch. Words work just as well and physically attempting to force my head somewhere really turns me off. * Shoving your tongue down my throat is also a huge turn off. The tongue is meant to tease, not to make the other person gag. Here is the best article on kissing I've ever read: http://www.ehow.com/how_4678193_kiss-like-porn-star.html * This is topic that I thought would be common sense and wouldn't have to mention, but must be brought up because there are a few men that need to be taught this (not many, but some). When having a shower, one must always use soap on both their genital and armpit areas. Cleanliness is particularly important for me and armpit/genital body odor is a sure way to turn me off. Please make sure every inch of your body has been soaped and rinsed at least once. * Please do not put cologne or any type of fragrance on your genital areas. If it accidentally gets in my mouth, it tastes awful and reminds me of having my mouth washed out with soap when I was a child. LOL * The clitoris has thousands of nerve endings. Biting it and being rough hurts and gentleness is preferred (in my case).
  2. 1 point
    Ever since becoming a member I have noticed more and more hobbiests that do not write recommendations. I have heard numerous excuses as to why they don't write them, and I heard a new one today so it prompted me to post this to see what others think. Excuses (in the order I have heard them): Negative Reco: This one I completely understand, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything. SP has a Do Not Review policy: Also completely understandable, no reco should be written if the SP doesn't want one done. I Don't Write Recos: Somewhat understand that some people don't want to make it known that they are seeing SPs, but you are a member of an Escort Recommendation board, so most people here assume you are a hobbiest and seeing SPs. So write the reco to show the SP you had a good time and show your appreciation. (The other thing I find funny is some hobbiests that recommend an SP to me and say they had an awesome time but they don't write recommendations will then turn around and write one for another SP a week later.) She's not my normal body type: (e.g. I had an awesome time but I normally see spinners and she wasn't a spinner so I am not gonna write a reco.) Is there a law that says you can't see SPs with varying body types, hair color, eye color, etc.? Are you afraid other hobbiests are going to make fun of you if you didn't choose the head cheerleader as your SP? If you have a great time, let people know, and let her know. How do you think this makes an SP feel if you tell them you have a wonderful time and you repeat with them but you won't do a reco and yet you do them for other girls? I don't want her to become too popular if people like my reco: Crazy reason, if you don't write recos and she doesn't get business she won't be around for you to see. I told an SP I love her, so I don't want her to know I see others: She is probably is hesitant to believe you when you say you love her. I'm sure there are lots of hobbiests that tell SPs that they love them. I see the word throw around some as if it means nothing, so I'm sure SPs are very cautious to believe when the word is thrown out. They are going to be very careful and will know that you are still seeing other SPs whether you write a reco for them or not. I don't have the time to write a reco: It takes a whole 5 minutes to write a reco, you don't have to go into detail if you don't want to. It's easy to say you saw her and had a great time and show her you appreciated it. If you have the time to spend an hour or more with an SP, I'm sure you have the time to spend 5 minutes to write a reco. The Latest one: I can't write a reco because an SP I see will get mad if I write them for others: This one threw me for a loop. Do SPs really get mad if one of their regulars writes a review for another SP? I'm pretty sure most SPs know that hobbiests will see more than one SP. Most hobbiests like variety. Yes there are those that choose a regular SP but they will still seek variety from time to time. Do the SPs that get mad give you worse service if you write a reco for another SP or do they stop seeing you? Is this the new way to catfight with other SPs without being open about it, just make sure your hobbiests only write recos for you? I'm sure these are just a few of the excuses people have heard. Just thought it was an interesting topic and figured others might have more insight or more excuses to share. Closing thought: Show your appreciation to the SPs and write a reco, it only takes a few minutes, and they will really appreciate that you did.
  3. 1 point
    Maybe I'm just overly confused, as it happens from time to time, but... I really don't get these reputation points. I lose "reputation" because someone "disagrees" with something I said/ an opinion I had? ...Maybe I'm missing how these are helpful?
  4. 1 point
    I posted a reco of the wonderful time I had with Mandalay. I had written it soon after meeting her, but sat on it cuz I just wasn't quite sure how it would make me or her feel, made a few changes to it over the next couple of days, took some things out that I glad I did. I included some detail, but left some things out to treasure privately. Now, I certainly do not regret anything that I said, but after I posted it I felt kinda funny. I would never retract it but I felt like I had this beautiful experience and here I was using it to sell someone. I'm glad I did it and I hope that it encourages some kind, generous men to retain her services (just not when I want to see her!:lol:). I also hope that it discourages the a-holes that are out there. I just feel a little bit dirty (not in the good way), that's all. That's just me.
  5. 1 point
    -don't jackhammer my pussy with your finger.
  6. 1 point
    How do I say this without being too graphic? I love it when I'm slowly penetrating for the first time and looking into the girls eyes and I can see the exclamation on her face change symetrically with the speed/depth of the penetration. I also love putting my arm under a girl and lifting a girl up and positioning her where I need her on the bed!
  7. 1 point
    I don't know, it would probably remind most of us of a time when we knew we were going to get laid that night. :D
  8. 1 point
    Thanks, Anita. I'm not worried about the reviews. I've seen how they go up and down everywhere. It was interesting, though, to have this prospective client use this as a way to threaten. etasman, I understand your concern. I have all my contact with potential clients by e-mail rather than by phone. I don't enjoy telephone tag games--who does?--and it means that I can handle responses and make appointments very discretely, without being overheard by anyone who might be nearby when the phone rings. I make it a priority to give great e-mail service. When a new client contacts me, he'll receive a prompt reply that describes what I'm offering, poses a few suggestions for our time together, and states clearly what my fee is. I also include a photograph that shows my face. I'm happy to exchange several rounds of e-mail and I never rush anyone into making an appointment. I think that someone can get a very good sense of who I am, that I take them and my work seriously, and that I'm likely to be trustworthy. In fact, I'm told over and over again that clients are pleased to find that I am who and what I say I am in e-mail, on my website and in my photos. I'm often contacted by gentlemen who are planning to visit Vancouver and want to make arrangements ahead of time, sometimes several weeks or even a couple of months in advance. They tell me that my professional attitude is reassuring. One such person wrote to me this morning, saying that he was happy to pay the deposit for a meeting with me a month from now. He pointed out that if he cancels his hotel reservation abruptly, they'll likely charge a cancellation fee to his credit card and the upscale bed and breakfast places have much more stringent cancellation fees than I would charge. Implementing the deposit sytstem is a tough judgment call to make, in the end. However, using PayPal has advantages for the client. They can order their credit card company to withdraw the payment if they want to. I'm the one who pays a processing fee for the transaction, not the client. And I never know any of their credit card information--not the name on the card, or the number. In that way, it's very secure for them. I always leave the deposit in my PayPal account until the day of the meeting. That way, I can refund it immediately if the client gives adequate notice of a cancellation or if for some reason I have to cancel the meeting myself.
  9. 1 point
    VOTE START DATE: Feb 13th (Get your NOMINATIONS in now) The SP-AWARD for the ladies who are part of our community here on cerb. A recognition award for the ladies who take time to participate and contribute in the forums and chat areas. I know the choice is hard as we have a number of great ladies here who contribute all the time! So to kick this off we will need nominations... Please PM me with your nominations or post them here below. Since the vote polls only hold 10 poll options I will choose the 10 most recommended sp's each month to put up for this award. Only one award will be given out each month so be sure to get your votes and nominations in! Requirements Service provider you are nominating must be a member here on cerb Service providers can not nominate themselves This is not an award for best service (that is what the recommendations sections are for) this is a award to recognize the service providers who join in the conversations, help answer some questions and give you a little view into the other side of the business! Poll will start on the 13th of the month so get your nominations in now. Previous Winners ... Catherine (Cat) Nominations so far are... Candy Mlt Emma Alexandra Brandi PrettyPaige Kyra_To Michelle_MA Post your nominations here or PM me and I will add them to the list
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