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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/09 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    Back from reinventing the wheel and in a ranting mood... What has happened to society? I used to read all the time how the fashion magazines were evil because they gave women the idea that you had to be paper thin or you were ugly. Have guys been looking at these magazines and jerking off for too long too? Is this now the idea that men have too, that women must be spinners or they shouldn't talk about them? Is this a worldwide thing or is this just an area specific thing? Why the rant you say? Ever since joining this site this has been something that I have been noticing more and more. The hobbiest community seems to be a spinner world. If you aren't a spinner you better have some really big boobs. What do I mean by this? Go through the recommendation section, and note the number of comments on a spinners recommendation from guys saying they can't wait to see her. Every single picture thread you see most of the the pictures posted are spinners, look through the beatiful behinds and beautiful breast threads and you will see what I'm talking about. Most of the pictures are spinners. If a picture or a recommendation is posted of a spinner it gets tons of comments from hobbiest saying that is such a great pic or I can't wait to see her, etc. But go through the recommendation and pics of the girls who aren't spinners or don't have huge boobs and you will notice they get a small percentage of the comments that a spinner gets. Is it not okay to be attracted to women with curves? Can you not talk about it out loud? Or is there a board that is just for girls with some curves? Many many times have I seen the comment she was great but she's not a spinner, or I had an awesome time but I'm not gonna write a reco because she's not a spinner, or she's not my normal body type so I'm not gonna write a reco, etc. So if you see a girl that's not your normal body type you can't talk about it??? I mean good grief some guys even said that spinners have tighter pussies than girls with curves, wtf created this mindset. There was even a comment once that a girls age was too old to be a spinner (didn't know that spinners had to be a certain age too???) This is what I refer to as the spinner complex in my heading. Why have guys gotten it in their head that it is not okay to talk about girls that aren't spinners, to say out loud that they are attracted to them, that their pics are hot, that they want to see them or better yet have seen them? Heaven forbid I might be attracted to a girl that doesn't weigh 110 pounds. Explain this to me??? Because I have been here for a bit and this is something I have never understood and it almost sickens me to see and hear because these girls are awesome girls and I know they do good business but they get maybe 10% of the comments and recos a spinner gets. Just the thoughts of a half awake delusional broken man who felt like speaking out, so if you disagree feel free to rebuke and educate me.
  2. 3 points
    I really like spinners. I don't feel any need to apologize for this. My preference is not a judgement of anyone else's preference. It's also not exclusive. I like lots of different kinds of women. But I really like spinners, and have met some fantastic ones lately, for which I'm happy and grateful. So each to his/her own taste. Let's agree to celebrate beauty, in all its variety. But let's also not feel that we can't have, and express, certain preferences.
  3. 2 points
    Please, whatever you do don't contact other members looking for the street address,phone number,rates for an SP. Do that on your own, simply send a pm to the lady you are inquiring about, (don't worry lads... the ladies don't come out of the computer screen and bite you). I get numerous requests from(newer) hobbiest requesting info on the ladies,that she does not even put in her advertisement. Why would I answer that for you? What makes you think I would know? Did you read the recommendation section? I have protected the SP'S I've seen by sending a pm to them, "that so and so contacted me looking for your address, and phone number " those ladies have thanked me for not giving out that info if it was not posted in their ad. Remember YMMV... and the please, just ask yourself, you will not get that info from me.
  4. 2 points
    Thinking further on this, I've never felt there was any kind of orthodoxy on this board that only certain kinds of women were praiseworthy, so I disagree strongly that anyone might feel pressured to conform to a specific image of what is acceptable. One of the best things about this board is that you can be more or less uninhibited in praising the women that you really like, in whatever way they're beautiful. That's a freedom I value. Let that openness continue!
  5. 2 points
    Everyone's tastes are subjective...that's the way it should be!
  6. 1 point
    One of the topics that came up today at the lunch was the fact that a few members are rather vocal about the fact that they don't like the ladies being involved in poly events? For the life of me I cannot figrue this out, is anyone niave enough to believe that these women only see a few people? What diference is it if it is 4 guys in one day or 4 guys at the same time? Also I thought this group would be the last ones being judgmental about someones sexual preferences? As I see it non of us are out celebrating on the streets about our sexual choices, when was the last time you were in a meeting at work and mention in casual conversation that you see escorts? However here is a place that you express your irregular sexual habits and compare notes, why would you condem someone for having a slightly different fantasy than you??? 2 ladies and one guy always seems popular and has not gathered the scorn of cerbites, why is 3 ladies and 6 guys or 4 guys and a lady etc... any different? Please help me understand because at this point I just think there are some stupid and ignorant people on this board. I am sure there is a good reason I just have not discovered it yet. BTW the biggest poly group I have been in is sitting in perverts row with 50 other guys watching a lady undress on stage, does not get much more poly than that.
  7. 1 point
    Very well put Cato, I agree 100%.
  8. 1 point
    Size 10 here, with a modest chest, 5'7 tall, and a sensuality so thick you can spread it on toast ;) Never had an issue with men or attracting them. Yes. Recent media trends seem to honor women that are both tall and thin (and airbrushed in Photoshop). But trend's are just that, trends. For every woman there is an admirer...rake thin, obese and everything in between. It's how you walk it, IMO, and most important, that you are happy with your physique as I think that is something people pick up on. Just as, 100 years ago, voluptuous was considered most attractive, societies ideal is bound to change yet again. Every body type has its hey day. It's just how culture evolves itself...
  9. 1 point
    Hear, hear Dummpy! While I am not quite ready to move into a GB myself (haven't even experienced a duo yet, have to ease into things as they say;)) I have absolutely no judgment on others who do so. In fact the reason I am in the group is because the writeups and events sound like a blast (literally) and I may venture over there some day. Is anyone here naive enough to think that the person they see as a favorite does nothing else with others? Is she not allowed to spend her time in any way she chooses? When she sees you solo the next time is she any different because she engaged in something you don't want to try? To reinforce what dummpy said about some on CERB frowning on different types of recreation that others on CERB enjoy: 'people who live in glass houses should not throw stones' No one in the poly group forces anyone to read the threads, to attend an event or pass judgment on those who choose not to try, the group is there to try and facilitate new experiences...isn't that why people come to CERB...for experiences, whether they are simply or complex. At the end of all this the message should be that it's none of your business unless you want to attend, otherwise move on and leave others well enough alone.
  10. 1 point
    It's simple. The guys who are writing most of the recommendations on here are ones who like spinners. Believe me, I am the furthest thing from a spinner, and I have seen gentlemen from CERB who told me they really don't care for writing recommendations. Instead, a few of them have made comments on my guestbook, which is fine with me. Until those hobbiests who prefer women who are not spinners, (e.g. with curves) start writing recommendations, it will appear that that's what most of the men on here like. Which is not true.
  11. 1 point
    I think people like to use the word spinner because that body type is easily identifiable. It is one extreme on the light and thin side. The opposite extreme is BBW. Ladies in between are harder to describe and there can be a wide range. The only descriptor I've seen often is Curvy. When I read "not a spinner" I think of a body somewhere between Curvy and spinner type. The word spinner is referenced because everyone knows what it is. Because people are limited with their language, I don't think you will never see a thread labeled "best small/medium curvy lady" . People would have a hard time agreeing on what it actually meant. Just a theory. Myself I appreciate many body types and don't hold up one as ideal. GHT
  12. 1 point
    If someone could come up with a widely accepted term for full figured SP. Maybe we'll find there are just as many looking for the curvy ladies!!! Besides, personally I like the smaller body type, not neccessary "skinny", but smaller, shorter well proportioned. I am not a big man, only .160lbs. average height. With smaller body types, I have more options in positions. But isn't that freedom of choice and speech. If the ones that prefer curvy body type don't speak out, it is not our fault to speak our minds. And there are plenty full figured ladies here who enjoy a strong and loyal following. And stop focusing on the one word "Spinner"
  13. 1 point
    It is well documented that men are visual orientated creatures. As such, we are generally attracted to a certain type, it's our nature. Some people like spinners, some people like BBW's, personally for me, a petite, curvy woman gets my attention. That being said, appearance can start the attraction, but personality makes the experience.
  14. 1 point
    Personally, I look for the type of lady who offer the full GFE experience that I am looking for, and I have discovered that personality and sexuality is not confined to any one body type....all types of ladies possess these characteristics and all types of ladies are lacking these characteristics. Everyone is entitled to his own preference, be it body type, hair color, height, etc....but unfortunately our society has pressured us into thinking about things in a certain way....as mentioned before...."thin is in" for some people. The free thinkers of the world look past those sterotypes and look for the quality characteristics that make for a memorable experience. Just think what would happen to some of us hobbyist's if the ladies choose us based on body type. Some of us would be in big trouble!!
  15. 1 point
    Hmm... I've actually gotten the opposite a couple times, where I've been told that they really enjoyed themselves but they're not really into "spinners". I completely agree with Emma, our body size has nothing to do with the personality of the person, and I would much rather be known as Naomi than a spinner. xo
  16. 1 point
    enter my $0.02... for a lot of hobbyists, i believe the relationship with the SP is that of a fantasy or filling in some void. IMHO nobody is looking for someone to settle down with, or form a long term relationship, but rather live out something that they feel is missing in their life (or had missed). spinners represent youth, virility and conquest. for better or worse they provide an outlet for hobbyists to live those fantasies out.
  17. 1 point
    Cumquat, I only have two words to answer to this beautiful post of yours: Thank you.
  18. 1 point
    Here is another beauty, Dekota from GOE
  19. 1 point
    Very interesting fruitman...although i have many many reco's and I'm certainly not a spinner i have wondered the same thing..{about other ladies}. Yes i have big boobs and have always had them even when i was a size 3 but this shouldn't be the only reason why a gent decides to see a lady. I have the comment in some of my reco's as well as to not being a spinner which kind of makes me feel bad...not because I'm not a spinner but because the guys feel the need to mention it.....does that then make it OK to give me a reco? Does the size of our bodies make us a better lover? I think not...i have had guys say they like seeing me because spinner's are usually just the lay there girls...which also isn't fair...Its not the size of our bodies that makes us who we are ...its our attitude and our openness with others..our sensuality and passion...most men come to see us for more then sex...so that being said one should not be ashamed to write about us..us as people not our body-size...i may be wrong here but i also thing the smaller ladies would rather not be called spinners either...see us for who we are not our size... kisses, Emma A
  20. 1 point
    Well written. I have been with a few SP's and MP's and I for one don't look for the spinners. I look for the ones I think I can connect with. There are a number of non spinners providers out there that are amazing.
  21. 1 point
    I never claimed to know all of them. I said dancers you've mentioned on this board are included in the numerous dancers who I've never seen wash their breasts after seeing customers. Plural (ie. dancers with an s) means more than one, not "all of them".
  22. 1 point
    obviously I favor the more blunt words but I agree as always with Erin, I've known many dancers and almost became one in my more fit days until I learned first hand of the dog-eat-dog-world of being one....and that class and poise got you nowhere when competition arose in th SC scene. being an SP gives you the control to see who you want to see, trust your gut and follow through and be YOURSELF....not a lady in line whos paid a house fee competing with a dozen other catty ladies who most of the times are EXPECTED to offer extra mileage when they leave the club. aside from the highjacked notions, I know you have recently joined PK. Good for you in your self-words and confidence in your decision. only advice I can give towards agencies being now indi is: 1. make you restrictions clear and never abide to acts or locations that make you uncomfortable. know that you have the right to say no...even at the last minute. always be in control. 2. always report bad or disrespectful clients to your agency and if you dont wish to see them again, have your agency respect your wishes. 3. plans change, lives change direction etc.....if you should break ties with your agency there should be no drama or threats. you are your own person. (this is not a comment towards PK....just a comment that has been raised lately that no SP can break ties without drama)....if you choose to go indi, your agency should support your decision. 4. Make sure you schedule and wages are clear. 5. Keep your personal info to yourself, no contracts or signatures are required. You are entitled to keep your home address private from drivers and have a meeting point closeby. if this request is not respected it is potential fuel for fire at a later date should things get messy (once again not my feelings towards PK, just from my own experience its best to keep "you" to yourself. best of luck Suri! xoxo
  23. 1 point
    SA, while I respect your opinion, you are NOT a dancer, and frequenting strip clubs doesn't make you an expert. What happens with you, is not how all clients act. Just as much demeaning crap can happen at a strip club, even so-called classier joints like the Nuden. Like guys who will try to stick their fingers in you when there is a strictly no touching between the legs rule. And that's sexual assault, my friend. And there is a TON of competition between dancers, classy or not. You have to be able to hustle and it's entirely different than escorting. I hate to be blunt, but unless you've been dancing in a g-string yourself, you ain't got jack to say.
  24. 1 point
    For some reason while I was mowing the lawn today this topic came to mind. I've been trying to cut back, slow down, wind down as I get older and lil slurp grows more finicky. I realized it is the thrill of a new relationship that makes me hobby. Yes, I like women, sexy women, many different women. I sometimes enjoy the thrill of the hunt, such as seeing what gems i may find at an MP or SC. Broke myself of that for the most part. So why do I have regulars that I remain loyal to? If it's the thrill of new relationships this isn't logical, I said to myself. Then I realized it never gets to "real relationship" stage. I see them, we have great sex and we may even go to dinner, or talk about their relationship or take them shopping. I do all kinds of relationship things with some of my regs. But it's still not a normal relationship where we settle in and see each other every day. Seeing them now and then (and having to sneak around to do it usually) feeds the "rush" just enough I guess. I'm chasing a relationship I can never have so the thirst is never quenched quite all the way. So it's still new in many ways even though we are quite familiar with each other. And I see in the occasional new SP to keep the rush fresh. Old regs retire or move away, new ones come along to take their place. But I've got 2 that have been driving my passions for 4 or 5 years. The whole thing that made me think of this is for some reason I can't get one of my regs out of my head this long weekend. I want her more than ever and the anticipation is driving me wild. Even with Maggie returning and seeing her (it was like the first time all over again and wonderful) I lust after my reg like never before. And I know I can't see her until the long weekend is over so it's making me like a teenager with anticipation. I love this feeling and am really getting off on it. No, we're not in love although we care deeply about each other. And there is another out there that makes me feel in a similar fashion, it's just this sexy SP's turn. But something is making me need her in a way similar to that anticipation you get when you are seeing a top level SP for the first time. Or when you were a teenager and that gorgeous babe finalty agrees to go out with you, the one you heard puts out. The heart is pounding, junior goes wild when you think about her and you just can't wait to see her. I find it amazing I can feel that way about someone I have seen more times than I could count over 4 or 5 years. Maybe JT's arrival later this week kicked it off, I don't know. I am psyched to see her again too. Quit? The rush is still there and if anything getting worse ..... :confused:
  25. 1 point
    Suri: Your original question was "what agency do people suggest". The thread has evolved to include discussions on Independant vs Agency and also dancing vs Escorting. I'm not an expert on any of this, but, for what its worth, I will add my.02. As for agencies I would suggest, like most business decisions, talk to a few before making a decision. As what they offer in terms of services and compare it to your needs. Consider their reputation, how long they've been in business etc. I don't imagine there is any one "best" agency. With respect to whether to work for an agency of being independant, I think its been addressed in other threads as well but I would imagine working for an agency will reduce your administration workload and provide you clients. For most that may be a large benefit. Suri, IMO, you should consider that as an independant, since due to your existing reputation on CERB, you will instantly have sufficient clientele if you work parttime and virtually no admin workload. Since you would be escorting part time, I imagine you'd have more clients than you need. Now the big one. Dancing vs Escorting. I realize your post didn't even ask for info in this area but a discussion has ensued on this topic so I will comment. I've met many SP's who said they would NEVER dance, for various reasons. I've met many dancers who said they would NEVER escort, but some of them offer "take out" to select clients. Everyone is different. Nobody can tell you what is best for you in this area. Both escorting and dancing have negative attributes as has been outlined in the thread. The best rule of thumb in either area, don't do anything you are not comfortable with, ever. If you decide to escort again, I'd recommend setting out what parameters you are comfortable with, you set the rules. Its OK, so set restrictions if you are not comfortable offerring certain services. You may just want to offer services to people you know on CERB, atleast initially, on a selective basis as opposed to mass advertising on other sites. If you are going to school at the same time, whether you would be dancing or escorting I'd suggest setting aside one or two nights a week that your clients know you would likely be available. You wouldn't be obligated to work those days but they would be your default days. That way your PM box wouldn't be filled every day and night asking if you are available lol. With very little effort (a thread saying you're available a certain day) I'm fairly certaing you'd have a full schedue and a lucreative business with very little admin. Having said all that, you have to be comfortable with it. But you know something, you're not committing to something for weeks, months or years. You can stop anytime you want so don't be too stressed of the decision. Escorting is a business. Everyone who starts a business is apprehensive and nervous at first. But don't worry, you have alot of supporters behind you. The first time I saw you in Cerb Chat I was amazed. Very few peope have character like you do Suri. You are a special person and very smart to be taking a step back to consider your options. JacK
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