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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/09 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    The funny part is if they put half the effort into a truthful add as they did into running the scams they would make more money. The verbous BS and fake pics fool the newbies and first timers, however the long term stability is in good regulars.
  2. 2 points
    theres some some confusion here as to the topics addressed. I see what you mean Angela, that this thread was created and advertised by some members of the group, but behind the scenes many ladies have been judged for having multiple partners in a single session. its interesting because as dumpy and others said, our business of what we do as working ladies should not define us. everyone on here has different fantasies....some clients want to be flogged while being screamed at humiliating phrases......some are into bondage....some straight men want to have it taken up the rear by an SP in a strap-on....some men want to be with more than one women in the same hour......and many have and have advertised looking for it. has any judgment been passed? no however...when a lady agrees to be with multiple men at the same time or seeks out multiple men for a single session its not accepted or deemed demeaning?...even if shes in control of the situation and selective of those she allows in her event? perhaps some may agree to disagree but this will always be the double standard....the only plus is, as SPs, we can control who we see and thus weed out those who think we need to be "saved" from a "misguided life" of what we choose to do. My opinion is that if a client feels its his right to control what you do outside of your's and his time together....he is not a client worth keeping....not because of the business you might loose, but because of the self esteem potentially lost having someone thinking you can't make decisions for yourself. I kinda steer clear of the term "GB"...poly suits it way better. GBs tend to resonate with acts of many men taking over a sole lady or ladies in a demeaning non-willing manner. Group-sex on the clock is not the same. picture it as going on a call...sipping wine with a few gents around a table at a private call and getting to know each other...and then having everyone respect your restrictions, everyone else's pace, and other's spaceand time. yes bit of a rant but as a word of advice, any Hobbiest who claims he knows whats best for his SP and voices so without her asking for an opinion from them will most likely loose his hard-earned favoritism. When someone tries to steer me from what I want to do based on what they think I'm "good enough" for, it makes me wonder if they think they are preying on the weak...or appreciating someone's love for their art. and I would always hope for the latter....but there are those odd few who want to hear that you've come from a broken home, were abused as a child and turned to sex-work in an act of monetary desperation. hopefully some of the knights in shining armor will realize that none of those apply to some and will start realizing the gifts they have in front of them...not for the victims they feel they need to "save" but for the strong women that they are....capable of making whatever choices they want.....even if they, the client, cant relate
  3. 1 point
    One of the topics that came up today at the lunch was the fact that a few members are rather vocal about the fact that they don't like the ladies being involved in poly events? For the life of me I cannot figrue this out, is anyone niave enough to believe that these women only see a few people? What diference is it if it is 4 guys in one day or 4 guys at the same time? Also I thought this group would be the last ones being judgmental about someones sexual preferences? As I see it non of us are out celebrating on the streets about our sexual choices, when was the last time you were in a meeting at work and mention in casual conversation that you see escorts? However here is a place that you express your irregular sexual habits and compare notes, why would you condem someone for having a slightly different fantasy than you??? 2 ladies and one guy always seems popular and has not gathered the scorn of cerbites, why is 3 ladies and 6 guys or 4 guys and a lady etc... any different? Please help me understand because at this point I just think there are some stupid and ignorant people on this board. I am sure there is a good reason I just have not discovered it yet. BTW the biggest poly group I have been in is sitting in perverts row with 50 other guys watching a lady undress on stage, does not get much more poly than that.
  4. 1 point
    Hello everyone! It's about 6pm and I'm going to work soon. I wanted to share something with everyone, something that some people might be aware of (more than some, I hope). I have been talking to some SP's (older than myself - and wiser to some extent) and I found that their knowledge of STDs was not very comprehensive. I want to talk about these misconceptions about STDs to further protect all individuals involved in escorting - whether they're the hobbyist or the escort. Now I'm sure a lot of you know MORE than me, so I'd like everyone to share. The more a group or collective discuss a problem, the easier it is to eradicate said problem. OK. Let's get to the point. 1. You can get herpes if they are no sores present! "Remember: you can pass the virus to your partners even when you do not have symptoms" http://www.health.state.ny.us/diseases/communicable/std/herpes.htm 2. You can pass HIV through oral sex, they are microscopic abraisions present in the mouth, where the virus can pass through (!). Vaginal fluid and semen (including pre-come) contain the virus of an HIV+ person. 3. HIV can be 100% asymptomatic. Most people don't even know they have it (I wish I remembered where I read this.) So my point is, BE CAREFUL:!:
  5. 1 point
    I don't even know why I'm repeating this embarrassing episode to anyone, except maybe to warn everyone to keep their mouths shut... Anyway so about two weeks ago I see a colleague of mine as I'm leaving (and he's arriving at) an MP. Yesterday he comes up to me at lunch and starts talking about the massage attendant (only 1 on that day) at the MP we'd run into each other at. So he's complimenting her and making small talk, and then he asks me "what I get?" or "what I go for?" or something like that. I'm not completely comfortable answering, but I said something like "just topless", and he looks at me funny, which I interpreted as him being like 'wierd, why go to a RnT for just topless' so I added something like "with release of course". Then he asked the most mortifying question of all, "what's release?". FUCK! I'm such and idiot.... He seems to figure it out on his own, probably due to my slack jawed-red with embarrassment face, and he proceeds to tell me he meant "what sort of massage I get?" (ie swedish, hot stone etc.)......ugh...... On the bright side, he seemed sort of interested and started asking alot of questions, but he had "no idea they did that there". Well, I either made a complete ass of myself or a recruitment...ugh! Narman
  6. 1 point
    CK, better late than never, to offer you congrats on the anniversary of your blog. It is such a great source of information and we are very lucky to have it available to us. Best Regards
  7. 1 point
    Miss cloe whoo hooo look want i found.....we have to visit her when we are all in ottawa at the same time...sexyjasmine...all i can say is WOW!:smile: KISSES, EMMA
  8. 1 point
    Sorry to intervene again. This will be the last time, I think, on this subject. I guess I object to the idea that my tastes have been shaped only by society's preferences, and that they aren't arrived at on my own. I feel that my judgements are independent of any social pressures to conform. And I don't think people on this board are guilty of stereotyping, anyway. There's a lot of variety in the recommendations, and that's exactly as it should be.
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