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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/09 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Interesting thread. I started a thread last year about "did I fall in love with my SP" where I explained about my sense of loss when she left town/the business. I hadn't realized how attached to her I was. I am in a different place now....something miraculous happened: I become unemployed and could no longer afford hobbying. I am past withdrawal symptoms now and have relapsed only a couple of times but those times were not pleasurable anymore, I feel although I loved hobbying, in the end it distorted my sense of reality: it became too easy to minimize women as sex objects, I was so addicted I couldn't see a single women without visualizing her naked in a sexual position with me. I was in no place to even contemplate a relationship. I am starting over now, abstinence has given me the ability to be less impulsive and to work towards dating maybe a relationship again. Will I ever have that relationship? I hope so and am working towards meeting the right person....then there's the devil in me fantasizing again, well I'll meet a retired escort and we'll be a perfect match .. but so if the life of an addict...one day at a time. And what brought me to login today after a long while? destiny to see this thread I guess. I am fully employed again and actually saving money and have hopes/plans for the future - this is a far cry from the impulsive addict I was... I am in control now for today. r100rs
  2. 1 point
    This is not something I believe that can be remedied by merely sending a pm or banning the provider from cerb or whatever. Anyone that does not understand how wrong this is to begin with has deeper problems. I hope she sees this and realizes the error of her ways, because the next step here will ultimately lead to losing her child. And what can we do? Nothing. If she doesn't get the shit scared out of her from that possibility, she can be tossed from cerb and will go back to getting more dates on CL. One day, all this info will come out and she will have her child(ren) taken away. And for all intents and purposes, this should stay as a warning here because I wouldn't want to be in that apartment with my pants down when the police and/or children's aid comes knocking. Most accounts of this sp have generally said that she is shy and pleasant, and chances are she is a decent person trapped in some way into what she's doing where the consequences are not prominent to her. Who knows what that trap is - financial, psychological, coercion, etc. But my opinion is that we can do nothing. No one really knows enough to take it upon themselves to contact the authorities...that could effect a few lives in a very serious way. And if the sp in question reads this, please seek help for your situation. You may even find some people here that can assist you.
  3. 1 point
    First off, I would like to welcome Belladonna to the CERB community. You seem to be a passionate person. I admire that very much. I agree with you that it is easy in this hobby to get attached to and maybe even fall in love with the other person. As a hobbiest for many years, I have grown attached to many service providers and did miss them greatly as they retired or as they moved on to other things. However with time I have learned to understand my emotions. In general I am a caring person and I care for and appreciate most people around me including the older lady that serves me breakfast at a local pub and the SP that is much more intimate with me. Where I disagree with you, is with your definition of GFE. We must be careful not to equate GFE with romance. There are some people who desire more than just genital simulation that leads to orgasm. Sex can be and for myself must be more than just a sprint to the finish goal. One of the most pleasurable parts of sexual intimacy is the experience of touching and being touched all over. For many, touching and kissing have great benefits such as feelings of reassurance, calmness and happiness. This calmness helps me to survive and to thrive in the busy world that I live in. So when I seek out a GFE, I am not on a quest for romance, but rather simply a more fulfilling experience.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Most of us who have been doing this for awhile would probably agree that it's probably best to see this as paid sex for fun which can be endlessly enjoyable, rather than some unrealistic (as well as an often sad - frequently pathetic - and sometimes dangerous - for all concerned - "love" fantasy.") That doesn't mean you can't have some really good friends - and once or twice perhaps (in my experience, at least - YMMV), if you are really honest with yourself - and she is as well, you can find someone you really love as a person - as opposed to being "in love with". And that's pretty damn good. But she's not your "girlfriend". Or your "wife". She's a true friend that goes way beyond this "life". And sometimes, that can be as good as, if not better than, any alternative.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    You are smart... just like me8-).....I'm holding off until it is corrected, I'm going report the thread to MOD so it is corrected.
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