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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/10 in Posts
6 pointsHello again everyone! Thanks to all who are posting good info and reviews... I haven't posted much of late, but got lots of good feedback on my Aqua Luna Oasis summary sheet (which sadly is a bit out of date now...) Thought I would compile a list of MPs here in Ottawa who have websites. It is most likely not complete, so feel free to add any I may have missed. The quality is varied, but there is good info to be found online that you will hopefully find helpful. I think MPs are realizing the importance of having a web presence. Makes sense business wise. Enjoy! Club CMJ: http://www.clubmadellynjae.com/ Jude Masso: http://www.judemasso.webs.com/ Bethany's Sweetest Massage: http://sites.google.com/site/sweetestmassage/ Michelle_MA: http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/MYMA9829/ CitySpa Carol Ann: http://relaxationcityspa.com/home Jessica Massage: http://www.jessicamassage.com/ Sophie's Massage: http://sophiemassage.spaces.live.com...x?sa=647354817 Luna / Acqua / Oasis: http://www.lunamassagespa.com/ Lamora's Spa: http://www.gogoadults.com/ottawa/massage/lamora.html Stacey Massage: http://staceymassagexo.webs.com/ Michele's Massage: http://michelemassageottawa.com Angel's Touch: http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca Jade Spa: http://www.jadespa.ca/ Body Care: http://www.bodycare.freehosting.net/ Paradise Spa: http://paradisespaandtanning.com Megan's Touch: http://sites.google.com/site/meganstouch/
6 pointsYou are definitely going to stir the pot with this one Wellie. I am wondering what your motivation is. I think you are full of it when you say "very young and very old command lower prices". Where did you come up with that? Since there is no "going" rate - we are not governed by some union rules or legislated rate guidelines, believe ladies set their rates according to what they believe the market will bear. Sometimes they are realistic in their thinking - other times they are way off and learn the lesson when their phone doesn't ring. Some ladies who charge low rates do so to get the volume, or they don't know any better to charge more. Often young girls getting into the business will reason that $80 or $100 is better than working at Timmies. This is especially true with some agencies who charge $180 for the hour and give the girl $90 and keep $90 for the fee and driver. Maybe some ladies do not believe they are attractive enough to charge more. Maybe some are financially strapped and are desperate for the money. Some have habits to support and will adjust their rates to suit their desperateness. Then there are some unattractive ladies who charge high prices and wonder why they don't get a lot of calls. Then there are some attractive ladies who charge a little less than they could be, because they're happy with that number, or want to maintain volume. Then there are some attractive ladies who charge very high rates, hoping to attract a more elite type clientele. The reasons and factors are varied - I believe there is no "right" or "wrong" answers. Yes, some cities, like Montreal, seem to operate on a lower rate structure, but you still have your $300 an hour SPs living there. Age and attractiveness usually are what we consider the driving forces. But I also believe, attitude level of service and other things dictate the bottom line of how popular an SP is going to be. I learned that when I got into the business and thought I was too chunky to be an SP and learned very quickly that there is something for everyone and if you're willing to provide good service, there will always be someone out there who will be willing to see you. :butt:
2 pointsThis morning while I drink my coffee and read the boards here, I?m struck by how many complaints we have about the guys who take advantage of some aspect of our services and then treat us badly. There are active discussions about men who: Try to negotiate or bargain clearly-stated non-negotiable fees Try to pay less than the agreed fee after they arrive Try to get services that were not agreed on before the date Complain about our screening questions Don?t bother to take a shower, brush their teeth or trim their nails before seeing us Assume that we're likely to rob them Threaten to write bad reviews and/or aren?t believed when they write good ones Insult us, our need for safety and even our looks when we don?t give in to what they demand No one is forced to read our ads and websites, look at our photos, contact us, discuss our services with us, or meet with us. It?s all voluntary and initiated by the client. The client has needs, feelings, preferences and curiosity, but why do so many refuse to take responsibility for themselves? What they express as anger, self-righteous indignation and personal entitlement is really projected self-hatred. I want to sit these men down and say: If you don?t want to see a paid companion, don?t do it. If you decide to seek out a companion, that's your decision. What you want is not what everyone else may want. That?s usually a wonderful thing. Recognize that we?re not like cheap candy that you can buy daily. We?re more like fine dining to be enjoyed occasionally. Plan accordingly. If someone?s prices are too high for you, either wait until you can afford her, or find someone else. Meanwhile, don't blame her for your lack of funds. Recognize that she charges what the market will bear. That means that there are plenty of others who can afford to see her. Always be polite and considerate. No matter what. Even if you feel confused, disappointed or insulted, be polite. Remember that companions are human beings, just like you. We have needs, desires, dreams and things we?re worried about or afraid of, just as you do. We will protect both your health and our own. Fair is fair. If you're worried about your safety, know that she's concerned about her safety, too. No matter who or how important you are or think you are, the one who is taking the most risks is always the companion. Always. Relax.
1 pointA little Emma rant: there is a reason why we call them appointments....just like the word means..you pm,call,email whichever to make an appointment...just like you would to see your doctor,dentist..etc. We do have a life outside the biz we are just not sitting around knitting and waiting for your calls...most of us need time to prepare...time to look and feel good before an appointment.. i sometimes as I'm sure others do as well get letters saying such things as: appointment now? ready yet? Can i see in in 15? what the heck is up with that? A lot of times I'm either in bed sleeping or out....I'm not running back to see you..lmao nor am i getting up at 3am... that's my rant for today...:wink: kisses, Emma
1 pointMost people like the kiss method for phoning, the keep it simple stupid method, if your going to make me work my mind for your number you are losing just not me but anyone over 40 as a client.
1 pointI would just like to say how much I like this web site and I think it deserves a review of its own. CERB is founded on the premise that comments must remain positive and no one should feel directly theatened or bullied. I have been a member for a while now but I have not participated in any discussions until recently. The main reason that I am willing to start participating is because of this premise and because everyone is so friendly. To the site administrator(s) and participating members, give yourselves a pat on the back, you have made this web site a wonderful one worth visiting. As I transition from the strip club scene to the sp arena I plan on participating more and I'm sure I will meet some good friends with common interests, mainly our love of the most wonderful living being on earth... the woman.
1 pointMaybe this thread should be a sticky post for all... newbies and veteran reminders
1 pointBooking several days in advance doesn't work for me. I'm married, I'm 49 years old, I may have insomnia one night or I may have had a couple of bad days at work or I may not know when I'll be available. When I see a service provider, I want to be in my best mood and felling energetic in order to make the most of the short time I have with this person. I've been struggling with that and that's why I usually end up at strip clubs instead since I don't have to plan ahead. I am trying to change this though and see more service providers instead so my new strategy is to try to book an appointment on the same day several hours before. We'll see how that goes.
1 pointI have always booked well in advance (3 days plus) for many reasons. First, I prefer to see a lady as her first appointment of the day, also gives her time to work her schedule, Secondly, gives me time to properly groom myself (very important) Thirdly I enjoy the lead up emails, text/pm's or phone calls. It gets us both a little more excited about the meeting and we have an opportunity to discuss what we would like to do during the session. I only have canceled once and that was due to a serious family illness. I respect the ladies and their time. After all many ladies have many other things going on too. Groceries, maybe kids, house cleaning or just plain relaxing and getting mentally ready for their next appointment. ATH
1 pointSome of the best television I ever watched was commercials. How is it that more thought and creativity goes into a 30 second commercial than into a 90-minute movie?? But that said, I've never been a huge consumer. I have never been one to run right out and buy because I saw something in an ad -- does anyone do that?
1 pointSome commercials I love whether print or tv or the internet! The whole process from the idea and selling the client on the concept to the story board, the script and then production and editing is something that fascinates me. Which why I like Mad Men. There are times I'm just blown away and wondered how did they come up with this. I've been in the middle of the creative process and everyone thinks they are some what creative but when you come across real talent it's a whole different ball game and pretty cool. Peace Mr Green
1 pointOne of the main reasons I chose to stop watching television almost 10 years ago. The commercials were driving me insane, I hated being told what to think, I don't trust the News because the stations are owned by corporations and finally, even with a satellite, there was rarely anything good on! True, I'm on my computer a lot more often, but no T.V. helps me get things done and live life. It is a struggle in the winter though, especially here in Winnie!