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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/10 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    To get some cash for my playtime I bring to work desserts that my wife makes and sale it to coworkers (my wife is a great cook), she thinks I eat it all at work (with all those sweets I would not keep the figure that I have). As for the phone I simply replace the phone number of a friend which I keep is name and put in the phone number of the sp and the wife never suspect it. If I need to call my friend I know is phone number by heart and just dial it. BTW my wife does not see my phone bill but does answer my phone or checks out who called me once in a blue moon.
  2. 1 point
    Well I agree you only get back what you put into something. Ihear if a lady has too many recos no need for me to write one. Well you don't have to or you can it can be a simple I agree with all that has been said aboutthis lady or MP It doesn't have to be long and full details a simple positive gesture can go along way for some. I sometimes don't do a reco maybe because I didn't enjoy or wasn't near computer and then forget. I for one look for recos on ladies and sometimes visit 2 or 3 boards to find one on a particular lady. We had a thread where lurkers were upset they couldn't get certain info shared with them here is a prime example for lurkers to step up. A week or so ago I saw a lady from an ageancy she begged me to do a reco asked me atleast 4 times it spoiled things I did not do a reco if you need to ask a client to do a reco then it is not the same. To me the reco has to be my choice and because I feel I thouroughly enjoyed my time with the lady. We need to appreciate what we have here on Cerb when I started hobbying almost 30yrs ago we had nothing to look at before seeing a lady. Appreciate what you have because you may never know when you may loose it and have nothing to go check on a reco of a particular lady. And to say Grashopper may have burntout syndrome people have this in almost every job everyday and they need to step back and take a break and come back refreshed. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. 1 point
    .......do I hear Tiger's tiny golf pencil scribbling furiously ? ......little late for him to be taking notes, I suppose.
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