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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/13 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    What makes you think they don't look at this site? I know for a fact they do as I have spoken with police in the past in regards to the site. In fact a very nice lady police investigator contacted us not too long ago asking for assistance in a case. Now, your new so I suspect you think prostitution is illegal right? We watch a lot of american TV and prostitution in Canada (unlike MOST of the USA) is very much legal here. In canada streetwalking (public solicitation), brothels (common bawdy houses) and pimping/procuring is illegal. The actual exchange for money for sex in private is very much legal and since a website is not considered a PUBLIC PLACE discussing and advertising such activities in classified ads and online is NOT illegal. We do not allow discussions of illegal nature here. Included on this list is - streetwalkers - FS massage spa's - public brothels - sex in public (including "Car dates") - underage (18 is the legal age) - drugs - pimping and so on... Hope that helps
  2. 6 points
    Everyone in porn does AIM testing, which is a special kind of testing that can detect HIV within 14 days of infection (regular testing can take up 6 months to show HIV) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_Industry_Medical_Health_Care_Foundation Your test results contain either your passport or driver's license number as indentification, so that way when you're on set no one can use false papers that say they are clean. I had to go to Detroit to get mine done (was living in Windsor at the time), it was always very pricey (about 300$ a hit). Then they gave me my special papers to use on set. So in porn, it's much safer and I'm willing to to uncovered services as I know my partner is clean, whereas with escorting I'm a total safe GFE, as there is no way of knowing my partner status, and i'm not going to take chance. With porn, you also get a say in your partner, so you can pick someone you're attracted to. With escorting, the gent picks you, so you never know who you are going to see :) It's alot of work and usually is many takes before you get the shot. I always laugh when i watch porn as i can tell when she's into it and when she's like "omg get the shot already i had enough" or " im really not feeling it but i need get paid so OH OH OH" Porn is fun lol but another world completely................
  3. 6 points
    Heh...I could see some great conversations here. "Okay...you're pretty fat so that's gonna cost an extra $20. Balls not shaved? Another $20. And what's up with that mole? That kinda grosses me out so I'm gonna need another $20 for that too." All kidding aside, I think that's pretty much the same thing as negotiating a price with a lady. You're telling her that you don't think she's worth what she's asking and there's no way to not take that personally because what she's offering is herself. Pure and simple.
  4. 6 points
    So, I have a question for those who believe it's OK to negotiate SPs' rates, or believe that at least there's no harm trying. Let's think for a moment about what the result of your attempt to negotiate could be. You may get instantly blacklisted by the SP, either privately or more widely (they do talk, you know). You may get ignored by the SP. You may get told, "No," and see her at her posted rate, having given her reason to resent you. You probably aren't getting all those YMMV things. You may successfully negotiate a discount, see the SP, and get reduced service (perhaps CBJ instead of BBBJ, or she'll watch the clock like a hawk). You may successfully negotiate a discount and tick all the boxes on the menu, but do so with a SP who resents being short-changed and who probably won't give you a top-notch experience as a result. And again, don't even think about the YMMV stuff. Note that I simply don't believe you'll ever get exactly the same service for a lower rate as you would have done if you hadn't negotiated; the omission of that option was not accidental. My question is: even if you could guarantee the final result, which is probably the best you can possibly expect, is it worth it in return for the few dollars you've saved? If so, why? And even if you answered "yes" to that: given the significant chances of one of the less desirable results... do you still consider it worth asking her to give you a discount? And again, if so, why? I'm afraid I simply don't see how asking for discounts from SPs could possibly work out to my advantage in the long run, so I'd be grateful if someone could explain how it works.
  5. 5 points
    I think I understand the question as my personality sometimes changes depending on who I am with and the situation that I am in. I don't believe that this is "acting" however, as humans are complex. We are many different people throughout our lives, depending on the situation. Work me is far different from home me. When I'm out drinking with the boys, I'm a different person than I am around my SO (and most women for that matter). The language gets courser and often the conversation does too. My SO often points out that she doesn't care for the person I am around certain friends, particularly ones that I grew up with. (Ironic since I am reverting more to the person I was when I met her many years ago). Cerb me is yet another "personality", that has aspects of all of the other me's thrown in. I think that it is unfair to classify this as acting. It is just the nature of being human. Our personalities evolve and change with time, situation, and with the other personalities we interact with. I don't think that there is anything inherently dishonest in this. It is just who we are. Just a few thoughts from my CERB personality. ;)
  6. 5 points
    Perhaps I'm still new and not as jaded as some but I find money talk in this hobby to be incredibly uncomfortable. To be honest, I rarely even contact a lady unless her rates are clearly posted because I don't want to talk about it. Especially if I'm the one who has to bring it up. Call me a bit of a romantic but I kind of like to not think about the money part and just enjoy being with a lady. If the money is discreetly put in an envelope and dropped on a table and never acknowledged, you can forget about it and just pretend it isn't even a business transaction. Trying to reduce this to a simple dollars for value equation sucks the joy right out of it. I feel sorry for the guys who see it that way because they're missing out. Sharing an intimate moment with someone is not just a transaction, a debit in a column of some budget. If you think this has anything in common with buying a sofa or hiring a contractor, there's something wrong with your soul. You're missing the beauty and magic of the real connection with someone, even if it's just for a while. The last thing I want to do is to introduce discord to jeopardize the chance of finding some real chemistry. So yeah, if this is just about finding a convenient hole to stick your dick in, light 'er up. Maybe her rates are negotiable because she deliberately sets them high so that she has room to move. But maybe she's in a bad way and desperately needs money this week. Is that how you want to "win"? Then go ahead, take advantage. Savor your victory of saving money at the misfortune of another human being. Me, I'm just gonna keep meeting wonderful, sexy ladies and continue to marvel, to be absolutely astonished, that they are so generous as to share themselves with me. Because most of the ladies I've met so far are pretty awesome and I wouldn't have imagined that they'd be available for any price.
  7. 5 points
    After a hot shower, exfoliating, cleansing getting smooth all over. Preparing my space for "his" or even "your" arrival. Dolling self up, those last finishing touches of blush and lipstick. Taking the sexy number I have chosen to melt you with and devour you. One stocking on, reaching for the other with sexy music playing to get me in that sex kitten mood I much prefer to be in.... The telephone rings, I answer with a prrrr. I am ready and looking forward to a hell of a sexy day with a gentleman I hope is polite, fun and also a great time for me. "are you avail. right now? addy? "rates?" they are in my ads hun....... long pause (sexy vibe suddenly threatened ) by the chance that he may......oh please don't..... "how about 50 less than your rate?" other girls have agreed to X amount and even Y amount. But I will see you if you will agree to their rates!" My legs start to cross as he begins to bid with my body and services. Suddenly all that sexy preparation and bad girl sexy, devour you vibe I spent the morning slowly, carefully preparing myself for you. That warm, sexy soft and wet feeling is suddenly threatened to become the very place a negotiation always proves time and time again to take me. "Fuck it." Nothing dries me up faster than suggesting less than my rate I have offered myself intimately to you, (a mysterious stranger) now douchbag...... I suddenly feel like throwing some clothes on and watching soaps. Better yet Screw this..... I'm going shopping! (it's due to days and conversations as stated above that I have aquired a questionable amount of battery operated "devices") AKA.... sorry not available today. Please guys, nothing kills a sexy vibe faster than nickle and dimming over 20 dollars that I will need to replace those sexy stockings you love so much.
  8. 4 points
    Not just for the Winnipeg Section It should be a Sticky for All Canada!!!
  9. 4 points
    +1 I think that is the key phrase. Anyone who is receptive to body language or social interaction will be able to tell the difference between the illusion and sincerity, and I think that's what will make the difference in the encounter.
  10. 4 points
    As Mikeyboy said, we all have different facets to our personalities and what we show one person we may not show another. This is not deceitful or acting it's merely being an aspect of yourself depending on what you feel is acceptable. Unfortunately people judge and assume so until one determines who is who, we in essence protect ourselves. There are those people who know just about as much about us as anyone can and we certainly act differently around them than someone we've just met. Just as we act differently around friends and family. When it comes to interactions with the opposite sex (or same sex) I believe we generally all try to put our best aspect forward because you never know who will become important. Yes, there are many game players out there but I think it's quite easy to tell a game player from someone who is speaking honestly and from the heart. Mind you, there are also those who are exceptionally skilled at the game and you don't realize it's a game until you're already in deep. These are the ones you have to watch out for, these are the true actors and the ones who are firmly rooted in themselves. To sum up, this is a "person' thing not a gender thing and everyone does it to some degree. It's not a lying game, it's a living life aspect.
  11. 4 points
    I could never act those types of emotions. Never do I feed a pile of bs to a woman, if I say something sweet, gentle and kind then it is being said because that's how I feel. There is one woman I know who I tell the same thing to every time I see her. It would sound like a line to others, but it comes from my heart and definitely not an act. This isn't to say that I'm not in to hour after hour of sport sex, randoms and being dirty as hell, but if someone means something to me then I want to show them my romantic side! Don't lump us all in to the same category, there are some gentlemen left on this planet. Not many, but we are out there!!!
  12. 4 points
    Convincing someone to leave their residence (where it's legal to see a prostitute) and go to a brothel (where it's not legal to see a prostitute) is a crime. If someone is going to commit an illegal act, he's not entitled to attempt to convince, pressure or inveigle someone else to do it, too. I don't think this is the same thing as writing a recommendation on a review board. Recommendations are written by anonymous individuals for many reasons. It is impossible to know whether any of the things the writer describes actually took place or whether his description of events is accurate. It's also impossible to know whether the writer actually saw the person he appears to be reviewing, or not. The review may be written by someone anxious to gain credibility on a board. On some boards, a man can be an unpaid member if and only if he contributes reviews, otherwise he has to pay a membership fee. That gives rise to an enormous number of fake reviews from men who want to save a few dollars so that they can read the rest of the content on the board. That's important: readers of these reviews actively choose to find and read them. In many respects, reviews are a form of advertising that clients engage in for escorts. And so, given that the writers are anonymous and often extremely difficult to trace, and given that participation in or readership of these boards is a voluntary choice, I don't think there's anything to worry about most of the time. "Most of the time" excludes making threats, divulging private information and other such things that could reasonably compromise an escort's safety and well-being. I don't think it would be a good idea to try doing anything like that and expect to get away with it!
  13. 4 points
    The short answer is that since prostitution is legal in Canada, providing recommendations with details is also legal. You're describing a legal event that took place. End of story.
  14. 4 points
    There are different business models and we each use the one that works best for us. When I started out, I offered a menu with different prices for different activities because that's what I saw many women were doing. I thought it gave clarity to the meetings and, because I was seeing a higher volume of clients, in many ways it seemed to make things simpler. But it didn't work out that way for me. So often a fellow would arrive who'd said he wanted X, Y and Z and who would, in the midst of things, announce that he'd really like to add A and B to the deal. He'd already paid me for the original plan. In the middle of things wasn't the time to ask him to get up, find his wallet in the pile of clothes on the floor and pay for the extras. But I soon discovered that agreeing to go ahead, believing I would be paid at the end, was remarkably likely to result in performing the services and not being paid or not being paid in full. He'd discover, to his feigned shock and horror, that he didn't have the money, or even frankly declare that what I'd done wasn't worth the extra, anyway. I felt assaulted; since both my consent and my body were violated, I'd say I was raped a few times. And yet I was told that I was uptight, rigid or unresponsive when I decided not to allow any extensions, I started to feel like a vending machine and I hated that feeling. When I was asked to reduce my already low rates even further, I saw that those making the request were completely out for their own satisfaction and that there was a high probability that they were not going to treat me well, no matter what they paid. I remember very well the turmoil I went through. After all, like most women who are new to this profession, I was dealing with some major problems in my life and becoming a prostitute was my only way to solve them. I didn't need more men trying to take more from me while telling me that I wasn't really good enough or worth their time and money or that I was just a whore and had no right to expect much from them. I had been depressed to begin with; my depression deepened and I began to be afraid that I was going to fail at everything which included losing my children. I have never been an especially thick-skinned woman. I really am kind, gentle and compassionate. Women like me often have a hard time in our line of work because we're too focused on pleasing others, nurturing and attending to their needs. Our trust is easily abused by unscrupulous people. I had needed to make a certain amount of money and I achieved my goal, but the feeling that my soul had been put through a grinder was almost as great as my relief at having averted disaster. I accomplished what I needed to accomplish, but at great cost to myself. I wanted to quit, but I couldn't afford to. The problem that had driven me into our industry had only been put into abeyance: it hadn't gone away. I read everything I could find, everywhere I could find it. I talked to some people. I got a bit of advice here and there and I finally changed my business model. Many ladies say that the fee-for-service model helps them maintain perspective and creates the distance they need between their personal lives and their work. For a lot of them, it's easier to perform activities on a contractual basis than to engage in what seems more like a relationship where these things are an organic part of the dynamic. I applaud their ethic and their recognition of what they need as women and as paid companions. It just doesn't work for me. I changed my model completely, raised my rates significantly and began to offer complete experiences, full encounters, engagements--call it what you will. Taking time to get to know someone, to build a rapport with them and to become genuinely interested in them, who they are and what they want, is a much longer path. Most of my meetings are several hours long. I rarely have hour-long encounters except with established clients. By the time a prospective client and I meet in person, we generally have a good sense of each other, gained through e-mail and phone conversations. We're usually able to meet as friends. Our encounters can go in many directions as a result. Sometimes we don't end up in bed or with anyone's clothes in great disarray because my guest has enjoyed himself so much that he doesn't want to rush, this time. Do I give discounts? Well, yes and no. I can quote a flat hourly rate and that is what I charge for a single hour. But I set a different total for a three-hour or four-hour meeting--a significant discount, in effect. I also have a social rate and many of my best clients have begun this way, over lunch or perhaps dinner. When someone contacts me these days, asking for my "best rate" or what "special offers" I may be running, I point to my stated fees with the built-in discounts. When asked about menus, options, specific services and activities, I'm patient and understanding. Most men are awkward when it comes to talking about sex. One might say that they have a limited vocabulary. They want something, they hope to try something, they've always imagined something, but they really don't know how to describe it. I appreciate knowing what they're thinking about, but I don't guarantee anything to someone I haven't met in person. Once we're together, though, the range of possibilities may be very wide, depending on the dynamic and how I feel. So when someone wants to negotiate my fee, I'm at a loss. What would I provide less of? Where would I make a cut in who I am or how I relate to someone? More importantly to me, why would I do less or be less? After all, much as many clients think that the meeting is all about them, I feel it's about me, too. Authenticity means a great deal to me. Where will I compromise? I won't. Now, my way of working is not easy. I wouldn't recommend it to many women. It's time-consuming. I work hard and believe that I earn every penny I make. Many of my clients are frankly high-maintenance and need a lot of contact when we're not together. And to be honest, there are no guarantees that, even after a protracted pre-meeting discussion, things will turn out well. It's taken me years to build up solid relationships with them and to be in a position where I'm able to turn down one-off encounters. When someone's first contact with me includes challenging my fees, I usually know that he doesn't want what I have to offer.
  15. 3 points
    At this time, and with her permission, I would like to let all of her friends in CERB know that Penelope Davis has had her baby - a healthy and big bouncing baby boy. Mother and son are both doing well. I spoke with her this evening and it made my heart feel two sizes too big to hear the joy in her voice for her Christmas gift. Congratulations Penelope! :)
  16. 3 points
    I'm proud to say that's something I've never done. I may tend to censor myself a bit more around someone I've first just met, but once I get a feeling of their personality the curtains will come back.
  17. 3 points
    Same in Edmonton. Having a close friend in Vice, I am aware of online investigations being done on a regular basis, with PM'ing to try and get deeper into detail. Main focus is pimping, gangs, underage, forced to be a provider, drugs or any other illegal activity. I will not Pm a newbie, or anyone who doesn't have a decent post record along with reviews or a history of reviews. The newbies are also trying get info on their competitors and go online to trash their reputation too. I realize I was new on here once too, but I did not come on searching for details. There are many ways to do searches and contact the ladies if you are serious to meet. Once I have been on a while and have interacted on posts with other members, I have on occasion PM'd them about various ladies just to confirm my interest.
  18. 3 points
    Quite frankly, if you have to haggle over 20 dollars, maybe you should consider that you can't afford to see escorts.
  19. 3 points
    I think it has been established in this thread thus far that there will always be someone trying to negotiate. As an SP, I will always anticipate this. I don't care if someone tries to ask me because I know what the answer is and it's going to be a resounding "No". However, it is another thing contacting an SP knowing full well and already stated that her rates are NON-NEGOTIABLE and someone trying to haggle them down. The real issue here is that *some* men ( not all) feel self entitled to be able to meet whomever they feel like and demand this sort of thing or not let up when the answer is already no. I've only had one person try and do this to me and I hung up on him. It's like he thought that he was entitled to see me for the rate that HE felt like paying and really got enraged when I declined. He claims that in his country they barter. I realize that bartering is considered the norm in other cultures and countries but for lack of better words, you're bargining for what is supposed to be an intimate service and this is insulting. Don't tell me what you think my pussy is worth to put it so bluntly. I told him where to go and hung up on him because he would not take no for an answer and became really irrate. Did he really think I would care to seem him after that display of rage? Not on your life. I've come across these sorts of customers in other businesses that I have worked in and when they become really irrate and the attacks become personal, that's when I remove myself from the situation. Some men out there also fail to realize that when being an SP, we also have to incur certain costs. For me, that is using someone else's location. Right now I have 3 different locations I use and since they are not mine, I have to pay by the appt to use it. So when I charge my quoted rate for a half hour, a small percentage of it is gone even though I am independent. I like doing it this way for various reasons and have no problems paying for space by the appt. So when someone is trying to low ball me, they are not even taking this into consideration and don't seem to care when I tell them. Plus I have to pay for gas to drive from one end of the city to another and with the vehicle I drive, it's not that cheap but I had already taken that into consideration when I determined what my rates would be. So after everything is said and done, I am out a minimum $40 on just a half hour for using the place and for gas in driving there and back home. I also feel that with the service I offer and the costs /time I have to incur that this price is very fair. If I were to let someone low ball me down and wanting a $100 for a half hour which I never would, at the end I would only walk away with $60. How is that fair after what I am going through to get to the appt in first place with the chance of someone no showing and no guarantees? Makes no sense. This can be a risky business ( bad dates, constant no shows, wierdos) and the ladies rates are warranted for this very reason. To sum it up, read the ad and/or website first to see if she states that there is no room for negotiation. It is rude to ask after knowing that she will not negotiate. Those are the people I have a problem with. I am a realist in the fact that there will always be low ballers but it's all in how you deal with them. I either ignore them or simply say no and end the convo. I let it roll off of me like water on duck's back unless they pursue it further and then I start to get annoyed. Those who do ask, I know that they simply don't feel I'm worth it and don't want to pay it so they are not going to the good service I provide. It's as simple as that and those are people I don't care to meet. I'm not a doormat and when you bargin, you will never get the "full service" a self entitled haggler thinks he is going to get. Is it pure arrogance on their part to assume they're going to get everything for nothing? Yes, very much so. However, arrogant people end up failing to realize a few things and clearly the solid dollar amount that they are so headstrong on paying becomes the main focus and don't recognize that they truly get what they pay for. And in these scenarios, it will be downgraded service and most likely not the full time they are supposed to be paying for. Would a customer like it if they visited an SP and she was all business at the beginning demanding money? I know it's a turn off so haggling over rates is very comparable to this. No one likes a haggler in this business so to those who negotiate, don't expect the best experience you've ever had. Many ladies may take your money but resent you for it at the same time and where there is resentment, there is less effort and completely warranted on her part. Additional Comments: Sorry to say but most of those guys from those classified sites end up finding cerb and continue with their negotiations on here. This isn't a bitching thread and not something to make light of due to the heat. It's a very common problem amongst the ladies.
  20. 2 points
    This is a great post! I have worked in "real spa's" and have worked the proper side of massage, and I have had to "clean up a big mess" before, and gotta say, it is extremely disgraceful to do that to someone that is not expecting it! Especially with no tip in sight! lol Not nice to have to deal with. We are in this industry because we want to be here, but to do that to someone when they clearly are not, is an insult...almost assault in some cases! I just don't understand why not visit the appropriate establishment or lady? Is it about the fee? About being naughty??
  21. 2 points
    Nikky promises to take all your stress away, and she does. After an exciting pm exchange over the past week, we had a very fun meeting today. No time wasted, she was out of her dress in seconds, and spread out on the bed looking sexy and tempting. Perfect spinner body, perfectly proportioned. My philosophy is that the woman cums first, :) and she did, repeatedly, dancing on my tongue. My turn, and she treated me to a hot bbbj. Then sex, mega- and multi-orgasmic. I love kissing while I'm fucking, and Nikky kisses so well, non-stop. She's an energetic and responsive lover. I felt satiated, unstressed, and unrushed. A great experience. I enjoyed this session hugely, and hope that Nikky comes back for more, soon!
  22. 2 points
    As someone who has experienced both, I must say there is a huge difference in service and atmosphere. when I see an RMT it is for relieving tense muscle and aches due to stress or physically abusing myself with laboursome work. I often come out even more sore than when I came in but the mobility is gained. Its very professional done and I cannot understand how someone could get confused or just ignorant and behave in a sexual manor when there is nothing sexual about it. now when attending a spa who provides this sexual encounter it may have a lot of therapeutic effects but (no offence to the ladies) the massage is not the same. yes its relaxing and loosens the muscle a bit but not nearly as much as an RMT. however they sure know how to make me rise if you know what I mean. I guess what I'm trying to say is they provide two separate services and one should never be confused by the other. I think some people may of watched one too many porn movies. It is sad to say but perhaps RMT may need to voice record their session in order to protect themselves. This could even be used as evidence when some horny prick decide to sexually assault by make this types of propositions. great point cyclo!
  23. 2 points
    Cyclo, it looks like this might be a great sticky (as in sticky thread) for the Winnipeg massage section.
  24. 2 points
    I was reading a thread this morning from someone out of country coming to visit us and asking about a lady to visit. He had asked specifically about someone who provides GFE and clarified that where he's from it's called "Illusion of Passion". It struck me as rather sad when and "Illusion" is advertised. Yes, this industry has the element of fantasy to it. You can be drawn to someone who excites you, talk about your desires, meet and explore and enjoy for a little while BUT while it may be a fantasy, you are getting honest responses and reactions which is not an illusion of passion, it IS passion. Is this just a cultural difference in advertising verbiage or do people actually feel like there is an illusion in this country? Do you feel like you're having an honest experience more times than not? I would think an experience that is felt to be an illusion wouldn't make for many repeats.
  25. 2 points
    You hit the nail on the head bang on Eric. Other business comparisons really aren't valid, because they may be offering their labour, or so on, but as cliché as it sounds, the lady is offering herself, mind, body and soul. Name another business or trade that requires that. I can't think of one Negotiating with a lady, your right, how can she not take that personally RG
  26. 2 points
    I think that most of the women here enjoy sex and intimacy very much so if you have chemistry and are a considerate lover, I don't see any reason why there couldn't be real passion. Yes, there may be some acting in some cases but that doesn't mean the experience can never be genuine.
  27. 2 points
    In this lifestyle I present one face. My real side, so ladies when they meet me meet the real me. In my work life (not a cop, but in law enforcement field) I have another face, what I'll call my game face. It's one I have to have in order to succeed and survive where I work, or I'd be taken advantage of. But in life you have to show different sides of yourself to different people at different times. It's not acting, it's life RG
  28. 2 points
    Personally, I'm an typical introvert and like it that way. By nature introverts can easily come off in social situations as cold, distant or even rude. In the corporate world as you climb the ladder life for an introvert can be difficult. Be exactly who you naturally are and you'll find yourself stifled in your progression to the top. Through my career progression I found that to be successful I had to easily interact with many different people successfully even to the point of schmoozing with them. I'm bright so I learned to adapt and evolve my personality depending on the environment I found myself in. Truthfully it's to the point that now I'm like a chameleon quickly reading my environment and determining what me needs to show up. At first I was acting, it was something that I had to constantly think about however, over time I came to do it subconsciously. Now it just happens without thinking. Am I acting now? No, because "acting" requires deliberate transformation into someone else. I don't try to do it, it just happens however I can be a different person in different situations. In this world I'm likely different with every SP that see's me. I enter the room, read from her what type of client makes her the most comfortable then evolve into that , again with no real thinking involved. I'm not sure if that qualifies as lying or being deceitful but I just thought I'd pass along my perspective.
  29. 2 points
    You can't fake passion. Period. It is the X factor (at least for me) that separates the ok experiences from the mind blowing ones. More so than any physical or even personality traits, it's the passion while in the act that keeps me coming (cumming?) back for more. Just my 2 cents.
  30. 2 points
    I know in one case I had a sleepover, an overnight. The lady who I knew very well didn't have a sleepover rate, so I asked her how much her donation would be. I didn't propose a rate or try to negotiate one, and when she gave me her rate I said thank you and booked a sleepover with her. I asked another lady what her weekend rate would be (she doesn't have a posted weekend rate) She got back to me with a price range of xxx dollars to yyy dollars (x being lower range and y being higher range) and said I could pay what is fair. Me being me I agreed that I will pay the higher rate. But the price range she set, I didn't try to haggle at all with her, I just have too much respect for her and all ladies to negotiate their rates down, especially when their companionship already has a intangible value far exceeding the donation they request. I'm just looking forward to finding that free weekend now to have the weekend escape after this lifestyle being put on hold due to family issues. And on a side note, to all those advocates of negotiation. Would you as a client be as strong a proponent of negotiation if the ladies also negotiated too? For example a lady charging a certain rate for one hour, but when you contact her, she tries to negotiate by charging her hourly rate but only wants to see you for 45 minutes, or she has her rate but if you aren't an attractive man then she will negotiate a higher rate or so on and so forth. Negotiation is a two way street, and for those guys who think it's fair to negotiate a lady's rate down, it's then just as fair by the same token for the lady to negotiate her rate up to those negotiators RG
  31. 2 points
    I'm sure a lot of them do, with enough notice. I'd just ask one that interests you.
  32. 2 points
    Just a word of advice for the above two newbie posters. It is considered bad manners to post a general will anyone PM me? If you have a specific question for a specific member then the general etiquette is to send a PM asking the question. Feel free to ask me and I'll feel free to send you back a sarcastic response. Do your homework, read the forums and all will become apparent without the need to ask stupid questions.
  33. 2 points
    Ha ha Good one Berlin! I don't think I've got a definitive answer. Here are my initial thoughts. I think that subsection e) should be read in the context of the previous and subsequent subsections all of which address pimping and/or coercion. A recommendation wouldn't seem to be similar in nature to any of the other offences listed. Returning to the original question I've never heard of a conviction for online or print advertising. Given that, a conviction for an online recommendation would be even more unlikely.
  34. 2 points
    Well, as others have said, I think the police have bigger fish to fry. But that is why many sex workers often have a disclaimer on their sites and ads that reads something like "money exchanged is for companionship only and anything else that happens is between consenting adults." I don't go out of my way to flout the law, but I'm not sitting around worrying about the cops either. If they really want to arrest you, they will.
  35. 2 points
    I responded to this thread in the beginning, so people know how I feel when men try to haggle my rates... But I stopped responding because of the ugly turn this thread has taken. I don't think anyone needs to be called names, or people's levels of intelligence should be called into question. I certainly do not think anyone is an idiot for trying to negotiate, I won't negotiate with him, but as long as he doesn't begin to actually ACT like an idiot, I wouldn't deign to call him that. One thing I like most about this board is written right on the top, and I try to live my life in this same way... ....if you do not have anything nice to say....please don't say anything at all. This applies to all of us.
  36. 2 points
    Not too long ago I got an idiot who asked me for half-price special. I told him that he might as well keep his money as he need it way much more than I do. That is how I see negotiators. If any negotiators on this board are offended by my comment: GOOD! I'm not interested to do business with you. Pay the rates or die starving.
  37. 2 points
    I've personally seen quite a number of clients with differing capabilities. In truth it all started with a wonderful young man named 'Big Al'. He lived 8 hours away, suffered severe cerebral palsy and was very sad to be a virgin at 25. When I drove the 8 hours to see him the first time, I had no idea what I was in for. I had no clue that I would be responsible for doing everything. Including using a massive hoist to get him into bed. I suspect he didn't tell me all of this for fear it would scare me away. But I was determined to bring some much needed joy into this young man's life. To me, 'disabilities' are a complete non-issue. I have had clients tell me ahead of time, and I've had more than one never mention anything until I meet them. Either way, we ALL need intimacy and human contact. The body is a mere shell of the truly beautiful soul inside, and if physically some things don't work so well, then just enjoy the journey and worry not about the final destination.
  38. 2 points
    I've had wonderful clients who were disabled and wouldn't turn someone down just because of his disability or because he's in a wheelchair. If you find someone who interests you, send a message or e-mail to her. Tell her about your disability and what is and is not possible for you. Let her know about your limitations and any special assistance or support you may require for a satisfying encounter. If you need to meet in your home or a wheelchair-accessible place, or if you need nursing care nearby, or if you need help bathing or getting ready for your meeting, please say so. These are all things that can be worked out with a little care and planning. It's true that not everyone will be comfortable. Most of the time, though, an SP will be concerned that she may accidentally do something that might hurt you or that she won't know what you need and when. If you can be clear, explicit and understanding, I think you shouldn't have a problem finding a companion.
  39. 1 point
    is not acceptable! This isn't a flea market. Take the time to find out what options a lady offers (ie length of time and corresponding donations) and either book with her or continue your search! BTW "can you do x amount of time for x amount of donation?" is akin to negotiating!
  40. 1 point
    @Al from Quebec: aaaaaaaaaah! did I congratulate you for nothing?(tease) I hope you do not want to imply that negotiating is NEVER okay? The reality is that for out-of-the-ordinary encounters,( like the one you wrote about or like my cases where I have invited ladies from Ottawa to come to Kingston) negotiating is a must. Why ? For the simple reason that ladies are aware that conditions for such encounters will be different and so do not post a schedule of donations for these. In most of the ads I have seen for invitation-to-travel encounters, ladies indicate that they may be contacted for information, saying nothing about donations. Regards.
  41. 1 point
    I don't find it to be an illusion at all. But keep your head on straight so it isn't a delusion either. For a set period of time a woman, a beautiful woman is with you intimately. But instead of needing to promise her a ring, marriage etc, it is an escape for a certain amount time for a certain amount of money. Not an illusion, it is the most honest male/female relationship that exists IMHO and it is real A rambling RG
  42. 1 point
    I have a consultation tonight to start my left sleeve!
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Petite Lauren is 5'0". I think there are a few others but can't remember atm. Miss Melody is 6'2. Saw her in person once and boy is she tall!!
  45. 1 point
    I posted a completely valid thread in the newbie section and it has gotten way out of hand. I wil ask that the Mod close this to any further discussion as the original intent of the post has been skewed. I value the need for Cerb and the wonderful opportunity to perhaps improve things. When dissent and lack of respect infiltrate a perfectly valid post I get a bit peeved. Night all, I shall move on to real life now.
  46. 1 point
    latest pictures from Luxe Mulvari's album :
  47. 1 point
    My dad is an electrical contractor and straight up, he doesn't negotiate. He puts out a bid for a potential job (eg. a contract with the city to maintain the traffic lights and erect lights at two new intersections), which is the price he feels the time/labour/materials are worth and he either gets the job, or he doesn't. But nobody says to him, "Hey Big Red, will you do it for this amount instead?" Or "Instead of 45/h, what about 35?" I can guarantee you, he'd laugh right in your face. I give clients the benefit of the doubt ONE TIME (mainly because I don't know you or your background and maybe where you come from, it's considered insulting not to haggle, I have no idea), and this is being generous because it says ON MY WEBSITE that my rates are not negotiable--so you either didn't read it, or you're deliberately disrespecting me, but as I said, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt the first time. And this is only if you're polite about it. For example, is your rate negotiable? Reply: no it isn't. The end. If you persist, it's game over. This of course, excludes all those guys who text things like, "free gym membership for free massage?" (real text I got a few weeks ago). In which case, I don't even reply. So I mean really, it's up to you. Negotiate if you want, but don't expect a response.
  48. 1 point
    Cleo is covered in lots and lots of lovely tattoos:
  49. 1 point
    If you're asking about the "SERVICE PROVIDER" designation under their name, that means that they are part of the SP-only access group. Their bio on the right ("I am a...") would be a better indication, and yes, some of us do offer both. When in doubt, a polite inquiry will clear up any confusion!
  50. 1 point
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