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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/14 in all areas

  1. 13 points
    I wrote a blog post today, outlining the case for no new laws, and detailing how existing provisions in the Criminal Code can already deal with the more harmful and negative circumstances associated with sex work. Please share widely, and feedback is appreciated. :) http://www.msnikkithomas.com/canadas-sex-work-laws-dont-break-what-we-worked-so-hard-to-fix/
  2. 5 points
    Local MPs is definitely a good idea; I would also recommend Justice Minister Peter MacKay. PM Harper would be helpful as well. :) Also, possibly the leader of the official opposition to encourage him to put the pressure on. Btw, letter mail sent to any member of parliament or senator does not require any postage. Just pop it right in the box! ;) The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 284 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8 Email: [email protected] Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Fax: 613-941-6900 Contact online:http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/contactpm Thomas Mulcair House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Phone: 613-995-7224 Fax: 613-995-4565 [email protected]
  3. 4 points
    Just had the call from dad that has been expected for a bit that Mom passed away after her quite long fight with liver cancer. It is sad but a relief at the same time as we know how bad she was suffering recently. She did make it almost to year 5 after the initial 3-6 month expectation when diagnosed and had a large number of happy trips to places she really wanted to go as well and let us that went along have good memories too.
  4. 3 points
    I personally do not care what colour people are but it is really not uncommon for people that are Indian or Black to ask me if I see them. I see everyone as long as they are clean and respectful. Multiple responses that I have seen over the years in multiple threads. -If the SP is indian or black and say she doesn't want to see people of her own color, it can be because they are sometime small communities and everyone know everyone and she doesn't want to be recognize. It seem especially for East Indian providers. -She may have a pimp. But to be honest, you CANNOT compare this industry to any other. Not food services, you cannot claim humans rights etc. A restaurant is public establishment that provide a service. An SP is a PERSON that provide a service. A person has feelings and preferences. You are kissing, touching, putting your penis in her vagina. this is intimate and cannot be compare. What if the SP may have try to have sex with black /indians/blue with red dots and is really not attracted sexually to them? In our civilian life it happen all the time that people states they may have sexual preferences for x races or y hair color. While I do understand it may be discriminatory you cannot ignore someone personal preferences. In my eyes... Would you enjoy having sex with someone knowing they are forcing themselves to be there with you?
  5. 2 points
    What a wonderful day!! Let's celebrate Hump Day together and be naughty ;) I'm in the mood, are you? Cum by and let's relieve some tension ;) I am a tall red head with a model type body that will leave you speechless without a doubt. Sexy longs legs and stunning blue eyes that will leave you breathless. A mind blowing experience that will have you coming back for more time and time again. My services include: full body massage, body slides, reverse massages, showers for 2, and I am very open to couples sessions and catering to the ladies :wink: Come see me today and get your mind blown at Paradise Spa located in the West End. Today from 3:30pm until 11pm Thursday from 9am until 11pm Friday from 1:30pm until 11pm Saturday from 9am until 9pm Sunday from 10am until 9pm Call to book some sexy time with me at 613-820-8887 Also, be sure to check out my recommendations: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthr...t=victoriascrt
  6. 2 points
    Bon matin messieurs be ready to live a real body to body exxxperience non rushed session sensual shower together lfk fun strong massage amazing bodyslides reversed massage lingerie high heels my session with you is focused only on you.... not the clock I am here to tease you to please you and make you dream.... pm me or 613-274-7073 xoxox a bientot j'espere __________________
  7. 2 points
    Let's just leave it at.... "this week sucks".
  8. 2 points
    My little guy has learned the art of foreplay. Its so funny, my male dog will go to my other 2 females and start licking their ears and then he starts sucking on them and he will do this for a good 10-15 minutes. Then he get all excited and tries to mount them lol! So today after work I was tired and lying on the couch trying to take a nap, when of course my little guy stick his noise in my face and start licking where he ends up licking my ear and then he started sucking on it. Well that's it I'm stopping him right there.
  9. 2 points
    Chillin in my room in Cancun :) its windy...cool and was raining when i arrived but im still in Cancun and met this very nice guy on the plane...he's not staying at my hotel but hes coming over to spend the evening with me...life is good :) party time!!!!
  10. 2 points
    Had my first tattoo consultation. The big day is the 23rd of this month. First ink on my virgin skin. And no, it's notafish. So excited!
  11. 2 points
    I love the spirit of support in this forum!
  12. 2 points
    I was going to pm, but I think it is more helpful to the board if dont.I don't mean Any disrespect by not doing so. I think this board is an excellent source for information on whatever it is that you seek. And if you are fortunate enough to have an account you can speak with the specific lady you wish to see to ask directly on what fees are to be expected. Some ladies have non- negotiable rates. And I think it would be unfair to say that a spa or specific lady is not " up-scale" if she chooses not to state the rates as an inclusive amount. It can be stated however one see fit. At any spa, a portion of the fee goes to the " house " whether it's paid up front, or as an inclusive rate. If a lady choose to charge anything beyond that that means she's offing something that is not typical and yes, in that case I agree that it can be quite confusing because some people don't come with the expectations if anything other than a massage and a hj. And please don't be discouraged to go any particular spa, or see a particular lady jake_cdn or anyone else for that matter. There are many great ladies everywhere. Keep it rosey and cheers.
  13. 1 point
    As I always have said I'm a visual creature, and I had just loved Emily's photo albums just recently posted. She is a MA with Paradise Spa, and today was her first day! I was quite pleased and happy to be her first client as well and her first of the day, as she said 'I popped her MA cherry' Emily is stunningly attractive, and really knew how to create sensuality,eroticism while we showered together,had some hot tub fun and of course the finale..the sensual massage. Emily did NOT need any assistance or training with another experienced lady of the spa, she was quite capable,and more then, capable of delivering one very fine hour time spent with a gorgeous lady. I will repeat no doubt about it, she is gorgeous,has a beautiful body (must of told her that several times) has an infectious smile and delivers a exploding finish to a great massage. Thanks Emily you certainly will be a sucess and Paradise Spa, Paradise has done a excellent job recruiting you. Oh here is some visual for you gents... And I just loved her perfect bum...she is amazing!!
  14. 1 point
    I received ANOTHER PM from a member who was concerned because GOOGLE indexes cerb.ca. He says that his significant other has ways to "find" his ALIAS on cerb and thinks we should block the search engines from indexing cerb. Well... if your S/O can figure out your alias on cerb you allowed this to happen - it has NOTHING to do with google or cerb! Basically if this happens you were sloppy! He was obviously doing something he should not have been doing and got caught (Probably a tech savvy S/O) ... and now looking to put the blame on someone or something instead of himself. This happens with the LADIES just as much as the guys. The ladies do something foolish and allow people in their personal life to EASILY find them online working as an escort (and that causes PANIC for many and a headache for me as they want me to delete all traces of them on cerb) - after the fact this is pointless!! Everything that should be indexed by google (and other search engines) is. We block access to the PRIVATE sections (SP ONLY, COUNCIL, ETC...) and we hide your IP address's and Emails on your profiles. The PUBLIC part of the site is indexed and cerb runs a very good SEO system that ensures everything is available and indexed on google and other search engines. Why? This brings us traffic, allows new members to find cerb, allows the ladies to find us and it is a very important part of the site. It also pays the bills! This site is FREE for you all to use but nothing in this world is FREE. Your posts are indexed with the search engines and are considered "Content" and this content on google and other search engines creates links to cerb.ca. In turn our sponsors (All the advertisers here and escorts-canada and other sites we own get traffic from cerb and traffic is money). This is a business after all and it may be a free site for you all to use but the reason this site exists is to generate traffic and feed traffic to the people who pay for this site (The people who make this site free for everyone who uses it). These days if your sites are not listed on google... your nobody and nobody will find you! As of today we have 91700 listings on google alone! This brings THOUSANDS of people to cerb every day! Thousands of people who would not have found cerb without these listings. We can not hide things from google to keep them from your significant others. If you are sneaking around doing something you should not then your on your own to protect yourself. What can you do to keep your identity and actives private? 1) I would suggest you use a username that no one could associate with you. 2) Erase your cookies. history and temporary internet files everytime you are done using the internet 3) Check your computer for stuff like keystroke loggers (as it's common for SO's to use these things if they suspect you of doing things you should not). They act as trojans and quietly sit in the background and log every button you push on your keyboard.... any tech savvy 12 year old kid knows how to do this and you can now buy USB thumb drives that make it possible for ANYONE to do this with very little knowledge of how a computer works. 4) Don't post anything too personal. Ladies this goes for you as well. If you use your PERSONAL cell phone for business it will be INDEXED On google and your friends can GOOGLE your cell number and find your ads. Don't be foolish, invest in a WORK PHONE and keep your private life private! 5) If your name is "Richard Henry John" and you choose a alias here like "R.H.J" or "DickH" or "Rich john" your asking to be identified. This is just silly to do and you would be surprised how many people do this. **** The reason we use Alias's is so that your posts and activities on these sites are anonymous. We hide your IP and Email from public (Keeping your id private). Q: Is cerb really FREE? A: No, Nothing is Free. Q: How can you run CERB for free? A: This site is a BUSINESS and is here to make money. It costs TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to run this site each year. Someone has to pay for that! You don't pay for using cerb and the handful of banner advertisers help but don't cover the cost of the servers per year let alone my salary! It appears free to you but your posts are content and your visits are traffic. Content = Search engine listings Search engine listings = Traffic Traffic = Money! This site is FREE to use for all of you and in return you are giving us your time, contributions and traffic. Someone has to pay the bills and in this "virtual" world website traffic is what pays the bills. Hard to imagine but that is how it works. The more traffic cerb.ca gets the more traffic it's sponsors receive (Advertisers on the site). This is how we pay for the site. If we made the site inaccessible from google and other search engines we would have no traffic, We would have no content, We would have no members, We would have nothing of value and we would have no computers and bandwidth to run the site. Bottom line we would have no business. I don't work for free (Shocking isn't it) I am PAID to run this website. I have other duties that involved things other then this website but at least 1/2 of my salary is to maintain cerb. The servers that run cerb, the bandwidth, the custom programming, license fee's, the chat room, etc... all cost money (You would be SHOCKED to know those costs!). My point here is that for every 10 visitors we get from google at least 1 of them end up visiting escorts-canada.com (The website that pays the bills for cerb) It's all about the math. Search engine math? Basically 5000 visitors per day is worth 100 grand a year. If you were to PURCHASE traffic from other sites (and that is not easy as a lot of sites DO NOT allow "Adult" related sites to buy advertising) it would cost a MINIMUM of .06 cents per visitor. (5000 X $.06) X 365 days a year = $109'500.00 We send a few thousand visitors to EC per day from cerb so our budget is no where near 100 grand but one day it may be!! So keep posting and spreading the word. Out budget here is based on this. (Traffic sent to EC X RATE .03) X 365 days a year = $BUDGET Notice the RATE is .03 and not .06 - If it was .06 it would be simply smarter to just purchase the traffic. If you can build your own traffic that cost 1/2 of what it would cost you to purchase the same traffic... it's a SMART business decision! (And is why cerb exists today).
  15. 1 point
    This service is really lovely. I have so much fun everytime I book. For somebody who doesn't want fs, this place is like heaven. After a hard days work it is really nice to be treated. Been to the west end a few times and any of the ladies I met were a pleasure. Thanks CMJ
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Unless you subscribe to the Bill Clinton school of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!", then yes, it's cheating I'm afraid. Now, why you need or want to justify it to yourself is an entirely different discussion which only you (and Bill) can truly delve into and understand, but don't try and kid yourself if you are hiding something from your SO and are also certain that he or she would disapprove at a minimum. I'm not being judgmental here, that is for you and your SO should you choose to tell her. And, just for the record, I know that I am cheating each and every time I contact one of the lovely ladies here, never mind go see them.
  19. 1 point
    Initially, he stands on his back legs if I'm sitting at the table and he taps me on my arm or back with his paw. If i don't respond, onto the table he goes! lol. He's been a shit disturber since day one..he drove my older cat who passed on a few years ago absolutely nuts! The word "indifferent" would describe these two when it came to how they felt about one another! lol. As soon as he died, big orange took over as the alpha male sidestepping my other 17 year old cat who is too weak to fight for dominance esp when he bites him for no reason.
  20. 1 point
    Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day!
  21. 1 point
    I'm not sure I would agree that every individual has to decide for themselves, but I would say every couple (or polyamourous group) does. It all depends on what has been explicitly or implicitly agreed upon, and where the line is drawn will be different for every relationship. For some couples, having an orgy with strangers may not be cheating if it's been agreed on. Sometimes certain rules or restrictions may be in place. One couple may say it's OK to be intimate with someone as long as both partners are present or have been told. Another might say anything goes except unprotected sex. On the other side, simply going to a exotic dance club, or even regular dancing with another person could be considered cheating if that's the boundary you and your partner established upon entering the relationship. Now, what could count as justifiable reasons for a person to cheat is another topic entirely and I'm certainly not looking to judge anyone here. But if you're doing something at all sexual that you know your partner wouldn't approve of and realistically assumes you've agreed not to do, then it is what it is.
  22. 1 point
    What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky? Get out of the cold and come play with me it will make humpday oh so good.... We'll start with a relaxing yet sensual and steamy massage! I am 5'4, big blue eyes, short dark hair and curvy with tattoos that compliment my body in all the right places!! I will provide you with a deep yet sensual massage to get you started. I will follow up with a sexy body slide and let my fingers lightly explore you making you wanting more! Satisfying for the eyes and the body!! Then I will let the bubbles lead the trail for my fingers in the shower!! Duos couples body slides showers reverse massage foot fetishes My Schedule for the Week of January 5 to January 11 Sunday January 5- 12:00PM to 9:00PM Monday January 6- 10:00AM to 11:00PM Tuesday January 7- 10:00AM to 4:00PM Wednesday January 8- 3:30PM to 11:00PM Sunday January 11- 3:30:00PM to 9:00PM I am here today to heighten you senses today from 3:30pm to 11:00pm at Angel's Touch 613-274-7073, Private Message me or email [email protected] to book
  23. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Sexy Miss!!! Wishing you lots of fun & happiness on your special day! xo
  24. 1 point
    Yes, the convenience store is gone, for a while now. Anybody here (besides me :-) ) old enough to remember the previous name of the place? Okay, won't keep you in suspense. It was originally the Country Way, aimed at C&W fans (surprise), back around the time of "Rhinestone Cowboy" and such, if I remember right. I think it changed its name first, and then became a SC. But don't use me as an absolute reference; the Country Way was long enough ago that neither Google or Wikipedia have any information on it.
  25. 1 point
    IF THERES ONE THING I DO KNOW 100%, I AM AMAZING AT MY JOB ;) LETS START YOUR WORK WEEK OFF WITH A SMILE :) New Schedule posted for this week below ! Looking for a sensual yet seductive experience with an MA Goddess ? Well you have cum to the right lady for you! I am beautiful not only on the outside but the inside too! Beauty & Brains! what a bonus . I love to tease and please! I value the favour of being equally pleasured. Sounds like fun doesnt it ? Cum feel my touchably silky, soft, smooth skin, round firm behind, firm naturally 36C big luscious boobies and fully relax & enjoy the erotic pleasure of my services. I invite you to explore true passion & eroticism with me, lets go on some new adventures that will surely take your mind and body on a trip to paradise. My Appearance: 23 year old, long haired brunette, dazzling sexy hazel eyes, lightly tanned, silky smooth skin, I stand at 5'3, 125lbs with curves in all of the right places, 36C perfect tittys!, gorgeous face features and i am Italian & French of nationality. My Personality: very outgoing, playful, sensual, erotic, seductive, naughty, bubbly, sweet, kinky, classy, talkative, sweet, caring, intelligent, respectful, dis*creet and open minded ! WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN A SEXY SESSION WITH ME : -erotic sensual & seductive nude massage -great conversation & atmosphere -An ending that is sure to leave you more than happy! -reverse massage -duo massage (2 girls, 4 hands) -soapy showers for 2 -topless massage -bum massages -multiple experiences -pearl necklace/russian release -cob -fetish friendly -dirty talk -foot fetish/worship -strip tease -outfits, heels, stockings, exotic wear/lingerie (if requested) (Feel free to message me if you have any questions in regards to my services!) V.I.P. Package: Only for the discerning, classy and upscale gentleman at my discretion. My package includes several different services combined into one package for one price! All services are YMMV! (For more info regarding the services please text or pm me) Fees: (Door Fees Only): 30mins: $50 45mins: $60 60mins: $80 PLUS tipping in the room (Door fee rates for duo massage also available) Location: (Wed-Friday): Merivale & Hunt Club. (Incalls Only). Angels Touch Spa. Clean, discreet, upscale & professional. ATM on-site, Free parking, fresh towels, a.c/heat, nice showers in each room & hygienic products for you & I both. Schedule for this week (Wed. Jan. 8th-Fri. Jan. 10th): Wed: 10am-7pm (TODAY) Thurs: 10am-7pm Fri: 10am-7pm EMAIL. PM. CALL. TEXT Me for more info or to book your naughty session ! 613-600-3943 (no blocked calls pls Email: [email protected] Personal Website: taylordevine.escort-site.com Angels Touch: 613-274-7074 (Request Taylor) Paradise Spa: 613-820-8887 RECOMMENDATIONS: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthr...=taylor+devine AD WITH COMMENTS: http://www.cerb.ca/classifieds/ottaw...ue-beauty.html SEXY PICTURES: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3935 CRAVE TAYLOR BOYS! XOXO MUAHS! CIAO FOR NOW!
  26. 1 point
    Happy birthday Sexxxy ;) enjoy your day xoxo
  27. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Rebecca Enjoy your special day RG
  28. 1 point
    Wednesday Cherry 11-4 aka "Cherry Blossom" Marlie 9-4 aka "Marvelous Marlie" Sasha 9-4 aka "Sasha-Paradise" Tia 9-4 aka "Tiaa.Lovee.x0" Lydia 9-11 Victoria 3:30-11 aka "victoriasct" Jamie 3:30-11 aka "Jamie-xo" Samantha 3:30-11 aka "Naughty Samantha" Salina 3:30-11 aka "Salinaflower" BRAND NEW HAZEL http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=8433 NEW Scarlett pics http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/site/the-angels/scarletts-profile/ Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=L&t=151979 Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=92012 NEW Tia http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=8327 Online Ad check it out http://www.cerb.ca/classifieds/ottaw...2014-news.html New Sexy Pics http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/site/the-angels/ Schedule Updated Daily http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/site/schedule/ Come for a 4 hand massage in our getaway room....an experience you will never forget Ottawa's Best Room! Regular Room spacious and in room shower Single Massage: 30 minutes $55. 45 minutes on special for $65. 60 minutes $80. 90 minutes $120. Duo Massage: 30 minute on special for $80. 45 minute on special for $100. 60 minute on special for $130. Getaway Room Fee: Room Features a hot tub,6 ft custom shower and fireplace for your enjoyment Single Massage: 30 minutes $70. 45 minutes $85. 60 minutes $100. 90 minutes $150. Session time @ Discretion of MA Duo Massage/Couples Massage: 2 Attendant 30 minute $100. 45 minute $120. 60 minute $150. Couples Massage: 1 Attendant 30 minute $70. 45 minute $85. 60 minute $100. HST included in all door fee prices Longer Session times available and at the Discretion of MA Samantha Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=N&t=142241 Jamie's Discussions http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=104412 & http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=J&t=114727 Sasha's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=146238 Cherry's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=151528 Victoria's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=V&t=156766 Salina's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=144753 Hazel-NEW (left) & Chantal
  29. 1 point
    Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday - Bonne Fete
  30. 1 point
    Happy birthday to a very sexy lady - hope its the best!
  31. 1 point
    Have the best day, sweetness! You deserve it. Happy Birthday with many more to follow.
  32. 1 point
    That is your humble opinion and your entitled to say that. Just like me saying you can't go wrong with ALO spa's, Paradise Spa,Angel's Touch Spa, CMJ Spa and Vibe Spa, each spa have beautiful women working for them, they are all great spa's. Ottawa also has many independent ladies too. As long as you act like a gentleman while you're there, show up for bookings, don't use false names and cancel on ladies that you've booked time with because you basically screw the lady out of coin,when there is others wanting to book with that lady. This does happen to the spa and the lady, we like to call theses guys "time wasters" "lurkers" "bad clients"......and well probably other choice names ;) All the Spa's have their unique style,atmosphere and of course many ladies, it is up to the gentleman lastly to book with a Spa,to visit that lady, OR an independent. Just check the recommendation section,for a lady that may interest yourself.
  33. 1 point
    Club Madellyn Jae offers a unique and original experience being that we are Ottawa's only private hostess lounge - a piece of delicious pie that offers our members an assortment of sensual and naughty activities, services and events. A must try for everyone truly wanting an exhilarating erotic experience... come see why we are Ottawa's best kept secret ;)
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Gentlemen, Your dream playmate is waiting for you this week!!!. I am that beautiful clean sexy girl that knows all those naughty tricks to drive you wild. A session with me is not about acronyms, it's about providing the experience you deserve. I can read your words and reactions to provide you a moment that fulfills all of your desires without you asking for anything. Your only responsibility in my company is to relax and let me lead you to a place of pleasure you have only imagined. I take care of my beautiful 32DD 24 34 body and it shows. It is a reflection of the beauty and sensations that await when you spend time with me. My Schedule this Week Monday January 6th 9:00AM - 4:00PM Tuesday January 7th 9:00AM - 4:00PM Not a Member? Be my special guest.... PM to make arrangements Call 613-523-6199 Book Online www.clubcmj.com or PM.
  36. 1 point
    No way I am doing that or anyone. That's crazy thought. Why make life so complicated. I figured out a solution already. Either see an SP/MP before RMT / Portage MP place / or just rub one out before I go see RMT. So much easier. People just don't think about it. It totally make sense. I love my job and i do whatever i do best. And if someone tells me, i can do this other thing on the side and lose working on the same field ever again, who is going to take that chance? That's a career suicide. The problem is not that. I think the issue is we need a lot more MP places in this city. The few good ones we have, gets booked up so quickly. When I go to Toronto, i have no problem at all.
  37. 1 point
    Very cool illusion (you may have to click to enlarge to see it)
  38. 1 point
    It's like the rule: " You should never go grocery shopping when you're hungry." Men... well we're kinda, ummmmm.... horny. And.... when the blood rushes to our nether regions, it evacuates from our thinking parts. That's when the inner caveman takes over, "Grog have big woodie like club. Grog need naked lady." Now the caveman scenario works if there is a willing naked lady in the immediate vicinity, perhaps in the same house or room. "Grog now happy. No need to polish club alone and cry after." In the world of courtesans, companions and other c words that sound very classy and debonair, there is a bit of prep time required. And travel. Prep time and travel. Oh. Shower time. And hair time. And make-up time. And finding the right outfit time. And deciding that the first outfit doesn't work with the nail colour she's wearing, so she has to find an appropriate outfit that matches time. And screw it, I like that outfit, i'll just change the nail colour time. And the time just before she changes her nails because that manicure cost 45 dollars and she'll be damned if she doesn't find something to show it off time. And then rooting through the closet to find SOMETHING to match the nail polish time. And then the eyeliner time. And then perfect shoe time. And then comes the time that she reflects that it's only a 30 minute appointment and the perfect outfit, shoes and stockings will be on the floor in two minutes time. And then there's the dammit, I'm dressing for me not for him time. And then there's the where are my keys time. And then the can't find my cell phone time. And then it's time to get to the appointment. So you see guys... you need to book well in advance. Yup.
  39. 1 point
    I wish you all beautiful happiness and peace in your hearts. Much love Lilly
  40. 1 point
    LOL...What a list? No, not at all....because there would be far too many to mention! ;) When it happens, and schedules mesh, it just a matter of booking. SO....All the best in 2014 whoever you may be seeking, but the ladies on my mind, is a matter of my business to take care of, but I'm sure you may read about it in the recommendation section ;)
  41. 1 point
    Welcome In answer to your questions: 1) independent versus agency; is totally a question of personal preference and what you feel comfortable with. I tend to go independent, but that is also because I tend to plan encounters well in advance. Agencies tend to cater to those who want to book that day, rather than weeks in advance. But if you go with a reputable agency, I see no downside to going that route. I also like independents because it gives me more control over who I'm going to see, and an opportunity to get to know them a bit before the encounter, whether it be through this board, or through e-mail or phone. If you go with an agency, you may be limited to who is available that day, which may not be known in advance, and you won't have an opportunity to talk/e-mail with them before the meeting. 2) tipping ... again is up to you. I often take a gift, or a bottle of wine. I usually tip, but not always. Most ladies don't expect a tip, but it is always gratefully received and i think it is a nice way to convey that the encounter was meaningful to you. 3) there shouldn't be any hidden fees, but again this depends on the provider. Sometimes there may be additional costs associated with particular services that are not part of the normal encounter. PSE services, may involve an additional cost beyond the GFE price. Best to read the website and ask the provider. If going with an agency ask the phone person. 4) definitely get a cell phone. even an inexpensive pay as you go phone from 7-11 is critical. All the best, and have fun. Porthos
  42. 1 point
    My boy...his fur is so soft and nice for an outdoor cat. He reminds me a bit of Puss n' Boots.
  43. 1 point
    If I may help clear up the question earlier in this thread in regards to the definition of upscale. As an independent, there is no establishment to promote, book, or answer inquiries. The client should expect the same attention to detail, environment and cleanliness, that you would find at one of the elite spa's, but in a private setting and priced inclusively for these reasons. These threads are informative and it's never redundant to inform ourselves.
  44. 1 point
    I think the easiest option for you would be to stick with establishments and providers who offer the all inclusive rates. Ox That way you know exactly how much you will be spending and if you wish to tip, it will because you wanted to above and beyond rather then "tipping" for services. VIP, CMJ and upscale independents like Jessica Massage and Sensual Erin offer all inclusive rates with no hidden fees.
  45. 1 point
    yeah its the same person, seen her a couple of times decent experience, only thing i don't like is that she will text you out of the blue saying shes free and whatnot, not sure about other people but i prefer that they dont do that
  46. 1 point
    I took one for the team - you guys owe me. :) Will not repeat.
  47. 1 point
    And what of the interests of the spa's owner, who loses the entire business if it's shut down by LE? What of all the other MAs who are suddenly out of a job through no fault of their own? What of the unfortunate client who, despite never having asked for or received anything more than a normal MA session, happened to be there when the place was raided? The MA at a spa who offers BJ/FS puts all these people at risk every time she does so, whether or not she stops for a moment to think about it. I have no doubt that the spa owners explain this to their MAs; I have equally little doubt that some MAs are more concerned with their own short-term financial gain than the long-term viability of the spa they work at. So an owner who can't control this is incompetent? I really don't get that. What controls do you think a competent owner should put in place? Do you want to be supervised during your massage? Would you prefer cameras in the rooms? If neither of these, what do you suggest?
  48. 1 point
    Visited Selena last evening at her west end Kingston location. Pictures are real on BP. This was my second visit. We enjoyed each others company and had a great time. She is very skilled in oral arts. She enjoys being pleasured. I will repeat again and again.
  49. 1 point
    Hi Dave, thinking of seeing her. Can you provide rates and sevice. Is she in Kanata. Thank you your help.
  50. 1 point
    There is a special heaven reserved for those who care for elderly pets. To quote Will Rogers "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went".
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