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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/14 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/parliament-hill-attacked-soldier-shot-at-national-war-memorial-in-ottawa-1.2808710 I can't beleive this is happening!
  2. 6 points
    I don't understand what the issue is in regards to someone inquiring about specials...I see a lot of this on this site; women who seem quite bothered by every little question posed to them, even when the question was not aimed at them personally (as in this case). Yes, we get asked a lot of questions... yes, some of them are repetitive and get annoying... No, we should not jump down someone's throat for asking. Why does the "IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL" not work both ways? Why is client-bashing OK? You see a question that you don't like seeing, simple: DON'T ANSWER. Move to the next thread... Why do we need to publicly humiliate people who don't see things the way we do? On a more related note, I do not offer "birthday specials", but if I did you can rest assured I would be asking for I.D. to prove it otherwise it would just be everyone's birthday everyday. If a regular client were to inform me it was his birthday, sure I would do something special for him, cake/cupcake or wine or maybe an extra sexy outfit, whatever. Even though I do not offer such specials, I'd like to high-five the OP for asking and not shame him into lurking but encourage him to post more, ask away my friend! I'm not one of those girls who blacklists people for asking my rates (yes, they are posted on my ads, god forbid someone ask me *eye roll* ) /endrant
  3. 5 points
    I keep a client list too! Lee Richards: nickname "yah Baby", still needs to be shagged. RG: nickname "Virtual Hubby #1", honeymoon consumed. Repeat, yes! Magician: nickname "Hunny Bunny" and "Virtual Hubby #2", honeymoon consumed and a second one on the way! ETC... ;) Edit: I should add that my comment above was made tongue in cheek!
  4. 5 points
    I keep a client list. It includes the bare minimum of info--phone number, first name and how the session went. It's not on my phone. I also keep accounting records, which include the date, a first name, the duration of the appointment and the donation given. I'd never release any of this info. I also like to think that most clients are able to distinguish individuals (eg. Terri Jean Bedford) from the community as a whole. What I mean is, if TJB releases her list, this is her individual action, not one that everyone agrees with. It also doesn't mean that the rest of us are about to follow in her footsteps if she does.
  5. 4 points
    It doesn't surprise me at all. Given our foreign policy, treatment of Military Veterans, our track record with our Indigenous people, Palestine ... really ALL the bad decisions that our government has made is bound to come home to roost at some point. People are tired and those who feel it the hardest will eventually lash out. I'll be interested to see who takes responsibility and understand what has happened to them to bring it to this. There is always a reason, whether it is comprehensible or not by the general public. At least we know it wasn't the Pimp Lobby. There wasn't a pair of fishnets or a fedora in sight... cat
  6. 3 points
    I keep a client list ......That's just how I roll. it's quite rather ridiculously short actually. 1 - 1 = ?
  7. 3 points
    What I am confused about is why all the emphasis on not being able to advertise your services anymore? Who cares! Clients are booking us for our time and for who we are. Words and phrases like sensual and romantic or wild and adventurous can direct a client to the right lady as easy as listing a menu. I have never had a menu in the last 5 years(except when working with an agency in the past on occasion years back) nor will I discuss any services with anyone. Good clients don't care what burger toppings are awaiting them. They want to spend time with the lady who caught their attention. Call me naive but when people contact me to spend time with me, the email exchange is more on us getting to know one another and rarely if ever on can I get xxx and does yhc include ccc. (and yes 90% of those dates are declined and on my blog) Give it time, educate people and enjoy what comes from it. It will be a learning process for all of us.
  8. 3 points
    OMG, the shit that we put in our bodies! For many it is a realistic hope that this will cure the bastard known as cancer. For most, it is a painful, exhausting way to "live". If you know someone going thru treatment, give them an unexpected hug, call, kiss. If you know someone REALLY well, give them a blow job, or offer to provide DATY until you both pass out. It is all really, really appreciated Tom TheLiquor
  9. 3 points
    If you are worried about outing: unless you are Harper or MacKay, nobody cares about you (Note: This isn't an endorsement to out clients. But that's the reality. Who was the Alberta MP arrested for prostitution in the states again? If you remember his name, I congratulate you). Thank you Nicole for calling out the fear mongering. Just remember to be polite and nice before, during, and after your encounters and you won't have to worry about being on a bad date list! Besides, these are safety tools and if the police force a sex worker to hand over this information to avoid arrest, it just speaks volumes to the dangers involved with c-36 and it doesn't help the argument supporting the Bill. It provides support AGAINST the Bill. As I like to say, do good and be good!
  10. 2 points
    Thanks for the post. Sky looks and sounds lovely.
  11. 2 points
    My list mainly is nicknames, but do have Mike's, Bob's and Dan's. Whether or not that is their real name, I would not know. But that is the name they give me so I go with that. Even if it is their real name, no worries because our txt or email history is " hello are you free at noon today" No way of knowing what that means... free for a dog grooming( my other job), or free for a coffee, etc.. Obviously these are my regulars so not many notes are needed to remember the what and who's. For new clients, I only use a nick name after I have spent time with them, that way I know they have visited me at least once and do not need to screen them all over again. Nicknames will contain certain details, much like we have already read here in this thread " guy with beard" " nice guy, see again!" ..." very bad breath, no kiss but nice" lol But when screening a new client, I do have certain questions that need to be answered first, for my safety. Besides, doesn't make you feel more appreciated when we remember the fine details?
  12. 2 points
    Of course some of the ladies have client lists! I don't write out a list on parchment with a broken crayon and nail it to the wall, vowing to ruin the lives of these clients but I do have an e-list: *to remember what I wore so I don't wear the same thing again the next time *Little details about the client if the client has a very common name (like Mike or Steve) *Some conversation/interaction with the client that we both really enjoyed. *To make dorky notes like 'great fun!' or 'loves history too!' or 'very proud of his daughter who just got into law school'. A few notes like this can bring back the whole experience when I next hear from this man. I like to think that TJ Bedford made that statement out of desperation because she wasn't being heard, and not out of real intent. If her plan was in fact to reveal the names publicly, I would not support that.
  13. 2 points
    I only use cerb and merb so I can't comment on the others. Seeing as how out east we're limited in options cerb is the only real place where we can learn about new visits from touring ladies. I just learned about merb because I travel to Montreal frequently these days. I see that merb opened up an Atlantic Canada section in the last year, but it doesn't see much use. I honestly see cerb as more of a community board where clients and providers can congregate and discuss the issues of the business. I, unfortunately, personally do not trust cerb recommendations anymore, I've been burned too many times. Vagueness and limited information are the enemy of an informed client and that's all they seem to be. And only seeing one side of the coin (good vs. bad reviews) can be incredibly misleading. I'm also at the point in my hobbying career were sexual exploration is one of my primary objectives and this means I need to know what the lady is comfortable with. Asking her isn't enough, because you often just get a "maybe" or "if I'm up to it" so a detailed review can be a godsend to help me know what I can expect (easy example: almost every lady says she does DFK, but very few really do, and yes, I brush and mouth wash before every encounter ;)). I also find that some people embellish in their recommendations, for what reason I have no idea, but I can venture a guess. I also, don't feel comfortable expressing my opinion on certain topics here if it goes against the grain. I welcome spirited debate, but some you are just mean :sadomaso:. Now, don't take all of this as an attack on cerb. To be fair, merb has it's own problems. Some reviews can be just brutal, the issue with allowing negative comments is that some people don't know where to draw the line. There's a way to criticize properly and most people should have learned it in high school writing classes. But as always, anonymity + an audience can turn some people in raving keyboard warrior lunatics. There's also blatant and rampant favoritism among some of the senior members with regards to certain agencies. Which on it's face I have no issue with it, everyone has their go to agency, but when someone so obviously does and claims he doesn't when debating a related issue, it's laughable. And finally, the flame wars, debate can turn to horror in the blink of an eye. There are known rivalries and hatreds among certain members and it's painful to read through the mud they sling. Ultimately though, for me, it comes down to what am I looking for in an escort forum? For information about a lady I'm thinking of seeing, my preference is merb. To find out what's happening in the hobby world, cerb. As far as reviews vs. recommendations, I think it's best summed up by this, out of 40 or so meetings my current top 3 encounters are from ladies I researched on merb. My absolute two worst encounters (and these were laughably bad, if I had a few more I could write an erotic comedy novel) were unfortunately through cerb.
  14. 2 points
    I can say from being with her that her pussy is very neat & tidy. It is always neatly trim. She is very accommodating and enjoys spending time with people. I enjoy the time we spend together. The truth is she is great person to spend a few hrs with and I enjoy that. All the ladies I've spent time with are more then just an SP they are people who I have become friends with and enjoy there company. I hope they also enjoy spending that time with me. :-)
  15. 2 points
    Sarah, you keep saying this all over the place... do I really need to go into details on every single page? Ok, fine so hear goes... Signing the petition is only a small part of the big picture. As someone who is experienced with social media and how to promote a cause, whether signatures are recognized through the senate or not has little to do with it. When a person signs the petition and perhaps shares it, we continue to educate people. I haven't worked on this enough because I need to work to pay the bills as well. Someone who says they are retired and could be utilizing their time to help, seems to insist on doing what they can to avert people from signing the petition. I have always supported you in your endeavour to update us on Bill C-36; why you behave the way you do is beyond me. So YES, you should send in a letter, but as we all know, not many related to the industry are going to be willing to do that. That is what the Conservative Government is counting on. So the fact that I give a venue for ANYONE to say something and protest, is a GOOD thing, not a NEGATIVE thing. If we actually got the number of signatures that were possible if people actually spoke their mind, it may capture media attention.... I know the Bill will pass, but I encourage you to keep signing, as I am taking this all the way to the next election. It takes time to get people involved, it takes time to educate people on what is really happening, and it will take time to overturn this bill... that is why every step of the way we need to network and stick together. Evangline
  16. 2 points
    Cancellation and no shows are never ok by either the provider or hobbyist. If there was a final confirmation was done, and then she no showed, this is unfortunate. Sorry if this happened. However, I have a concern with your comments about deposits and information. Any REPUTABLE provider would never keep a deposit if she has to cancel. She stands to loose more by doing this. Because you had a bad experience, please do not tar every provider with the same brush. Many of us strive to maintain a reputation of integrity. I once had a client who transfered the entire fee. Shortly after, I had to cancel for reasons out of my control. I immediately refunded the money back. We eventually did get to meet and had a wonderful time together. If your encounter was with someone who has no reputation, then maybe you need to explore those that strive to maintain a stellar reputation. I certainly hope this is not an attempt to air dirty laundry. Sometimes things happen, and hope she was able to make this up to you.
  17. 1 point
    So I had the pleasure of visiting Kourtney this week. We had spoken several times and finally managed to find a time that worked for both of us. It was my first visit to VIP ALO on Bank, and the room we had was nice and roomy, very comfortable... Now let's talk about Kourtney... tall, long legs, natural redhead... smokin hot body... beautiful soft skin... amazing tits... great ass... need I say more? ok, I will, she is super easy going, very friendly, very honest and her pictures do not do her justice!!! Massage was nice and sensual and the finish, well, I will be back for seconds... and thirds... This girl is amazing!!! Treat her with respect and she will make your day!
  18. 1 point
    For a long-time resident of Ottawa, and a proud Canadian, this was a very shocking and sad day. It's easy to get angry and want revenge, but right now, let the EMS services sort it out and come to a conclusion on the matter. I spent 6 hours in lockdown today because of this event, listening to ppl complain about being inconvenienced. I just sat it out and felt as long as I'm doing what in being asked to do and following what the EMS services are asking of me, I'm doing what I can right now. Stay safe! Not just to the people of Ottawa, but to all Canadians, and to all people of all different denominations of life! It is precious, life, so grasp it, and enjoy it!
  19. 1 point
    But it's $200 US if you want to be kicked in the nuts by both feet at the same time
  20. 1 point
    Hi! I am quite new for this site, as I joked with a service provider I still have my new car smell. Some recent events in my life lead me here, things that I won't get into for this thread. I was referred by a friend, who has had this lifestyle for a quite some time. I, like so many hobbiest came to this site not quite sure what they are looking for or how to proceed. I did read a bunch of threads and picked up on the Do's and Dont's quite quickly. Learning the etiquette for service providers isn't the easiest thing. I found myself challenged quite a number of times. After doing more research I figured out finally that I did want to become a hobbiest. I spoke with a few SP's over the last weeks and decided to book one in via this site (PM). I have a phone, but it's a work phone and it's monitored. Anyways, the following information I hope makes it easier for any other hobbiest that's going through the same motions and train of thought. I followed etiquette to the T with the SP, but once I got there it was entirely different than perception. What do I mean? I am a guy, I'm 30 years old and I love women. I love oral, I love sex, I love it all. Before the service call; I was ready to roll! Happy to try it out.. having a girlfriend for an hour! :) Closer to time, I grew a bit nervous. What if the service isn't as expected? what I am not as expected? etc, etc, etc... I decided to go through with the service and the SP I chose was very good and take her time since it was my first time. Don't get me wrong, the initial shock goes away and you get to enjoy yourself. You get the pleasure you were looking for. As a hobbiest you need to realize that there's no chase for the service. There's no rush for it and that it will happen. That I think was the strangest feeling I got... the expected service was delivered without a chase for it. This might not make sense to any service providers. Anyways, that's just my two cents... I had a great time and I hope the SP did as well. If anyone is reading this, wondering if they should become a hobbiest... make the choice for you. This is my opinion :)
  21. 1 point
    I think this is because of the change.org system. People who have ever responded are continueously asked to support every inane cause that someone can think up. Change.org has passes it's "Best-Before" date.
  22. 1 point
    I texted with her a bit last night but found her replies didn't really answer my questions and instead she just insisted that I come right away. One of my first messages said I was busy that night but was inquiring for the next day or two and her responses were still "come now" without actually answering my questions about BBBJ and MSOG.
  23. 1 point
    Hi there, thank you for checking my ad. You will not be disappointed with my A+++ services ( the lady, the services, the place) My name is Vivian. I'm 28 years old. Gorgeous, i am a classy looking Lady with long black hair, seductive cat eyes and full sexy lips, beautiful silky soft, tanned skin. work out body with all the right curves in the right places. You have finally met the sweet girl next door, also the naughty girl in your dreams... I greet you at the door with a lovely smile then lead you to the massage room...I will start with a deep soothing tissue massage to relax all your muscles then follow with a soft, sensual, tease touch to invigorate your whole body then the fun time ... It will be the most relaxing, creative and passionate session for you ever. So amazing that you cannot help yourself from thinking about it and want to come back for more ! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=92146 For relaxing massage $40/30m $50/45m $70/60m appointment only, call/text me at 613 712 1200 mon to sat 10am to 7pm
  24. 1 point
    Seen this girl last night. Not the one in the pics very cold personality need I say more wouldn't see again or recommend. To much body work.
  25. 1 point
    no hair, extremely well behaved
  26. 1 point
    Yes thats right, we give birthday specials. We would be honored to know that you would love to spend your day with on of our lovely Stiletto Girls. Just let us know its your birthday and we can work out a special surprise. Stiletto Girls, XO
  27. 1 point
    I have not met the other ladies mentioned but i can attest to the amazing fitness of Bianca Jaguar and her shape is all that more impressive when you consider she is in her fifties but has the body of a lady in her twenties. Just my opinion
  28. 1 point
    Got a ding bat cat here. To early in the morning meows. I swear she has a kitty alarm clock built into her. Dang. Young lad off to work by 5 am. She meows if he is not up. SO up at 7, more meows if she is not up. Argghhh!!! Let me rest silly cat. I need my handsome sleep ;-)
  29. 1 point
    Some are even worse, they hold kittens LOL Or pet a dog It doesn't mean anything, they're still dorks And cruel to animals RG
  30. 1 point
    That's *how* clients are verified: people know them or they are arrested. All arrests are public knowledge. If a provider says she saw you in the public or media, nobody cares unless you are Harper or MacKay. ;) And as others have noted, it's not very professional to out a client and a reputable lady wouldn't do such a thing.
  31. 1 point
    And one can't really compare what has happened in the U.S. with Canada Prostitution for the most part is illegal in the United States. LE likely puts pressure on an escort to reveal her client list in exchange for reduced/no charges. In Canada however, well until C36 becomes law, LE has no such leverage because prostitution is legal And the ladies in the US who have revealed client's names, IMHO are not professional. A rambling RG
  32. 1 point
    Booked a PSE experience duo with Bella and Kate. I have seen every girl sent here by BLE in the past, but never a duo. Planned in advance to make sure both girls were available when I wanted and booking them together was pretty easy. Confirmed the date the day of in the afternoon and got hotel info about and hour prior to the date. Arrived 15 minutes early and sent a text to let them know and got a quick reply to head on up.When I got to the room I was greeted by 2 very attractive women. They ushered me to the bed and both took off their bras and began to play with me and each other. They began to undress me and took turns with bbbj and then they began to perform bbbj together...very hot. After a few minutes of this they asked if I wanted the condom on and I said yes. The smaller girl, Bella got on top for some CG while Kate kissed her and me. Changed up, and Kate got on CG while Bella kissed me. After about 5 minutes I went back to Bella, this time doggy and watched as her and Kate did some dfk and played with each other's breasts. Switched back to Bella in missionary and was treated to a great view of both girls playing with each other. After that I decided that I wanted to taste the girls and I had Kate sit on my face while Bella performed another bbbj. Switched again and tasted Bella for aboit 10 minutes or so. At this point Kate almost finished me off with her bbbj and I decided that I wanted more of a show from them first. Told them to I wanted to see them daty with each other and they happily agreed. This went on for about 10 minutes and I got in behind each of the girls and performed oral on them while they took turns performing oral on each other. For the big finish I told them I wanted to COF both of them at the same time and they laid down together and began dfk and fondling each other again. Didn't take me long to get there and I finshed all over them and was treated to partial swallow with the rest rubbed into each other's breasts. Definitely the hottest time I have had with SP so far. I asked if they would be coming back so I could book a longer session as this was only an hour and I would really like msog for the next one. Total damage was $$$$$$$ but well worth it, and I would definitely see them again.
  33. 1 point
    Just goes to show that there is no "perfect" way to carry on this conversation. My comment would be simply be respectful in whatever approach you take and then follow the ladies lead. Just my Opinion
  34. 1 point
    I want a true GFE. If I was into the bar scene and interested in getting a gf, I doubt I would get far if my first questions were if she offers BBBJ or other acronyms. Therefore when I contact a provider, services is one of the last thing I will discuss. Besides telling her a bit about myself, I see if we can match our schedule. No point getting into too many details if timing doesn't work. I love getting to know ladies in the business but don't want to waste their time! As for how I will contact her I will use her preferred method!
  35. 1 point
    And what is interesting about this comment is that it is presumed and assumed that trash talking is not just permitted, but encouraged on all the other sites, even the ones promoted as most friendly lol. It should be noted that p/t/m erbs are all the same board admin/owner. If they are communicating amongst each other, that should not really be a big surprise, after all. p erb is simply t erb for out west. Same guy to be contacted if you want to send a message to the admin. This site is what it is due to moderation. no one is undoing the moderator/admin mandates, or permitting hostility. This kind of moderation goes a long way in explaining why certain types of people, who are active on all those other sites, show up here and either leave shortly after, or rarely participate. When you are an aggressive, trollish, baiting, lying, trash talking poster, you have no place on this site. And that is the number one reason you will find more sps participating on this site over any other, regardless of any amount of business they might get. I've seen a dozen of the sps who are very active members of cerb, never or rarely posting on even their own reviews on other sites. That alone tells a big story. Guys come here because if they post a good review, they get a thank you from other guys and from sps. They do the same post elsewhere, they get trashed and attacked. Not exactly hard to figure out the differences, or the reasons why this site tends to have more active members.
  36. 1 point
    I don't think the risk of this behavior increases because of this new law. If you were dealing with reputable SP'S. Just my opinion
  37. 1 point
    CERB isn't just a board, it's a community CERB isn't a boy's club, Ladies can come here and they feel safe. Here, we, ladies and gents alike are all opposite sides of the same coin, not us versus them RG
  38. 1 point
    congrats Gentleman11 on the 500 post well done
  39. 1 point
    Sky2011 on CERB or just Sky on BP, im not a big fan of this new fad, I prefer them clean shaved . But each there own , have fun.
  40. 1 point
    It'd be interesting to dig into the ownership of all Canadian media reporting on C-36, to see who really owns them and who influences them. I looked into Black Press, who owns many newspapers in BC/AB/USA, and they are owned and supported by conservative, evangelical Christians. Escorts haven't been allowed to post online ads in their classifieds (BCclassified.com) since they began operating online, although they still allow non-explicit print ads afaik. Expect them to clamp down heavily when the new law comes into effect.
  41. 1 point
    It's 21st century journalism (I can't even call it journalism with a straight face anymore) in a nutshell, isn't it? The mainstream news media has become a totally ridiculous joke in this modern era. The great journalists of the past must be rolling over in their graves. Honestly, if we look at history, does all of this remind anybody of our studies of Nazi Germany, circa 1936? The government spewing propaganda and the media jumping in with both feet like puppets?
  42. 1 point
    Hey! You all make valid points. And I completely agree. No sense in letting your secrets known :-) I've heard of the SP only area of this site, but have yet to find a way to navigate to it. I will check out the FAQ's next, but perhaps it is because I am still very new? Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome, and I look forward to participating Cheers Carrie
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    I have also meet her recently. Pics are real but don't do her justice. Very beautiful lady. Definitely worth seeing and repeating.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Any time is special when she's in her birthday suit!!!!!!
  47. 1 point
    I am pretty sure CMJ gives a bd special.
  48. 1 point
    That does not count! No one can be classy when eating crab legs or lobsters! ;)
  49. 1 point
    a Video of 'Worlds Hottest Hot Sauce Challenge [The Source 7.1 Million Scoville]' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzU1ncXs5Ts Watch this guy suffer from this hot sauce challenge
  50. 1 point
    I would caution you folks who eat tooooo much hot sauce......cause THIS can happen ;) Not good not good.
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