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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I have a friend, who is really into cars. It's so much more than just a passing avocation for him. His life is wrapped around them. It's his escape from the dry tedium of his day job, his world of spreadsheets, forecasts, and endless emails. I can always count on him to have something new that's he's either driving or fixing up. His tastes run to German sports coupes and every once in a while he's kind enough to let me drive one of his cars. He's a good person to know. But I've noticed a change in my friend, lately. He doesn't seem to talk about his cars as much as he used to. That's okay, we've always talked about our other shared interests too. I razz him about the Jays, in a long running ritual for us. We endlessly debate the merits of craft beers. He helps me when I struggle with my phone, and I help him with his renovations. I asked him about his cars one day. He said he hadn't driven or worked on one of them in weeks. I did notice he was driving his Toyota today, the truck that he used to haul his parts around in. The one that was always running and could be counted on to be reliable, no matter how much abuse he piled on to it. I asked him what was the matter. He just shook his head, took a sip of his pale ale. They just weren't interesting him right now. He was tired of coming home to a dark house, with greasy parts soaking in a black pool of parts cleaner. He was tired of his needy 'children', who always seemed to be needing something, and in some cases, many things. Baby always needs new shoes, don't you know. He said that he was getting tired of spending more money to go a little faster, to go around corners a little quicker. I listened as he talked on and I soon realized why he felt this ennui. The cars filled a hole in his life. But it was a bottomless hole that could never be filled by them, no matter how rare, how powerful, how exotic they were. They were great fun and a marvelous distraction, but there was one huge shortcoming to even the best of them. They could never love him back. He and I are great friends, and have been for years. But I've never told him about this one particular hobby of mine. One that ranged to collecting experiences with the beautiful, the witty, the utterly charming. I enjoy those sorties greatly. But like him, I too had stepped back a little bit. He lived for the ripping-silk snarl of the exhaust, the shove in the small of his back as the cars launched themselves from a standing start. I long for a skilled tongue in my mouth, a gentle touch, smooth taut skin under my fingers as we pant, eyes closed. But if there's one thing our hobbies have in common, it's that once he steps out of the car, once I leave her bed to get dressed, our times are over. All we're left with is the memories. One last look back, and we're out the door. The garage door for him, the bed room door for me. At one time, too, I tried to fill a hole in my life with my hobby. And like he will come to discover, I found that that hole couldn't be filled that way. I came to learn that you can buy someone's attention, you can pay someone to do things with you and to you. But you can't buy someone's respect. You can't pay anyone to truly love you, and for that reason, those things are truly priceless. I've found that the emptiness was best filled with friends, with family. With new experiences. With travel. Because the life that is lived best is the one that is lived well. I listened as he talked about his car fatigue. I changed the subject, or so he thought. The Vikings were going to be playing the Bears in Minneapolis. Why don't we take a road trip? We could pay too much for scalped tickets. We could eat some wonderful, awful greasy food. And afterwards, we could either celebrate or drown our sorrows at our favorite bar on Nicollet Mall. His eyes lit up. He thought he could take the time off of work. We made plans. The road waits for us, sinuously, black, stretching off to the horizon. The road, like life, is best traveled when you're on it, fence posts whizzing past. It's such a cliche, but it's so true. Life is most enjoyed when it's seen as journey, not a destination.
  2. 2 points
    The ad campaign may be repetitive, but it is an important message. This is a curable cancer, if detected early. I recently had pain and saw red. Went to emerg because the pain was too much to wait 4 days to see my family doctor. BP and pulse were high, did a CT scan and found a large stone. It was successfully removed and all is good. Just don't put it off. If you see red, see the doc. The only lingering side effect is that I will be out of action for a while :icon_frown:
  3. 2 points
    I enjoyed my time with her!
  4. 2 points
    Busier than I expected. Only other girls I recognized by name were Katrina and Chantal.
  5. 2 points
    And holy shit, Raven! I haven't seen her in around five years!
  6. 2 points
    To me, not much. They are both great establishments with great management teams and an all-around fun time. The only difference is that one is downtown and the other is in the west (with a second location in the east). Each one does a good job in serving its' own area of town.
  7. 2 points
    If you have not had a chance to see Dallas in Moncton, I would definitely recommend. She is very cute with some tattoos. She likes what she does and takes direction well. Money well spent. She is supposed to be out west for the next couple of weeks but when she gets back I am definitely scheduling time with her again. http://newbrunswick.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/leaving-9am-hh-special-dallas-5068030074/2040311
  8. 2 points
    so a couple of years ago a started a thread asking questions about bariatric surgery. My doctor wanted me to lose weight and suggested the surgery, so in the system I want and waited for my operation. in may of this year my turn came and the doctors went forward with the surgery, it consist in cutting out about 75 to 80% of my stomach. this in turns make you less hungry and fill up faster. Everything went off without a hitch, my doc and the hospital staff were great. So five months later I lost nearly 100 lbs and feeling better than ever. I got more energy, my mental health and spirits are way better than before. I'm actually starting to like myself and get out of my shell, cause like my handle stat I was I very shy male. this is by far the best decision I made in my life, for my life, to be able to life longer and healthier. the reason I'm writing this here, is if people are wondering about this operation, they can feel free to ask me questions. when I started this journey, I wasn't sure about the operation an had lots of questions. So if a can help somebody out it would be my pleasure.
  9. 1 point
    I suspect that many of us hobbiest are also involved with significant others in some way so we have do be careful not to let significant others know about our hobby. Whats your biggest blunder vis a vis nearly getting caught. I've had the odd little blunder like nearly getting caught reading cerb pages when my wife walks into my home office, or leaving my personal email account on when I went to work (its only a little blunder because my wife doesn't use my computer, and the email account times out after a while, otherwise it could have been a big blunder otherwise). My biggest one happened near the beginning of my engagement in this hobby. I had a piece of paper on which I wrote down the agency's number, the name of the agency person I was talking to, the time frame (2 to 3 pm) the name of the girl I was going to visit, instructions on how to get there, the the access code and the room number. I put the sheet of paper in the breast pocket of my shirt when I arrived at the destination. About a week later I was thinking about what I did with that sheet of paper and couldn't remember. I checked the car, no sign of it, my wallet, not there, my desk, not there. Then I remember my shirt and realized I had left it in my shirt pocket when I put the shirt into the laundry. I dug through the dirty laundry, the shirt wasn't there. I rushed down stairs and into the laundry room. I looked around, checked the garbage. No sign of that paper. I found the shirt, in the dryer, the paper was still in the shirt pocket -- illegable by that point. Lesson learned, I write down as little information as possible, make sure I destroy any info., clear my browser history, program numbers into my cell phone, then delete them after without ever writing them down, check my pockets... I also lately have made arrangement from the office (via smart phone -- getting the smart phone was actually my wifes idea, :-)) instead of home which reduces the changes of discovery as well, but she has no access to the smart phone acccount... ... and I probably should do my own laundry.
  10. 1 point
    I had the pleasure to enjoy an hour of this petite angel. If there is a way to describe the visit with Angela, there would not be enough words. I was running a bit late with the "traffic". Found a parking spot instantly and was so anxious to be on time I forgot to put money in the meter. Luckily.... No parking ticket! With her silky skin, petite (true spinner) figure and soft spoken voice, she is persistent to make sure your time is non rushed and well Well worth your visit. On a side note... if you plan to visit, keep it after 10am. Because of my busy schedule I had booked with her at 9am. She was more than accommodating but mentioned she preferred after 10am appointments. I do plan to repeat but would be respectfully make sure she had her morning coffee :) We started with hot water shower together and proceeded to the massage. Her massage was the best I had ever had. She takes her time on each inch of the body with relaxing oil. Her small waistline, tight body and incredible massage skills was more than appreciated. Catch her while you can! ... also.. take the 1.5hr and learn from my lesson. Not that you feel rushed... its that you don't want to leave ;) Thank you again Angela Enjoy your vacation :)
  11. 1 point
    Happy Birthday PistolPete, I hope you have a great day !
  12. 1 point
    She's legit Small chested.
  13. 1 point
    If this is the Tiffany with the eagle tatto on her abdomen, then she is also running a BP ad saying she is in Winnipeg this weekend! The Wpg and Fredericton ads are identical except for the titles, which for Winnipeg states: "If not me FREE" Does she have an identical twin with identical tattoos?
  14. 1 point
    In for the terrible-but-cheap lunch today. Lots of regular girls, and a whole passel of new-to-me faces (and other parts). Probably 40 guys in, as well. It was a good group. My side saddle was never empty. Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  15. 1 point
    Do you fancy a fun and sexy escapade which captures the true essence of sensual relaxation? Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Erin, and I'm your delightful distraction that is sure to add a perfectly naughty touch to your Friday. Will you unwind your week under the care of my warm hands and soft body? Today from 2:00pm-6:00pm. Advanced bookings are always welcomed. Privately located in a comfy location in the west end. Please feel free to introduce yourself by pm or email to [email protected] for the rest of my details. I look forward to hearing from you! xoxo
  16. 1 point
    to me - its who you see that's far more important. Think I learned the hard way, don't make choices based on location
  17. 1 point
    Hi there, thank you for checking my ad. You will not be disappointed with my A+++ massage... My name is Vivian. I'm 28 years old. Gorgeous, i am a classy looking Lady with long black hair, seductive cat eyes ...., beautiful silky soft, tanned skin. work out body with all the right curves in the right places. You have finally met your dream girl... I great you at the door with a lovely smile then lead you to the massage room...I will start with a deep soothing tissue massage to relax all your muscles then follow with a soft touch to invigorate your whole body then the fun time ... It will be the most relaxing, creative and passionate session for you ever. So amazing that you cannot help yourself from thinking about it and want to come back for more ! http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=92146 For relaxing massage $40/30m $50/45m $70/60m appointment only, call/text me at 6l3 7l2 l2OO mon to sat 10am to 7pm
  18. 1 point
    The construction 'hobbiest' would mean 'the most hobby or hobbi' - whatever that means! One who participates in a hobby (the hobby?) would be a hobbyist. Possibly that is the word we're to use now.
  19. 1 point
    As odd as this may seem, to me there's just something especially nice about dropping in to one's favourite SC during the winter months. Something about walking through the weather, slowly making progress against a headwind or, on a still day, having one's hood up as big snowflakes descend through the air with night falling early or the near darkness of a really overcast day, trudging through streetside snowbanks or drifts and finally encountering the warm, cocoon-like ambience of the club, still dark of course but with a welcoming familiarity. Shrugging off one's winter coat and then setting it aside and preparing to scope out the day's (or evening's) scenario, acquiring a beverage and allowing oneself a temporary escape from the rigours of the season. Of course, many of the same sensations are present when visiting any time of the year, but in a strange way it seems there's a sense in which the cave-like interior is just that much more pleasant when reached after a walk, however long or brief, through the cold and snow of a typical local winter day or night. Hope to be able to experience this as the days shorten and the mercury falls.
  20. 1 point
    Feel free to bash Trump, he is most likely everything he is accused of being... But Hillary Clinton is not a role model for any female!!! She has and continues to support her husband, she stands by him and does nothing about his behaviour. Her husband has NO respect for women and she is still with him!!! Forget about the fact the she is a liar, a cheat, a criminal etc...
  21. 1 point
    Belated birthday greetings and best wishes, Pete!
  22. 1 point
    Hope you had a great day Birthday boy!
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Happy Birthday PistolPete Have a great day :)
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Happy birthday Pete, all the best!
  28. 1 point
    happy birthday PistolPete, enjoy your day.
  29. 1 point
    Happy birthday Pete. Hope you have an amazing day!
  30. 1 point
    Happy Birthday! Enjoy YOUR day! Hope it's great :D
  31. 1 point
    Too "good" to be true? $40 service (but open to offers), free samples AND full bare service? WTF is "good" about this ad?
  32. 1 point
    The photos are of Jessica Nigri, the famous cosplay girl. https://www.youtube.com/user/jessicanigri
  33. 1 point
    She's offering full bare service why would that be to good to be true? Posted via Mobile Device
  34. 1 point
    Dear gentlemen's, I'm Angela French a sexy classy & delicate companion that offer upscale experience, sensual, passionate service and i'm visiting Halifax this October 25-26-27-28th incall in downtown from 9am to midnight Looking to have a special moment, a fantasy with a sensual & mature woman. Imagine being completely pampered, all your worries being left far behind you. I pay attention to every details and really give the best of me. I offer true girlfriend experience and therapeutic massage. I'm fun, naughty, eager to please & open minded. Perfect body, beautifull face and very sweet personality. Well reviewed Stats: Quebecoise 28yrs old Petite & fit body. Spinner, 32B-22-32 5'4" 105bs Black hair & bleu eyes Donation: Hh/160 1Hr/260 1.5Hr/400 2Hrs/500 4hrs dinnerdate/750 You can preboook now at [email protected] text only 514-416-4991 Website:http://www.angela-french.com Hope to hear from you soon, Angela French xoxox
  35. 1 point
    NEW NUMBER! 647-215-7901 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  36. 1 point
    Interesting. That's a very geographically context-sensitive task. Where I come from, I would say "I gave her a dink on my bike". :-) Perhaps you are saying that CC is knowledgeable about baseball! You didn't recognize Phoenix yesterday? Stacey? Delicious? Juicy? Good to finally put a smiling face to the name!
  37. 1 point
    NAUGHTY MARITIMES TOUR ALERT! Halifax NOV.7-8 (7am to midnight) + Moncton NOV.9 * Next maritimes tour : March or April 2017 Looking for an exquisite escape that you'll think about for days? ----> FOR MORE CANDID PICS: Follow me on Twitter! ChrystalElite21 Im the kind of girl that sparks a flame in your mind. I bother your consciousness until you HAVE to see me again .Im tall (5ft11 (6ft1 with heels), smart and absolutely delectable. My body is an ultimate treat for your eyes: i might have the longest legs that you have ever seen with a toned body that i maintain with my regular Yoga sessions. Oh! And i forgot natural 34D breast that you won't forget ;) Our time together can be as innocent as a first date, or wilder than anything you've experienced before. Please visit my website for further informations: http://www.chrystalelitecompanion.com ( I DO APPRECIATE THAT YOU VISIT MY WEBSITE BEFORE INQUIRING) Email: [email protected] 604-966-1110
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    Trump is not the problem.... those are words I never expected to write but unfortunately for our future it's accurate. Trump the entitled asshole is starting to show through and it's increasingly unlikely that he will get elected and that is a very very very good thing. The problem however is that we have only dodged this bullet and Trump has done his damage. Trump has lowered the bar for future presidential candidates... it's ok now to not have real policies... just make broad popular statements the the more outrageous the better (free media) it's ok to blately lie especially if you do it often... it's ok to pit one part of the country against another or pick out ethnic groups and blame them for the countries shortcomings. Let's look forward 4 or 8 years... just imagine the mangy group of misfits that will now think they can run.... and even more scary amongst them will be a new improved Trump... just as crazy... just as uncontrollable but more polished... a newer better Trump. Think Cruse but more radical if possible.... Trump may not win but he has made things much worse. Just my Opinion
  41. 1 point
    I always ask my clients to confirm an hour before especially if it's an appointment that is booked in advance. This way we are both in direct communication closer to the appointment time. However, waiting 10-20 minutes without the provider letting you know what's going on or even if she did so without much of an explanation (I. E asking you to wait a few extra mins without advanced notice is unprofessional imo. It could be a case of double booking and whoever gets there first gets to see the SP and the other guy is S.O.L.
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Good afternoon to you gentlemen Thanks for visiting my page hope your enjoying looking at my sexy profile but instead you should.. Come and experience an unforgettable sensual massage that will have you striving for more. This is much more than just a massage, awaken your senses & treat yourself with a beautiful, Busty, bilingual classy ebony. An experience you wont regret, Just imagine the blast will have exploring each others bodies in that soapy shower, So what are you waiting for, come & get your first class ticket to Paradise with an Angels touch ;) *Special this week $20 off 45min & $10 the hour Call Paradise Spa to book an appointment with me 613 820 8887 For any inquires text 613 462 4397 Looking forward to getting in touch, xoxox
  47. 1 point
    Quite apart from that, quite a few companies keep track of what sites their employees visit, and how often and for how long. They're allowed to, since you're using their network and probably a computer they own. There are some things that my employer simply does not need to know :)
  48. 1 point
    I was caught at work looking at "Canadian Escort", luckily my boss was an automobile fan. :icon_biggrin:
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