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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/18 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Good day gents! Its been multiple time where clients ask for their providers to give and /or receive bb oral/fs Can we stop a second and think about this.... We are in 2018. We are all adults. Yes you can catch and give std with oral sex. Maybe you are clean ... Or were as your provider wasnt. Or maybe you just passed it on to your provider...or your wife. Can we stop being blind to whats out there and think of the consequences of a simple act of pleasure ? Please, dont ask for "just an exception" or " come on im clean " . we (and i speak for all my ladies out there playing safe) we have decided to priorize our health. Respect us. Here is an educational link http://www.ashasexualhealth.org/stdsstis/oral-sex-stis/ Stay sexy and always play safe xox
  2. 5 points
    To NotchJohnson, Spud and all the guys who keep track of and start the Happy Birthday Threads. Its nice to see and gives everyone chance to send best wishes . :)
  3. 4 points
    My 10 year old cat was diagnosed with a heart murmur and was in distress today when I took him to the vet. I have scratches all over me as a result after putting him on a leash as he hates pet carriers. I was told I cannot board him at cat daycare when I go on vacation soon because it would put him into a state of distress that could be dangerous for his health.. He is also being tested for hyperthyroidism after finding two benign bumps on his vocal cords. He can barely meow right now. Looks like he will be off on some sort of lifelong medication. :(
  4. 3 points
    Prior to C36, it was completely legal for the client. The laws were weighted and enforced against the provider and clients still balked at verifying even tho they were not at risk of LE laying charges. Yes, referrals can work but I know for a fact that clients can behave differently depending on who they are seeing. I've learned several of my ATF guests have had extensive bad date listings after the fact. I'm exceedingly hesitant to give a referral, not because I want to stand in anyones way of having fun but because I don't want my reputation damaged within the SP community if one of the men misbehaves. And it happens more than anyone cares to admit. The referral system doesn't work effectively because there isn't enough information on hand to hold clients accountable if things go very left. All that can happen is he doesn't use the provider he violated as a referral. He just moves on, continuing to use the couple of referrals where he behaves. It's calculated and cold but a fact none the less. Paid services in the US are in fact a nightmare for many providers should be a clear indication that it's a dice roll. Providers throw in referral acceptance to try and appease the online review gods imo but you can't file assault charges with an "Yes I saw him and he was ok." email, let alone a phone call. I will only take referrals from providers I've met in person and even then, I'm still on high alert the entire time. Not a great way to have fun given the circumstance at hand. The sites designed to ensnare are obvious to anyone who does modicum of due diligence. I don't know of a single provider who requires a credit card up front; there are numerous options if she is asking for a deposit here in Canada. Identity theft happens at point of purchase and sexworkers with cc merchant accounts protect them like they are Hope Diamond given how difficult they are to get. Blackmailed? This one actually makes me laugh because there is so much more risk of it coming from someone inside the clients inner circle or from a mistress than from his provider. I'd love to see the crime stats on that one. 99% of the time, a client outs themselves by not being careful with their communications. Previous procurer? I actually had to google this and can't see how it applies here in Canada. Yes, there may be details kept but LE can't come in and arrest us for what we do, let alone go thru our records without a search warrant and I have yet to hear of a situation where LE tried to get to our clients thru us. It isn't happening because they have no legal grounds to do it. I have had many SOs find my information however, causing untold grief. What isn't understood is that verification in Canada is about safety, not keeping LE out. We have little to no defence in the event a client becomes aggressive, violent or robs us. It needs to be understood that our safety is paramount and how a provider chooses to verify is a personal risk assessment choice and shouldn't be questioned. If you don't want to provide the information she requires, don't contact her but also don't disparage providers that choose to place boundaries they feel comfortable with. I also think clients on the boards need to stop fear mongering and trying to scare new comers. C36 has already done a bang up job at chasing away new clients, scaring the ones that actually decide to take the plunge with false data is simply making the industry more tenuous as a whole. Let them do their own risk assessments, they're fully grown men and can make decisions for themselves about what they are or are not comfortable with... smiles, cat
  5. 2 points
    Fake pics, she runs other adds with other pics and a different name for each add.
  6. 2 points
    The author is Marianne Williamson, founder of the Peace Alliance. Shine on, strong women of LYLA!
  7. 2 points
    I'll send you a PM with a list of Companion Friendly hotels for your safety, privacy and discretion:icon_wink:
  8. 2 points
    I have seen her once. She's Caucasian, in her early thirties and carrying a little extra weight, but nowhere near BBW territory. She's pleasant, and does massages in a bedroom in her apartment. She said favourable comments from friends she had massaged led her to try earning some money that way, in addition to her regular job. When I arrived, there were two other people there. One was her grandmother and the other was an unidentified adult male. She assured me they knew she was doing massage and that I had nothing to worry about. I stayed, and the experience was OK. I left happy and paid an average price for the service. When I left, there was yet another unidentified adult male there. I will probably not repeat due to my lack of comfort with the presence of other people, even though they were not threatening and were entirely passive and not involved in any way.
  9. 2 points
    That is a great way to handle it! Much better than going YELP, Reddit and other sites complaining about why the driving range doesn't allow the payment pay that you want, stating how they are purposely making your life hell because you had to waste time and gas, how you nephew got all distraught and scared he would never be able to smack a ball and whatever other lame rubbish that could be thrown in there. I think that is the big thing that most of us escorts are trying to say when these threads come up. If it doesn't work for you, just move on. Bringing up thread after thread after thread with the same tired excuses simply shows a lack of respect for us and in quite a few cases, it is a bullying attempt to get escorts to change ways that help ensure their safety.
  10. 2 points
    Just to add my 2 cents here, I have read this thread with great interest. I believe the Business entity is entitled to set up the business model they choose and if we do not want to conform to that business model, it is pretty easy to just move on. I will use an example of my experience to explain what I am trying to say. Huge Golf fan, was taking my nephew to the driving range and the business chose not to offer payment via Debit or Credit, cash only business. They have a Debit machine on site and I could have chosen to use my debit card in the machine, for a fee and make the price of a bucket of Balls $3 more. But as there is another driving range down the street that has the same pricing, and does allow debit purchases I chose to leave the facility I was at and move down the road to a different location that conducted their business in a way that I choose to conduct my business. I hope this is clear in that I am saying I will always try to conduct business with an entity via their rules, and if I am not willing to follow those rules I will just move on and find a business of the same type that will be as I choose. I will never expect a business to change their modus operendi to suit me, but will find a business that does suit me. In conclusion, respect the business models as they are and your customer experience will be well received by the Businesses in question. You are the client and it is up to you to follow the rules, not vice versa. Respect is earned and not a right. SM
  11. 2 points
    Wait, wait, wait. Sorry, I know I am becoming the bain of your existence here but I can't just let this ridiculousness go on. Jumping on the bandwagon? So anyone who does not agree with you is "demonizing you"? Really? Can't be that you are behaving the way people are saying. You have how many people in this thread alone telling you how your attitude towards us is arrogant, passive aggressive and in some case just downright rude and condescending and yet you say you are being demonized? No sweetie, you are being called out. There is a difference. Secondly, no you don't respect the screening process at all and you do object to it. The first part of ALL screening is getting personal information such as real name and real phone number. The reference, board handle, work verification, that is all a choice for the escort to extend her screening, but the screening starts with PERSONAL INFORMATION. Debating that, saying that personal information sharing should be a last resort, when in fact it is the FIRST, is objecting to it. How does that not compute? Third, you are also giving those rubbish excuses. You are a good client because got invited back to see other escorts? I am sorry to say but I personally, and I am not alone, have you on my Do Not Book list. Simply from your post history. You are a person, I would decline. That is how screening works. You say you are a good guy, would be a good client but I personally do not think so. Maybe you are with others, but you would not be with me. Escorting and screening are not just about physical safety. It is about emotional and mental health, safety and comfortability. I think you are arrogant, misogynistic and I truly feel you are or have some type of narcissistic personality issues. Reading your post on this and other topics as given me a glimpse into your mind and I would never book with you. Don't worry, you don't have tell me you would not book with me either. I already know. You don't like me. You don't like strong women who counter you. So it is equal in that regard. It is just proof that the "but I am good guy" line is a rubbish excuse, just like the author of the article said. I would get into the rest, but Cat covered it. She hit the nail on the head with your lack of providing anything relative other than your objections and disdain.
  12. 2 points
    Gregsand I'm hoping you don't respond to my post though I realize you may, given your posting pattern. I have no idea whether many will agree with me but given the positive approach here on lyla I would hope there are some. I'm not neutral. I agree with the ladies' posts. If you carefully read the posts the message is quite straightforward and clear. Screening: Just do it. Or move on. I've only been seeing sex workers for a little over 7 years and I've only been asked once to provide a reference (6 years ago). The ladies I visit are almost exclusively lyla members so it is easy for me to get a sense of their approach and reputation but I always marvel at their calm and poise when this stranger (me) shows up at their door. They are strong women and I respect and appreciate them. Cheers.
  13. 2 points
    This ad here? http://thunderbay.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/sexy-young-brunette-available-to-make-youre-dreams-and-desires-a-reality/108377967 If you follow the link provided in the add it will bring you to her facebooks page.... If you then google her name you will find these articles. https://www.google.ca/search?ei=WkmUWqS4D4LgjwP5pIS4Dw&q=renee+graves+robbery&oq=renee+graves+robbery&gs_l=psy-ab.3...10286.11372.0.11667. a little sketchy for me.
  14. 2 points
    Wait? So we have to understand your side of the coin AND make that system better for you? For what you like better? BTW - you do realize this was written by an Austrailain SP, where it is legal to work as an escort. They are still screening over there too. Legal has nothing to do with harm. Sorry So no. Her body first and foremost. SHE makes the rules for her and if that works for both of you, great! If not, move on. Men seriously need to stop telling women how to screen. You like the SP reference system better. Ok, so? Maybe that doesn't work for others. Can't always be about you, or what you want. We get it doesn't work for all of you. That is okay. We accept that, why can't you? When something goes wrong for you, it is lost money, lost time and could be a lost wife/family or a normal job. When things go wrong for us, it is all that PLUS possible loss of LIFE, on top of physical harms. So I am sorry but it is a no-brainer. Your right to get your d$ wet will never trump a lady and her right to live and not be murdered. I wish men could give me the numbers of how many men last year were screwed over by an escort outting their personal information? I know we can give you numbers of how many sex workers were killed. Hobbyist, {don't know why you insist on using the term lobbyists as it means something different} have their tools, and we have ours. Sometimes that matches up, sometimes it does not. Look at the screening just like services. If you like DFk and she doesn't do it, you move on. Do you keep going up on boards complaining that a woman you want to see doesn't do DFK? No, you move on. I am done "HAVING TO UNDERSTAND THE OTHER SIDE" of the coin. Because let's be real, I can pull up a dozen threads from the last 3 months on a variety of different boards on this very topic, and in most of them, men are not at all understanding our side of the coin. It is nothing more than women trying to politely explain our reasons for screening, different options to get screened, how to help newcomers, etc etc. while being bitched at by non-understanding men. This is litterally my second thread on this subject today. and the last response I got was that I am apparently admitting to overdoing MY screening because I can refer a lady similar to me who requires less. Yup, you read that right folks. Stupidity holds no bounds. Sorry, but most men are not looking to work with providers on a safe middle ground for both sides. Most men are looking to say their name is john, with a text app and $80.00 and wanting to put it all on us when they don't get it that easy and for that price. So no. We don't have to understand anymore. We are in control of ourselves and if you don't like it, move on to the next. We are perfectly happy with that. It is not an insult to us, it is not a threat to us. By all means, spend your money elsewhere. But don't worry, you won't get the same rude, insulting and disrespectful responses from us when you do, like we get from many men when they don't get their way, yourself included.
  15. 1 point
    I thought it would be a great time to start a positive thread and share our likes and what turns us on when meeting I'll start.... When you come straight out of the shower and groomed! Good hygiene is a big turn on for me Your turn.
  16. 1 point
    Great link! I would echo all of the suggestions. ONE really stood out for me, that I never considered. To leave something behind ( in hotel situations ) something insignificant and small to be able to identify that you were indeed there! In the case that an incident did occur. I wonder if a thread like this might serve a better purpose in the SP only section ( which ironically I am not in lol ) as many of these tips are also being read by the men we see...and perhaps not wise to share our trade secretes??
  17. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Mia, a beautiful woman inside and out. A song for you: John Splithoff - Sing to you :)
  18. 1 point
    I actually tried to contact her. The second I hit the send button I received an instant reply. She was just waiting for me to text! I read her 3 paragraph response. she was looking to meet... and the only thing I had to do was sent her a money transfer or a prepaid credit card with all the passwords. So yes. As real as a 3 dollar bill.
  19. 1 point
    I'm nominating Mia from Exclusively Mia for the goddess of the day. Being that today is her day and she is very beautiful and always very friendly. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=113650
  20. 1 point
    My name is Isa aka PassionVitto A gorgeous, mature, exotic & sensual brunette I luv to massage and be massaged Soft touches, passionate kissing and 2 bodies melting in one ..., to awaken our most intimate desires and make YOU explode of pleasure! RECOS http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=257276 available in my Private Incall but also available for Outcall I am fully independent text 613-917-6474 or PM for details http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/pictur...ictureid=87829 Slippery Fun Just under your finger tips! THURSDAY 3:30PM TO 630PM (IN/OUT) FRIDAY 1PM TO 3PM (OUTCALLL ONLY ) 3PM-8PM (IN/OUT) SATURDAY 10AM TO 4PM (IN/OUT) SUNDAY 10AM TO 4PM (IN/OUT)
  21. 1 point
    Sorry to hear Nicki - I hope he is feeling better soon...
  22. 1 point
    I agree with the recommendation of Halifax Playmates. The way they explained it to me was that it's more of a co-op than an agency. There isn't a manager or anyone in charge, but they work together to support and protect each other. I've always been impressed with, so I'd say it's a good place to start. Good luck!
  23. 1 point
    I like both dogs and cats. My current fur baby is a cat. He is a beautiful long haired orange, with four white paws and a white chest. He was a rescue cat and I have had him for about eight years. He is very chatty. Unfortunately he can not be left alone for more than a couple of hours. He demands that his litter box be emptied nightly before he will go to sleep. He also expects me to get up and feed him at 4 AM. If I don't he will pounce on me repeatedly until I get up. He also insists that we take afternoon naps together every day. Good thing I am retired... lol
  24. 1 point
    I don't have any(for now), but like both. Dog's are generally more playful and loyal. No matter the size, can act as good bodyguards or at least identify a possible threat. The downside is their limited independence. Leaving them alone for a weekend(unless they remain outside) will normally spell disaster or at least a smelly home. Cats are more independent. Once litter box trained, they can remain alone for a few days as long they got enough food and water. The downside is their more erratic temperament. They only play and cuddle when they want to and won't be shy to say they want to be left alone. Could say a lot more but at the end of the day one's lifestyle and occupations should determine the best suited furry companion(s).
  25. 1 point
    When someone at work is sick and you end up doing the work of 2... yuk
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Had the best sleep (it's been a while) and woke up with energy instead of misery lol.
  28. 1 point
    I had baked pork chops smothered in cream of mushroom sauce and lots of steamed broccoli
  29. 1 point
    Back in the maritimes for the ones seeking deep and meaningful experiences. Sensual or Kinky? The tease is real... Available in Fredericton ... March 6th: 5pm to midnight March 7th: 10am to 1pm Available in Saint John... March 7th:afternoon to midnight March 8th 8am to 4pm Im the kind of girl that sparks a flame in your mind. I bother your consciousness until you HAVE to see me again .Im tall (5ft11 (6ft1 with heels), smart and absolutely delectable. My body is an ultimate treat for your eyes: i might have the longest legs that you have ever seen with a toned body that i maintain with my regular Yoga sessions. Oh! And i forgot natural 34D breast that you won't forget Our time together can be as innocent as a first date, or wilder than anything you've experienced before. Please visit my website for further informations: http://www.chrystalelitecompanion.com ( I DO APPRECIATE THAT YOU VISIT MY WEBSITE BEFORE INQUIRING) Follow me on twitter for candid pics :) ChrystalElite21 Email: [email protected] 604-966-1110
  30. 1 point
    The mika with the positive review on here I believe was an Asian provider who visited Fredericton back then. So different mika altogether.
  31. 1 point
    Hey Lauren! Im kind of new to the industry as well & this is some solid advice! After a bit of research and trial and error, I've come to realize that the best way to run your business is the way YOU want. - Write down an actual business plan to keep you on track - Never offer any services you don't feel comfortable offering - Stick to your business plan and SAVE (There will be slow days) I would also suggest reading a lot of threads on the review boards. You can learn a lot there! Good luck :)
  32. 1 point
    Tease me until I'm begging for it.. I'm a petite, vixen with model looks. I pride myself in pleasing each and every one of my customers. My massages are one to die for, I make sure your each and every need is tended to. I will not stop until you are satisfied. Whether you like to have me run my fingers and slide my slippery body all over you or if you like to run your fingers across every inch of my body, hope to see you soon About Me: Hair Colour: Brown Age: 21 Dimensions: Green eyes,125 pounds,5.1 feet tall,32DD Enhanced Services Offered: Playful duos with my sexy playmates Steamy showers for two You can run your fingers all over me I love to massage & please Stimulating Massage Slippery Body Slides Couples Massage My Schedule Tuesday 27, 10-3 Thursday 10-3 Friday 10-3 65 Bentley Ave. Suite 200 Call Receptionist to Book: Angels Touch Spa 613-274-7073 Text Me Personally 1-289-270-1399
  33. 1 point
    I've read your comments, word for word and you never once gave logical and viable alternatives to providing personal information that has actual accountability in any of your posts that you claim to have. You actually never provide anything asked of you to further the conversation, like statistics of violence against clients (which you claim is a genuine risk in todays industry) or ways to facilitate business transactions in this industry that meets both sides needs which you again, claimed to have. The fact you reiterate you get invited back screams "I'm a good guy!!!" Men who need to tell women they're good guys usually aren't so I do question your statement of respect and appreciation of women. You prefer women that are willing to negate keeping themselves safe which indicates you target women that probably struggle with self worth and self respect. Typical nice guy behaviour. ;) From what I can see, waterat doesn't quote you at all, let alone misquote or take you out of context. He obviously read your comments, doesn't demonize you; he simply disagreed with you. Telling him "you better post something better than a few misinterpreted or out of context comments!" is again not furthering the conversation given it didn't apply to his actual post but attacked him for simply speaking his truth. Once again, the insight is fascinating... smiles, cat
  34. 1 point
    Has anyone been to see her? I would love to know. http://moncton.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/sexy-fun-seductive-and-knows-how-to-have-a-great-time/3258142
  35. 1 point
    @ gregsand let it go man ! you're not going to 'win' this debate nor should you.
  36. 1 point
    This a simple choice for the client if he or she wants to see a certain provider than you have to follow their screening process. The screening process is in place for the providers safety and to ensure they are comfortable when you arrive at their door or your room door. If you do not want to follow that providers screening process than move on to another provider who has a screening process your comfortable with and see them...
  37. 1 point
    Getting back to the topic. Reasons why I screen. On a daily basis, I receive random inquiries from those that have no intention of booking. They are bored, want to fulfill a fantasy but don't intend to actually pay, or just like wasting my time. I adore new inquiries that are serious. However, if they have sent a couple dozen email and don't actually book, I consider them time wasters. I also receive inquiries from some who only want to collect my address. They pretend to be serious, then after getting the address, they vanish. So, now comes the scary part. There is someone out there that knows where I live, but I have no idea who they are. So when a strange new vehicle drives by my place at 2am, I don't know if it's the guy earlier who got my address and then didn't show up. The pic collectors. They use different means to contact me, claiming they want to see me, but want to make sure my pics are real. They want a face picture but balk when I ask to see theirs first. So, you really want me to send you a picture of my face, so you can go show your buddies? Post me on the dirty? Find my social media account to let my friends know? So you can stalk me and I have no idea who you are? Hotel/residence calls. I've had guys hiding in closets, multiple guys at the location, hidden cameras, guys in the other room who think hell you're here, if I give you an extra 20 will you do us both? Or, my favorite. The address doesn't exist, they are not in the hotel room and down the hall and just want to see a whore knocking on someone else's door. They get great kicks out of this. They don't want to give the actual address and will meet me at the highway exit and I can hop into their vehicle and he can drive me there. Their explanation is that's it's too hard to find. Yea right, I'm really going to go somewhere and not have an actual location. By the time the cops find my body, the scavengers have picked my bones clean, and there no way to determine who I went to see. I need a number I can call you at in the event something changes. Emergency, illness etc. I've only had to cancel twice and I made it up to him, but I need a working number to contact you. Or I need to call you to say "you're at the wrong address". I've blocked them because they want unsafe services. Even one who took his condom off and tried to pin me down. He had sore balls I'm sure, but had the audacity to try to see me again from a private number. I recognized his voice so was able to avoid a murder. Cause in reality, as an Irish Aries, I have a shovel AND a bag of lime. It ain't happening. These are just some of the reason I screen. I don't really care if you like it or not. I've had a steady presence online for 9 years. If I was the type that wants to do you harm, it would be reported by now. So, again, if you don't like the screening methods, move along. I don't really care about your reasons. I have my reason and quite frankly I don't owe anyone an explanation. Don't tell me how to run my business. I do quite well thank you.
  38. 1 point
    If you feel that we are being hard on you for being more concerned about bringing up the lower risks to men when we are discussing the higher risks to women and therefore the need to screen, then you go ahead and take only that from these last 3 pages. Really shows where your head is at. But I will ask since you have repeatedly said it now, where in that article was the "tone" was not to your liking? Where was the author being rude, insulting, or anything that you accuse her of? I mean other than using the word rubbish, which was used in comparison to our risks. She was polite, shared a horrible story of what was done to her, and then went on to debunk some of the rubbish excuses used with her. Which when compared to our safety, some of the excuses are actually complete rubbish. It seems that is your big beef. That she wrote an article about her own experiences and her own opinions on her own site and she used the word rubbish. And because of that, you feel the need to dismiss or diminish our need to talk about safety for us, by reiterating over and over your lower risk level. Honestly, that is like the lone white guy explaining to a room full of black men, that one scary time he got pulled over by the police. And you wonder why people think and feel the way they do about you? Really? I didn't think it was that hard to figure out but to help, I will let you in on the secret then. Your narcissism is showing.
  39. 1 point
    I always find it amusing when slobyists come on boards and say things like "wait, but, but, but, you need to listen to why I disagree with the way you want to run your business. I've been seeing providers for 25 years and I know everything about the industry". Until the slobyists put their picture online, post an ad and start taking calls, they have no idea how it is to be on this side of the business. Stop lobbying for providers to do things your way. If she wants to screen fully, it's her choice. If you don't like that method, move on. If you find her reasons rubbish, move on. Quit complaining about YOUR RISKS. I get it, you mistrust providers. I've been raped, assaulted, robbed, mistreated, my safety treatened. Even knowing their real name, where they worked, where they lived, it hadn't protected me. I was alone with a man who choose to disregard me and my right to be safe. Never once have I used the information inappropriately. Quit whining over why YOU feel we should not follow a system that at least gives us some options in the event things go south. I even had someone who refused to give me his name and insisted his online board presence was sufficient. I didn't care less, told him my rules. He begged me for months yet refused to give even the slightest bit of information. I'm not a heavy screener and will work with the client to find something that works for both of us. However, the moment someone tries to get me to bend the rules for them, the result was ALWAYS the same. I was raped I was assaulted I was robbed My safety was compromised All because the guy said his safety and security was more valuable then mine. This didn't happen just once. It's a real issue for providers. I despise it when slobyists try to tell me or my sisters how to run our business. You don't like it, get the fuck off my runway. There's a dozen other guys who treat me with respect, love and adoration. They follow my rules and would never jeopardize their opportunity to see me. Peace and love.
  40. 1 point
    Found this on an other board. I've never met her, and can't confirm one way or the other. https://escortbabylon.net/#!/fredericton/reviews/5065031527/25604671 I gues you can't open the link unless you register. But basically it says that she is a bait switch.
  41. 1 point
    Not to highjack but if certain areas are of a concern even though the companion you wish to book with is a reputable, established, legit and trusted and most likely reviewed/recommended and resides in or around and area you deem "bad" "not to your standards" or what have you.... I suggest that you book yourself a hotel room and that way the companion can properly verify/screen you and that you are actually located where you claim to be and who you are. When I visit hotels, I require a cell number and the name the room is registered under as I call the room phone to verify that the client is there, that they are who they said they were and a hotel won't put a call through without the name the room number is registered to. Just my thoughts and advice as this process will make a companion feel much safer and able to properly verify/screen the client they are meeting but this is just what I do in regards to hotels and new clients, regulars that I visit at a hotels my process is different as we have an established client/companion history. You could always suggest this to any companion who provides incall only, if you are willing to book your own room and provide the proper verification information for them to visit a hotel. Many companions prefer incall as the risk of fake bookings to mainly residences is a problem so I changed that and my process in regards to visiting residences of clients I've yet to meet and have no problem with visiting hotels as long as all required information is provided to verify and confirm.
  42. 1 point
    I'm a Dartmouth guy through and through and there are a few parts even I avoid. The same definitely goes for the Halifax side too though. Statements like " I just won't go to the darkside" show a lack of understanding of that point. Ruling out half the city because you can't be bothered to figure out where the better parts are means you will miss out on a lot of gems. Your loss. It's just a bridge though guys. No need to be scared of it. ;)
  43. 1 point
    I live near Katherine in Spryfield and I've recently posted about some possibly underage and sketchy providers in the Warning section, they live a few hundred metres from Katherine's location; so the street doesn't dictate the quality of the provider. Great people like Katherine can live in areas with bad reps. That said I'm a hypocrite, I've had 2 real sketchy scary experiences years ago from a single notorious street in Dartmouth and even though it was a long time ago I still don't go to that area regardless of temptation. I just can't shake that nervous feeling there.
  44. 1 point
    This is a tricky question to answer given the variables. For every "trafficked red flag" I can give you 5 reasons why a provider may willingly have these policies/procedures in place. Along with the complexities of seemingly "independent" providers who have a manager/life partner it is truly almost impossible to tell. The things I would be wary of are fairly simple to spot. 1. How old is she? The younger the provider, the higher the chance she has a handler. 2. Does she have an online presence other than sites that cater to transient lower end providers like BackPage? 3. How much does she charge? Providers who charge below market rate are either new or have a less than ethical handler. They know they will make their $ on volume which inevitably burns out a provider. A consensual provider knows her needs/limits both financially and physically and charges accordingly. A trafficked provider has no say in her prices and her handler knows he can replace her as soon as she crashes. 4. Does she actually have common sense policies in place? a. Does she verify? If she didn't, then she probably has security in place. The pushback on verification in Canada has always been an issue and you can't blame a provider for trying to stay safe and still make a living. If she does verify, it's because she's trying to mitigate risk, doesn't want to shoulder the costs to have additional security on site. Keeping overhead down is a distinctly professional approach. Low prices and no verification should be a red flag. b. Does she require a 2 call/location system? After she's verified you, does she give her actual address or require you to come to a specific location then call for the actual address? Again, an independent trying to stay safe usually utilizes this policy. c. Is she working out of low end motels? This could be because she's trying to get on her feet but if she's high volume and only in town for a limited time, some concern is warranted. d. Does she have non negotiable service boundaries prior to meeting? Independent providers are very upfront about what they don't offer, unethical handlers know they can say yes to everything and then simply intervene if the client gets aggressive over the discrepancy. The truth is that the seemingly dark side of genuinely trafficked women in the business is a small portion of this vast industry. There are many women who have partners who run the administration end of things and necessarily so. Some would call the partner a pimp, others would call them a manager. It's impossible to know unless you know them both. I've known managers that were brilliant at what they did and weren't parasitic and I've known MTV pimps that were wastes of oxygen. The problem is that you have professional providers, part timers and fast in and outs that are all consensual providers and their business models are varied which makes it's incredibly difficult to identify who is willing and who is not. What is easy is to see the consensual professional providers out there. They have a website, social media and usually some kind if board presence. Their prices are seemingly higher but that's because their overhead is higher. They pay their taxes, they maintain incalls and websites, they pay for their advertising on sites other than BackPage. They do their due diligence by verifying clients. They value their reputation and they protect their brand. It may be a little more out of pocket for you but is well worth the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are patronizing someone who is willingly working in the industry. smiles, cat
  45. 1 point
    Ebony Juelz is legit. She visits from time to time. I'd love more info about who gives FS at the parlors
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    I like animals. I used to have a rabbit named Wynter. Then I had a cat named Oreo because it was black and white. Now I have an orange tabby named Diva. I like dogs but ever since I got attacked by 2 dogs last year I get nervous around certain breeds. Or black dogs.
  48. 1 point
    I had a great time with Ebony Juelz last time she was through, I would recommend. As for Hush, so far I've seen Nikki, Jamie, and Piper, and I've yet to be disappointed.
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    I contacted Yasmin by PM. We maintained contact that way till the very last minute before her arrival to my place. When I opened the door I saw a pretty college girl with a lovely smile. I was delighted to see her in person and gave her a big welcome hug. She smelled like a fresh flower. I took her coat. She was wearing a sexy red blouse with black lace that showed the cleavage of her hard round breasts and soft pearl skin. Yasmin displayed a high degree of politeness, etiquette, education and respect. I was very impressed with her level of sophistication, the sincerity of her communication and the beauty of her eyes, face and lips. We sat chatting on the sofa, listening to music and having drinks. We talked intelligently while holding hands and getting close. Soon we were into caresses and kisses. We changed the sofa to the bedroom. Taking her clothes off Jasmin showed an awesome body. She is a curvy spinner with super sexy model looks. Naked we were caressing, kissing and soon turned to daty. Jasmin is super clean, wet and totally delicious. Her oral skills are tender, passionate and deep. Daty with her is heavenly and unforgettable. We turned from Daty to cowboy. Jasmin is naturally wet and tight. She needs no lube and has no issue in prolonged riding to make herself cum. Once she came, she allowed me to explode in missionary and drop next to her in a passionate embrace. She was in no rush. We lay for quite some time before we dressed. She was very appreciative of us spending time together. We hugged and kissed promising to see each other soon. I really felt I spent the night with my college girlfriend. Loved it !
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