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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/18 in Posts
3 pointsThis is by far one of the best and honest replies on this type of thread I have ever read. Thank you for sharing so honestly your insights to the hobby! As I have had many conversations with individuals and with other ladies who also are providers....we seem to come to the same conclusions. 1. NEVER let the hobby take away from your marriage. Financially or emotionally. DO NOT let the hobby change how you feel about your SO. This is a fantasy and a chance to explore without making your SO feel bad that she can not enjoy it too. You have a young family/marriage life and many obstacles will be overcome later on. So hold this close and precious to your heart for these days. 2. MAKE SURE you are seeking company with a trusted lady. Take your time, check out not ONLY the Reco threads, but also look into their posting habits. Is it ONLY ads? What about the topics they post on? Do they seem invested into their business long term or just a fly by night? 3. Follow protocols, when you are dealing with the above mentioned, Katherine, included rest assure that your info is safe. Start with these ladies and I am sure they also know personally others who they would recommend. Allow the lady to guide your with patients, and just follow thier lead. upon leaving, erase ALL COMMUNICATIONS, shower ( most of us have "man soap" or BRING YOUR OWN SOAP) I hope all of this is helpful, it seems like your a true gentand should have no problems with finding your way around the hobby . CHEERS!
2 points
2 pointsRe: taxis vs car... when I was out west, I used almost exclusively taxis (because I was travelling through). What I found challenging was the timing. You have a 8 pm appointment. When to call for your cab? sometimes, cabs are late picking you up. Or they aren't in a hurry to get there. But, if you call them too early, and there is no delay, you're outside the place on foot 20 minutes early in. Knocking early is a HUGE no-no. Or...Once, I was 15 minutes late for an hour session, because my cabbie took a major street that even I knew to avoid. The lady was pissed I was late, I was frustrated at the cabbie, it put a damper on the session. Plus, if anything goes sideways (bait/switch, or she doesn't answer the door because she's "not ready yet", or she damands more than agreed on, or you simply have bad gut feelings) you're a lot more stuck there if you don't have a car. (Side note: the odds of something going sideways with one of the board regulars is pretty slim, I.e. Nonexistent. Almost all them live in good areas, and none of them will jerk your chain. So cabs are more viable, but so is your car). If you are going to cab it, I suggest when the lady gives you the address, use Google Street view to look around the area, see if there's a 7-11 or something a block away, and get the cab to take you to there for like 15 minutes early. My solution personally is that in Halifax, I use my car, but I visit providers almost exclusively during the day. I don't personally feel unsafe anywhere in town at 2 pm. Not an option for everyone, but it works for me. If I'm early because traffic was light, I wait in the car a block or so away. (Side note 2: I use google street view even now, so I still have an idea where to park, etc, and will recognize the place when I arrive) I probably came down a bit harsh on Leolist (hey, I browse there), but I still maintain my assertion that someone starting out should begin with the established and trusted regulars here so they can learn the ropes, which will help them identify the red flags later on. Spend some time in the nice friendly hot tub, before jumping in to the deep end of the pool. For someone with above-average concern for privacy, it's just a no-brainer in my opinion. Seriously, there are so many awesome, gorgeous women on Cerb of every (legal) age and type. If there isn't someone that gets your engine running, you're a fussy man!
2 pointsGOOD MORNING ;-) I AM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK AFTER A WEEK AWAY... AND IN NEED OF SOME SEXY FUN!!!! available today 330pm-7pm Tomorrow Friday 12:30pm -7pm Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm TEXT 613-917-647 or PM www.isa-massage.com RECOS http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=257276 http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=263192 ... In the heart of DOWNTOWN OTTAWA just blocks from the Parliament... in a 100% PRIVATE, DISCRETE, CLEAN, COZY & SAFE environment... You will find what you are looking for... ....body slides, cuddles, kisses, shower, reverse massage is just some of the things you will experience.. in the company of a Gorgeous, Sweet, Sensual Exotic Latin beauty... am Isa aka PASSIONVITTO and beautiful and sensual Brunette... A true exotic Beauty with an amazing Body and Beautiful face.. Golden tan soft Skin Mature and Flirty I am in my 30s, Fit, tall and classy My massage will melt you to the Touch and make you feel like you have never feel before.. I have a charming personality that will just make you at ease... Let our bodies melt in one!!!
1 pointI know lately I've been finding that babes in thigh high socks is very sexy! Starting this thread so more people can see if they feel the same way...
1 pointHoping I can get some advice from some more experienced hobbyists. First, anyone else married? Has hobbying affected that in any way (positive or negative)? I'm happy with my marriage but have been with my wife since before college, so I feel I've missed out on some experiencs. Aside from that, contact/discretion is obviously huge for me (as I'm sure it is everyone else). I'm, certainly not famous by any means, but am, "known" in some fairly significant circles. Point is this is the type of thing could end both a marriage and a career. I'm sure the smart answer is "then maybe you shouldn't be here" but here I am so we're over that hurdle. I completely understand the SPs needs to have real information for their own safety, but also have my own safety (not physical, but financial and home life) to be concerned with. Any advice on insuring my discretion isn't violated, maybe even years after the fact? Aside from that, any SP recommendations? I've been very interested in a couple of girls, MsManda, but also wonder, if I start at the top, then what? Any insight is greatly appreciated. ~Red.
1 pointBathurst I'm more likely to make a trip to haven't had a reason to have anything against the people up there.
1 pointI'm unaware of any sp site that reviews clients. It runs counter active to the discretion we strive to create and maintain. I've never in my career written info on a good client as I feel that I'm now betraying his safety and security. However, bad dates, time wasters, dangerous clients, yes. They have their own little "review" for the safety of my sisters. For those that enquire of my services, and can provide a reference from a well known sp, or if they provide a deposit, that's different. However, I will not invest in a hotel, gas to get there for one person who chooses to provide neither. The area mentioned is especially difficult due to a specific agency that seems to enjoy booking fake appointments.
1 pointComments on new providers are always welcome and encouraged. It's accounts that were created just to praise one specific lady and never post again where I question the motives for obvious reasons. It is easy for a new lady or their friend to create a fake account, post a recco and then use it in their ads. It happens all of the time. Ladies with good reputations and lots of reccos simply have no motive for doing this so I guess people give those new posters the benefit of the doubt more easily. This is why the mods don't allow new accounts post reccos though. It's actually against the rules of the site for new members to post reccos. You have to actually participate in the board a bit first. This is designed to discourage shill accounts, and show that the poster is likely trustworthy. You have to have 5 real posts first and then be approved by the mods in order to make a post in the recommendation section. Unfortunately, the shill accounts get by this rule by posting reccos in non recco sections such as this one. (Quite often a screen shot of that "recco" appears in the ladies ad within minutes.) I'm sure there are cases where someone was just so blown away by a lady that they ran to their computer and joined every board they can find just to sing her praises. I suspect that in most cases though, the so called reccos made by brand new posters as their one and only posts ever are actually shill.
1 pointOttawa Sweetheart (hintonburg) Hi there, thank you for checking my ad. You will not be disappointed with my A+++ massage... My name is Vivian. I'm 28 years old. Gorgeous, I am a classy looking Lady with long black hair, seductive cat eyes ...., beautiful silky soft, tanned skin. workout body with all the right curves in the right places. You have finally met your dream girl .I great you at the door with a lovely smile then lead you to the massage room...I will start with a deep soothing tissue massage to relax all your muscles then follow with a soft touch to invigorate your whole body then the fun time ... It will be the most relaxing, creative and passionate session for you ever. So amazing that you cannot help yourself from thinking about it and want to come back for more! http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=92146 For relaxing massage $40/30m $50/45m $70/60m breathtakingvivian.com appointment only, call/text me at 6137121200 mon to sat 10am to 7pm.
1 pointReferences and social media accounts that are active will get you much farther. Many ladies don't even know what P411 is anymore. Maintain your accounts and references and you should be fine.
1 point
1 point
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1 point
1 pointpreferred411 if they still take clients. If not just give references to the people you want to see
1 pointMost answers will vary, but here's mine. I've been married for 25 years, and my wife is an awesome person whom I love. But. The simple fact for me is, she strongly dislikes sex, always has. We were each other's firsts, but she has some baggage which is ok, because life isn't perfect. Unfortunately, that translates into its been years for me since there has been physical intimacy. Escorts have been awesome for my marriage, because they have kept me from any desire to have an affair. It cures my physical needs, but there's no risk of falling in love. I became quite good friends with someone in the business before moving to NS, but we both were well aware of our respective roles. There was zero danger of me leaving my wife for her, and I doubt she'd take me even if I did (actually, I know she wouldn't). But man, did we click sexually. I understand more than you know about reservations and being known in circles. My response is a simple one... stick to established and reviewed ladies on Cerb. Literally, avoid Leoslist like the plague. Cerb ladies aren't going to mug you, blackmail you, threaten you, or bait and switch you. They don't have "managers", and you won't see them on Hollis street at 2 am. They're not dudes (surprise!) and you don't have to worry about them being drugged out on heroin. With Leoslist... not saying all are, but you're playing with fire. I'd definitely lay off them, until you get your, uh, feet wet and begin to understand the system and how things work, so you'll have a better chance of spotting red flags. As for the screening... these ladies are placing themselves in an exceptionally vulnerable position. You're probably physically larger than they are. Will you respect their limits? Will you stop if they say? Of course you will... they hope. I don't blame anyone in the slightest for being cautious. I'm not even talking about the scammers and time wasters, it's literally their physical safety. The Cerb ladies are not trying to be deliberately difficult, they're simply looking out for themselves. They're taking a *lot* bigger risk than you are, on a first encounter. How to protect yourself? For me personally, e-transfers is a no-go. If that's a pre-req, I move on. No one gets my banking information. Similarly, I would never pay by credit card or bank card. I usually leave my wallet safely tucked away, carrying a cheapo wallet that contains just the cash for my visit (and maybe $60-100 more). No DL, no credit cards, no Blockbuster membership. Even if it's a trusted lady, I don't want an oops and my wallet falling out of my pocket, etc. I personally would never host a lady at my house if my wife is away; either go to incall (my preferred) or rent a hotel room (paper trail again, though) Not that I don't trust the lady at my house, just again, neighbors, taxi drivers, and unneeded risk. Don't use your work phone to contact ladies. Always, always, always delete your text conversations afterwards. I've never even once had an issue about a Cerb lady contacting me via text or phone without me initiating contact. I have had a non Cerb provider text me with a "hey, I'm available this week if you are" which came as a... surprise. As for recommendations... there are a few threads recently about that. Lots of excellent Halifax ladies on Cerb. Go to the thread, start at A, and work your way through the alphabet :) Literally, its what I did when I arrived in town. If someone has lots of recommendations, that's a good sign. Also look who's doing the recommendations, make sure it's not a new member with like 3 posts. Make sure the recommendations are recent-ish as well, as the lady may have retired or moved. Then, the advanced class stuff... take your person's name, and do a search of her name in the Halifax thread. See what else comes up. Go on the lady's home page, see if she's been active lately. See if she has photo albums, and if you like what you see. Some names to get you started... in no particular order whatsoever... MsManda, Addictive Barbie (on break I think), Kylie Jane, MelanieMys, Katherine, HotCarpernterKitty, Lexy Grace, Danielle, Savannah Sol (on break). I'd have included Midnite Energies in there too but, dammit, she's not taking new clients (sad rawr!). I also personally would add Alayna Rose in there, though she's not as well reviewed or as particularly well known. TL;DR: if you're serious about visiting a provider, stick with established ones on this board. You're safer, and your going to have a better end result. Any screening done by the established ladies is for their safety, not to use against you. G'luck, shoot me a message if I can help.
1 pointI was at the playmate early evening. I met London 1st who was a beautiful chocolate woman who was excellent in the CR. Then I met Paris a beautiful blond white lady who was also quite fun. I recommend both woman in the CR.
1 pointAre you ready? I can think of 3 places, that according to Webster's Dictionary are real... Unfortunately, they are not. Hint... U, H, and N... The winner receives 30 minutes gratis. I look forward to your answers. Care for some German today? Sacha 613.315.9969
1 pointYou just have to wait until Mod gets to it... he's not on 24/7, and even when he is he has other things to do (like the technical stuff to keep the site running)
1 point
1 pointThey are a great duo, plus you can feel the hotness in the room when they are there. I have seen them in Montreal and in Ottawa.
1 point
1 pointI saw Nadia for the first time last Monday. (Late post, but she was only here the one day, so I felt no urgency in that regard.) I'd wanted to meet Nadia since last year, based on her web site pics and a few reviews, but in the intervening year I've not had much time for reading the boards regularly or looking up ads till lately. I was lucky to see her advance ad before coming to Winnipeg early. Nadia required texting confirmations a day before our meeting at a specific time and another an hour before the meeting. She stayed at a hotel near the airport, one with a small and oddly dark VLT room near the lounge, useful for the more paranoid or jittery among us. She's so well organized and professional (see her web site), I was afraid she'd be very all-business-like in person but I was suprised at how warm and welcoming she is, and how young. This being said, she's professional and service-oriented. It's just that she's also very sweet and aims to please with every fibre of her being. An absolute gem. She wore a variation on the school uniform outfit (again, see her web site). She has a background in strip stease, and, in bed, I let her take the lead and she put those skills to good use. I booked for an hour with two shots, but I was not performing at my best (I was tired from a day that had to start a lot earlier than usual); Nadia was patience herself, if patience were also sexy and even loving. In between and to some degree throughout our encounter, we talked about our travel backgrounds, things related to the hobby (law, politics, culture) as well as lots of other stuff including music and art. For those who regularly see Asian girls from abroad, but who wish they could actually have a real conversation, frustrated because the girl's English is poor or because the girl was busy or tired from overbooking, Nadia is the perfect alternative, as she's smart enough not to overextend herself, at least that's my impression.
1 pointIntrigued by your post, I went for a visit tonight and may have found the gal. Roughly 5'2", mid 20s, curly/wavy dark brown locks. Poor thing forgot her knickers before coming on stage, and I like the absent-minded ones... I asked, and she does indeed have a blue/green negligee, but not tonight. Had 4 dances, and though there was no high-mileage activity, the view was spectacular, especially from behind! Name is Shakira, Wednesday through Sunday, only at Pigalle. I prefer the Playmate as it has a pool table that gets action, and is much more liberal in the cubbyholes, which is my preference, but this was very nice eye-candy. Was very busy tonight, but other than Shakira (who was very busy indeed) I wasn't too impressed with the rest of the shows. Actually quite miss the old days in BC where it was only stage shows, but they could be absolutely wild, anything goes! Will visit the Mate tomorrow to immerse myself in a nice sordid atmosphere. My cup of tea. ps - she was also very good at math, no trying to boost the count. Very professional, very good at her job. I find many girls at Big Al's quite mercenary, have to be on your toes.
1 pointTotal conspiracy!!!! 100%. I mean why would an incall girl who is all conviently set up, and can fit more clients in since she doesn't have consider traveling time, not want to do outcalls? And when texting is so much faster and easier, why would she not want to talk live??? Lol I am only kidding with you. As you can see, it is total preference.
1 pointAs a client in this lifestyle it is in my opinion all about managing risk. The new laws have increased the risk for clients but frankly if you are smart... do your homework and stick to meeting reputable well established ladies like the wonderful women of LYLA then the risk can be managed relatively easily. I would think that the relative risks of seeing a well established reputable LYLA lady in a hotel or her home would be the same. I would say however that if it is someone you have never met and that you have little or no research on then meeting in a high end hotel might reduce the risk to some degree. Just my Opinion
1 pointFor some reason, I think I prefer a home visit instead of a hotel. I think I get more nervous at a hotel. A home, a quiet location, a welcome space that the person I'm visiting is most comfortable in, those are important. MS
1 pointI love entertaining in the comfort of my home while in Halifax. My place is simple, clean and very inviting. Weather we wish to visit on the couch enjoying a drink or having dinner in my dining room, I love to be home. This is a luxury I don't always have in a hotel and my guests appreciate all the extra's a home visit allows.
1 pointI think it's all about the Lady. As long as you're meeting someone reputable, I don't see why their home would be any less safe. I've enjoyed very enjoyable visits with ladies who have invited me into their home. Actually, I generally find that setting more comfortable and a nicer atmosphere than a hotel.
1 pointI take Melatonin because I do weird shift work. Its really helped with going to sleep and going back to sleep when I get up in the night. Posted via Mobile Device
1 pointCommon adult industry sex terms, abbreviations, codes, codewords, terminology, acronyms, lingo, and glossary. What does this mean, what is the definition of, as defined in the dictionary, and what do the letters stand for: AAMP = Apartment Asian Massage Parlor. Based in a residential apartment instead of a commercial storefront. ABC = american born chinese ABJ = american born japanese Agency = a company that manages calls, bookings, and advertising for a group of escorts. AMP = Asian Massage Parlor analingus = licking anus Asian = analingus Asian Cowgirl = girl on top, squatting ASP = Adult Service Provider, or alt.sex.prostitution newsgroup ATF = all time favorite ATM = ass to mouth = penis, toy, finger goes from ass to mouth. attempts = trying to orgasm Aunt Flo = menstruation, period B&S = bait and switch = person who shows up is a different one than advertised babyback = petite, young, attractive Asian balloons = breast implants BB = bareback = without condom BJ = blowjob = oral sex = fellatio BBBJ = bare back blow job = BJ without condom BBBJTC = bare back blow job to completion (in mouth) BBBJTCIM = bare back blow job to completion in mouth BBBJTCNQNS = bare back blow job to completion, no quit, no spit BBBJTCWS = bare back blow job to completion with swallow BBBJWF = bare back blow job with facial BBFS = bare back sex BBW = big beautiful woman BCD = behind closed doors BDSM = bondage, discipline, sado-masochism. BF = boy friend BFE = boy friend experience birdwatching = BBBJTCWS BLS = ball licking and sucking Blue Jay = blow job blue pill = Viagra BSB = bus stop babe butter face = everything looks good, but her face BTW = by the way cash and dash = ROB who takes your money and runs CBJ = covered blow job = BJ with condom CC Rider = full service provider costing $200 or less CD = cross dresser CDS = covered doggy style CFS = covered full service = Sex with condom CG = cowgirl = girl on top facing you CH = Crazy Horse, SF Strip Club CIM = cum in mouth CL = craigslist.org CMD = carpet matches drapes, typically a natural blonde CMT = Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse. Cowgirl = CG = girl on top facing you cover = condom cruising = driving around, looking for streetwalkers cups of coffee = releases = orgasms DATO = dining at the o = analingus DATY = dining at the y = cunnilingus DDP = double digit penetration, kitty and anus Dodge = streetwalker stroll: Mission Blvd, between A St and 14th St, in Hayward, CA Doggie = man behind girl, girl on hands and knees donation = payment Doubles = A threesome with two girls and you DDE = doesn't do extras (PS only) DDG = drop dead gorgeous DFK = deep french kissing, open mouth with tongue DIY = do it yourself (masturbation) DP = double penetration, two guys on one girl DT = deep throat, entire length of penis taken in mouth ECR = el camino real EOM = end of message. No text in message body. escort = a temporary companion for hire facial = cumming on partner's face FBSM = full body sensual massage fire and ice = a blowjob switching between hot tea and ice FIV = finger in vagina FKK = Frei K?rper Kultur. German brothel / nudist club. FOB = fresh off the boat. Asian immigrant recently arrived in the US. FOV = finger outside vagina French = BJ French Kiss = Kissing with tongue insertion FS = full service = BJ + Sex Get Brain = blow job Get Comfortable = get completely naked GFE = girlfriend experience. Typically BBBJ, CFS, DFK, DATY, and MSOG GG = Golden Gypsy. defunct, famous Berkeley massage parlor GND = girl next door Greek = anal sex, back door GS = golden shower = urination play GSM = g-spot massage happy ending = A handjob (usually) or blowjob after your massage hardwood floors = clean shaven kitty Hat = condom HDH = high dollar hottie HJ = hand job = a manual / hand release HH = half hour HM = high mileage HME = honeymoon experience, lapdog heaven HWP = height and weight proportionate hooker = prostitute IMHO = in my humble opinion interpreter = condom Italian = penis rubbing between butt cheeks ISO = in search of kitty = vagina Lapdog = person who worships providers to excess. LDL = low dollar looker (opposite of HDH) LE = ellie = law enforcement LK = light kissing, closed mouth LOS = land of smiles = Thailand mamasan = female manager of a massage parlor MBOT = Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre, SF Strip Club MBR = multiple bell ringing = MSOG MILF = mom I'd like to f-ck Mish = missionary position, or the SF Mission District Missionary = man on top, girl on back mohawk = thin rectangular strip of pubic hair MP = massage parlor MP = multiple pops = multiple releases MSC = Market Street Cinema, SF Strip Club MSOG = multiple shots on goal = multiple releases NCT = New Century Theatre, SF Strip Club non-pro = not a professional provider NP = no problem NSA = no strings attached OWO = oral without condom OWOTC = oral without condom to completion papasan = male manager of a massage parlor party hat = condom PIV = penis in vagina PL = Pathetic Loser PO = phone operator (for making appointments) PS = private show (Dance) PSE = Porn Star Experience PV = private viewing (Dance) RA = relaxation assistant raincoat = condom RB = myredbook.com rimming = analingus RMP = Russian Massage Parlor ROB = Rip Off Bitch Reverse cowgirl = RCG = girl on top facing away Reverse massage = you massage her Roman shower = vomit play RPG = role playing games Russian = penis rubbing between breasts = Pearl Necklace = titty fuck SC = Strip Club self-service = you masturbate SF = San Francisco shill = an insider posing as a satisfied customer SO = significant other SOG = shot on goal = one release SOMF = sat on my face south of the border = gential region southern france = BBBJ SP = Service Provider SPA = streetwalker stroll: San Pablo Avenue in Oakland, CA spanish = ATM = ass to mouth spinner = very petite, thin girl STD = sexually transmitted disease stroll = path frequented by street walkers SW = street walker TAMP = Therapeutic Asian Massage Parlor teabag = man squats and dips balls in partner's mouth TG = transgender TGTBT = too good to be true Tina = crystal meth TJ = Tijuana TL = Tenderloin district, San Francisco. between Van Ness Ave, Post St, Taylor St, and Golden Gate Ave TLD = topless lap dance tossing salad = analingus Troll = rude and hideous PL Trolling = Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum TOFTT = Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider. TS = transexual TUMA = tongue up my ass TV = transvestite UTF = Untranslated French = BBBJ UTR = under the radar WTF = What the fuck? (I'm rather surprised by this) XOXO = Kisses & Hugs YMMV = Your mileage may vary. Your service level could be different than reported by others. Applies to everyone, some more so than others. 1/2 and 1/2 = half and half = oral sex + full service 411 = seeking information 420 = 4:20 = marijuana 69 = two people giving each other oral sex at the same time $ = $100 $$ = $200 $$$ = $300 $$$.5 = $350 (get it?) incall = You go to her place, or a place she designates. outcall = She comes to your place, home, hotel room. two call system = For incall locations. Your first call is to set up the time and get the general directions on where to park. Your second call is made when you arrive to get the specific address / room number.