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  1. 5 points
    Agreed and when we read lines like "she must allow....." and that these are deal breakers is nothing short of pressure Dates are time and companionship, to unfold naturally and be mutually beneficial Pressuring decisions has no place here JMO RG
  2. 5 points
    I totally agree with you that there are a number of different business models at play. Some are looking for companionship and some are looking for purely physical and I am sure some just want to control the situation. I guess I fall into the companionship group but hey if the other business models work for "Both" parties involved then who am I to say it's good or bad or to apply my standards to them. While I intuitively know that is right ... I can't help but express the concern that the continued movement to normalize within the industry activities that are risky from a health perspective is unfair to those working in the industry. I believe many feel pressured to perform services that they are not comfortable with. Decisions around what services a lady provides and what she charges should be entirely up to her and no one should try to influence or pressure that decision. Just my opinion
  3. 3 points
    But some people don't care about passion and only want the checklist. Humanising also is not important. For some the whole experience is one where they get to pretend that SW has a number of clients and does their bidding all day long. They think that when they see a SW they are doing her a favour (by actually paying, what they want of course) so she does what he wants out of obligation. That is why there are different business models. Since most of the girls who contribute here do NOT enjoy or offer on that business level, this post is really shocking. But on other sites it is normal. These type of customers are normal on those sites. Seems some people want to change the direction of this site, so they can participate more or influence, as influencing (from clients) became less of a thing since FOSTA/SESTA (which POTUS signed to appease his base). People want to take the power back. It is reflective of the times. Just look south for the mood... and follow it here. It spills over...
  4. 3 points
    I am assuming that the point of this thread is for clients to say what "acts" a lady "must" provide for them to see her???? Well if that is the case I am not interested in providing any such list and personally would not apply the "require act" criteria to any lady. In my experience the best by far meetings I have had are with ladies who I met and we just went with the the flow .... I am not a menu type of client. I have seen ladies whose advertising paint a broad picture of what an encounter with her is like and ladies who had menu lists and have noticed that there is no correlation between one being better or worse then the other. I guess in reality I am not purchasing certain acts I am reimbursing the lady for a period of companionship... sometimes with little or no sex and sometimes highly focuses on great sex. (Often the same lady in both cases) Just my Opinion
  5. 2 points
    For 12 glorious days, my 12 Days of Christmas event is my chance to spread some cheer to all of my good boy's! I know that Christmas means we all have to spend a little less on ourselves so that we can give to other's. So as a token of my appreciation for all of your continued support and love, I am offering 12 Days of specials! How this works: Each day will give you a different special off the regular rate! BUT HOW MUCH OFF you are asking?? Well it will be a surprize! Ranging from $20.00 off to a $50.00 discount! All you have to do is enquire with this PROMO code : Mrs. Clause and I will reply with your discounted rate! Starts December 03 (counting 12 business days!) December 18th This special is ONLY with Meaghan and myself. Not Annie Pearl. ******************************************************************************* Enjoy my naughty Christmas Poem:) Here Sits Mrs. Clause ********* On a cold and stormy night, here sits Mrs. Clause. She is restless as she awaits her Mr. Clause! For her dear Santa has been too busy spreading joy, to all good little boy's and girls! A red and white satin teddy, she slips on but now may have to wait till dawn! She thinks about Lyla, and creates an ad while asking herself, "should I be bad"? Stockings and garter's are on and lips are glistening in red, Her first visitor knocks on the door he announces his name is Ed. He lays her down and removes her teddy, and with a sparkle in her eye, she seems to be ready! Both with messy hair, and desire's fulfilled he turns to her and says " thankyou ma'me sure was a thrill!" Passes her an unsealed envelope, "I will certainly call you again!" So now Mrs. Clause can not complain! *********************************************************************************************************** https://www.ladysophiaclassic.com 506 261 7313
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Sounds so lovely! For that very reason, I like when I am booked ahead of time so I can fantasize and look forward to our time together. I am especially turned on by a ladies' beautiful breasts or a gentleman's powerful thick girth penis. I love to feel the body respond to my massage while the person remains docile yet alert on the table, without expectations and without grabbing. I like the person to come with no other expectation than a great massage. Ymmv and without the pressure of expectations, I can thoroughly enjoy myself which leads to some fantastic experience for both.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    I agree with many of the responses, the best times I've experienced were with ladies that genuinely seemed interested in the moment. I've never worried about a check list. In fact whenever a lady asks me what I want or like I will usually reply with "let's see where things go", or ask them what they like. I know, a crazy concept, but I feel if I treat the lady with respect and we let things just happen it will seem more natural and we will both probably have a lot more fun. I'm also going to give the OP the benefit of the doubt that he just expressed himself poorly (something I frequently worry about in my posts). For myself, I will try to look up posts or a website by the SP that gives me a clue about their personality or style. For example, I like a more passionate experience with a lot of kissing and caressing, so perhaps that's a "deal breaker" for me. If an SP has expressed that this is not her style I will probably look elsewhere and not waste her time or risk an experience that is less than satisfying for me. However, once I have arranged to spend time with a lady I don't go into the session with a list or demands ("but you said you do _____"). The few times I have had a less than enjoyable experience I can usually look back on not having done my research, not effectively communicated with the lady, or ignored warning signs while thinking with my little brain.
  11. 2 points
    It simply amazes me that some people don't realize that providers have actual real lives! We have families, friends, routines. We go shopping. We clean our house. We wash our dishes and clothes. We are normal run of the mill people. We are not a 24/7 drive thru. ..at least I am not. Give your head a shake! I am starting to find it it quite disheartening that some punters are in disbelief that I am an actual person.
  12. 2 points
    Hello ! I am Katherine, an established and trusted Halifax companion for many years. I will be with you again soon, I am excited to tell you I will be with you from December 3rd to December 8th at noon. I have red hair, tasteful artwork, piercings and am friendly and generous with my time and affection. I am a mature provider with the body of a much, much younger lady. My pictures are recent , accurate and true. Would you like a massage with endless options? Something a bit more spicy? Take my hand, I have all you need to be totally satisfied! Already a Friend? I simple text is fine. :) Otherwise a note of introduction , please be polite . One liners will be ignored. NL gents are very polite so I will be expecting the best of the best! Katherine 902 410 8678 www.sensouskatherine.com
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    Dogs vs Cats when you come home...
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Yikes... why not let the SP decide what they're comfortable offering to you in particular over time? The downwards pressure to offer more unsafe services is not something I plan to give in to, as my health and safety takes priority. I have made exceptions with certain clients, and that's something that I will offer only if I feel completely comfortable with it. (CIM and BBFS will never be options!) CBJ done with skill can still be highly pleasurable to the recipient.
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I compare this aesthetic site to a young body perfect young inexperienced sp whereas the old one was the mature experienced one ymmv.😝
  23. 1 point
    Thanks Mod. Good luck. Personally, unless there is a radical turn-around in the Ad exposure and community interest, I think the site is done. The problems are more fundamental than just frigging with the interface. The site has gone stale IMO. It used to be fun and informative, now it's just basically chat between a few. I use to visit several times a day, now I'm down to maybe twice a week. The site was already in decline before the rework - the new design did nothing to enhance the cruising experience.
  24. 1 point
    Due to the impending weather I will need cancelling today Thursday Nov 29 and I will need hosting instead Friday Nov 30 in Halifax. Thank you for your understanding, xo.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    OMG! Lol. I got my eyebrows semi tattooed ( nano blading). I am someone who plucked their eyebrows in the 90s when it was in style. They never grew back. I would do my makeup nicely but something was missing... the eyebrows. Damn! I’m not used to having thicker eyebrows and they are dark right now but it’s all part of the process. They will fade within 30 days and resemble a color that is natural to the roots in my hair which is an ashy color. I thought I made a huge mistake. I swear it’s like Halloween today. Lol. I went to one of the top 5 technicians in the city and did my research but just not used to seeing my face this way. I want to cry but will be patient. And I also got cupped the other day to relieve tension in muscles which is amazing but I have red circles all over my back in addition to thick dark brown eyebrows. All for the greater good. 😂
  27. 1 point
    Remember when you were traveling and looking for some company you would have to by the city's local paper and Yellow Pages and check the classifieds.... No Pictures.... No Recommendations... no discussion of what was on the menu ... if you were lucky the person answering the phone gave you a description of the lady.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Let me just start off by saying how absolutely beautiful Naomi is. There are absolutely no others words you can use to describe her. She is 100 percent the girl from the photos in her ads. She is stunning , gorgeous and beautiful in every way. Contacting here to arrange a time was quick and easy. She is very pleasant and down to earth. She put me at ease In not time at all. Her body is absolutely amazing. As is her personality. I found her to be very pleasant as well as very attentive to my needs. She has an amazingly clean location as well. If feel as though Naomi deserves more then 5 stars. I.will definitely be repeating to see Naomi asap. I HIGHLY recommend that everyone sees her before she is gone. You will not regret it at all. This beautiful woman is model material 100 percent. Go see her asap... you will never want to see anyone else but her ever again.
  35. 1 point
    I hear you.... Hotels could also be safer in some ways. What I like about the ABB option is the potential for significantly better accommodation... work room and bedroom, fireplaces, full kitchen, work bathroom and 2nd bathroom, decks and BBQ's, ability to not spend all day essentially in a bedroom ;) Of course what is best for each lady is all that really matters.
  36. 1 point
    Wow, it's been a busy week so sort of late to this thread but THANK YOU CATO for all your work and insight here. We continue on here as we must and, yes, I too miss so much my old "friends list" . And sometimes I think we have the very same taste in ladies.
  37. 1 point
    Ten years ago today I joined cerb, and I can't let the occasion pass without saying thank you to my friends in this community: the wonderful women I've met, the mates I've shared a beer or a story with, the people I've been in touch with about shared interests, the social groups, and those who left the 6000 posts that were once on my page, before the change occurred. A whole history of fun and excitement. I'm grateful to you all. Great memories, and more to come! Thank you!!
  38. 1 point
    WOW, you can't be serious! Am I seeing this Correct? A "Thread" about what "Services An Sp Must Allow".. REALLY?!!... This is my opinion, and only my opinion "the big g"... Shame on you, for even thinking about, posting a "Thread" on this Topic! Weather I'm right or wrong, I really don't care. I'm entitled to "My Opinion" and I will voice it! I'm not sure if I have enough Time or Space on here to say, what I think. Aren't Service Providers Donations, for their "Time and Companionship"? "Legally!! Not weather they Provide ... "DATY",DFK,BBBJ, and CIM"... And "A DEAL BREAKER"... This is Posted in "The General Discussion Area of Canada"!!? "Publicly"... You know what, when I'm asked these "Type Of Questions".. I'm put in a Real Hard Spot.. You must know what I'm talking about.. "Legally".. and if you'd don't "Look It Up"... I always try to watch "What I Say.. And How I Say It" To Protect Myself and The Client/Hobbyiest... My Thoughts ... If your only worried about the "Menu".. You will never... Know what True Companionship Is... Dirty .. Dirty.. Thread here.. Have yourself a great day..
  39. 1 point
    Thank you everyone! I’m going to rent for 2 days see how it goes. I’ll deff post what my verdict is aha 🙂
  40. 1 point
    I am currently reviewing all comments made in this thread and going to discuss changes with the Devs to improve anything discussed here. I can't guarantee it will be done right away as please keep in mind we are limited by the tools the site has available to them as this isn't a custom build. We'll do our best to improve movement through the site and the mobile experience.
  41. 1 point
    Hello Gentlemen I'm Camille here's a bit about me: I'm a bit of a social chameleon, navigating all social situations with pure ease and delight. I transform easily from refined dinner date to intriguing playmate--with only the closing of a door and the click of the lock. Available for outcalls Please text or email for pre-book/pre-screening (613) 604-3687 [email protected]
  42. 1 point
    Me, Clean Shaven.. Beards.. it's all good. As long as the beard is, kept Clean,Neat and Tidy, and doesn't feel like an SOS pad.. all good. Mas far as beards coming back, I'm not sure.. Lol. Although, I find more Men, grow the beard for he winter months.. Just my opinion .. ;)
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Vixen is Excited to Have Availability This Week and Next so let's have some fun. Check out my Profile, I look forward to it xxx
  45. 1 point
    As a client who makes a conscious effort to always be my best when seeing an escort and return the kindness she shows, questions like this can be a little hard to take at times. Do I expect something? The only thing I expect is professionalism just the same as customers in my business expect that professionalism from me. Being friendly and "on point" all the time can be difficult and stressful. It is part of being in any service industry but it also is not something you should have to fake when the gent you are with is some misogynistic ass and turns you off by his behavior. I prefer Meaghan's response to this about it being genuine. I don't think this can or should be faked. It is also something that, like most things in life, is different for every individual. As far as your advertising and rates go, I have always encouraged women in this biz to do whatever she feels is necessary to be successful and happy. What I think is completely irrelevant. As a client, I either will book with you or I won't. I'm not really all that important in the big picture. That's all I can say about the whole rates thing. As for the social issue at large, my biggest problem in all of this is the misconception that all men expect this but are immune from it themselves. The notion that this is merely a woman's issue is false. To use some of the examples from that article, many's a day that I have had to smile and be friendly and all that other stuff at the workplace despite being exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally and also despite having customers treat me shitty and expect me to fix things. This also comes to relationships for us. Many of our S.O.'s expect us to be perfect and fix everything. If we somehow miss the slightest thing, we get the "talk" about how we don't appreciate her and yada, yada. I once was casually talking to someone at a luncheon about home repairs and such and said,"Yeah, I need to fix a couple things on my house this weekend." A week later, after stewing about it, my ex ambushed me for not saying "our house and am I not included BS". She's all crying and shit and I had to walk on eggshells for a long time over something that in hindsight was utterly trivial. That is only one example. I am a firm believer in gender equality. I don't like "man blaming" as some stereotype just as much as I don't believe in "mansplaining", guys trying to explain women's issues to women. I'm not gonna try to tell you what to do and I'm not trying to seem dismissive to the issue. I just wanted to point out that it really isn't just some either/or scenario. It's complicated just like all human issues. All we can do is try to have empathy for others and do our best to walk in their shoes, so to speak.
  46. 1 point
    Receiving a text message like this: Hi, I was wondering if you had a connection to some Ativan/Lorazepam to go with Session? I am supposed to be a drug dealer/ drug store or something similar? WTF seriously WTF!!!
  47. 1 point
    Forget all scientific ways to discredit them. This ends the argument once and for all😂 RG
  48. 1 point
    Actually I'm of the same school too (I don't really care) But in fairness there was a time (in the early years LOL) it meant something. But now I kind of see the point, 1000 points really means nothing, ok well really zero points LOL. But the more you participate and interact on Lyla the more other members know you (and you know them) and you are judged on that not the number of rep points you have or don't have. Anyway I don't know what the answer is. Except for post count quantification (and even that, is a post in the Joke Section worth the same as one in the General Discussion Area for example correct or should more weight be placed on, well for lack of a better term "more important threads"? Again I don't know But I come here for entertainment, fun, knowledge (we can all learn). But I'll let you all in on a secret Lyla policy, why I really come here and post and post...…. I want to win the steak knives LOL😂 A rambling with hopefully a humorous finish RG
  49. 1 point
    Just a couple quick thoughts. Have a website which includes amongst other things, rates, screening/verification requirements, contact info (email/text/phone)…..well I'm sure you've seen other ladies websites to give you an idea of what they contain. And include the link for your website on your Lyla profile. Also I don't know if you are on Twitter but if so include the link to your website on your Twitter profile. Also post regularly on the New Brunswick Schedules And Announcements forum on Lyla. But also to get visibility on Lyla as a whole post in other forums, like General Discussion Area All Of Canada, Fun Threads, Health And Wellness etc etc etc. It may not make sense at first but posts in those forums give potential clients an idea of your personality and whether he'd "click" with you. Can't speak for everyone but in my early days (and even now to some extent) that played more of a part in who I wanted to see than just announcements and recommendations. Anyhow a couple quick thoughts over cup number one Good Luck A Rambling (or two) RG
  50. 1 point
    I've never really been a tool guy, but a friend I do massage for asked if I could make her one of those gliding rockers that you attach a dildo onto for solo playing. You sit on this bench and move it back and forth like a gliding rocking chair, but a counter rotating mechanism inside the chair uses that same action to move another panel up and down against the plane of the cushioned seat. There are a number of ways to attach dildos to it (and an addition to allow reversing DP at the same time), and ways to adjust the stroke depth. The Vac-U-Lock system from Doc Johnson is what we're going with. I have the plans now and am about to start putting it together for her. It sounds like a lot of fun, and she says that she wants to put on a show for me the first time she uses it. Hey, what are friends for? I'm not sure, but I imagine that I'll be painting it hot pink. That should look great. Maybe red vinyl for the seat.
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