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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/19 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Hmmmm.... Population Toronto: 2.7 million Population Montreal: 1.7 million Population Halifax: 0.4 million And they have more providers there you say? Hard to believe. I think per capita we do pretty darn well here. 😉
  2. 3 points
    Popped in this afternoon and there were two beautiful ebony ladies, Seven and Natasha, that I had some dances with. Both are pretty, friendly, tall and slender with perky breast and big firm booty. Lovely indeed!
  3. 3 points
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  5. 2 points
    Going to see her this coming week will post
  6. 2 points
    I've certainly had my frustrating times in finding an escort that was reliable and / or wasn't a scam in the past.. I get the "being pissed off" part.. but venting here is counterproductive. Just like in the streetwalker scene, there are scam artists online too. You just have to recognize the signs and back away if it's too good to be true. (i.e. asking for e-transfers before meeting) This site has made things a whole lot easier though. Sometimes the lack of drama & the helpful hints / recommendations are worth the extra $$$.
  7. 2 points
    No our scene is small perhaps but it is anything but a waste of time of money. We have an excellent core of great ladies, and I think great clients too. We also get some wonderful touring ladies. I used to drive to work down windmill road. I have seen streetwalkers, never many and defiantly never any that would be interested in. If that's the OPs speed then I think he may not be ready for what our established ladies can provide. A quick look through our recommendations section will tell you Halifax has lots too offer. To counter his point nothing pisses me off more than seeing the same "clients" ask for info while providing none themselves. Personally I would like to see the recco section blocked from people who haven't contributed too it.
  8. 2 points
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  18. 2 points
    Mmm, I Disagree. Halifax, does have some Legit, Reputable Ladies. I'm not sure how you can Miss Them. "LuvThemAll", all City's have their share of "Scammers,Theifs,Bait & Switch".. so I'm sure your City isn't much different. Your a Lyla Memeber, ask questions, if no answer, ask again,Learn how to do "Homework".. Everyone has to do their own Homework. "Street Walker"... Puff .. I guess if that's what you Prefer. I guess, you'll be able to buy a coffee to drink, while you "Prowl The Streets" for a "Street Walker"... With all that being said... You shouldn't give up so easy.. Wishing You Luck... Katie xoxo's 👄
  19. 2 points
    Wow. Second post, and you declare that marginalized street workers are a better option? You do realize that your chances of being robbed or arrested are almost at 100%? Public solicitation is still 100% illegal. So if your thing is a $20 blow job in a car, down a back alley, go for it. If however you prefer quality time in a quality atmosphere, look at the many recommendations of providers in Halifax. I suspect we will be seeing your name AND picture in the next local sting. Good luck!
  20. 2 points
    But not too early on, because they don't want it to look like a priority. And not too close to an election, because you wouldn't want to make it an election issue. I'm not convinced it's something they want to spend political capital on...
  21. 1 point
    Hello Everyone! This is my first thread! So exciting :) I am looking for recommendations for a good area of town to find a place to live. Looking for reasonably priced apartments. I'm not from around here, and apparently there are some really 'bad' areas in this city! I recently had someone refuse to come see me as the apartment I'm currently staying in is considered to be a 'bad' area. Who knew?? I certainly didn't. I just moved here from out West and I guess we don't have areas like that out there. Surrey can be bad, but it really isn't one area, and if you're not in a gang, you're generally ok. Grateful for any input! :) ❤️
  22. 1 point
    I read a person who peruses a popular advertising venue (LL - Leolist) has been experiencing a re-direct when he's on that site. Is this true? I tried to re-create it and I failed. I want to know as that means people are being taken away from the place I pay to advertise. Does that make any sense?
  23. 1 point
    No. A companion should not be required to change her age yearly. Specifically because some do notice. It is something that could be used to stalk or steal identity. I mean when is she going to change it without giving away information she may want to keep private. Keep in mind that the places where she advertises have more information than you have. That is where the identity theft 💯 could come in. It's the birthdate that makes that theft possible. It's the last piece needed to steal an identity. As for ppl who watch, knowing, they can also be suspect. 🕵️‍♂️ If a SW changes her age yearly, then she may pick a date that is not her real birthday, but if she forgets it the next year, these 'watchers' will find a way to sully her name for lying or something else because she didn't change it in time. Just like companies can keep a slogan or product picture around for years (maybe the colour is no longer available) but it still works, well, that's how they make money. Because of the nature of this business, real ages or one chosen, are not as important as some ppl claim. This business is about looks, presentation and involves interpersonal skills as well as physical skills. So if the age of the SW is so important (instead of a range of age, meaning difference between 20yo and 30yo and 40yo) then maybe you should try asking for ID. Good luck with that. But finding more ways to strike specific SW off your list is at best a good way to keep your options limited and at worse, a good way to not get laid Officially her exact age is no ones business. And just like in real life, women lie about their age. It's been going on for years. It's their prerogative 😉
  24. 1 point
    Happy New Year to one and all... it will be interesting to see whether or not Justin Trudeau’s Justice Minister follows through on her planned review of C-36... No doubt, they are likely hoping to sweep it under the rug, and us along with it. Nevertheless, the government should be held to account. Hopefully, the London court case / challenge scheduled to go ahead next month will spur some renewed discussion on this topic.
  25. 1 point
    Just curious how you managed to find images? Google search didnt reveal anything for me. I've read several posts on Lyla lately where hobbyists flag fake or stole photos (thank you!) but my Google search efforts on said photos came up clean. Is there another method of searching photos?
  26. 1 point
    Yes I think you are right , it does . I once learned a. somewhat hard lesson in this category. The gentleman who was visiting asked me if I ever partied? So I guess I said something like sometimes, or depends on the situation. 😀 Well silly me after I greeted him and we were sitting on the couch he brings out the big bag of white stuff. While it’s not my position to judge , but it’s is my home and I get to decide what goes on here. So unfortunately he had to leave and that was my first lesson in life about the party thing. Ha ha ha silly me , but now I know. You are never too old to learn 😊
  27. 1 point
    Hum , I haven’t seen many ladies in Halifax that look like that . Perhaps I don’t get out enough. 😊 Party girls sometimes don’t work either unless of course that is your thing. Best of luck.
  28. 1 point
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  43. 1 point
    What you see is not what you get...
  44. 1 point
    There was a time when a lady's name belonged to her for many years or until her career ended. No copyrights , no fights or squabbles . I and many ladies have had the same name for years . We have created out own brand so really, why change it unless someone compromised us in some way. If you run a business of integrity there is no reason to change your name . That of course unless you choose to go in another direction career wise.
  45. 1 point
    Allow us to transcend from the ordinary and mundane into the extraordinary! offering our highly sought after 30/30 massage combo. 90 min Eros Spa Pack, and include Meaghan for our Harem Spa Pack! Individually we are incrediable.....But together we are dynamite! Tantric touch massage with Sophia, and romantic escapes with Zoe Dior! Best of both worlds! see our website for all that we offer. https://ladysophiaclassic.com 506 261 7313
  46. 1 point
    She's really great book her if you get the chance!
  47. 1 point
    Mm mm, lots on here! Everyone, is always entilled to "Their Own Opinion", of course. Weather its "Sp's", Young..Mid..or Older.. in "Age". The "Sp's", Body Type Chemistry Her Breast Size Sp's Personality..... Her "Pictures".... Ect..... Truth/Lies/or Stretching the Turth... Every Hobbyist has their own Opinions,Desires.... "Does That MakeThem,Wrong or Right"............ "Sp's",also have all the Listed Above, Similar, .... "Does that Make Them Wrong or Right"....... Although, the Sp is the one, accepting the "Donation"... The "Hobbyest", giving the "Donation".... ...... "Receiving or Giving"..... ...... I must say, there might be times, that there would never be enough Donation given, to accept a certain Client. Never enough Donation to Practice Something that I Don't Like, Personalities,Chemistry,Cleanliness,Age (Yes Age-Maybe, she'll feel like she's rocking the cradle-Too close to Her Own Kids Age).Maybe, she'll feel that he's too close to her Grandfather, her Daddy... Does that make the "Sp" ... Right or Wrong or Is she a Prevert Remember, the Road goes Both Ways.... Either or... sometimes the only way to find meeting them. "Don't Like, Don't Repeat"!!.... Weather your A Hobbyest or Sp...!! Gents, come on, weather you realize or not... Your coming close to "Naming"... That's not Very Nice or Right. Anyways, does Commenting make me .. Wrong or Right... Mm mm... Just Try and not get too Carried Away Here.... Ya Ya... I know, I can Ramble ... ... Try To Be Nice.....;)
  48. 1 point
    I don't feel pressured, I was simply sharing my personal experience. And having photoshoots is in fact "forced" in this industry if one wants to advertise regularly. I've never seen a provider website that didn't have photos. Even agency girls are vilified if stock photos are used. Did you ask her if the photos are accurate or is it stated on her website that all the photos are current? If she has told you they are current or states they are then that is in fact misrepresentation. If she hasn't, then is it truly misrepresentation? We see it all the time online; hotel rooms that are frayed around the edges, food delivered to the table that doesn't match the IG pic, flowers delivered that don't have the same freshness. A photo is a two dimensional image of something captured in a single moment in time with the most flattering presentation possible and never an exact depiction. As for the age, again it's in the perception. Have you asked her how old she is and she lied to you? I can add or deduct 15 years off my age in presentation if I choose to by simply adjusting my dress and mannerisms. The only clients that really pay attention to the aging of providers are those on the boards who follow the industry closely which is a minority of the potential client base. If a provider finds it more financially feasible to post that she is 25 and has good client retention then it is in fact a smart business move. And this is a business, the bottom line dictates the decisions. The day will come when she needs to adjust after a couple of clients walk away and she will do so once it becomes necessary. I posted here because I have thought extensively about the issue of photos. I have a blog post explaining my position on it and the challenges it presents. I'm not trying to be argumentative, simply explaining my personal position on the subject. smiles, cat
  49. 1 point
    You are not wrong! When I first started, the owner of the agency convinced me that claiming to be younger would be good. I did that for a while but it always felt wrong somehow. I do have the great good luck of not looking my age, but again, what a sad day to have if someone disagrees with that! So now I am upfront and what I have found is a great clientele and no time wasters! :) I do not regret being upfront with my age and it's always an ego boost when I'm told I look younger. Win win! :) ❤️
  50. 1 point
    I disagree with the statement "Most", some will but it is simply not true here in Halifax that "Most" will ask. Personally a provider would have to be VERY well known on Lyla for me to do a deposit first unless I'd met them. I have no problem with deposits, emt's and stuff for people I know but sending money to a provider I haven't met is a tall order. I've been scammed before in various ways and someone asking for money upfront has a high likelihood of being a scam with no recourse for me to get my money back.
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