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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/19 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I spent some time in the company of Kassandra this week. She is from the Yourfrenchlady collective, and it is hard to go wrong with these ladies. Be ready, though, Kassandra will take you by storm the moment you walk in the door. She is fun, opinionated, teasing, has a big laugh, and is quite a beauty. If you are prepared to let this young lady just be herself--not try to remake her into something you imagine, you can go ahead, be a kid again, let loose, tease her back, and have a fun time. If you would rather have a quiet and relaxed experience, perhaps she may not be right for you. But I sure had fun. I ended up on an unplanned dinner date, a first for me with an escort, and she had the folks at this particular establishment quite enamored of her. Plus, I enjoyed her company as much there as I did in the boudoir. Oh yes, she is fluent in both French and English, as well.
  2. 4 points
    I generally only trust recommendations from people who are active in the forum not only posting but likes etc and who have history here. Just my Opinion
  3. 3 points
    Small corrrection. The sharimg between ladies and agencies etc...that paid advertisor part only applies to Ontario and larger cities. NB, NS and PEI are excluded. Due to the fact we have much lighter traffic. So When I went to work in Ottawa at a spa, MODS put my name in red to show I was working at a comerical spa. But when I returned home it went back to normal.
  4. 3 points
    I think we have all noticed several ladies running multiple add with multiple names. And I think that like it’s been mentioned some ladies have been making fake account on here and writing glowing reviews for their own self interest. This hurts both the hobbyist and the lovely ladies who run things on the up and up.
  5. 2 points
    Yayyyyy There are two SP's working in tandem visiting Bathurst. And considering the long dry spell, I would consider this a downpour!! I hope this is the start of a new trend. Anyone enjoy these fine looking ladies? https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/nb_other_in_bathurst_now_incall_avail_up_late_nite-4648359 https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/nb_other_n_bathurst_now_dynamic_duos-4621641
  6. 2 points
    I've noticed an explosion of new accounts promoting questionable providers too. Getting difficult to keep track of these new accounts. However, if you see a possible fake reco, report to @cerbmod for clarification. A note to those that are creating fake accounts to shill for themselves or their favorite. It will be discovered and it does more harm to your business. So just don't do it.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    I seen a post today in discussion that seems a bit off to me. Also, I have noticed a few recos that the account never posted anywhere and yet find the reco section. Granted, there are some men who are fans of certain ladies and therfore use the platform only for that reason. Or even a provider can direct them into becoming a memeber. Posting involvment is good for everyone. Providers and hobbyiest will benifit from more communication. Elite ranks used to be able to see multiplie device/account detection. But now we can not. Which IS a shame! Because its often us who can notice and reconize the posting patterens and can then allow MODS to have a heads up. I personally asked MODS to consider making this possiable again. I can see a few I suspect to be either banned memebers sneaked back in and possiable fake hobbiest accounts too.
  10. 2 points
    Had the worst (well one of the worst exams ) a guy gets as part of his physical yesterday, a prostate exam, consisting of a DRE 😭 (digital rectal exam) followed by PSA (prostate specific antigen test...just taking blood). Anyhow why a highlight, results back today, results all good. Things like this never concerned me before but considering Dad died of cancer and health wise I had a mini Stroke (Dad had a Stroke years ago) it was in the back of my mind I might have cancer too. Strange how things can play on your mind, all jokes about prostrate exams aside, I thought I might get prostate cancer. It is a relief, didn't know how much. Now a couple more curves in my life to get through then "touch wood" smooth sailing But on the lighter side..... RG
  11. 1 point
    Just a a random question. And I know I will never get the true answer. How many service providers do you believe have fake accounts on this site and have written their own glowing reviews or comment on public threads to boost their own interests? Have you ever caught anyone doing this?
  12. 1 point
    She host (West sj) after 5min of talking she take the $$$ she leaves to "use" washroom and a big comes in claiming to be her brother so you have no option but leaving. STAY AWAY https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/saint_john_come_enjoy_some_amazing_company-4326216
  13. 1 point
    Toronto human trafficking arrests shine spotlight on popular classifieds site. Sex worker advocates fear another crackdown By PETER EDWARDSStaff Reporter Wed., Feb. 6, 2019 Story here (L**L**t.com mentions) After a series of human trafficking arrests involving the same online classifieds site, a Toronto sex worker says she worries a crackdown on internet sex ads could make her more vulnerable. Toronto police have charged eight GTA residents with dozens of charges in four separate cases this year involving the website L**L**t.com. In one, police say a 17-year-old schoolgirl was taken to a series of GTA motels by a man with a gun and forced to sell her body to strangers. The latest bust was announced last week, after police say a man physically assaulted a 28-year-old woman several times, including one attack that left her with broken ribs. In all four cases, alleged pimps forced women to place sex ads on L**L**t.com and took all of their earnings. In one, an alleged pimp even threatened a sex worker’s pet, police said. None of that violence surprises Dave Perry, a Toronto private investigator who was the detective in charge of the Toronto police’s old Juvenile Task Force for eight years in the 1980s and 1990s “I can tell you stories that will fill your head,” Perry said. But the Toronto sex worker, whom the Star is not naming because she fears for her safety, said she worries a sweeping crackdown against human trafficking on the internet could push independent adult sex workers underground. The 30-year-old sex worker, whose real name is known by the Star, is a member of B*****f*y, an Asian and migrant sex workers support network. She said she has been a sex worker in Toronto for two years. She said sex workers use the internet to vet their potential clients and even ask for references. “They can screen,” she said. “They can increase their safety.” Toronto police declined to comment on L**L**t.com. The Star attempted to contact the website by email and at a toll-free phone number listed on the site’s contacts page, but received no response. L**L**t.com’s terms of use ask users to immediately report suspected human trafficking to police and say the site will cooperate with law enforcement “to the fullest extent possible.” There’s a major difference between sex trafficking, in which girls and women are coerced into prostitution, and the sex trade where adult women make independent decisions, said Karen Campbell of the Toronto-based Canadian Women’s Foundation. The 2018 shutdown of the site B**kp**e.com, once a popular host for sex workers’ ads, was distressing for many, Campbell said in an interview. “It pushed a lot of people back onto the streets,” she said. Cracking down on online sex ads also won’t help undocumented women who are reluctant to go to police, she said. “If they were to go to police, they would end up detained and deported,” she said Perry said the average Toronto sex worker when he was on the job entered the sex trade at age 14. There seemed no end to men wanting to prey upon them, Perry said. “We had a mandate to rescue these kids, get them help and go after the pimps,” Perry said. “Every time we arrested a pimp, there were two or three to take his place.” Perry said fewer sex workers could be seen on the streets after pagers became popular a few decades ago, a change he said made it tough for police to monitor their safety. “A lot of the girls that used to work the streets were suddenly carrying pagers,” Perry said. “At least when they were on the street we knew them.” When sex work was more visible on downtown streets, it was easier for social workers to try to help women and for police to keep an eye on their customers, Perry said. “They may be in a more vulnerable position now because they have no interaction with police,” Perry said. “Prostitutes don’t generally walk into a police station and report intimidation.” Some Toronto sex workers were local residents while others came from abroad, smuggled into the city on the hopes of getting a job, Perry said. There was some organized crime involvement, often connected with bikers and strip clubs, he said. Perry said he fears pimps now use websites to fly under the police radar and exploit women. Some websites are out of the country, presenting jurisdictional challenges for police. “We’re almost giving a license for pimps to be anonymous and control women,” Perry said. L**L**t.com, which bills itself as “Canada’s classified site,” automatically redirects to the address l**l**t.cc — using the internet country code of the Cocos Islands, a tiny Australian territory. The contact page refers to Unicorn House Ltd., a company based in Budapest, Hungary. To post an ad, users are charged a cost ranging from free to more than €2.50 ($3.75 Canadian) — the site bills in euros — depending on region and category. As of Wednesday, a personals ad for a female escort in the GTA costs the poster €2.65. That same ad in Hamilton costs €1.79; an ad for a male escort in Ottawa is free. The personals section contains dozens of recently posted ads for male and female escorts across the GTA. Many of the site’s other classifieds categories — including for vehicles, housing and jobs — appear little used. The site’s landing page boasts it has more than 150,000 registered users and millions of total ads. L**L**t.com appears to have become more popular since B**kp**e.com was shut down by the FBI last year; before B**kp**e.com, classifieds site C***gsl**t was one of the most popular sites for advertising sexual services. A study of sex ads on C***gsl**t released this year by researchers at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, supports the Toronto sex worker’s comments that the internet can make the sex trade safer. The study suggests that the old C***gsl**t “erotic services” ads made sex work safer by helping sex workers screen out the most dangerous clients. The internet allowed women to do background checks of clients, even seeking references, the Baylor team found. It also “may have caused outdoor street-based prostitution to transition to the safer, indoor channel,” researchers found. Scott Cunningham, one of the study’s authors, said in an interview he suspects L**L**t.com is absorbing a market once filled by B**kp**e.com. “The market is probably adjusting in Canada,” he said. Cunningham said he wasn’t surprised the Toronto woman said internet ads make her feel safer and freer of pimps. “Sex workers have been saying this for years,” he said.
  14. 1 point
    I had the pleasure of meeting Rose this weekend. Her curvy body is hard solid and her skin very smooth. SHe is very attentive to your needs. She is realy enjoying what she does. She is a ssexual person. Book with confidence if your are not looking for a 20 yo skinny girl!!! Maturity and experience is worth a lot guys!!!
  15. 1 point
    Sounds like Bathurst only gets occasional travelling providers. If that's the case I wouldn't wait around, provided they don't seem like fakes, get out there, have a good time and demonstrate there's a market for them to come back again and again.
  16. 1 point
    Thanks Meaghan. 🙂 We do have a massage section here on lyla. My ads are most often posted there. Unless in the case of my Exclusive VIP or escorting duo ads, then I am found in Escort section.
  17. 1 point
    So, I find it interesting your choice of wording. If you are not completely satisfied with your previous encounter, go to the one who knows how to provide a genuine Tantric massage. Her body slides are amazing, as a former dancer, she knows how to move her body over yours. Her skills, knowledge and talents to understand the muscles of the body give you an opportunity to have an amazing massage with the sensual release you need. As the only spa in Moncton with an oversized Soaker tub, professional products, and a wide variety of packages for you to choose from, she is the one to see. Lady Sophia of Studio 110. https://www.lyla.ch/profile/161583-studio-110-by-sophia/ www.ladysophiaclassic.com You won't be disappointed.
  18. 1 point
    The sex industry won't legalize or be decriminalized on its own or with very little noise. I've stated this before. Only when we all start to fight for change like the cannabis industry did will they even consider changing our current legislation. The real problem isn't that we want change it's that we, as a whole, don't want to take any steps to get there but I understand the taboo associated and for most clients it needs to be kept secretive. We are good at discussing the idea of change, though.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    True that! I'm assuming this is a fake account and more then likely the provider herself as her leolist posts show this recommendation in her pictures right after it was written. But yet I've never seen her on here to have any involvement in the community.
  23. 1 point
    One post is hardly a reco.
  24. 1 point
    Yes, I can see and understand that point of view. Although, there are Members, (Moderated Accounts) that's been on here for a good length of time. Some are just Shy, wanting to join in.... just hasn't taken the 1st Step, Not knowing what or how to say something. They're Here often, just kinda Lurking and Reading...and Some just aren't Internt Chatty (one way of putting it). I can understand that, I've been there Myself. I just don't know........Playing Detective, isn't very fun, it's Time Consuming, and gets Tiring.....and the Need Seems to be Increasing. Why Make Things More Complicated... Idk... But "Some Enjoy it.. Apparently. 😜
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    I STRONGLY agree !
  28. 1 point
    Trinity, Gia, Jasmine, Kylie, Tasha, Ariel, Erica, Velinda, Olivia.
  29. 1 point
    I tend to not post here a lot, except when I want to recommend a girl who has been wonderful to me. Some of us are just not terribly internet-chatty 🙂 It's tough to know a fake from a quiet participant.
  30. 1 point
    Addictivebarbie 5ft and weighs maybe a buck. Plus A++ service and personality
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
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  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Spring is coming, Barb's is going. Friday, March 22, 2019, a day that shall live in infamy. (unless, of course, there is a closing party finale!)
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    MsManda is 5' 6" ask her not to wear heels Lexy Grace is 5' 2" Savannahsol is 5' 5" Miss Justice is 5' 2" Geeky Girl who 5' 1" Good luck
  39. 1 point
    Having a rough time on the phone navigating this site, but at Barbs now and it is extremely quiet. Will try and read recent posts later but I guess the end date for this place is 22 March 2019. We have to have a send off party!
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    I second that! I’ve seen some good talent in my time but it comes with chemistry and listening to the woman. Expecting just the waterfalls to magically appear like a circus act are in for a rude awakening. It doesn’t work that way. Those who have taken the time to learn how to do it could teach courses on the subject. Hehe. I would always cringe when I would see a thread appear looking for that sort of thing and names popping up including mine. It was as though a person could just call that person and instant waterworks .It happens with some people and sometimes it doesn’t. This is a case of YMMV..at least for me.
  43. 1 point
    Your senses were not mistaken and didn't deceive you either... but actually you saw an extremely beautiful and captivating lady! I will fascinate you from the first moment we meet. You will learn that I am a woman who not only has stunning looks, but also has every possible desirable quality you could wish for. With intense seductive charms of a true woman, being both wild and passionate but also able to be softly seductive and delightfully romantic. You will become addicted to my velvety skin, long red hair and sparkling eyes. I love varied and sentimental moments of intimacy. You can be assured our time spent together will be unforgettable and unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Allow me to help you relax and put a smile on your face and I look forward to sharing and unrushed escape with you I will be visiting: St. John's, February 9th - 11th. Kindly take a moment and view my immerse yourself in my website, prior to contacting me via email: [email protected] Take a moment and introduce yourself, for compatibility is as paramount. Your privacy is important to me and discretion on both parts is held in priority. All information shared will be kept private. I prefer to establish a connection via email prior to any encounter, and I enjoy getting to know who I will be visiting with. Therefore short notice or last minute requests will be declined. I look forward to hearing from you, Emily Follow me on instagram @msemilyrushton and twitter @msemilyrushton for more about me, pictures and all sorts of other adventures.
  44. 1 point
    Yup happen to me at her house what a scammer but at her house which is a dive!!beware peeps get the word out on this girl we work hard for our money luckily I didn’t get the chance to pay yet and I left lol just because the state of the living conditions and her always looking out the window I knew something was up.
  45. 1 point
    First don't panic over the background check...I worked for the federal government for 29 years, in an LE department, it was routinely done on all staff Two how in depth is the screening...does your sister work in a government department that has high security standards (example CSIS or CSE) or something less security intensive (Post Office...just assuming they are) Three, are they including a criminal records check (require her to be fingerprinted) and credit check? Both BTW require the person being screened to consent. And for all the updated checks done on me in 29 years, only three times fingerprinted, when I got hired and two more times over 29 years employment. Never required a credit check done on me??? Four, the focus of the screening is on your sister and any security/criminal concerns she has, not on you. And for you this lifestyle isn't illegal. They aren't looking to find out about you. With that said you need to get rid of your real name for this lifestyle, and get an anonymous phone and email account. The only true red flag is non payment of taxes, get an accountant and get them paid My 2 Cents RG
  46. 1 point
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  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    This is a tough one to form an opinion on. On one hand I'm with Green, in that I don't like the idea of setting the precedent of paying more for more, especially when it isn't discussed. Once you start offering more you're locked in. You've set the expectation with her that she can get more from you. On the other hand. You're getting more than you've bargained for. There's always that question of 'where will this go if I show my appreciation'. Personally, I've avoided doing that. I've only had one regular that really falls under that description and I've refrained from offering more than what was agreed upon. As Green says, once she's comfortable with you she'd rather see you, who she knows is safe, than a stranger. I like to think the 'more' you're describing is her way of thanking you for your patronage.
  50. 1 point
    This kitten isnt afraid of cucumbers! Is what i was going to replace it with, but it wont seem to let me even edit those quoted comments... but of course this one i can edit just fine. I worked very hard on this! Enjoy it!!! 😉
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