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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    A copy and paste from my other comments on other threads on this topic. LL was making a change before this girl went on a rampage. They were, from my understanding - looking at review site as well. Based on a new twitter handle I followed a couple of days before this happened. So I think the ”ownership” change was already happening. Bottom line folks, our industry is not ever going to be as simple as mainstream. As much as I don't want to get into crypto, almost every single site that we need, will take it. So maybe it is time to just hop on board. What is more important, food on your table or the convenience of a CC. As for prices, its a lot. When that is what you solely rely on. I bet women pay more on there then they do on the forums for a month. Diversity is the name of the game here. I have never and will never put all my eggs in one basket. Not for anything, personal, business etc. That is especially true for this industry. It sucks when things don't go the way we like or the way we think it should go. Yet we have seen that stirring the pot too much leaves us worse off. Bedford case, CL shut down then BP, now this. The storm will pass but how many people will learn this time. Learn how to adapt or learn how to change up your game by diversifying? Bottom line - men will always buy sex and women will always sell it. It is just a matter of how easy or hard you make that within the limits of the ever-evolving industry. I will say if the powers at LL are no longer using an EU based company for processing, then change the currency back to CDN. That is a pure cash grab if they don't. Which again, I recognize is their right and I will continue to pay so long as I want to have my ad on that platform and feel, I get an ROI. Right now a bump once a month is good for me. However, when I tour East/West, I'll use it and pay. If a $10 as is making $250 - I ain't bitching about price. Escort advertising is so cheap compared to the mainstream for real businesses. Hell, my print cost on flyers for just events at my job cost more than a year of advertising on the forums and that is just to advertise to customers I already have. Ladies have to watch, they think guys only look for sex when they want it. That is not true. They research beforehand. You don't need to have your ad up on the front page all the time, you don't need to only use LL on the day you are working. I say take this time to learn about other advertising venues or how to support those who have stay tried and true longer than CL, BP and LL combined. Sorry, that turned into more than I thought. As a businesswoman, I get frustrated at how upset these women get. Only because I know if they just tweaked a couple of things in their game, they wouldn't have to worry as much as they do. I wish there was a magic handbook I could give out. I wish women would put 10% of every booking away for days like today. It would help pay that hotel when you found out after you checked in that you can’t place an ad LL. I wish ladies would use more then one site. It would make sure you had another place to advertise when now stuck in a pre-paid hotel and no LL. To be clear, I'm not mad at women. Just frustrated they have to go through this when I know a change here or there could have made this issue such a non issue for them as it is for me. I wish one person didn't decide for the rest what was good and what was not. First with Bedford and now this trans woman from Vancouver.
  2. 3 points
    As I'm sure many people are aware, the folks who own and run LL also own and run this board... so hopefully they'll see this and comment officially. Paypal has never been friendly to sex-workers; if you're using it to accpet payment for bookings you always run the risk that they may discover what the money's for and simply shut your account down without notice. Good luck retrieving your money if that happens! That doesn't make it entirely useless, of course, but it's risky and leaving money in your Paypal account for any length of time is probably not a great idea. The financial side of advertising has always been a weak link it the chain. It's how they shut down advertising on Craigslist back in the day - the US government didn't go after CL itself... they just threatened to prosecute Visa and Mastercard for I-can't-remember-what. Those companies told CL that they'd withdraw their services and Craig Newmark, who was staring the destruction of his business in the face, backed down and stopped advertising for sex workers anywhere in the world. I think he kept the money for the ads that had already been paid for and never ran, though.
  3. 3 points
    So this fear is all over LL switching to bitcoin? Although I am not completely familular with bitcoin myself, something tells me this may not be a completely horrible move. Especially for this industry. Yes the switch will be a bitch and there may be a few things to learn, but in the end this could actually be a much safer exchange for us all. Possibly. No more credit card statements concerned with being found, and i am pretty sure they have machines you can pull the money from. Although the exchange part of things would confuse things quite a bit. I am also a fan of sticking it to the major banks when possible. I havent used it myself yet but seems I may have to research it a bit more now just in case. I always have and always will prefer the old school method of things 😉 My heart does go out to those effected by such a sudden decision. Perhaps i should be cautious having an opinion while not having the experiance conducting business this way, but figured i would share my thoughts...
  4. 3 points
    Obviously this idiot is tied to a website it wants to promote, to take over from LL...don't let it happen. Yes LL is pricey but now I'll continue to use it just out of spite, as all should. Problems with her CC using it.... Weak excuse and not to be believed.
  5. 2 points
    In light of whats happening to the biggest advertising site... Yet again! I want to urge people to remember to use alternative methods of advertising. Ladies, dont put all your eggs in one basket, and guys, utilize other sites too! I am found on aprox 5 other advertising sites, YET I NEVER HEAR WHERE YOU SEE MY AD:( Its important when we ask " where did you see my ad" to actually TELL US! So that we know whats working or not. VIP Favours, Nightaway Escorts In Canada Massage Republic Twitter Help us help you:)
  6. 2 points
    While there are no guarantee's in life I think you'll find you are very very likely 100% clean. There's a few STI's out there to worry about (HIV for example) but realistically the chances of getting them from the scenario you described is very low. If you google STI's they present a very alarmist view of transmission when in reality the transmission rates are rarely published and very low (with condoms and for a single sexual encounter). Just pick an STI and try to find the statistics on it. I linked to the best site I found and even when it says the transmission rate it say 20% that means WITHOUT a condom and with a partner over repeated sexual encounters covering a 6month to 1 year or longer period. Scroll down for a non-condom per encounter basis but if you make some assumptions about effectiveness of condoms and number of times you had sex you can see the percentages would drop way, way below 1% AND that assumes the escort even had an STI in the first place. The one's I know get tested routinely and routinely come up negative month after month after month. If you're worried go get tested, if you don't you'll worry a little forever and ever. If you do get tested you might worry waiting for the results but then it's done and you'll know. Also I think getting tested for HSV/Herpes would be good but it is hard to do and is ironically the most likely STI you'll get and it can't be cured at the moment. https://srconstantin.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/std-statistics/
  7. 2 points
    Most ladies or at least some know each other or have duo ed together . Its always advantageous to recommend a lady who you think will be a good fit . Our regulars visiting may not know which direction to take . We ( the lady ) already know what you desire and with that knowledge can send you off for an awesome experiences if we are established friends . Even if we aren't established with a certain lady we may have a good idea about how she does things . Not always but we can usually give you a few lovies to call. At least out recommendations won't get you robbed or worse. When this community is correctly run its win , win for hobbyist and lady . Lets all work together to be happy and safe.
  8. 2 points
    Don't be shy , ask polity and not the first question either. Read about the lady and say things you found interesting . If you are sincere compliment her perhaps . Not something stupid or generic. Dig on her site and you will find something to flatter her honestly. This happens to all ladies from guys who are idiots . I had a call and he was certainly sure he saw me before so not screening wasn't necessary . So please help me Mr. Man . Perhaps something about my home . Yes he said you live on Vimmy Avenue .Strike one. Umm, i own a particular very expensive cat.he did not remember that either . Well my beauties are always around and if you have not notice them you need a seeing eye dog. Oh!!!! I also have red hair. Genius. perhaps he isn't blind but of course grasping as all lairs and deceivers do. Needless to say there was no date and he will be blocked . Insincerity sucks .
  9. 2 points
    Virtual currancy is definately a bit tricky that way but things change. Especially in todays tech direction. The unforunate part here is consentual and non-consentual services failing to be seperated and allowing beautiful free creatures like ourselves to be targetted. The ability to adapt is how one survives. Just my opinion...
  10. 2 points
    If we follow the patteren of what happened to BP, eventually it will just fall even with bitcoin. Someone is going to come along and make something again, to fill the void of convient ways to pay. Bitcoins require lot more leg work, higher exchange rates and well its a bitch for most to figure out as well. Someone pointes out today, $20 BTC was $8 bucks .. Ouch.
  11. 2 points
    Not sure if you caught this on twitter the other day, but a handfull of us wanted to boycott LL for a day, province by province to send a message that we can not continue being gouged like this. Well....guess this is one hell of a boycott😒
  12. 1 point
    I had the pleasure 2 meet another beautiful lady "Yasmine French"...as you always know before booking an apt with the "French ladies" the pics are 100% & always a quick response by text 2 schedule a appt. Yasmine could be the perfect girl next door, she could be a model. Perfect size natural breasts, long legs, beautiful bum & kissable lips. I always book a longer encounter with these French ladies & time went way 2 fast. I will not divulge any details...Yasmine is easy going, likes 2 laugh...this is her 1st trip 2 the Maritimes & I hope it won't be her last....I look forward 2 booking with her again as soon as her ad is posted!!
  13. 1 point
    Wouldn't call it a fetish but I'm 6'4 so I appreciate the extra lift they give a lady. 😉 I also just love the look of them. What they do for the appearance of the legs. Not a fetish but a strong appreciation 🙂
  14. 1 point
    Are you looking for a hot, unique and inebriating encounter? I am generous and experienced woman, see new photos I will be your sensual courtesan of experience ... Booking preferable 24 hours in advance if possible only so that I am well prepared to satisfy you ... Making appointments by email or text When you contact me, please give me a brief description of you and your details and requests. [email protected] Text: 514-613-443 https://lealamarquise.wixsite.com/francais I receive you in a nice condo in the quartier des spectacles Es tu à la recherche d'une rencontre chaude, unique et ennivrante ? Je suis femme généreuse et expérimentée, voir nouvelles photos 🙂 Je serai votre sensuelle courtisane d'expérience... Réservation préférable 24 heures à l'avance si possible seulement afin que je sois bien préparée à te satisfaire... Prise de rendez-vous par courriel ou par texte Lorsque vous me contactez, svp donnez moi une brève description de vous ainsi que vos détails et demandes. [email protected] Texte: 514-613-443 Je te recois dans un joli condo dans le quartier des spectacles
  15. 1 point
    Where do I find Ms. Manda’s interviews/podcasts?? Would love to listen to them 🙂
  16. 1 point
    Sensual, sophisticated and sexy Let me prove this to you;) Returning Monday April 15th for a short visit. Taking pre bookings only Sasha-May.weebly.com Text 613*876*1415 Twitter@sashamayox Kisses 💋 Sasha May
  17. 1 point
    Perhaps I shouldn't be posting this in the PM thread, but those who were/are fans of Vegas (formerly of the 'Mate) may be interested to know that she's now dancing at Casino Cabaret. Not sure about her long-term plans/schedule, but she told me she'll be there tomorrow (4/11) until about 6.
  18. 1 point
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  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    That is an incredibly valid point as well and may i applaud ypu for doing it right and covering your ass. You should be able to exchange it to a place with record. Sadly, this may mean losing a chunk to conversion. I would definately have a good chat with your accountant! Tellin' the truth i feel had an excellent suggestion however. Getting a good tech guy/intrenet securirty officer to help set up you own page may not be a horrible plan! Even if the major cc's refuse to work with that kind of content, there are other companies who will. Payoneer may be worth looking into if its still a thing, or perhaps take a peek at what the cam sites use to payout? Why even go through a third party?
  23. 1 point
    No. Pics are out of Pintrest. 😉 (At least the first one) https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/353321533261052407/
  24. 1 point
    I agree 1000% of what you said here! My frustration seems to be more with that many of the men who enquire are NOT doing research. Perhaps its a local thing?? When I ask, such a simple question as " where did you find my ad" and I constantly get an answer of " the internet" it makes my nerves rattled. It is very imporatnat to me ( am I alone here?) to assess where my ads are being viewed. That way I can spread my advertising budge to where its going to be productive. Its also apart of my screening. Just today I had 2 enquires for someone else..umm no I am Sophia?😮 And flip side, if ladies didnt only depend on one site all the time, 1. One site could not have 99% or the monopoly and be given the power to gouge us. And 2. When change happens ( fact of life) then ypur not scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  25. 1 point
    I wrote this on another forum LL was making a change before this girl went on a rampage. They were, from my understanding - looking at review site as well. Based on a new twitter handle I followed a couple of days before this happened. So I think the ”ownership” change was already happening. Bottom line folks, our industry is not ever going to be as simple as mainstream. As much as I don't want to get into crypto, almost every single site that we need, will take it. So maybe it is time to just hop on board. What is more important, food on your table or the convenience of a CC. As for prices, its a lot. When that is what you solely rely on. I bet women pay more on there then they do on Terb for a month. Diversity is the name of the game here. I have never and will never put all my eggs in one basket. Not for anything, personal, business etc. That is especially true for this industry. It sucks when things don't go the way we like or the way we think it should go. Yet we have seen that stirring the pot too much leaves us worse off. Bedford case, CL shut down then BP, now this. The storm will pass but how many people will learn this time. Learn how to adapt or learn how to change up your game by diversifying? Bottom line - men will always buy sex and women will always sell it. It is just a matter of how easy or hard you make that within the limits of the ever-evolving industry. I will say if the powers at LL are no longer using an EU based company for processing, then change the currency back to CDN. That is a pure cash grab if they don't. Which again, I recognize is their right and I will continue to pay so long as I want to have my ad on that platform and feel, I get an ROI. Right now a bump once a month is good for me. However, when I tour East/West, I'll use it and pay. If a $10 as is making $250 - I ain't bitching about price. Escort advertising is so cheap compared to the mainstream for real businesses. Hell, my print cost on flyers for just events at my job cost more than a year of advertising on TERB and that us just to advertise to customers I already have. Ladies have to watch, they think guys only look for sex when they want it. That is not true. They research beforehand. You don't need to have your ad up on the front page all the time, you don't need to only use LL on the day you are working. I say take this time to learn about other advertising venues or how to support those who have stay tried and true longer than CL, BP and LL combined. Which is Terb. Sorry, that turned into more than I thought. As a businesswoman, I get frustrated at how upset these women get. Only because I know if they just tweaked a couple of things in their game, they wouldn't have to worry as much as they do. I wish there was a magic handbook I could give out. I wish women would put 10% of every booking away for days like today. It would help pay that hotel when you found out after you checked in that you can’t place an ad LL. I wish ladies would use more then one site. It would make sure you had another place to advertise when now stuck in a pre-paid hotel and no LL. To be clear, I'm not mad at women. Just frustrated they have to go through this when I know a change here or there could have made this issue such a non issue for them as it is for me. I wish one person didn't decide for the rest what was good and what was not. First with Bedford and now this trans woman from Vancouver.
  26. 1 point
    Mine can get pissy all she wants. A receipt is a receipt and I'm claimin’ that shit. Lol.
  27. 1 point
    LL has a section that shows a record of your purchases and in Euro. It can be used as a receipt. Regardless of whether you paid by bitcoin. Under the ”gift card” section as if you are going to buy more. At the bottom. Click the order. You will have to screen cap it.
  28. 1 point
    What makes shared sensual moments into something memorable?... what is it that brings out our best?... and how about that fun naughty streak that can pop out of nowhere? Gentleness and passion, are, in my mind, at the core of it all. Offering these things in spades! I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you: Hosting today and tomorrow & again next week, Monday through Tuesday. I encourage you to visit my website: https://liv-waters.weebly.com/ With Anticipation, Liv
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
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  33. 1 point
    Unfortunately, I beleive Your "Missing Some of The Others Points".. And Actually, Worrying About Weather the Company Can or Will Survive Due to "Virtual Currency" ..... Truthfully I really Don't Care.... Weather it Can or Will Survive.. . 😉... Others Will Replace It. In My Opinion, I'm Quite Sure A lot Are Worrying Of How This Will/Is Affecting Ones Ability To Provide.. Keep Providing For Themselves and Family. "There Are Quite A Few Service Providers... This is "Their Bread & Butter... " So I Do Apologize If Im Sounding Hard... 😋.. ... There Are Many, Trying To Find Alternative Sites. Then, Still Worry.. Weather Their Needed Quota .. Will Be There... "Virtual Currency".. Would Be The Farthest Worry For Many... My Opinion 😏 xoxo's 💋
  34. 1 point
    as I read this...I wonder don't you SP's have contacts that know how to set up a site like this...perhaps if you guys were to organize yourselves...start you own site. a site for SP's owned by SP's. But I can almost assure you like Lady Sophia has said greed will rise up and take over what ever is next.
  35. 1 point
    Seriously? Every major credit card company has refused service to leoslist. They feel and understandably so, these sites are fundamentally used to traffic women. My question is...can a company survive in a global economy with revenue generated from virtual currency? Eventually, don't they have pay employees with real money?
  36. 1 point
    That's the same logic which causes people to believe that watching porn makes you a rapist. The science, on the other hand, shows clearly that watching porn makes people *less* likely to commit rapes or sexual assaults. And how well has that worked for any other sexual urges of which the moral guardians of the day disapproved? The problem with this debate is that it's all about the revulsion people feel when discussing it, which means that any useful evidence about what may lessen the harm caused to society tends to get discarded. And so it continues, and nothing ever changes.
  37. 1 point
    You missed my point. Major credit cards, have refused to profit from businesses like leoslist. I understand that I am in the minority and I offer my services of my own free will. My question is, the new owner of leoslist, is only excepting virtual currency. Can a company survive, accepting virtual imcome? But must pay employees, with real currency?
  38. 1 point
    That's GiGi. Was told she will be replaced by Jenny in late May.
  39. 1 point
    Unfortunately, ladies you are missing the point. We are the few, advertising on leoslist ( backpage, craigslist) of our own free will. It was inevitable, and actually right, that every major credit card, refused service. Done.... Leoslist is still there. Time to learn about bitcoin, litecoin... My question is.... Can a legitimate company exist on virtual currency? Sacha
  40. 1 point
    Have seen 5 French ladies and have not been disappointed yet!
  41. 1 point
    Read my orginal post. I gave other sites to find us on. I also explained that its important to 1. Advertisers utilize as many sites as they can. 2. When us ladies as where you seen our ads, please say which site you found us on.
  42. 1 point
    Well i am in for some reading when i get home later...
  43. 1 point
    Thats good of you zoneman. 😘
  44. 1 point
    No worries Sophia, already have, Sucks that this is happening but as you say it’s happened before it will happen again. Rest assured though that if LL gets shut down there will be somewhere else that everyone will gravitate to until that gets shut down and the cycle repeats..
  45. 1 point
    Is always going to happen. Cl, then BP and now LL. As long as greed worms his ugly head into our advertising sites it will be just a fact of life. A site suddenly gets to a milti million level, someone ( in this case another SW) decides to take it down. Why? Well. To hooefully creat something to fill that void and eventually cash in as well. Or its a anti SW trying to save the wrold ( last time was a sherif in US. ) Now this one, claims she wants to get rid of #digitalpimps ...hummm...wonder if her motives are so pure? Just other day on Twitter some of us were saying we should all pick a day and boycott LL province by province to send them the message that we can not be gouged any longer. We survived CL and BP shut downs, we will survive and evlove from this too. PLEASE GENTS....reach out to your ladies and reassure them you are able to stay in touch with them. Many will be very worried that they are loosing thier means to support themseleves.
  46. 1 point
    HELLO / BONJOUR Looking to know more? Come find me on twitter @AlexBsymone __________________________________________________________________ GRATUITIES MASSAGE & RELEASE HALF HOUR | 140 ONE HOUR | 180 A La Carte menu available by request --- THE GENTLEMEN'S CHOICE *AVAILABLE BY REQUEST * THE AVANT-GARDE AFFAIR *AVAILABLE BY REQUEST - NOTICE MAYBE REQUIRED* THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING YOURSELF BEFORE REQUESTING THE ABOVE INFORMATION. __________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE My current schedule will always be pinned to my profile on Twitter and is updated daily with all of the relevant information. Looking to host us again? Please email, thank you. THIS WEEKS AVAILABILITY Monday, April 8th 10am-4pm Where? East Ottawa about 15-20minutes from downtown. Would you like to book outside of the listed hours? I am happy to accommodate select Gentlemen that will secure our meeting with an EMT deposit and a minimum booking. Inquire via EMAIL. (RSVP VIA TEXT) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Thank you for introducing yourself before providing the following: -Date -Time -Duration You would like to reserve for our meeting. __ ALEX B. SYMONE 613-902-2467 INSTAGRAM & TWITTER - @AlexBsymone
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    I saw Tara's ad promising big bouncy boobs and steamy times in the shower. Those are, like, ten of my favourite things; so I booked a date with her for the next day, and then just gazed in awe of the photos of the woman I was going to meet. She's got a wonderful bubbly personality, a good sense of humour, and is just a lot of fun to be around. Our personalities connected really well. We could joke around and her down-to-earth nature helped me feel at ease. I was a little stunned at just how sexy she looks, but I was able to get enough blood flowing back to my brain to make something resembling conversation. I absolutely love getting intimate in the shower. The sensation of the water, the intimacy of the confined space, the warmth it provides when you've come in from the cold, and that wonderful slippery texture a woman's body takes on is just a pure delight. It's great to find a woman who enjoys this as much as I do. Tara loves to kiss and really understands the value of foreplay and affection. I never felt rushed. She was prepared to snog in the shower as long as I was, and that's a real treasure. Tara is definitely going to be a regular girl for me. If you fancy a taller girl with big gravity-defying breasts and a fun personality, she's ideal. This was a perfect date for me.
  49. 1 point
    I had the good fortune of meeting Tara today at her in-call east of the Market. Having recently gone independent and become a hybrid MA, I thought I should a new thread (also I had trouble finding an existing thread ). Upon arrival she greeted me with a beautiful smile, big hug, and tender kisses. After a couple minutes of this we moved on to the play room. She asked if I would like to take a shower for two, how could I refuse? It's a cozy shower but that just means there is no getting away from each other, not that I had any intention of doing that! After sudsing each other up and rinsing off we moved back to the bedroom. She has such a passionate, playful personality that I felt like I was in my twenties again with my girlfriend just playfully enjoying each others company with lots of caressing, kissing, and laughing. The other details will remain between us. Bottom line is Tara provides the ultimate GFE encounter. Everything seems to flow naturally as if you are old friends. Already looking forward to our next tryst.
  50. 1 point
    Hmmmm that's not nice if in fact that is the way it happened. Sounds like you had a good session if you got edged for 45mins though 🙂 Maybe she had good intentions and deserves a Lil benefit of the doubt 😉 although I can completely relate I have encountered those who nickel and dime for extras and even lie to take advantage of discounts offered in good faith! so I feel your pain lol. Reading this thread makes me realize as an MA that I need to make sure of time limits for my clients..because not being a clock watcher is a fine line. And I would not want to be misjudged as ill intentioned. Esp when my clients send me mixed messages in the heat of the moment.
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