For you guys complaining about being rushed... please bear in mind that you have no right to any more time than you paid for. If you book for an hour and you're walking out the door exactly an hour after you walked in, you have nothing to complain about. If you want a longer session, book it. Sure, there are some providers who will have you done and out the door in rather less time than you booked for - but those just need to go on the "do not see again" list. Accept it and move on.
Some providers will give an extra few minutes, or even more, but this is entirely down to them. You have no right to expect it. And bear in mind that even if she'd like to hang out with you a bit more, she may not be able to because she has another appointment booked, or she needs to get on with her personal life.
And if you're finding that you're always being rushed out the door... maybe re-evaluate how you're picking the people you see, and how you're behaving with them. The first step to getting a bit of extra time is to be the kind of person the provider wants to spend time with.
Okay, that's enough of that digression. Back to your previous conversation about edging...