hello jasontrent,
the advice you got from blowinsmoke is very accurate.
Some of us advertise on multiple sites, such as cl, bp and many others.
Reputable girls will have a website you will be able to peruse, so that you can get a general 'feel' on if you think that person suits your needs.
A great way to find out if pictures are real is to put them through tineye.
Multiple hits may come up, but in that, look to see if the ads are consistent (like I said, some of us post in multiple groups/forums), if there are differences in age, many different phone numbers, the person is in europe and posting here, chances are it could be fake.
Another great resource is Cowboy Kennys diary. If its a faker, they will be found out and listed on there :-)
Go through ads, check websites (if there is one), contact in the manner asked for. Make sure she is within your budget.
Not everyone has reviews, I for one ask not to be reviewed without my permission, as everyones experience with me is going to be different from the next person.
There are lots of wonderful local ladies and traveling ones, do your homework and you will have a fabulous time.