If I'm found asphyxiated with a condom over my head, Lydia, it's your fault. Occasionally my cock thinks it's bigger than my head, or at least that it's in charge of me.
My sexual adventures began in the pre-HIV days and STI's were not rampant so the assurance of 'I'm on the pill' basically eliminated any condom discussion. Had one episode with an ex who claimed to have stopped taking the pill and was now pregnant but was, thankfully for me, lying. Not the first of many lies, whew! With my 2nd ex, within weeks of her period starting up again, baby number one was on the way....
My favourite poster of all time is of a bee flying from flower to flower and captioned: 'Bippity-Boppity-Bee, Beware of STD!' - didn't find an image of it on-line.
Now visiting SW's who are protecting their health and livelihood, along with their client's condom use is expected and appreciated.