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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/21 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Seen her a few years ago so I was happy to see her ad. I booked extended time with her and thank God I did. This girl is oh so fun. She's clean and definitely know how to please a guy.
  2. 2 points
    Would you see your favourite provider now if both of you were vaccinated?
  3. 2 points
    MAY SCHEDULE Moncton Sunday May 2: 5pm - 9pm Monday May 3: 10:30am - 6pm Saint John Thursday May 13: 5pm - 9pm Friday May 14: 11am - 5pm Fredericton Wednesday May 19: 5pm - 9pm Thursday May 20: 11am - 5pm Later dates to be announced New clients: Please fill out my booking form at BerlinMoss.com Returning clients: Send an email with your preferred date/time/duration to [email protected]
  4. 2 points
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  7. 2 points
    they were most definitely shut down by WPS, i talked to one of the girls yesterday she confirmed it. Very sad they will be missed and it was great while it lasted, I have no doubt some of the girls will pop up as independents in the near future. I think I will hold off on getting any massages for a little while though better safe than sorry....
  8. 2 points
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  10. 2 points
    Life circumstances has shifted my focus onto my personal life and to be there in a time of important need. Know that you are important to me and I'll be returning when the time is right. For this reason I need to step back completely from social media and I will not be responding to email and texts. I trust that you will understand. Wishing you all the best. I will be back soon xoxoxo Until then, Kisses 💋 Sasha
  11. 1 point
    I answered yes only because on Tuesday (May 4) I get my first shot...yay road trip to Peterborough. Could be worse, cashier at grocery store told me she has to go all the way to Lindsay. (put in context I live close to western side of Trenton...joy's of smalltown living lol) Could have drawn short straw and had to go to Apsley or Lindsay so not complaining Anyhow back to my point...I'll be having a date this summer (all other things being equal eg lock downs etc) and making plans for another date too (including pre-payment in full) As for proof...no. As analogy we don't ask each other for proof of STD-STI testing, so why now ask for proof of covid vaccination? So I plan to see one of my favorite ladies and hopefully meet another who also becomes a favorite A Locked Up Rambling RG
  12. 1 point
    There is nothing more important right now then being vaccinated to be safe. I'm not afraid of needles but I'm afraid that the vaccine may not protect us as much as they say it would. I answered "Yes" simply because if I do end up getting the vaccine and all of my favorite ladies are as well I'll call for an orgy.... Alright maybe not an orgy but a good threesome and lots of fun for all of us. Stay safe everyone.
  13. 1 point
    Something simple tonight Salad 🥗 Except for some onion🧅absolutely no vegetables Tomatoes 🍅, Avacado🥑,Olives, and.........Mushrooms (I believe are a fungus not vegetable...stand to be corrected if wrong) With lots of bleu cheese 😋 Topped with Renee's Bleu Cheese Dressing A Mouth Watering Rambling RG
  14. 1 point
    A few things Groceries Gas ⛽ Paid a few bills (rent, cell phone, drugs etc) A Lighter Wallet Rambling RG
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    These are just all speculations. Rumours like this hurts.
  37. 1 point
    There's monkey's in Florida? They are talking about Ottawa....
  38. 0 points
    Brought an iPad into room and watched tv during my last session and was obviously out of it. Would not repeat.
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