I had my first dose last week. We got the Phizer one here from the BC gov. Prior to that, I had my usual blood tests done at the end of April as well as other screening. That included the Covid19 anti-body test which I was negative. I knew I would be but it's just there when needed as I am planning to move to the east coast for my retirement. Hopefully, these things make it easier.
As for the vaccine itself, the nurse told me flat out this is not a cure-all or complete provention. As with all these things, I'm smart enough to know that. For me, I've spent this entire pandemic (up until April 14) working in close quarters with hordes of the general public who are mostly morons with no regard for anyone else. I have come through it unscathed thanks to a very good immune system helped by natural boosters in my diet. I live healthy, eat healthy but I have not stopped seeing people.
My only real take on this is that hopefully governments get these vaccines out there as quickly and efficiently as possible and get us back to some semblence of normality. Enough with mass lockdowns and trying to somehow put pandora back in the box. It really doesn't work.